This first post I have labelled as a decode is perhaps more of a superficial explanation of some symbolism about the “satanic Last Supper” at the Paris 2024 opening ceremony. The second post will go into more required background knowledge and deeper decoding of the Last Supper and other events in the opening ceremony.
This opening ceremony “depicts the very best France has to offer” it was said beforehand [14]. The Olympic opening ceremony took place on Friday 26th July.
According to this satanic calendar the 27th was the Grand Climax of rituals at this time of year.
Satanic Holidays [3]
However Solstice varies slightly from year to year. It also states that the Grand Climax is 5 weeks and 1 day after solstice. Solstice this year was the Thurs 20th Jun Satanic Summer Solstice [2] and 5 weeks 1 day after the summer solstice brings us to Friday 26th of July, the day of the Olympics Opening Ceremony Ritual, the Grand Climax day! It was 5 days after full moon just for informational purposes.
Was it Mockery of the Last Supper?
Check out the language used beforehand…
Thomas Jolly, the Artistic Director does not use the word “illuminate” by accident about the opening ceremony of an occult ritual event like the Olympics, run by the people whose god is Lucifer. He was clearly signalling that he was part of the occult, whose objective is to become illuminated.
The Paris 2024 producers even admitted that it was inspired by Da Vinci’s Last Supper…
Paris Olympics Producers Confirm ‘The Last Supper’ Inspired That Opening Ceremony Scene: ‘Many Have Done It Before’ [18a].
But Thomas Jolly later denied this. “It’s not my inspiration. There is Dionysus who arrives on this table. He is there because he is the god of celebration in Greek mythology. The god of wine, which is one of the jewels of France. “He is also the father of the goddess Sequana, who is connected to the river Seine. The idea was to have a pagan celebration connected to the gods of Olympus.”
Thomas Jolly - Artistic Director
What Jolly says could all even be true, but just because Last Supper was or was not his “inspiration” for the event, does not mean to say that the opening ceremony feast was not meant to mock the Last Supper.
Barbara Butch the obese person meant to represent Christ even said that it was the “New Gay Testament”.
Butch was wearing the spikey headress, which “mothers” in the brotherhood / the cabal / the system / the illuminati wear.

She also has a tattoo of Baphomet…
Another participant, a drag queen, said that the use of the Last Supper was not a provocation and defended its use as it has been used in pop culture for decades. In other words he was saying that they did use the Last Supper as a part template, just that it was not a provocation.
Some try to say it was based on the Feast of the Gods by Jan van de Biljert…
However this in turn was a representation of a Dionysus / Last Supper mix…
But decide for yourself…
"La Cène" - the last supper, "La scène" - the stage, and "La Seine" the river that goes through Paris are all pronounced the exact same way in French. So this was "La Cène sur la scène sur la Seine" ie The Last Supper on the stage on the Seine. This would be seen to have been appropriate by Jolly due to rumours of Da Vinci’s homosexuality, which was possibly one of the reasons Da Vinci moved to France [58].
Was it Dionysus?
The figure played by French singer and actor Philippe Blanchard aka Katerine performing topless and painted blue represented Dionysus. However, the fact that it is Dionysus is irrelevant to whether the scene as a whole is a representation of the Last Supper. No explanation was given for that, just a diversion onto Dionysus.
Dionysus / Bacchus (Bacchanalia) was subversive, partly because of the free mixing of classes and genders transgressed traditional social and moral constraints. Dionysus is also often represented as female. Dionysus was also god of the night and of transformations.
This fits in with Jolly’s transy theme.
The official comments that were supposed to clarify on the issue of the Last Supper were strange. The Olympics account on twitterX said…
…that the “interpretation of the Greek God Dionysus makes us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings”. This was presumably due to the lyrics of the song Nu - Naked.
Naked, Would there have been wars if we all stayed naked? No
Where to hide a revolver when we're all naked? Where?
I know what you're thinking But It's not a good idea Yeah... etc Nu Translation [52].
The song could be said to meet the description of the Olympic’s explanation, but the message of the whole scene is cannabalism and violence between the “gods”.
What was disturbing about the use of Dionysus was that he appeared as part of the menu, under a large silver meat dome, with echoes of the Orphic account of cannabalism.
The scene also had echoes of the Rothschild’s infamous Surrealist Ball and of a spirit cooking type banquet ritual of Marina Abramovic.
But the cult of Dionysus was also a "cult of the souls", his maenads feed the dead through blood-offerings, and he acts as a divine communicant between the living and the dead. He is sometimes categorised as a dying-and-rising god [9].
Jolly’s reasoning that he gave for using Dionysus was that Dionysus is also the father of the goddess Sequana, who is connected to the river Seine. The idea was to have a pagan celebration connected to the gods of Olympus [20]. I have not yet found a source that Dionysus / Bacchus was the father of Sequana, who is the Goddess of the river, and if anyone knows one please leave in the comments.
No explanations are given as to why Dionysus is under a meat dome. Ritual sacrifice was an integral part of pagan Greco-Roman religions. Why was he apparently on the menu?
There are other parts that were disturbing. One of the “gods” in the feast has his tackle out. This was unlikely to be a wardrobe malfunction.
Zeus, the father of Dionysus cut off the testicles of his father Chronus, who had done the same to his father Uranus at the request of Hera his wife. The testicle on display could be a reference to this and the demasculating of these individuals.
The same actor was also involved in a mutual throat slitting gesture between him and a child.
Why was a child even involved in this scene? Why was she made to do a cut throat gesture? Does it represent sacrifice? This is the video of the incident…
Video Odysee Child and Man Making Slit Throat Sign in Last Supper Scene in 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony [53].
Those sort of gestures are not consistent with non violence. Due to removal of official videos and the organisers arranging strikes on social media reproducing them I have no more footage of that to see more context.
For those that wish to research further, the childs name is Adeline Kerry Cruz, aka Princess Intimidate who is famous for her KRUMP dancing, Adeline Kerry Cruz: Krump Sensation,‘Princess Intimidate” [19]. Kingdom Radically Uplifted Mightly Praise, KRUMP, is an athletic dance style originated in early-2000s South Central Los Angeles and is characterized by stomps, jabs, chest pops, jumps, and arm swings, set to its own distinct, fast-paced music.
Adeline’s parents are Francisco and Mandy Cruz, and the father is Instagram filmedbyfrancisco.
Kevin Jr. Maddripp Gohou and within four classes the French-born, Montreal-based artistic director, trained in Krump by one of its founders Ceasare LaRon Willis AKA Tight Eyez, wanted to be Adeline’s mentor [19].
According to Matt Wallace a family member contacted him and claimed that she was being sexually trafficked / abused.
Here is video of the performance of the song Nu by Philippe Katerine which then transitions into a high energy dance sequence…
Video Odysee Song "Naked" by Philippe Katerine and transition to Dance Sequence [54]
Perhaps this is Krump dancing, I am not sure, but the black and white base programming colours indicate that mind control programming may well be involved.

I am not certain what the full word written on the graphics was at the start of the scene. I presume this is not able to be read fully on the imperfect copy I have.
Official Reaction to Widespread Uproar at the Last Supper Depiction
There was widespread shock at many parts of the opening ceremony, but perhaps most at the portrayal and mockery of the Last Supper. Personally I did not watch any of it and with most of videos subsequently withdrawn it is hard to reconstruct.
Apparently there were skulls, motivfs of death, satanic red lightning and children trapped in tunnels and a pale horse.
Children trapped in tunnels was presumably in the Paris catacombs and a sensitive subject as there are many child abuse survivor whistleblowers that tell of children being kept underground in large numbers, under the Getty Museum and elsewhere.
One sponsor C Spire, announced that it withdrew its advertising from the Olympics, shocked at the mockery of the Last Supper.
Official videos were withdrawn as various different parts of officialdom gave different stories of the Last Supper debacle. They seemed in panic mode. If they were proud of the opening ceremony, then the more people that shared it the better. Apparently they withdrew it from google / youtube and hit people with copyright strikes on twitterx so many withdrew them as not worth the risk of losing their accounts.
Thomas Jolly far from receiving acclaim had to justify himself.
The IOC Media and most explanations just hid behind the phrase that there was no intent to show disrespect.
I do not believe them, the facts and actions show the opposite. The replies were typical Luciferian evasions.
Whilst there was some outrage from Bishops, the “High and Mighty” in the church were conspicuously silent. The officialdom of the Church of England and Church of Rome did not comment. The Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury nor King Charles the Supreme Governor of the Church of England ever said a peep that I saw.

Whilst displaying pagan gods aka demons, the Olympics banned a surfer from using images of Jesus on his surfboards, indicating there is an agenda.
Jolly, the artistic director is also leading the Opening Ceremony for the Paralympics, the first time this has happened [14]. Furthermore Jolly is in charge of the two Closing Ceremonies, “with a whole host of ideas, all more ingenious than the other”!
According to Time Out Jolly will be “weaving his magic again” at the closing ceremony. [55]. Exactly - they are spelling it out - it’s a magik ritual.
The Olympic closing ceremony called Records is at the Stade de France on Aug 11th at 8 pm local time, (3 p.m. ET). The Paralympics opening ceremony is on 28 August 2024 at 20:00 local time at the Place de la Concorde and the Champs-Elysées, with the obelisk at its centre.
It will be interesting to see what these are like, and it would be good to know if they have been changed in any way, but we probably will not get to find out.
Note the purple and mind control symbolism.
[12] 2hr 40 paywall film Opening Ceremony
[13] Telegram Jolly Illuminate comment
[18a] Paris Olympics Producers Confirm ‘The Last Supper’ Inspired That Opening Ceremony Scene: ‘Many Have Done It Before’
[18b] The Wrap Paris Olympics Producers Say ‘The Last Supper’ Inspired That Opening Ceremony Scene: ‘Many Have Done It Before’
[19] Adeline Kerry Cruz: Krump Sensation, ADELINE KERRY CRUZ: KRUMP SENSATION, ‘Princess Intimidate”
[20] Pink News Queer Olympic opening ceremony director breaks silence over anti-LGBTQ+ backlash
[51] 2023 Jan 28 foxblog2 Spot the Symbolism 3 – Naomi, Madonna, HBieber
[52] Nu Translation
[53] 2024 Aug 1 Odysee Child and Man Making Slit Throat Sign in Last Supper Scene in 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony #cutthroatgesture #slittthroat #paris #openingceremony #lastsupper
[54] Song "Naked" by Philippe Katerine and transition to Dance Sequence #philippekaterine #nu #naked #lastsupper #dionysus
[55] Time Out Paris 2024 Closing Ceremony
[56] Paralympic Games
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Jessie Czebotar did a decode on the Olympics, with some interesting comments about Lady Gaga and the four horsemen of the apocalypse. To speed things up, just press fast-forward every time Chantelle talks (you won't miss anything).
I doubt anyone could deny this was a mockery of Christianity after reading your article. The little girl throat slit was the most alarming, and combined with the Dionysus 'wine', was it actually a reference to adrenochrome? Apparently the Olympic rings were used to form 666 on the top row at some point in the but I cant find a video for this.