I only recently found out that Mark Phillips has said that he was inducted into the Knights of Malta. He revealed this when talking about paedophilia in an interview that he and Cathy were doing with Ed Opperman in April 2016, [3]. It was possibly Mark’s last interview before he died in Sept 2017.
Mark saw children going up into rooms and he asked why. He says that he was told why and then who. He then replied that he didn’t want to be a part of the organisation.
This is a transcript of what he said. “I didn’t know that there were pedophiles in Washington. I‘d… never associated with a known pedophile, at least they’d never shared that information with me. I’d only seen it one time and I didn’t actually see the sexual act, but I asked why these little children were going up to these rooms. I was inducted into the Knights of Malta, they told me why, and then they told who, and I said I don’t want to be a part of this organisation”, [3].
When Mark refers to the Knights of Malta he could be referring to one of two organisations. One is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, ostensibly a lay Catholic organisation, which comprises globally only 13,500 members, Sovereign Military Knights of Malta, [7].
Alternatively, the other organisation that Mark could have meant was the freemasonic degree Order of Malta or Knights of Malta which is one of the Chivalric Degrees at the top of the York Rite of Freemasonry.
I am not sure how much crossover there is between a Knight of Malta from freemasonry and the Sovereign Knights of Malta. They could be totally separate or there could be crossover in public or in private, I do not know. Both however are fronts for the luciferian brotherhood according to survivors.
I am assuming the more likely scenario is that Mark was a freemason and that he meant the Order of Knights of Malta that was part of the York Rite. It is still an exclusive club, and towards the very top of Freemasonry but the numbers in the US who would achieve this rank is larger and thus is more likely. However I rule nothing in or out, which is a good rule of thumb with mind control and ritual abuse.
Knights of Malta is one of the most exclusive Orders at the top of the luciferian brotherhood system. If he was inducted into Knights of Malta, then he must have been well thought of. It is a very exclusive club. He must have done a good job for the brotherhood.
It is also not clear at present when Mark was inducted into the Knights of Malta. Although he told them he did not want to be part of that organisation when he found out about the child abuse, then that is not usually how it works. He is unlikely to have been allowed to walk away without severe penalty, so it is unclear what actually happened. Mark would already have made several oaths of allegiance to his brothers, in prior degrees, on the way to being inducted into the Knights of Malta and been aware of the penalties of breaking those oaths.
This is part of the ritual of Knight of Malta from Iowa, but of course they say these oaths are just tokenist now, [1].
A human skull, cloven in twain from the top with a double-edged sword, and a spear beneath it.
The galley reminds us of the maritime character of the ancient Order, both in war and commerce. The letters on the steps of the ladder correspond with those of the five ceremonial banners, and are the initial letters of the passwords on those banners.
The hand and serpent reminds us of the history of St. Paul in connection with the Island of Malta.
The human skull, cloven by the two-edged sword, reminds us of the penalty that was inflicted upon traitors to the Order in ancient times. The spear again reminds us of the passion of our Blessed Savior, for with such an instrument they pierced his side.
This is the interview with a rather intemperate host, Ed Opperman, who missed the big picture but nevertheless with his haranguing style, may have unsettled Mark enough for him to give an answer that he would not usually give.
Odysee Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips - ACCESS DENIED For Reasons of National Security Ed Opperman Interview April 2016 [3]
c. 1hr 46 mins Mark said “I didn’t know that there were pedophiles in Washington. I‘d… never associated with a known pedophile, at least they’d never shared that information with me. I’d only seen it one time and I didn’t actually see the sexual act, but I asked why these little children were going up to these rooms. I was inducted into the Knights of Malta, they told me why, and then they told who, and I said I don’t want to be a part of this organisation.” [3]
The information that he was inducted into the Knights of Malta appears to indicate that Mark was far more integrated into the luciferian system than people may have thought previously. This would make it far harder for Mark to disengage from the system, especially having made vows and oaths, although we do not know when Mark was inducted. Interestingly his son was called Mason.
Cathy’s maternal grandfather owned the building occupied by a Masonic blue [first 3 degrees] lodge that he led in Newaygo, Michigan. Cathy and her brother were sexually abused by this section of the family. Her father prostituted her to masons and later her handler Houston booked into freemasonic lodges before her reprogramming at Tinker Air force base. Cathy also suffered brutal, near death, gang rape at a Masonic Lodge in Warren, Ohio, [8].
This is another piece for the jigsaw which may help uravel the reality of what happened with Cathy and Mark.
Knights of Malta Masonic Vintage Cross Medal York Rite Cross and Mark Phillips
Previous Posts on Mark Phillips
Mark Phillips 1 - Was he Cathy O'Brien's Handler? Ray Bilger and Janus [MP1]
Mark Phillips 2 - Was he Cathy O'Brien's Handler? Jon Gentry [MP2]
Mark Phillips 3 - Was he Cathy O'Brien's Handler? Brice Taylor [MP3]
Mark Phillips 4 - Was he Cathy O'Brien's Handler? Kathleen Sullivan [MP4]
Previous Posts on Cathy O’Brien
Cathy O’Brien 1 Where is Cathy O'Brien's daughter, Kelly? Cathy, Kelly and Shaela [COB1]
Cathy O'Brien 2 - Was Mark Phillips Cathy's Handler? Summary [COB2]
Cathy O'Brien 3 - Was Mark Phillips Mind Controlled? [COB3]
Cathy O'Brien 4 - The Magikal Connections to TRANCE Formation [COB4]
Cathy O'Brien 5 - Dana [COB5]
Cathy O'Brien 6 - XKelly's Appeal to Cathy [COB6]
Cathy O'Brien 8 Nose Dripping Full Article [COB8]
Previous Older Posts on Cathy O’Brien
2015 Apr foxblog1 Trance Formation of America – Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips [3]
2015 Apr foxblog1 Access Denied. For reasons of national security. Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips [2]
2017 Apr 2 foxblog1 A Most Dangerous Game – Human Hunting [4]
Appendices follow after the links
Appendix 1 Approximate transcript excerpt of Cathy talking about Kelly
Appendix 2 Ed Opperman Shownotes
Appendix 3 Grok Information on Knights of Malta
Please bear in mind that whilst Grok can be useful for some purposes it can be wildly inaccurate. Best to always check sources.
[1] https://www.stichtingargus.nl/vrijmetselarij/r/iowamalta_r.html
[2] https://esotericfreemasons.com/the-vow-freemasonry/order-of-knights-malta/ 13,500 members
[3] https://odysee.com/@FoxesAmazingChannel:8/Cathy-OBrien---Mark-Phillips-_-ACCESS-DENIED-For-Reasons-of-National-Security-uEWM3egZD00:c #MarkPhillips #CathyOBrien #accessdenied
[4] https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Knights_of_Malta
[5] https://esotericfreemasons.com/the-vow-freemasonry/order-of-knights-malta/
[6] https://www.conspirazzi.com/tag/mark-phillips/
[7] Wikipedia Sovereign Military Knights of Malta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_Military_Order_of_Malta
[8] 1995 Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips TRANCE Formation of America: The True Life Story of a CIA Mind Control Slave
Appendix 1 - Re Kelly Approx 46 mins Approximate transcript of what Cathy said about Kelly at about 46 mins.
Kelly adult, free of the system, mental health, adult on her own, several insittuions, thats all i can say as she wants to slive a private life.
46.16 Ed I know you have a daughter too
Cathy wayne Cox is the father and houston raised her with pretty much the worst child abuse that a child could endure, at that time i could not think to save myself from abuse and could not think to protect my daughter, and instead the abuse for my daughter was trauma based for me and the most extreme tortures I ever endured physically and psychologically there is nothing that can compare to the magnitude and the depth of control that the abuse of my daughter gave my abusers over me, that went into my maternal instinct, absolutely horrific,
Ed About your daughter, I saw one of your videos about your daughter that she was being withheld or somethign like that what is the case with your daughter today, is she doing well
Cathy My daughter is an adult, and she is free of the system, it was one that, she was in the justice and mental health system, and caught up in the horrible custody situation, throughout her whole childhood and what she became an adult, she went out on her own, and is aware of her past, and she’s talked about it in several institutions that she’s been in, and that’s about all i can say about her at this point, and that’s for her as an adult, the private life that she chooses to lead now.
Ed But u went trhough a custody litigiation with one of these men
Cathy No actually, it was just a bunch of red tape, as there was no understanding then to with with a child who had experienced mk ultra mind control. Back in the early 1990’s when my daughter was in such dire need of help, people didnt know what mind control was, they’d never even heard of it, tennessee legislature bill passed in daughters name, to deal with children, long hard battle,
Appendix 2 Shownotes from Ed Opperman
Cathleen Ann O'Brien (born December 4, 1957, Muskegon, Michigan)[1] is an American who claims she is a victim of a mind control government project named Project Monarch, which she said was part of the CIA's Project MKULTRA for behavioral engineering of humans (mind control).[2][3][4][5][1] O'Brien made these assertions in Trance Formation of America (1995) and Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security (2004) which she co-authored with her husband Mark Phillips.[1] Assertions O'Brien uses hypnosis when attempting to recall memories. Via this method relays the abuse she alleges to have suffered as part of Project Monarch. Holograms
In her 1995 Trance Formation of America publication, O'Brien states George H. W. Bush and Miguel de la Madrid used holograms to appear in altered forms, "Bush apparently activated a hologram of the lizard-like "alien" which provided the illusion of Bush transforming like a chameleon before my eyes. In retrospect, I understand that Bush had been painstakingly careful in positioning our seats in order that the hologram's effectiveness be maximized."[1]:167, 211 Multiple personality O'Brien says that she has developed dissociative identity disorder (previously called multiple personality disorder) due to being subject to Project Monarch. Normally she has little memory of Project Monarch. However, she states whilst her alternate personalities are in control she has photographic recall of the events suffered.[1] Child abuse O'Brien says she was recruited against her will by the CIA and her abusive father as a child, through a network of child pornographers he was involved with, and forced to participate in Project Monarch, which is said to be a subsection of Project MKULTRA and Project ARTICHOKE.[2][3][4][5] O'Brien also states that she has a recollection of child abuse — of her and her daughter — by international pedophile rings, drug barons and satanists, as part of a sex slave aspect to her "trauma based mind control programming." Individuals from United States, Canadian, Mexican and Saudi Arabian government officials to stars of the Country and Western music scene are among those she accuses of these crimes. According to scholar Michael Barkun, investigations into the story produced no credible evidence and numerous inconsistencies.[5] Influence O'Brien's Trance Formation of America has been credited as the origination of one of the most significant mind control conspiracy theories, Project Monarch.[6] Her accounts of linking satanic ritual abuse with MKUltra have entered conspiracy culture.[6] Criticism Swedish scholar Mattias Gardell states that O'Brien's assertions are almost entirely unsupported by any evidence outside her testimony or the similarly unverified testimony of others.[7] Michael Barkun states that "scholarly and journalistic treatments of MK-ULTRA make no mention of a Project Monarch".[5] The specific program which she claimed was responsible for her dissociative identity disorder, Project Monarch, is not mentioned in reviews of MKULTRA, its alleged parent program. Because most MKULTRA records were deliberately destroyed in 1973 by order of then CIA Director Richard Helms, it has been difficult, if not impossible, for investigators to gain a complete understanding of the more than 150 individually funded research sub-projects sponsored by MKULTRA and rela ted CIA programs.
Appendix 3 Grok
Whilst Grok can provide useful information and sources, it is often unreliable. For information, here is what Grok had to say.
Prompt - Tell me about the knights of malta.
The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta, commonly known as the Knights of Malta or the Order of Malta, is an ancient Catholic lay religious order with a rich history spanning over 900 years. Here are some key points about this organization:
Founding: Originally established around 1099 during the First Crusade in Jerusalem as the Knights Hospitaller to provide care for pilgrims in the Holy Land.
Relocation: After losing Jerusalem, they moved to Rhodes in 1309 and later to Malta in 1530, where they became known as the Knights of Malta after defending the island from the Ottoman Empire in the Great Siege of Malta in 1565.
Loss of Malta: They were forced to leave Malta in 1798 following the occupation by Napoleon Bonaparte. Since then, they have been without territorial sovereignty, except for their headquarters in Rome and some extraterritorial properties.
Structure and Membership:
Governance: The Order is governed by a Sovereign Council and has its own constitution and government, recognized as a sovereign entity under international law, holding diplomatic relations with over 100 countries.
Membership: Comprises three classes: knights, dames, and chaplains. Knights and dames are lay members (nobility was historically required but not strictly so today), while chaplains are clergy. Membership involves a commitment to the Catholic faith, a life of piety, and service to the sick and the poor.
Grand Master: The head of the Order, elected for life, who must be of noble lineage and a Knight of Justice in solemn vows.
Modern Role:
Humanitarian and Medical Work: The Order operates numerous medical, social, and humanitarian projects globally, focusing on relief in disaster areas, medical care, and support for the underprivileged. The Malteser International is its worldwide relief agency.
Diplomatic Status: Despite lacking a traditional territory, the Order maintains diplomatic missions, issues passports, and has permanent observer status at the United Nations.
Symbols: The eight-pointed Maltese cross is one of the most recognized symbols of the Order.
Controversies and Perspectives:
Secrecy and Influence: There are claims suggesting that the Knights of Malta have significant influence in global politics or finance. These claims, while not widely supported by mainstream historical or political analysis, reflect a perspective held by some observers.
Religious and Ethical Stance: The Order's strict adherence to Catholic doctrine can position it in opposition to modern secular or progressive movements on issues like bioethics, marriage, or gender roles.
In summary, the Knights of Malta are a unique blend of historical chivalric order, religious commitment, and modern humanitarian organization, with a complex role in international diplomacy and charity. grok
What does it mean to be inducted to the Knights of Malta?
The initiation ceremonies of the Knights of Malta are quite elaborate and steeped in historical and religious significance. Here's an overview based on available information:
Overview of the Ceremonies:
Structure of the Ceremony:
The initiation into the Knights of Malta involves a two-part ceremony. The first part is known as becoming a Knight of St. Paul or the Mediterranean Pass, which is a preparatory or "passing" degree. This segment recalls the Apostle Paul's experiences on the island of Malta, symbolizing the journey and trials faced by the Knights.
The second part is the actual Knight of Malta Ceremony, where the candidate becomes a full member of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta. This ceremony is rich with historical references to the Knights Hospitaller's journey from Jerusalem to Malta.
Symbolism and Rituals:
The ceremonies include numerous symbolic elements:
Banners: There are significant banners used, like the Banner of St. John (red with a white Greek Cross and the Paschal Lamb) and the Maltese Banner (black with a silver Maltese Cross). These banners carry historical and moral lessons.
Symbols: The initiation involves symbols like the Maltese Cross, a ship (representing the maritime history of the Order), a ladder, a hand with a serpent, and a skull split by a sword, each with specific meanings tied to the Order's history and values.
Ritual: The ritual includes music, like "Agnus Dei" and "Gloria in Excelsis", and involves a dramatic presentation of the Order's history, focusing on its battles, migrations, and the spiritual journey of its members.
Requirements and Commitment:
Religious Commitment: Candidates must be practicing Catholics, demonstrating a commitment to faith and charity as per the Order's mission of "Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum" (Defense of the Faith and Service to the Poor).
Formation Period: Before the investiture, candidates undergo an aspirancy period, which can last from one to two years, involving spiritual and educational preparation.
The culmination of the initiation process is the Investiture Ceremony, often held with significant pomp in cathedrals or large assemblies. During this event, new Knights and Dames pledge their lifelong commitment to the Order's principles through oaths or promises, depending on their class within the Order.
The descriptions are drawn from various documents on Masonic and historical websites like stichtingargus.nl, markmasonshall.org, and orderofmaltawestern.us, which provide insights into both the Masonic and the Catholic Order of Malta's initiation practices.
Please note that these ceremonies can vary slightly between different jurisdictions or associations within the Order, especially between the Masonic-affiliated Knights of Malta and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, which is the original Catholic lay religious order.
Is there a separate organisation or is the knights of malta just masonic?
The term "Knights of Malta" can refer to two distinct entities, which are often confused due to similar names but have different origins, purposes, and affiliations:
Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM):
Official Name: Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta.
Nature: This is a Catholic lay religious order, rooted in the tradition of the Knights Hospitaller, which was established in the 11th century to care for sick and poor pilgrims in Jerusalem.
Status: It is recognized as a sovereign entity under international law, maintaining diplomatic relations with over 100 countries. It focuses on medical, humanitarian, and charitable work.
Membership: Members must be practicing Catholics, and there's a rigorous selection process involving a period of formation.
Nature: In Freemasonry, there are several degrees or orders named after the Knights of Malta, but these are not connected to the Catholic SMOM. These Masonic orders are part of appendant bodies within Freemasonry, like the York Rite or Scottish Rite, where "Knights of Malta" is one of the degrees or orders one can achieve.
Purpose: These Masonic rites are more symbolic, focusing on chivalric themes, moral teachings, and historical narratives rather than actual religious or sovereign duties.
Membership: Freemasonry, and thus these orders, do not require Catholic membership but rather an adherence to a belief in a Supreme Being, with practices and rituals that can vary widely by jurisdiction.
Key Points of Distinction:
Religious vs. Fraternal: The SMOM is a Catholic religious order with actual sovereignty, while Masonic Knights of Malta are part of a fraternal organization with no religious or sovereign status outside of Freemasonry.
Purpose: The SMOM focuses on real-world humanitarian aid, while Masonic versions are more about ceremonial and symbolic learning.
Recognition: The SMOM has international legal recognition, whereas Masonic orders do not claim or have such recognition.
Therefore, the Knights of Malta in the context of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta is not just Masonic; it's a separate, religious, and sovereign entity. The Masonic Knights of Malta, on the other hand, are indeed Masonic but are not affiliated with or recognized by the SMOM. When discussing "Knights of Malta," it's crucial to clarify which entity is being referred to to avoid confusion.
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Cathy, you said exactly what I was thinking:
"Although he told them he did not want to be part of that organisation when he found out about the child abuse, then that is not usually how it works. He is unlikely to have been allowed to walk away without severe penalty, so it is unclear what actually happened. Mark would already have made several oaths of allegiance to his brothers, in prior degrees, on the way to being inducted into the Knights of Malta and been aware of the penalties of breaking those oaths."