1. sum folks that took that dastardly PCR test got some kinda puncture too, also leakin'--I guess there's some barrier 'er fascia covering the brain an' if they poked the thing too far they got spinal fluid leaks (many said that came with dizziness, headaches too). So this seems likely...

2. her nose NEVER looked like that--she had a well-balanced symmetrical face... this totally ain't normal

3. there was an interestin' story recently in The FP (Free Press) 'bout a woman in her early 60's who seemed to have gotten altzheimer's early--suffered fer about 10 years--all fergetful, sleepy, word aphasia... etc. an' no docs had any solution b/c incurable BUT fer some reason (back issue needin' surgery) they found a small spinal fluid leak in the top of the neck... an' sealed it. ALL of sudden this laydee who'd lost 10 years of her life wuz back ta normal--able ta drive, remember stuff, cook... etc. Now she didn't have a lobotomy but a spinal fluid leak on its own will lead ta cognitive decline & faux Altzheimers--so perhaps there's that too... they want Cathy ta stop talkin' perhaps (?)

4. I didn't watch the entire viddeyo yet--but at the start she's lookin' SPOOKY--doin' some weird uncharacteristic smiles, big wide eyed blinks... I mean it's like an actor 'er sumthin' an' I did a couple random checks an' seems she duz it all the way thru... like she'll "glitch, hear sumthin', pause, respond kinda like she's animated"...

5. fer the past year (?) I've seen that her interviews did seem very auto-pilot like... still saw her sunny, hopeful demeanor but felt "something was off" and I couldn't grasp WHAT...

The old viddeo has her presentin' a bit differently....tho' I know some say she never LEFT her programmin'--I'd still say this is different... just enough... Wuz she in England? All this is truly worrisome...

Sendin' her more blessin's--an' again, I do think Roseanne should see this.... perhaps she could help?

ps Victoria's speech seems really "off"--is she ok? I'm recallin' a prior postin' here of her statements and I'm not recallin' such disjointed speech, off-grammar.... perhaps I'm missin' sumthin' (ESL?)

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Victoria is Russian, and english is not her first language, perhaps I should add a clarification. Thanks for your other comments.

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ohhhhh! 'splains everything hence the ESL/English as a 2nd Language I added (otherwise I was real worried! so yup, good ta clarify) thx thx!

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Thanks for sharing all this, Cathy. I don't mean to be overly critical, but Wanda's text on the video says "through the right nostril," but it is Cathy's LEFT nostril that she is dabbing.

Also, I agree with Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot here in these comments when she says that Cathy's face looks weirdly asymmetrical, unlike in all previous photographs and videos in which I have seen her. I wonder if this could be a direct result of re-programming a long-time victim like Cathy who was able to achieve a certain level of DE-programming.

As Daisy alludes to, Cathy looks "glitchy" throughout this interview. I think I mentioned to you in one of your earlier articles in this series about my concern that the two interviewers are triggering her, either intentionally or unintentionally.

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"for all the gods of the Gentiles are demons" Psalms 95:5

Praying to Apollo and Saturn is wrong.

Joshua Shintaku


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