Wanda Mason, who was Cathy and Mark’s friend of more than 20 years, last week posted a video on twitter which includes more footage from the same video interview of Cathy as the startled eyes. I posted it last night to test the process of uploading videos directly to substack. I should have thought that test through a bit better, and tested after this post, but I will post a link to this post and answer the comments on that post, and direct them to this one.
Here is Wanda’s tweet.
Wanda’s tweet of video [3]
There is a copy of the video here, with a couple of screenshots from the video.
Odysee Cathy O'Brien Dabbing at Nose with Wide Nostril [1]
Odysee Cathy O'Brien Dabbing at Nose with Wide Nostril [1]
The video shows Cathy with what seems to be a very wide nostril dabbing at her nose, as some liquid appears to be dripping down her nose. Cathy does not appear to have a cold. What is noteworthy is that Wanda has written in text on the video, Lobotomy through the right nostril. It’s leaking spinal fluid.
I thought this extreme, as I did not think this was even possible. I checked with Grok, twitters AI.
Just a note on using Grok. I do not like the whole idea of AI, but it is here to stay. It is in fact very useful sometimes at finding new sources of information very quickly. It can also can be totally wrong on a subject. I treat it a bit like wikipedia, that it gives an official view of a subject not the true one, but also can be totally wrong. The information should all be checked from other sources and used only as a guide.
I was skeptical about the whole thing about spinal fluid leaking through the nose and and a lobotomy through the nose. So I asked Grok some questions.
Is it possible to lobotomise through a nostril?
If a procedure happens through the nose it is possible to leak spinal or other fluids through nose?
Can spinal fluid be accessed via the nose?
What could be the causes of widened nostril ?
It seems that it is possible for spinal fluid to leak down the nose and that a lobotomy can be carried out through the nose. The questions and answers are later in the article.
I am not saying that a procedure happened through Cathy’s nose, but just drawing attention to another possible cause for concern about Cathy. Her nostrils do seem very wide and she is dabbing at some liquid dripping down.
According to initial research via Grok procedures are possible via the nose but before any claims are made it needs to be researched more fully, and cross checked against experiences of other mk ultra survivors.
This interview was by Mike Winner and Dr. Barre Lando and streamed in May 2024, which is some months after Wanda had lost contact with her friend Cathy and thought that someone else had been replying via email and twitter, as the style was different.
The full interview is here on you tube. Cathy does seem to be reacting after certain words with her eyes, then the nose dabbing. It settles down when she is allowed to just tell her story, which she knows off by heart and does automatically, almost robotically. The full programme is here.
Out of The Trance and Into Awakening with Cathy O'Brien [5]
Previous Recent foxblog3 Posts about Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips
Cathy O’Brien 1 Where is Cathy O'Brien's daughter, Kelly? Cathy, Kelly and Shaela [COB1]
Cathy O'Brien 2 - Was Mark Phillips Cathy's Handler? Summary [COB2]
Cathy O'Brien 3 - Was Mark Phillips Mind Controlled? [COB3]
Cathy O'Brien 4 - The Magikal Connections to TRANCE Formation [COB4]
Cathy O'Brien 5 - Dana [COB5]
Cathy O'Brien 6 - XKelly's Appeal to Cathy [COB6]
Cathy O'Brien 8 Nose Dripping Full Article [COB8]
Mark Phillips 1 - Was he Cathy O'Brien's Handler? Ray Bilger and Janus [MP1]
Mark Phillips 2 - Was he Cathy O'Brien's Handler? Jon Gentry [MP2]
Mark Phillips 3 - Was he Cathy O'Brien's Handler? Brice Taylor [MP3]
Mark Phillips 4 - Was he Cathy O'Brien's Handler? Kathleen Sullivan [MP4]
Previous Older Posts on Cathy O’Brien
2015 Apr foxblog1 Trance Formation of America – Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips [3]
2015 Apr foxblog1 Access Denied. For reasons of national security. Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips [2]
2017 Apr 2 foxblog1 A Most Dangerous Game – Human Hunting [4]
Update 2025 Feb 8 I have added survivor Victoria’s unedited comments in Appendix 2. Victoria thinks Cathy has had a lobotomy, to make her easily controllable like Eva Peron, and Victoria says that she had one herself. She also comments on spinal fluid and more. See Appendix 2.
Appendix 1 Questions to Grok
Is it possible to lobotomise through a nostril?
Lobotomy, a now largely discredited and obsolete surgical procedure, traditionally involved accessing the brain through the skull. Here's an overview regarding the possibility of performing a lobotomy through the nostril:
Traditional Lobotomy Methods:
Prefrontal Lobotomy: This was typically done by drilling holes into the skull to access the frontal lobes of the brain, where connections were severed to alter behavior or mood.
Transorbital Lobotomy: Introduced by Walter Freeman, this method involved inserting an ice pick-like instrument (leucotome or orbitoclast) through the eye socket, above the eyeball, to reach the brain. This was less invasive than drilling but still involved significant risk.
Nostril Approach:
Anatomical Considerations: The nose provides a natural pathway to the brain through the nasal cavity, which leads to the sphenoid sinus, close to the base of the skull. Procedures like transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary tumors use this route but do not involve lobotomy-like procedures.
Surgical Limitations: The tools and techniques needed to perform a lobotomy would not easily pass through the nasal passages in a way that would allow for the precision required for such a procedure. The nasal route would not offer the necessary direct access to the frontal lobes without passing through or damaging other vital structures.
Risks: The risk of damaging blood vessels, nerves, or other brain tissues would be extraordinarily high, making this approach not only impractical but dangerously risky.
Modern Neurosurgery:
Today, if brain surgery is required, it's performed with highly advanced imaging, navigation systems, and minimally invasive techniques, focusing on precision and safety. Procedures like endoscopic surgery can go through the nose for specific conditions but are not analogous to lobotomy in method or intent.
Historical Context:
Lobotomies were performed in an era when understanding of brain function and surgical techniques were far less advanced than today. The idea of performing one through the nostril would have been beyond the capabilities and ethical considerations of the time.
In conclusion, while it's technically possible to access certain parts of the brain through the nasal cavity for modern, highly specialized surgeries, performing a lobotomy through the nostril would not be feasible, safe, or effective by any standard of medical practice, past or present. The anatomical pathway, precision required, and the inherent risks make this method utterly impractical for such a procedure.
If a procedure happens through the nose it is possible to leak spinal or other fluids through nose?
Yes, procedures that involve accessing the brain or sinuses through the nose can indeed lead to the leakage of spinal fluid or other fluids through the nose. Here's how this can occur:
Spinal Fluid Leak (Cerebrospinal Fluid - CSF Leak)
Pathophysiology: The brain and spinal cord are surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which acts as a cushion and provides nutrients. The skull base separates the brain from the nasal cavity, but if this barrier is compromised, CSF can leak into the nose.
Surgical Procedures: Surgeries like transsphenoidal pituitary tumor removal or endoscopic skull base surgery can inadvertently cause a CSF leak by creating a communication between the intracranial space and the nasal cavity.
Trauma: Accidental injuries, like a skull fracture, can also result in CSF rhinorrhea (leakage through the nose).
Clear, watery fluid draining from the nose, often worse when leaning forward or after activities that increase intracranial pressure (like coughing).
A sweet or salty taste in the mouth.
Beta-2 Transferrin Test: This test can confirm if the fluid is indeed CSF.
CT or MRI Scans: To locate the leak's origin.
Infections like meningitis are a major concern since CSF leakage creates a direct pathway for bacteria from the nasal cavity to the brain.
Conservative: Bed rest, head elevation, avoiding activities that increase pressure.
Surgical: If the leak doesn't heal on its own, surgery to repair the defect might be necessary, often using grafts or sealants.
Other Fluid Leaks
During or post-surgery, blood can leak from the surgical site through the nose. This is usually temporary but can be a sign of more serious complications if persistent.
Mucus or Pus:
After nasal or sinus surgeries, increased mucus production or infection can lead to drainage.
Precautions and Management
Post-operative Care: Patients are typically instructed to avoid blowing their nose, straining, or engaging in activities that could increase pressure in the head.
Monitoring: Close follow-up is crucial to detect and manage any CSF leaks promptly.
Prevention: Surgeons use techniques like tissue grafts or synthetic materials to close off areas where leaks might occur during surgery.
While CSF leaks through the nose can occur following procedures through the nasal route, medical teams are well-aware of these risks and take steps to mitigate them. However, the possibility exists, and patients should be informed about symptoms to watch for and report immediately.
Can spinal fluid be accessed via the nose?
Yes, spinal fluid can be accessed via the nose through a procedure known as a lumbar puncture or spinal tap, but more specifically, through a technique called nasal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak test or by accessing the CSF through the cribriform plate in certain medical scenarios.
Nasal CSF Leak Test: This isn't about accessing spinal fluid routinely but checking for a leak if one suspects a CSF leak from the brain into the nasal cavity due to trauma, surgery, or congenital defects. If there's a leak, CSF can drain into the nose, and doctors might collect this fluid for analysis.
Cribriform Plate Access: In specialized medical procedures, like those involving the management of certain tumors or CSF leaks, doctors might access the subarachnoid space (where CSF is) via the cribriform plate, a part of the ethmoid bone at the roof of the nasal cavity. This is an invasive procedure and not routine.
Rhinorrhea: Sometimes, after head injuries or certain surgeries, CSF rhinorrhea can occur, where CSF leaks into the nasal passages. This isn't accessing the spinal fluid from the nose but rather an abnormal pathway where spinal fluid reaches the nose due to a breach.
Routine Lumbar Puncture:
For routine collection or testing of CSF, a lumbar puncture is performed by inserting a needle between two lumbar vertebrae in the lower back, not through the nose.
Important Points:
Accessing CSF through the nose is not standard practice for diagnostics or routine medical procedures.
If you're asking due to health concerns or curiosity about medical procedures, it's crucial to consult with healthcare professionals for accurate medical advice.
If you're looking for more detailed medical information or specifics about a procedure, I can search for current research or medical literature on the topic without directly answering questions that might require a medical diagnosis or advice.
What could be the causes of widened nostril ?
Widened nostrils, or flaring nostrils, can result from a variety of causes, ranging from natural anatomical variations to medical conditions or environmental factors. Here are some potential causes:
Anatomical and Genetic Factors
Congenital Variations: Some individuals naturally have wider nostrils due to genetics or familial traits.
Nasal Bridge Shape: A lower nasal bridge might contribute to a more flared appearance of the nostrils.
Medical Conditions
Nasal Polyps: These are benign growths in the nasal passages that can cause the nostrils to appear wider due to obstruction or compensatory widening for air passage.
Chronic Sinusitis: Persistent inflammation can lead to nasal swelling and, consequently, wider nostrils.
Nasal Septum Deviation: If severe, it might cause one or both nostrils to flare as the body compensates for obstructed airflow.
Allergic Rhinitis: Allergies can cause nasal swelling, leading to the appearance of wider nostrils.
Vasomotor Rhinitis: Non-allergic rhinitis where the blood vessels in the nose dilate, leading to nasal congestion and potentially wider nostrils.
Respiratory Issues
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Patients might flare their nostrils to compensate for difficulty in breathing.
Asthma: During an asthma attack, individuals might use nostril flaring to get more air.
Neurological and Muscular Causes
Facial Nerve Palsy: Conditions like Bell's Palsy can affect facial muscles, potentially leading to nostril asymmetry or flaring.
Motor Neuron Diseases: These can cause muscle weakness or abnormal muscle actions, including around the nose.
Environmental or Behavioral
Frequent Nose Blowing: Chronic or forceful nose blowing can temporarily or, if frequent, permanently alter nostril shape.
Snorting or Drug Use: Chronic use of certain drugs like cocaine can damage nasal structure, leading to changes in nostril appearance.
Surgical or Traumatic
Previous Rhinoplasty or Nasal Surgery: Poor surgical outcomes or intentional widening for aesthetic or functional reasons can result in flared nostrils.
Trauma: Injuries to the nose can lead to swelling or permanent changes in nostril shape.
Other Conditions
Cleft Lip and Palate: This congenital condition can sometimes affect nostril shape.
Acromegaly: Excessive growth hormone can lead to an enlarged nose, including the nostrils.
Psychological Factors
Anxiety or Stress: In some cases, nostril flaring can be a subconscious sign of anxiety or stress, where the body naturally tries to increase oxygen intake.
Management or Treatment
The approach to managing or treating widened nostrils depends on the underlying cause:
Medical Treatment: For allergies or infections, medications like antihistamines or antibiotics can help reduce swelling.
Surgery: Rhinoplasty or corrective surgery for structural issues might be considered for aesthetic or functional reasons.
Lifestyle Changes: Avoiding irritants or substances that might exacerbate nasal issues.
If the widening is a concern, consulting with an ENT specialist or a plastic surgeon can provide both diagnostic insight and treatment options tailored to the individual's needs.
Appendix 2 Victoria’s Comments (Victoria is Russian and English is not her first language)
Yes, Cathy's got lobotomy.
Just like Evita Peron.
They do that when they want to use people to call without realization and without the resistance. Man call you but he can't say it is bad deed he call you to do and you have divine right to warn people and to avoid that.
They want enough of your brain to produce the call, they don't want you to have normal life.
I was lobotomized through the left side.
I was used as caller to donor of spinal fluid. I prayed Apollo and Saturn for relief me from this crime.
They did, thank them for that. They restored me and the realization was: we send you there to make you see and say people how to resist.
Is it possible to lobotomise through a nostril?
Yes, the signs of it - feeling the metal things.
If a procedure happens through the nose it is possible to leak spinal or other fluids through nose?
Yes. They trick it and this produce brain to command to release the fuilds they needed. It just like press on buttons.
Front face pain and block. Limited energy here. Breath issues.
Nosebleed is a sign of healing.
It all created to kill the best people, to destroy alpha leaders.
What could be the causes of widened nostril ?
Lobotomy is the only answer. And the frontal parts of her face is too short.
Transorbital Lobotomy: Introduced by Walter Freeman, this method involved inserting an ice pick-like instrument (leucotome or orbitoclast) through the eye socket, above the eyeball, to reach the brain. This was less invasive than drilling but still involved significant risk.
Liars. They do it straight through the eyes- this give them control after. Yeas are the window to our soul.
Yes, this is done through my eye balls. This is explains the alter issues with the vision.
Lobotomies were performed in an era when understanding of brain function and surgical techniques were far less advanced than today. The idea of performing one through the nostril would have been beyond the capabilities and ethical considerations of the time.
Liar, liar!
Spot the liar.
I was done to control healers and to destroy shamans, wizards, priests, monks and leaders and extra sensory people.
They don't want you to be guided to righteous way of life.
It is done with gifted kids just after the births. Theta level. They don't need gifted people anymore because their true intentions human race to disappear. To kill 99% of you.
Spinal Fluid Leak (Cerebrospinal Fluid - CSF Leak)
They eat this stuff. The high society do that for their rituals. Priests of kabbalah.
Meningitis the sign of that.
[1] 2023 Feb Odysee Cathy O'Brien Dabbing at Nose with Wide Nostril https://odysee.com/@FoxesAmazingChannel:8/cathy-dabbing-at-nose:8 #cathyobrien #nose
[2] https://yandex.com/video/preview/873284263442311698 roseanne and cathy
[3] Wanda’s tweet of video. https://x.com/WandaMMason1/status/1885776443747045386
[4] Reclaiming The Collective Mind w/ Cathy O'Brien 2023
[5] Out of The Trance & Into Awakening w/ Cathy O'Brien May 2024
[6c] Odysee Out of The Trance and Into Awakening with Cathy O'Brien streamed 16 May 2024 https://odysee.com/@FoxesAmazingChannel:8/cathy-interview-full:b #cathyobrien
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1. sum folks that took that dastardly PCR test got some kinda puncture too, also leakin'--I guess there's some barrier 'er fascia covering the brain an' if they poked the thing too far they got spinal fluid leaks (many said that came with dizziness, headaches too). So this seems likely...
2. her nose NEVER looked like that--she had a well-balanced symmetrical face... this totally ain't normal
3. there was an interestin' story recently in The FP (Free Press) 'bout a woman in her early 60's who seemed to have gotten altzheimer's early--suffered fer about 10 years--all fergetful, sleepy, word aphasia... etc. an' no docs had any solution b/c incurable BUT fer some reason (back issue needin' surgery) they found a small spinal fluid leak in the top of the neck... an' sealed it. ALL of sudden this laydee who'd lost 10 years of her life wuz back ta normal--able ta drive, remember stuff, cook... etc. Now she didn't have a lobotomy but a spinal fluid leak on its own will lead ta cognitive decline & faux Altzheimers--so perhaps there's that too... they want Cathy ta stop talkin' perhaps (?)
4. I didn't watch the entire viddeyo yet--but at the start she's lookin' SPOOKY--doin' some weird uncharacteristic smiles, big wide eyed blinks... I mean it's like an actor 'er sumthin' an' I did a couple random checks an' seems she duz it all the way thru... like she'll "glitch, hear sumthin', pause, respond kinda like she's animated"...
5. fer the past year (?) I've seen that her interviews did seem very auto-pilot like... still saw her sunny, hopeful demeanor but felt "something was off" and I couldn't grasp WHAT...
The old viddeo has her presentin' a bit differently....tho' I know some say she never LEFT her programmin'--I'd still say this is different... just enough... Wuz she in England? All this is truly worrisome...
Sendin' her more blessin's--an' again, I do think Roseanne should see this.... perhaps she could help?
ps Victoria's speech seems really "off"--is she ok? I'm recallin' a prior postin' here of her statements and I'm not recallin' such disjointed speech, off-grammar.... perhaps I'm missin' sumthin' (ESL?)
Thanks for sharing all this, Cathy. I don't mean to be overly critical, but Wanda's text on the video says "through the right nostril," but it is Cathy's LEFT nostril that she is dabbing.
Also, I agree with Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot here in these comments when she says that Cathy's face looks weirdly asymmetrical, unlike in all previous photographs and videos in which I have seen her. I wonder if this could be a direct result of re-programming a long-time victim like Cathy who was able to achieve a certain level of DE-programming.
As Daisy alludes to, Cathy looks "glitchy" throughout this interview. I think I mentioned to you in one of your earlier articles in this series about my concern that the two interviewers are triggering her, either intentionally or unintentionally.