Uranus and Gaia are alternate names for the biblical Noah and his wife. They birthed the Titans (among other children) according to some http://annomundi.com/history/travels_of_noah.htm and it seems that they were giants themselves (Noah & wife) and birthed other non-Titan giants. Noah and offspring are a huge part of the occult creation story, along with other bits from the Necronomicon, which seems to have the occult alternate Genesis story. The Titans and other "men of renown" figure heavily into the occult back story and from what I can tell also the Genesis 6 project and the end times/Revelation re-creation that the Brotherhood is heavily invested in. All of this seems to tie into the Jesus Strand (as well as what they term the "Seed of Cain" or the "Seed of Righteousness") which in my mind is where the Olympic anti-Last-Supper imagery comes into play. Their Jesus didn't get crucified, didn't have a last supper. Instead, he got married and had children then disappeared (India?) while his child (children) married into the ruling classes of pre-France and then dispersed the offspring amongst the European ruling classes. The Olympics is part of their own creation story, from what I can tell. Heavily anti-Biblical, and anti-Jesus, and as always, anti-modern-Christianity.

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I have added that to the article, as it fills in some gaps i had left due to my lack of knowledge, thanks.

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I'm listening to Jessie Czebotar's lectures on the Mormon Church on Aquarius Rising Africa (YT). She says that in their occult training, the Mormons rely heavily on the gnostic scriptures and on the Bible--e.g., Solomonic magic.

I'v never found anything dark in the gnostic scriptures. Jessie says they're Luciferian because the Luciferians make reference to them; however, they do the same thing with the Bible, and she doesn't say the Bible is Luciferian. I think she's mistaken on this account.

They practice inversion--which I call imitation and mockery--with everything human. Inversion and perversion are everywhere in culture and politics, which is the source of their power.

One example: training Justin Trudeau from birth for the NWO, and spreading the rumor that he's the natural son of Fidel Castro, leaving the low-intelligence majority to assume that the NWO is a communist plot. (Trump heavily promotes this lie to get votes, which he wouldn't do if people didn't already believe it.)

The fact is that Cuba was condemned by the U.S. for decades--as was the USSR--for being culturally conservative, i.e., homophobic, opposed to porn and sexual promiscuity, opposed to prostitution, and promoting traditional family values.

So, imitation--Luciferian puppets describing themselves as socialists--and mockery--carrying out policies that are the ANTITHESIS of socialism.

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According to some Freemasonry experts, the King James Bible, along with the Koran, the Bhagivad Gita and the Book of the Law are all occult books and are used by the Esoteric Freemasonic degrees from 33 and up. Jessie didn't say this--other occultists and occultic researchers did. She has said that Psalm Magick comes from using the bible, and has given references to congresspeople and others using Psalm Magick in public.

I would doubt that Jessie says the Gnostic books are Luciferian "because the Luciferians make reference to them." If she does, I'd love the time stamp and the video name, because it's very out of character for her to say anything like that from what I've heard her say in the past. I would instead propose that, in many of her videos, she says that the 66 books are the ones that fulfill the prophecy of Jesus, while the others in the apocrypha do not. She's said that more times than I can count.

On the divide between the USA and Russia (or Iran, China, North Korea) I would direct you to Robert Vandriest Mitchell, who discusses the bloodline ownership over certain countries, and how the Illuminati/Brotherhood is not a cohesive unit, they have factions that fight amongst themselves and disguise it as warring nations. The videos that speak about this are on Dan Duval's Discovering Truth channel, I believe it's his 2nd video with Dan that goes through this info, although he does speak of it in multiple videos.

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I'm not going to give you a timestamp--go to Aquarius Rising and listen yourself. She says the gnostic scriptures are blasphemies. She gives as an example the claim that Jesus married Mary Magdalene. However, Jesus and Mary Magdelene did have a conjugal relationship. but they didn't have children together, as the Luciferians claim. (source: The Only Planet of Choice)

Psalms and Song of Solomon aren't apocryphal, so I don't know what you're trying to say there.

What you seem to be saying is that Jessie is an authority on the Brotherhood, except when she says the Brotherhood is a cohesive unit. Then, according to you, she's wrong, because Robert Vandriest Mitchell says otherwise.

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You know, one of the things that I always do when I'm having a civilized discussion about something or I'm writing a blog post, is that I always give other people the data I have available. Like a citation, and a timestamp. If they comment and want more info, I give it to them. This is so they can go and research for themselves. I archive transcripts so they don't have to find them for themselves. They don't have to take my word for it, or substitute my opinion for their own. They're able to look at the data themselves, and decide.

I do know this. You know less than you think you know, and you've demonstrated an unwillingness to take alternate data in and use it to your advantage.

There are always contradictions when you learn from Brotherhood whistleblowers. Making sense of them is part of the task of anybody researching in this genre.

Best of luck to you.

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For those of us traumatized by these exact types described, THANK YOU for doing things like this. Being overwhelmed and unable to know where to begin is an understatement and I deeply appreciate the NON-gatekeeping of info. Again, THANK YOU.

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Thank you for such a thorough decode and of course all of your citations and researcher are always on point. I’ve been following you a long time and I appreciate all the work that you do.

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Thankyou for your kind comments

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Occult Olympics, Solar Deities and the French Pagan Revolution https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/occult-olympics-solar-deities-french-pagan-revolution/ #olympics and Carl Jung, Mystery Cults and MK Ultra: The Eleusinian Mystery Revival Now Underway https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/occult-revival-eleusinian-mysteries/ #mkultra

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Michelle Obama raped Ally Carter, who says he has male genitalia. But the Brotherhood doesn't find its priests and recruit them: they must have the right lineage. With respect to non-whites, they're either bred (Obama isn't black--he's from an occult Indonesian bloodline), or genetically engineered, e.g. Oprah Winfrey. Michelle is obviously a high-ranking Luciferian, and Luciferian males are sodomized by their fathers from a very young age. Cathy O'Brien believes that child sexual abuse is the cause of the explosion in homosexuality and transexuality; however, as we know from Al Bielek, the CIA (the Brotherhood) has had the ability to change people's sexual orientation through MK-Ultra since the 1970s. And if they could do it in the '70s, they could do it earlier, since they mastered time travel.

"Once you break that synchronization, you can produce right or left-handed, right-brain or left-brained, right-handed or left-handed as you wish, change the sexuality—a male can be made homosexual or heterosexual and the female either way, as they may choose, those who do this program." https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2023/09/21/al-bielek-mind-control/

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The Bible never says that Peter a.k.a. Simon the apostle was ever in Rome. However, Simon the Sorcerer a.k.a Peter was in Rome and is likely buried in the Vatican. My understanding is that Simon the Sorcerer from the book of Acts in the Bible distorted the words of the Bible into Gnosticism. He then founded the Catholic Church based on Gnosticism. Remember that in the book of Acts, the apostles rebuked Simon the Sorcere for asking them to teach him how to make money off of selling miracles and salvation ie Catholicism. William Schnoebelen, who claims to have attended Catholic seminary before he became a Satanist, claims that the priests taught him that Jesus was a magician and that the Bible is a book,of spells. However, those priests belonged to Simon the Sorcerer's antichrist religion of Gnosticism. The Catholic Church worships an antichrist spirit that will soon become obvious when it claims that everyone is going to heaven regardless of whether you accept Christ's sacrifice for your sins. It is an outright lie though. We all have to accept Christ's blood that he sacrificed for us in order to be reconciled with God.


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