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In Ray Bilger’s article on Mark Phillips, he mentioned Brice Taylor aka Sue Ford and her problems with Mark Phillips, [32]. Brice wrote about Mark Phillips in her book Thanks for the Memories. This post shows the relevant text from the book, followed by screenshots of the relevant sections.
These are the relevant sections of the book about Mark Phillips…
The CIA Lends a Hand? Tennessee Bound
But a breakthrough occurred. Ted Gunderson called to inform me that he had just heard from another woman who lived across the nation, who had also sent him her memory work about being used as a sex slave to Ronald Reagan. Although it was a terrifying time for me, it also was an amazing time of discovery for all of us. Mark Phillips, her so-called therapist and deprogrammer flew across the nation and told me that "Jimmy Carter's people" had called him in an attempt to stop him from meeting with me. I flew Mark and Cathy O'Brien to California to meet with me for the first time and I put on a seminar where they were the featured speakers. Mark Phillips knew all about my programming.
Looking back on it now, he seemed to know way too much. He asked me if I had "a twin sister who was two inches shorter than me." This was a very powerful key and code into the programming of my "inner twin sister,"Sharon, and this seemingly simple statement controlled my body in a very intimate way from the outside, showing me while in normal consciousness that I was indeed a robot, and not in control of my own body. Shortly after Mark and Cathy's arrival and seminar, a series of events occurred including an accident and ensuing hospitalization of the person that was living with me as my safe person. Mark Phillips explained that I was not safe in California and once again I ended up running. I paid to fly Mark, Cathy and I back to his mother's home in Charlotte, Tennessee where we began my process of what we then called "deprogramming."
Several weeks later, with nearly 10 years of recovery behind me, this so-called "retired?!" CIA operative made dramatic changes in his living arrangements just to "help me deprogram." After relocating across the country, to a home in Arab, Alabama where I paid all domestic expenses for the three of us, a large sum of money for traveling expenses for both he, his girlfriend Cathy, and myself, and a large 'consulting fee,' this renegade CIA operative read my lengthy journal entries daily for a year and a half and agreed that in his own words, "the memory work contains absolute elements of fact laced with verifiable details." But one and one-half years, forty-two journals, and $50,000+ traveling and living expenses later, Mark Phillips informed me that nothing had ever happened to me ...nothing what-soever! Cathy O'Brien said, "Well, you should be happy that nothing happened and that your children have not been abused!" I couldn't believe she was saying that, after all the common details of our histories we had shared.
I was devastated and went to bed and could not eat for three days and remained noncommunicative and totally subdued for nearly a month afterwards. After all this time of intensely focused attention on my history, Mark informed me that I had never even been abused, and that I just had a big imagination. But, he had seemed to appreciate that I was around to cover all of his expenses.
I suspect that Mark is some kind of "containment agent" who is being directed through his "handlers" whose motivations ultimately serve the New World Order. Through his containment expertise, the information I have conveyed to you in this book you are now reading was delayed in reaching you by nearly seven years. After I moved, I found out that Mark had initially told Walter Bowart (author of Operation Mind Control and eyewitness to my use with Bob Hope in Palm Springs) that I was schizophrenic, and since then, I have uncovered a string of lies he told others in an attempt to discredit me. I also reconnected with another Kissinger survivor that Mark Phillips had worked with for a time. Mark Phillips told her the same thing he told me - "THIS NEVER HAPPENED TO YOU!"
With my trust shattered, Ted Gunderson, Catherine Gould, Margaret Paul, Walter Bowart and many others supported me in what I knew to be the truth of my life. I left that home where I had paid all expenses for Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien and went to live in Carbondale, Illinois. I had a slower pace there and life was sweet while the situation lasted. It was a time of rest and recuperation as the final integration I had achieved in 1996, solidified into even greater strength and unification while I remained safe.
The CIA Lends a Hand? Tennessee Bound
Ray Bilger posted most of the relevant details, but there were a few sentences of added interest.
Brice’s book Thanks for the Memories was published by the Brice Taylor Trust in 1999. She did publish another book previously called Starshine: One Woman's Valiant Escape from Mind Control : a Novel in 1995, which I believe was the forerunner, but I have not read it, nor does it seem to be available.
Brice Taylor teamed up with Ted Gunderson, ex FBI, in a similar way to Cathy and Mark Phillips. From at least as far back as Feb 1998 onwards they were giving interviews together, but I think there was one before that. There are videos available, but the focus of this article is on what Brice said about Mark Phillips.
Brice’s daughter was called Kelly, the same name as Cathy O’Brien’s daughter. There is Kelly Cox O’Brien, Kelly “Taylor”, Candy Jones, Cyndy / Cindy Garvey, “Candy Girl” Fiona Barnett, which leads me to think that the handlers like this type of 5 letter name ending in Y, as name / nickname / alter name.
In the last year or so Brice Taylor / Sue Ford’s twin sister has given interviews with Dan Duval. If I recall correctly then she said that Sue has been accessed and is under control again.
Brice and her Book
In order to help expose MK ultra to a wider audience, and help publicise Brice, I wrote three articles on Brice Taylor around 2016 when mk ultra and mind control were much less known about.
2016 Dec 26 foxblog1 Brice Taylor 1 – Chapter 33 Bill Clinton and Hillary [21]
2016 Dec 30 foxblog1 Brice Taylor 2 – Child abuse at Disneyland [22]
2017 Apr 3 foxblog1 Brice Taylor 3 - Brice Taylor was Hunted by George Bush Senior [23]
The book when I was writing my articles was about £120 in England, now it is over £140…
and via kindle it is still over £40
So for US dollar prices add a third to the £ price.
I have heard in the US that it is $70 for a paperback.
I have bought physical copies of hundreds of survivors books to help support them, even when a free E copy was available. But not at that absurd price. I composed my three articles on Brice in 2016 and 2017 from an archive e-copy.
It is almost as if a price has been chosen so that it does not get to a mass audience. Some years after I posted about Brice, which included a link to the Wayback Archive of her book, I received legal threats, which caused me to withdraw the articles at that stage, rather than take down the link to the archive, without which I could not have written the positive article. As it later was said that Sue has come under control of the Luciferians again, it makes me wonder whether the legal threats were from her controllers, to reduce publicity about her. Of course the correct action would have been to leave me alone, and just get the Archive to take the link down, not threaten people who had written postive articles, just for including a link. The Archive did later take the link down and I put my articles back up, as they were.
Due to the absurd exclusional price of the book, I provide the link to an e copy of the book, but it will only be available for 1 week. After that you will have to search harder.
Previous foxblog Posts on Brice Taylor
2016 Dec 26 foxblog1 Brice Taylor 1 – Chapter 33 Bill Clinton and Hillary [21]
2016 Dec 30 foxblog1 Brice Taylor 2 – Child abuse at Disneyland [22]
2017 Apr 3 foxblog1 Brice Taylor 3 - Brice Taylor was Hunted by George Bush Senior [23]
Previous foxblog3 Posts about Mark Phillips and Cathy O’Brien
Where is Cathy O'Brien's daughter, Kelly? Part 1 - Cathy, Kelly and Shaela [31]
Mark Phillips 1 - Was he Cathy O'Brien's Handler? Ray Bilger and Janus [32]
Mark Phillips 2 - Was he Cathy O'Brien's Handler? Jon Gentry [24]
1998 Odysee Ted Gunderson Interview with Brice Taylor aka Brice Taylor Naming the Names [8c]
Next Post
The next post in the Mark Phillip’s series will be from the survivor that Brice was talking about when she said this…
“I also reconnected with another Kissinger survivor that Mark Phillips had worked with for a time. Mark Phillips told her the same thing he told me - "THIS NEVER HAPPENED TO YOU!"
Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips
[1] Brice Taylor Trust
[2] Brice Taylor Interview with Wayne Morris
[3] Whale Brice Taylor
[4] wikipedia Ted Gunderson
[5] Barbara Hartwell Portrait of a Disinfo Agent
[6] Sue Ford MK Ultra Mind Control 1 hr 14 [from Ted Gunderson / Brice lectures]
[7] Interview with Brice Taylor Ted Gunderson, and Gene Chip Tatum 46 mins
[8] 1998 Feb 22 Ted Gunderson Interview with Brice Taylor 8 mins
[8c] Odysee 1998 Ted Gunderson Interview with Brice Taylor aka Brice Taylor Naming the Names #BriceTaylor #TedGunderson #mkultra #mindcontrol
[9] Ted Gunderson and Brice Taylor lectures
[9c] 2024 Oct 28 Odysee Ted Gunderson and Brice Taylor Lectures #tedgunderson #bricetaylor
[21] 2016 Dec 26 cathyfoxblog Brice Taylor 1 – Chapter 33 Bill Clinton and Hillary
[22] 2016 Dec 30 cathyfoxblog Brice Taylor 2 – Child abuse at Disneyland
[23] 2017 Apr 3 cathyfoxblog Brice Taylor 3 Brice Taylor was Hunted by George Bush Senior
[24] 2024 Oct 27 foxblog3 Mark Phillips 2 - Was he Cathy O'Brien's Handler? Jon Gentry #markphillips #jongentry #cathyobrien #handler #mkultra
[25] Taylor, Brice. Revivification: A Gentle, Alternative, Memory Retrieval Process for Trauma Survivors
[31] 2024 Oct 19 foxblog3 Where is Cathy O'Brien's daughter, Kelly? Part 1 - Cathy, Kelly and Shaela #foxblog3 #cathyobrien #kellyobrien #kellycoxobrien #shaela #mikaela
[32] 2024 Oct 25 foxblog3 Mark Phillips - Was he Cathy O'Brien's Handler? 1 Ray Bilger and Janus #MarkPhillips #CathyOBrien #handler #raybilger #janus
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After watching Dan Duval's 5 interviews of Sue Ford's twin sister Esther, I feel that Sue was never fully integrated, and does not to this day recognise Esther as her twin. Sue stated that when Mark asked her about her twin, she thought he was referring to one of her MK Ultra parts, an inner twin. Could Mark have known about Esther? Interesting that Kathleen in part 4 stated that Kissinger wanted exposure of the programmes. The perps speak to each other via coded language, much of which is numerology. Thank's for the Memories was published in 1999, inverted, 1666. Chapter 33 was reserved for The Clinton's, whom apparently Kissinger despised. Both 666 and 33 are well known Masonic favourites, used frequently in MSM articles to communicate with each other about their various under hand Ops. Was Kissinger or other perps in control of the publishing and what was written?
In my opinion, Chapter 35 of Brice's (Sue Ford) book "Thanks for the Memories" is the best, most accurate and succinct (two pages of truth) summaries of how the world system truly works that I have ever read.