The Opening Ceremony of the Oympics directed by Thomas Jolly achieved instant notoriety due to the overt satanic imagery, the juxtaposition of that imagery next to Christian imagery, the ceremony being yet another high profile transfest, and the recognition by the public of the satanic aspects of the ceremony. The realisation that there is massive evidence that we are governed by a satanic cult is becoming more widely accepted.
The response by the organisers shows that they did not have the confidence to justify their actions with the truth of what they did, but they instead tried to mitigate the damage. They hid behind removal of the videos, lying about the significance of certain imagery and some diversion.
It seems that they tried to be too overt with their satanism too quickly on too large a platform. The satanic / luciferian cabal misjudged this. However it is easy to see how they are complacent, havving got away with so much for so long. But also resistance to their satanic agenda is building.
In the Olympics Decode 1 The Satanic Last Supper [45] I concentrated on whether the Olympic Opening Ceremony part apparently called Festivities was based on the Last Supper and a few other thoughts. I decided from the evidence that it was. Thankfully since I wrote that, I have seen the master decoder Open Scroll’s video [40] and he came to the same conclusion. I have placed that video at the end with the other relevant videos. He even used the same piece of evidence, though he had a copy in English not French, so it is easier to comprehend.
Jan van Bijlert “represents the Last Supper under cover of this mythological episode”…
Here you can compare Festivities with Last Supper by Da Vinci mural and van Bijlert’s Feast of the Gods…
The Olympic Festivities was based on the Feast of the Gods painting by Jan van Bijlert which itself was based on the Last Supper.
Open Scroll makes many other good points of course and it is worth watching that video. He mentions the curvature of the arch above, the positions relative to the disciples, some trans aspects and the Olympic torch.
Open Scroll also just concentrates on the Festivities as well. The backlash over the “Satanic Last Supper” particularly has meant that the original opening ceremony videos have been withdrawn and struck from other platforms. No one expected this and it has meant that it is very difficult to get the raw data to analyse the ceremony. Open Scroll needs a full copy of the footage as well if anyone has it. I assume that a full copy is behind this paywall… [12].
This post is not a decode as such, it is a largely a combination of two decodes from other people with some background necessary for understanding and some thoughts of my own.
The first decode was from Gina Phillips, and it is not of the Olympics, but of Superbowl LVI, 2022. This is necessary information on the Olympians and the Titans from the half time show. The decode videos are all at the end of this article.
The main decode on the Olympic Opening Ceremony is Paris Olympics: When Sorcery Fails from The Secret Sun. It is an hour and a half and was slowish to get going on detail for the first 20 minutes but the last hour or so was more the information I was seeking and raises many fascinating points.
To help understanding of what the whole transy feast / Last Supper / Dionysus episode was about then some background is required. First some general Olympics background.
Olympic Games Background
The ancient Olympics were as much a religious festival as an athletic event. The Olympic Games always were a ritual. Greek sport derived its origins from the concept that physical energy was being expended in a ritualistic manner, in which Paleolithic age hunting practices were turned into a more socially and glamorised function, thus becoming sport.
The games were held in honor of the Greek god Zeus, and on the middle day of the games, 100 oxen would be sacrificed to him. The Olympic games was one of the two central rituals in ancient Greece, the other being the much older religious festival, the Eleusinian Mysteries.
Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles. The ancient games were held from about 8 century BC to AD 393.
The Modern Olympics run by the International Olympic Committee IOC started in the Panathenaic Stadium in Athens in 1896, although there were localised games on Olympic ideals before that.
Other civilisations equivalent to the Greek Zeus as supreme ruler were the Sumerian Anu, Babylonian Marduk, Egyptian Ra, Baal in the Levant and the Roman Jupiter. Although these are commonly referred to as “gods” they are what many would call demons.
Background on Titans
The background that is needed is from Gina Phillips’ decode of the Superbowl 2022 is about the Titans and Olympians. Gina said in the decode that the Superbowl half time show was about the Titans replacing the Olympians.
The Titans were Greek gods, the twelve children of the primordial parents Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth), with six male Titans, Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Cronus and six female Titans, called the Titanides or Titanesses, Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys.
Uranus initially produced eighteen children with Gaia, the twelve Titans, the three cyclopes, and the three Hecatoncheires (Hundred-Handers). Hating the latter he hid them away somewhere inside Gaia and angry and distressed she urged her children to punish their father. Only her son Cronus was willing and Gaia hid Cronus in an "ambush", gave him an adamantine sickle, and when Uranus came to lie with Gaia, Cronus reached out and castrated his father.
This started the Titans. Cronus assumed supreme command of the cosmos, with the Titans as his subordinates. Titans - Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Theia, Rhea, Themias, Mmemosyne, Phoebe, Tethys, Cronus.
The screenshot of the graphic is from Gina Phillips’s video.
Incidentally the planet Saturn is named for the Roman equivalent of the Titan Cronus. Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is named after the Titans generally, and the other moons of Saturn are named after individual Titans, specifically Tethys, Phoebe, Rhea, Hyperion, and Iapetus.
The Titans were overthrown by the Olympians.
Background on Olympians - Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, Hades
Cronus, a Titan mated with his older sister Rhea another Titan and bore the first generation of Olympians, the six siblings Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. Cronus had seized power from his father Uranus and ruled the cosmos with his fellow Titans. In turn Cronus was defeated and replaced as the ruling pantheon of gods by Zeus his son, and the Olympians in a ten-year war called "the Titanomachy". As a result of this war, the vanquished Titans were banished from the upper world and held imprisoned under guard in Tartarus, the lower of the two parts of the underworld.
There are various origin stories for Dionysus with Zeus the Olympian as his father, but that he was the twice-born son with the mortal mother Semele, and in other stories his mother was Demeter, Persephone or Selene.
The Orphic story, which may have been closest to the Olympic Games version directed by Jolly, says Zeus had intercourse with Persephone, his own daughter, in the form of a serpent, producing Dionysus. Persephone was the Queen of the Underworld.
Zeus intended Dionysus to be his successor as ruler of the cosmos, but a jealous Hera incited the Titans to kill the child. Dionysus was torn to pieces, cooked and eaten by the Titans. Dionysus was resurrected by Zeus through Semele. Zeus struck the Titans with lightning and they were consumed by fire, and from their ashes came the first humans.
Dionysus was the god of wine-making, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, festivity, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre. He was also god of the night and of transformations. Dionysus is also represented as female. Known as well by the name Bacchus by the Greeks (a name later adopted by the Romans) for a frenzy he is said to induce called baccheia. As Dionysus Eleutherius ("the liberator"), his wine, music, and ecstatic dance free his followers from self-conscious fear and care, and subvert the oppressive restraints of the powerful.
Those who partake of his mysteries are believed to become possessed and empowered by the god himself. The cult of Dionysus is also a "cult of the souls", his maenads feed the dead through blood-offerings, and he acts as a divine communicant between the living and the dead, a dying-and-rising god.
Festivities / Last Supper / Dionysus Feast Decode
With that background, and using information from the decodes by Gina Phillips and Secret Sun whose videos are at the end of this article, I summarise some points from their videos and make some points of my own.
In Jolly’s Paris Olympics Festivities Dionysus was the object of the feast, he was the meat under the meat dome - the main course in a cannabalistic ritual. Dionysus was an Olympian and is about to be feasted upon by the Titans back from Tartarus. The trans and drag queens are either temporary “gods” or represent the Titans. This appears symbolic of the time of the Olympians coming to an end.
The Olympians have been in power but are now retiring / being ousted by the Titans who are coming back from the depths of Hell, Tartarus to take over control.
The Secret Sun says the blue colour of Dionysus was to represent aliens.
Is this the taking down of the system and rebuilding it via the Phoenix of the Satanic Council that others have talked about? eg. Obama is now running the Satanic Council [63]. Is it the dark side of the occult being taken down by the light side of the cult, who are even more devious that the dark side, eg the Order of the Golden Dawn?
Update 2024 Aug 10 I have added Veronica Swifts comment to the article, as it is useful
Uranus and Gaia are alternate names for the biblical Noah and his wife. They birthed the Titans (among other children) according to some and it seems that they were giants themselves (Noah & wife) and birthed other non-Titan giants. Noah and offspring are a huge part of the occult creation story, along with other bits from the Necronomicon, which seems to have the occult alternate Genesis story. The Titans and other "men of renown" figure heavily into the occult back story and from what I can tell also the Genesis 6 project and the end times/Revelation re-creation that the Brotherhood is heavily invested in. All of this seems to tie into the Jesus Strand (as well as what they term the "Seed of Cain" or the "Seed of Righteousness") which in my mind is where the Olympic anti-Last-Supper imagery comes into play. Their Jesus didn't get crucified, didn't have a last supper. Instead, he got married and had children then disappeared (India?) while his child (children) married into the ruling classes of pre-France and then dispersed the offspring amongst the European ruling classes. The Olympics is part of their own creation story, from what I can tell. Heavily anti-Biblical, and anti-Jesus, and as always, anti-modern-Christianity. VeronicaSwift.Blog on Substack
A book I read years ago Jesus Died in Kashmir would be along these lines I think, as well of course as the Holy Blood and Holy Grail.
The Olympics as an Activation Event
An event like the Olympics is an activation event, a mind control programming activation event. Gina in her article makes the distinction between an action like playing Purple Rain by Prince which would be to maintain programming, but an event like the Superbowl is an activation event.
An activation event is when the master controllers choose which programmes to use in a similar manner to a football coach who chooses which plays to use from the repetoire of practised and rehearsed plays from their playbook. The aim is that a mind controlled slave that is relatively high up their hierarchy exhibits behaviour that will activate people further down the hierarchy and ultimately the public will behave in the required fashion. It is the sending of commands / signals / programming cascading down the hierarchy to achieve the results they want. It may well include the wider general public. The controllers choose the programmes to use, the people needed to achieve the result required. They decide who does what and when and to who.
The biggest reach the globaalists have to effect what they want is television audiences at an event like the summer olympics or a football world cup. The global audience in approximate terms is more than 1 billion, maybe ten times that of Superbowl which in world terms would mainly be a regional / US event. An Olympics is probably the major activation event as there are many different sports involved, hence many different target audiences not just a football audience, and more opportunity for cult signalling than a football / soccer tournament with 90 minute matches.
For people who do not know anything about trauma based mind control, then there are millions of people who have suffered torture to partition their mind into different alters which do not know what the other alters have experienced. These people can have their programming activated with a signal which maybe a sound, a colour, a word etc. In mind control programming, commonly called MK Ultra or Monarch mind control programming, a colour is matched to trauma and a script with demons / gods of antiquity. This post is a good introduction to mind control from an ex programmer who explains some collages she made to help with her own deprogramming and healing, Cisco Wheeler’s Collages Explaining Mind Control – Picture Index [73].
Much programming depends on the differential programming of the two hemispheres of the brain, each with a different colour, programming and god system.
Red / Blue Colour Programming
Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony
Olympic Flames
The lighting of the torch ceremony was on 16th April in Greece at the site of Temple of Hera, which was originally the Temple of Zeus and Hera.
The “High Priestess” asks the sun god apollo for help in lighting the torch. High Priestess of what organisation is not specified. Apollo is son of Zeus and one of the “gods”.

The torch was taken on the journey to Paris via various parts of the world. Research would have to be done on the route, places visited and what magikal rituals were held at each place to fully uncover the purposes of this.
Salma Hayek is a film star, but many less people know is that she is married to Kering boss Francois-Henri Pinault who owns Balenciaga, ciriticised for its satanic and child abuse content. So good satanic credentials! Salma did a bizarre teaser for her 34 million followers on Instagram about how she was going to carry the Olympic flame in Versaille. Then there are also photos when she actually carried it. Paris 2022 Salma Hayek Proud Holding Olympic Torch [66]
The description read “Dressed in the white ceremonial outfit, Hayek Pinault posted a teaser video with Eminem's "Lose Yourself” playing in the background”.
Another torchbearer was Snoop Dogg who might seem an unlikely choice as one of the high profile Paris torchbearers. However if we refer to Gina’s Superbowl 2022 decode, she said that Snoop, Dr. Dre and Eminem were acting as representatives of the Titans, [5].
Snoop Dogg was wearing his Baphomet necklace which looked to be jewel encrusted, with gold horns and a gold chain.
Snoop Dogg was dressed mostly in different shades of blue. He was probably used to activate the blue programming, right brain, Galaxy system. People further down the hierarchy could be activated by the colour he wears or his baphomet. Any decision makers eg dj’s, editors, photo editors would be programmed to use appropriate songs / videos / photos of his to accompany any publicity about the Olympic event which would be sympathetic to the programming aims. They would choose appropriate signalling under their own programming.
The final torchbearers were both French - athlete Marie-Jose Perec and judoka Teddy Riner who lit the Olympic cauldron at the Gardens of the Tuileries. No doubt the place and the torchbearers chosen will have had significance.
Olympic Flame takes centre stage [64]
Normally the cauldron is ground based, but the novelty for Paris was that it was attached to a hot air balloon. For the opening and presumably each night it is lifted into the air.
As the Olympic site describes it…
“The Cauldron itself is 30 metre high and features a seven metre diameter ring of fire, which houses the actual flame and symbolises one of the French Republic’s three core values: fraternity.
Throughout the day, the Cauldron will remain on the ground before taking flight at sunset to sit 30 metres high in the sky and will be visible from hundreds of metres away “, [64].
Check the words above again. Gina Phillips advises to always read the mainstream press about an event as there will be clues in the text.
Fraternity could also describe “the brotherhood” which is one of the secretive organisations that is in control. Note that the two 30’s are written in numerics whereas seven is written in words. Two 3’s give 33 which is the most important Masonic number (zeros are often ignored in luciferian symbolism and gematria).
Sometimes numbers are just fabricated, acting as a “nod” to others in the know but this may well be built into the design, if the cauldron was on a stand or included the height of the balloon.

The cauldron, often associated with witchcraft was photographed in the middle arch of The Arc De Triomphe which was commissioned by Napoleon, a mason Napoleon the Masonic Emperor, [65]. The 3 arches have a symbolic meaning of which I forget and of course the pyramid at the Louvre is overt cult symbolism.
They managed to lever in some repetition about the man made climate change psyop - the psyop that will imprison people in 15 minute cities, by using another novelty for Paris.
The designer said “I created the Torch, the Relay cauldron and the Olympic Cauldron as three chapters in the same story”. He goes on by saying the “flame” will be light and water…
"Light, magical and unifying, it will be a beacon in the night and a sun within reach during the day. The fire that burns in it will be made of light and water” . “The Olympic Flame shines without fuel… meticulous combination of a cloud of mist and beams of light, the Olympic Flame will flicker with electricity as its sole source of energy”.
But what fuels the electricity? Note also the use of that word magical again! They do love slipping that in to describe their rituals.
If the cauldron flame is really LED’s and water mist, then the symbolism does not seem to work as a passing on of the fire, except on the most superficial level. If the torches were real flames and they were put into the water mist cauldron then they would go out, if not by the water then by the lack of oxygen. The photo below does not appear to show a flame from the torches, it looks more like smoke.
As the cauldron’s electricity has been turned on, then they must have already simulated lighting the cauldron by putting the torches into the water mist which would explain the smoke like apperance of the torches. There are some assumptions in this scenario though and video would need to be obtained to check what really occurred.
However for a magikal ceremony which revolves round fire magik, to place fire in water mean that the fire magik is ended by the water magik.
This appears odd, unless a deliberate signalling of water triumphing over fire.
This diagram is from the Templar baphomet section later in the article, in which they are pouring water on a lit menorah.
Another Balloon
Jumping about a bit no doubt, as I have not seen the whole ceremony to see how it was put together, but whilst on the subject of balloons, there was striped balloon linked to the damaged face and broken spikes on the headdress of the Statue of Liberty somewhere in the opening ceremony.

Balloon symbolism has not been written about much as far as I know. I do have one story from a survivor remembering staring into a picture of a hot air balloon and it was believed to be connected to dissociation. It has also been suggested that it could enhance the trigger of “going over the rainbow” ie dissociation ISSTD 6 - Trauma Industry Symbolism [61].
Back to the decode, Snoop Dogg had a Baphomet necklace, the obese figure mocking Christ also had a Baphomet, as a tattoo.
Baphomet, the goat headed god is symbolic of the equilibrium of opposites - half human and half animal, male and female, good and evil. The Secret Sun decode points out that there is evidence that the temple prostitutes, Qetesh were trans.
The Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum showed how the Templars were followers of Baphomet and carried out child sacrifice, something still in evidence today in the logo of Alpha Romeo, and the statue of Saturn eating children in Berne, Switzerland. Note also the symbolism of the water being poured onto fire, as part of their ritual.
Secret Sun explains that Saturn is the outermost planet of the ancient world, and that you had to get by Saturn to make your escape into the stars. That he says is the basis of all the solar symbolism, your soul needs to escape the archons and Saturn is the final boss of the archons before heading to the three stars of Orion's Belt which is where you want your soul to go.
Games Glyph
The glyph / logo for the Paris games, presumably meant to represent 24 is comprised of the red blue, green yellow programming colours of the Eastern Star. Secret Sun points out that it is the symbol for Jupiter.
Someone has also put together the similarities to the word Zion of the recent Olympic logos.
Headless Marie Antoinette
Saint Denis is transed as Marie Antoinette in the headless ritual invoking the deity “Bornless” or the “Headless One”, [36]. In luciferian magik, there is much mix and matching of different magik, gods, symbolism and sexes.
The Conciergerie, the building in which the performance took place is a former palace, courthouse and prison in Paris located on the west of the Île de la Cité, below the Palais de Justice. Mutiple headlesss Marie Antoinettes are shown with the building on fire, with red smoke simulating fire.
However like the cauldron flame, it is a simulation of fire not fire itself. Surely this would not work as fire magik? Secret Sun’s decode suggests that it may be a reference to when Notre Dame burned and Michelle Obama appeared to be present watching as evidenced by the reflection in Michelle’s wine glass.
Michelle of course is either a trans or hermaphrodite, a baphomet and may indicate why he / she is highly thought of in the luciferian system.
Gojira the band who took part in the headless Marie Antoinette part, was originally called Godzilla.
Gojira last year went on a mega monsters tour, just to give a flavour…
Godzilla was one of the Titans.
Sequana / Pale Horse
Jolly, the Director of the Ceremony, said that the silver figure on a metal horse then white horse was Sequana the goddess of the Seine, and he said that Sequana was the daughter of Dionysus.
I cannot find any evidence in the time available that Sequana was the daughter of Dionysus. Nevertheless if that is correct then she was an Olympian. It may have been a remark to excuse the parallels to prophecy about a pale horse. Sequana is riding a horse despite the fact she traditionally rides a duck or swan.
This appeared to be clumsily leveraged to produce pale horse symbolism to fulfill prophecy that the fourth horseman arrives on a pale horse with Death on its back and Hades following. If the Opening Ceremony was supposed to evoke a death parallel as pale horse / death she could be indicating death of the Olympians. Where are the Olympians meant to go after the takeover by the Titans? Will they coexist or be kept in Tartaria themselves? It is more likely symbolising our deaths at the hands of the Canaanite bloodline cult.
Beyonce of course has already covered the 4 horses of the Apocalypse symbolism…
foxblog2 Beyonce and the Phoenix Agenda [57]
In that article on Beyonce, I also covered the silver grey symbolism. Silver grey is the NWO / antichrist programming, which according to ex programmer Svali is deeper than the white and black levels of programming. The grey levels and programmed parts were created to serve the antichrist and the New World Order. Beware the grey!
The pale horse / silver grey horse symbolism at the Olympics is likely activation programming for the NWO army, which millions are programmed for, as it is with Tree of Life /Death base programming, covered mostly by Laura Worley, see Self Help for MK Ultra Survivors - NWO Programming [67] and NWO Army Programming Self Help 2 [68].
Celine Dion - a French Canadian sang at the Eiffel Tower in silver grey as were the olympic rings when she performed.

The whole black white silver grey theme appears to be her speciality as her demonic clothing line is a similar colour palette, which was publicised a year or two ago.
In my view, the silver grey was aimed at activation of the NWO army.
Laddie Gaga
The Gaga concert was prerecorded. Secret Sun said that it represented the male dancers sacrificing their pink pom poms to the goddess Gaga, so they can achieve angelhood.

He said that Gaga is on The Stairway to Heaven. The stairway is represented not only by the milky way in the sky but on the Masonic tracing boards.
That is covered in this post… Gloria Vanderbilt and the Rising of the antiChrist [59]
I am not certain of the pink and black symbolism which is common now, but the pink /black will have a specific meaning as there is a lot about, and it was the colours of the Barbie movie. Hivites Get Lit has covered the colour pink symbolism [60].
Light Show

The light show was reminiscent of inverted Lucifer sigil.
Golden Calf or Bull
Was that there to fulfill golden calf prophecy or even give the appearence of such? Is is a golden bull head or even a golden oxen, as Zeus used to sacrifice 100 oxen at the middle of the games?
These are some others random screenshots /photos about which I know little. One is misfiled and should have been filed with the Last Supper. Most were I think from the opening ceremony. More gold symbolism from the black lady.

Apart from Olympians Le Bron James, Tom Daley and rower Helen Glover then various celebs were there some of whom may also have competed but some appear to have been there for their satanic credentials and influencer value to a particualr demographic - Serena Williams, Zinedine Zidan, Rafael Nadal, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, Pharrell Williams, WEF man and UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer,
Most are likely to be mind controlled, and have their own programming directed by the signalling, in turn to pass the message down the hierarchy.
Magikal Failure
Secret Sun titled his decode When Sorcery Fails and said that so many things had gone wrong that it a magikal failure. He listed the things that went wrong, train attack, opening ceremony video withdrawal, torrential rain for ceremony, olympic flag upside down, electricity cuts, fibre sabotage, water pollution in the Seine. He quotes a magikian who says that breaks in magik means imperfect technique. Some of what went wrong is pictured below…

Mistakes he did not mention were the North and South Korean flags being mixed up, and the bizarre Ralph Loren jeans with white blazers.
The only thoughts I have to add to this are that there are various aspects of this ceremony that show this is based on water magik.
The opening ceremony was held on the river Seine, the cauldron flame was really water, the torch carriers flames being possibly extinguished by the cauldron, the torrential rain for the ceremony would have been easy to deliberately engineer by cloud seeding, another name for lucifer is “the rainman”, see Music Industry is using Rainman as Name for Lucifer [4].
There is a possibility that it could be deliberate symbolism to symbolise water succeeding over fire. Is water magik symbolic of the Titans, quashing fire magik of the Olympians? I do not know, my knowledge is not great enough, nor is enough source material available to me, but I float it as a possibility.
Colour symbolism
Colour symbolism is very important in programming and in an activation event. From what I have seen by odd glimpses at TV is that most events and venues had purple as the predominant colour in the area for their sport, with a bluey purple the second. although there was a range of colours and shapes on the blue/red/white theme and sometimes beige.
The athletic stadium had purple advertising hoardings round the whole stadium, purple blue for the track, purple seating, There was even purple lighting you can see in some shots. What would purple lighting do? Was this ultra violet and what was the purpose? Wherever you look, even often on close up shots of athletes the colour purple was dominant. Also prominent were segmented blocks of colours, arch shapes and sometimes dots.

Purple progamming is very important, as it is end times programming designed to cause chaos within individuals, as it combines the different programming of the brain hemispheres red and blue. Programmed individuals thus get mixed signalling and they suffer internal confusion replicated in their external actions.
The chaos is designed to be solved by the antichrist figure and who will be received by them willingly to end the confusion. For good information on purple programming see this post, with decodes and links by Gina Phillips and Jessie Czebotar MJ2 - Purple Programming - Monarch Mind Control Programming [46s].
Quite what was going on with the colours for competition kits I am not sure. USA was often in a striped purple - unusual as their colours are normally red, white blue. Many British athletes wore black, but their normal colour is again red white blue. The French wore their red white and blue. Perhaps the US is meant to be one of the first to be triggered by purple.

Venues were all different variations of colours, whilst seemingly keeping to a theme of blocks or stripes of colour, were they targeted to different demographics and different programming? Pink and light blue or pastel red blue, pastel rainbow colours.

The TV studios are also part of the programming. BBC set colours for the Olympics were purple and blue, echoing the olympic colours.
One US media outlet used the standard dualist red blue with white down the middle, similar to the American sport organisation logos, all in red and blue with white down the centre.
MK Sports
One final point is that mind control / Mk Ultra is rife in sport. It is not only an excellent cover but also excellent training for their other roles. Unfortunately many of the people we assume are excellent athletes are part of a torture based mind control programme. See these posts for more information on mind control in sport
Mind Control 1 – Sports Slaves #MKSport [69]
Mind Control 2 - Sports Logos and Television #MKSport [70]
MK Sport 3 - Mind Controlled Slave Conor McGregor [71]
An Olympic Games is a good method of judging the success of the mind control programming on the athletes and comparing various counties techniques. Even who turns up in the crowd at the event and the TV watchers will be part of what is assessed, as to how succesful the programming was passed on.
One obvious candidate for mind control is the USA shotputter who has split colour hair, wears a mask, is a they/them, her eyes appear to roll demonically and says this is her alter ego.

Note the use of teen Titans in this headline…
Closing Ceremony
The Olympic closing ceremony takes place on Sunday 11 August and is being held at the Stade de France, which has hosted athletics and rugby sevens during the Games. It is scheduled to start at 20:00 BST and finish at 22:30.
It will be interesting to see what happens at the closing ceremony also at the Paralympic opening and closing ceremonies all directed by Thomas Jolly. However I will not have the time to do decodes, so I hope others step up.
Olympic Video Decodes
Finally here are four videos, the Gina Phillips decode on the superbowl, the Secret Sun decode on the opening ceremony rituals, the Jessie Czebotar decode on the luciferian contracts and the Open Scroll decode on the Opening Ceremony Last Supper.
Odysee Superbowl 2022 Decode Part 1 Gina Phillips [6b] or for both decodes and transcript, see this post foxblog3 Superbowl 2022 Decode Gina Phillips [5].
When Sorcery Fails by Secret Sun
The Secret Sun Paris Olympics: When Sorcery Fails you tube [1] Odysee [1c]
There is also a decode by Jessie Czebotar who does a different type of decode, dealing more with the Luciferian contracts indicating who is battling behind the scenes.
Aquarius Rising Decoding Paris Oympics and the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse with Jessie Czebotar [62]
Brighteon Open Scroll 2024 Paris Olympics - Drag Queen Disciples in daVinci's The Last Supper? Can we be sure? [40]
See also Olympics Twitterx Thread [76].
Lack of time precludes an analysis of much of the ceremony but Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympics needs researching.
[1] you tube The Secret Sun Paris Olympics: When Sorcery Fails
[1c] Odysee The Secret Sun Paris Olympics: When Sorcery Fails
[2] 2024 Jun 15 foxblog3 Satanic Summer Solstice #summersolstice #ritual #satanicsolstice #hughhefner
[3] 2022 Oct 9 foxblog3 Satanic Holidays #satanicholidays #festivals #ritualdates
[4] Deprogramwiki Music Industry is using Rainman as Name for Lucifer
[5] 2022 Mar 5 foxblog3 Superbowl 2022 Decode Gina Phillips and transcript #ginaphillips #superbowl2022 #titans #olympians #decode
[5w] 2022 Mar 5 foxblog1 Superbowl 2022 Decode Gina Phillips #ginaphillips #superbowl2022 #titans #olympians #decode
[6b] 2022 Feb 19 Odysee Superbowl 2022 Decode Part 1
[6c] 2022 Mar 5 foxblog1 Superbowl 2022 Decode Part 2 Gina Phillips
[7] wikipedia Titans TV series
[8] wipedia Titans Gods
[9] wikipedia Dionysus
[10] francetv Paris 2024
[11] Press For Truth Yes The 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony Was Anti-Christian But Is Anyone Asking WHY???
[12] 2hr 40 paywall film Opening Ceremony
[13] Telegram Jolly Illuminate comment
[14] 2024 Opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics: the (expected) moment of glory for Thomas Jolly, artistic director of the event
[15] You tube Paris Olympics artistic director Thomas Jolly on reimagining opening ceremony
[16] 2024 Jul 28 Guardian Paris Olympics organisers apologise to Christians for unintentional Last Supper parody Paris Olympics organisers apologise to Christians for unintentional Last Supper parody. Apology follows anger among Catholics and other groups at opening ceremony segment that resembled biblical scene
The organising committee of Paris 2024 has apologised to Catholics and other Christian groups who were outraged by a scene during the opening ceremony that evoked Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper painting with drag queens, a transgender model and a singer made up as the Greek god of wine.
The unintended parody of the biblical scene, performed against the backdrop of the River Seine, was actually intended to interpret Dionysus and raise awareness “of the absurdity of violence between human beings”, organisers wrote on X.
[17] TwitterX Olympics
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[18b] The Wrap Paris Olympics Producers Say ‘The Last Supper’ Inspired That Opening Ceremony Scene: ‘Many Have Done It Before’
[19] Adeline Kerry Cruz: Krump Sensation, ADELINE KERRY CRUZ: KRUMP SENSATION, ‘Princess Intimidate”
[20] Pink News Queer Olympic opening ceremony director breaks silence over anti-LGBTQ+ backlash
[21] 2024 Jul 29 USA Today Did the Olympics mock the Last Supper? Explaining Dionysus and why Christians are angry
[22] 2024 Jul 19 Paris Olympics opening creator defends controversial show “The Feast of the Gods”, by the 17th century Dutch master Jan Harmensz van Bijlert.
[26] ABC
[27] Meet the ancient goddess of the Seine River: Sequana
[28] AP News 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony, as it happened
[29] absurdity Even the official Olympics account on X said on Friday that the “interpretation of the Greek God Dionysus makes us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings.”
[30] wikipedi paganism
[31] Sequana
[32] Sequana
[34] wikipedia Nike
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Uranus and Gaia are alternate names for the biblical Noah and his wife. They birthed the Titans (among other children) according to some and it seems that they were giants themselves (Noah & wife) and birthed other non-Titan giants. Noah and offspring are a huge part of the occult creation story, along with other bits from the Necronomicon, which seems to have the occult alternate Genesis story. The Titans and other "men of renown" figure heavily into the occult back story and from what I can tell also the Genesis 6 project and the end times/Revelation re-creation that the Brotherhood is heavily invested in. All of this seems to tie into the Jesus Strand (as well as what they term the "Seed of Cain" or the "Seed of Righteousness") which in my mind is where the Olympic anti-Last-Supper imagery comes into play. Their Jesus didn't get crucified, didn't have a last supper. Instead, he got married and had children then disappeared (India?) while his child (children) married into the ruling classes of pre-France and then dispersed the offspring amongst the European ruling classes. The Olympics is part of their own creation story, from what I can tell. Heavily anti-Biblical, and anti-Jesus, and as always, anti-modern-Christianity.