Did you know that twitter accounts can be connected to AI which composes tweets and replies for you? The user just clicks it once and it sends. If you do not know this then you could be being manipulated without you knowing by people whose accounts are linked to AI.
Artificial Intelligence, AI is probably a mystery to much of the population. Most of us do not even know what AI really is, what it is capable of or how to access it.
It was unknown to me until recently, that you can use AI apps to generate tweets for twitter.
A few clues set me searching for this. Some accounts did not seem to add up, the language used in the tweets was stilted or not quite right, just not fluent. Then some accounts would have a sudden change in style, unlike tweets from that account before. Then someone commented on my Romeo Spies blog posts, about AI being used to send “romeo” type messages to her..
A.I. is also being used in varying degrees as an automated weapon to advance the Romeo-spy network on the front lines of social media, and it is very definitely being ramped up to reel in unsuspecting women. What an easy way for them to try and cover all bases! It's just an observation from my own experience. Once my hypnosis / nlp and emotional freedom work began to really focus on breaking people out of addiction patterns and programming, I noticed a huge ramp up in the number of fake accounts that have been trying to "friend" me… military men coming from out of the wild blue yonder, always divorced or widowed, always attractive... once you see the pattern, you instantly spot the fakeness of it. Dr K.
I noticed a couple of other things as well with regards to suspicious twitterx accounts. I searched for some time before hitting upon the search term “AI tweet generator”. That was a revelation. I was shocked. This is what I found.
AI Generated Tweets
An AI Tweet Generator uses AI technology to generate a custom tweet based on the users input.
“One click replies that sound like you”

You can set various parameters for your tweets. One of which is commonly called Tone.
Example Tones are
Another app suggests the following tones…

You choose the topic
You can also decide on the type of post eg.
"Hook posts"
"Problem, Agitate, Solution posts"
You can also decide the audience it is aimed towards - presumably you choose a demographic eg women 30-50 and the AI does the rest.
I presume you can also set a persona - a doctor, a mystic, a new age guru, an astrophysicist, even maybe a specific individual. This is speculation on my part, I know so little, but judging by what I see, I think this is possible.
Demographics include but are not limited to age and generation groups, sex, gender, or sexual orientation, nationality, race, educational level, occupation, household income, marital status, number of children, homeownership (own or rent), place of residence, health and disability status, political affiliation or preference, religious affiliation or preference.
Other Social Media
Furthermore it is not just twitterx AI generators - you can get them for other social media - various aspects of Facebook, Bumble, Tinder.
I am sure that there would be message generators for other social media like Telegram, Tik Tok and presumably Instagram and others.
AI apps can also be used to almost instantly make video edits of a certain length from raw footage, picking the important segments. These edits can presumably be uploaded to Tik Tok, Google / You Tube or Twitter and other social media. I also suspect that blogs can be created using AI.
AI connections to social media
Users can select the tone, topic, audience, type of an tweet and even the persona and AI produces a suggested tweet. This can be edited or can be sent using one click. This can most probably also be done for all social media. This could have a myriad of uses and as ever technology is a tool and it can be used for good or evil.
I can see that this ability may be useful for all sorts of useful purposes - a company could tweet about each of their products and aim it at different target audiences, an ngo could tweet about their different campaigns. All sorts of useful things like health, natural therapies, nature, growing food could be tweeted. The potential is immense, but the downsides are even more worrying.
AI is Limited and can be 100% wrong.
AI is not the font of all knowledge. It is fallible and can be totally wrong. It depends on how it is programmed or gathers information, though I am unsure about how they are programmed or learn.
To illustrate how they depend on previous programming or learning I give this example. I created a twitter thread about masks many months ago of more than 70 tweets, see Appendix. Accompanied by different photos or memes there were…
20 tweets that said “Dont be an idiot, dont wear a mask”
30 tweets that said “Wearing a mask may be a comfort blanket for some but it won’t stop you getting covid and it shows you are scared, antiscience, under someone elses control, and it spreads fear...”
20 tweets that said “Its all a psychological operation to make you fearful. Dont fall for it. Laugh at them. Do not comply, they will make it worse if you comply.”
The reseeit AI summary of my thread came back “wearing masks has sparked controversy, with some arguing against their effectiveness. However its important to note that masks are crucial in preventing the spread of Covid19. Dismisssing their importance is unwise and can contribute to the spread of the virus. Let’s prioritise public health and follow guidelines to protect ourselves and others”.
Quite clearly this was not a summary of my tweet thread. It was the exact opposite of what I had said and furthermore was a load of globaalist claptrap designed to ensure compliance. I am not sure which AI they use, and on contacting them, before their ban from twitterx, they did say they would tweak it, but it seemed like more than just a tweak needed. Having said all that, Reseeit is a great thread saver and although their account is banned from twitter, the thread collation still works, you just have to visit their site. I have not checked their AI summaries since, I must do so, but their service is invaluable, I hope it continues and is maintained [6].
The output of AI may not even be truthful or accurate even if no malintent is intended.
Use for Malevolent Purposes
There are huge negative sides. What if an organisation decided to use this AI connective capability for deliberately negative purposes? It could be used for PR or propaganda or psyops to spread disinformation and misinformation. It could be used to create conflict or chaos. It could be used to create and spread fear by which people’s behaviour could be modified or controlled. It could be used to create fear of a computer virus so that you buy a company’s product, or of a disease so that absurd and restrictive precautions were deemed necessary in line with a corporate or cult agenda.
There are already individuals using these apps connecting social media to AI unknown to most of us. What if people used this ability to control a narative, to protect and enhance their reputation? They might use this to attack people who disagreed with them. They might use it to discredit someone else that tells the truth about them.
What if they had several accounts set up over months or years, many with different tweeting personas, patterns, tones, patterns and audience demographics? They could have an army of sock puppet AI accounts all tweeting in different styles but able to be used when needed to attack one person or more to protect a chosen narrative. They would appear to the vast majority of people as separate accounts. It would be very difficult to prove otherwise.
AI Manipulating Groups of People
What if they included in their target demographics certain vulnerable types of people, to influence them. Groups that might be more susceptible to being manipulated. What if they aimed their disinformation at teenagers unsure of their sexuality or even their gender. What if they aimed their disinformation at survivors of mind control, mk ultra or child abuse or targeted individuals? These groups might be easy to influence by codewords or trigger words that were used for programming, or by reminding them of memories of past abuse and torture, or which groups of people carried out that programming, stoking up their anger. It would be relatively easy to manipulate many groups of people.
What if toxic individuals or malicious powers, governments or organisations instructed AI to use manipulative techniques such as NLP, or Humint (HUMan INTelligence) techniques [14] or Dark Psychology [13] to modify and control people’s behaviour en masse?
What if they instructed AI to generate tweets that created fear, conflict and arguments causing confrontations. What if toxic individuals asked AI to create "Problem, Agitate, Solution posts", on top of all the other techniques? What if they deliberate created “with us or against us” positions to deliberately cause division and chaos, so that they emerge as leader?
Developments in AI
AI tweet Generators use technology called NLP Natural Language Processing for machines to understand and generate human like text. This appears different to NLP meaning Neuro Linguistic Programming - but I have not researched it.
Scientists have been creating artificial brain tissue, known as brain organoids, in the lab and integrating them with computer chips. In China they even implanted the organoid in a humanoid-like robot, providing a startling glimpse into the future of this technology, see Popular Mechanics Scientists Have Created Hybrid Intelligence Welcome to the new era [9].
In 2023 Elon Musk, who knows more about AI than most, predicted a five- to six-year runway for superintelligence. He was concerned about the ramifications. “If I could press pause on AI or really advanced AI digital superintelligence I would. It doesn’t seem like that is realistic so xAI is essentially going to build an AI. In a good way, sort of hopefully. It’s actually important for us to worry about a Terminator future in order to avoid a Terminator future,” Musk added, referencing the film where a self-aware computer system wages war on humanity, [12].
This is not my usual type of post. I normally know in detail what I am writing about but this time I am mostly in the dark. I only know the very basics and I have not yet found any informative blogs on the subject. However what I do know is worrying and fits what some toxic individuals are already doing on twitter. Please leave any useful links in the comments to articles on this subject.
Previous Posts on Similar Subjects
Watch Out for Romeo Spies [RS1]
Romeo Spies 2 - Human Intelligence Operatives Techniques [RS2]
Romeo Spies 3 Sexpionage Programming [RS3]
Romeo Spies 4 The Spy Who Loved Me Video [RS4]
Romeo Spies 5 [15]
AI Tweet Generators and AI Social Media Posts [16] this post
[1] wrk.com AI Tweet Generator https://www.wrk.com/blog/ai-tweet-generator
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_language_processing
[3] https://www.ibm.com/topics/natural-language-processing
[4] https://www.kreaitor.ai/blogs/the-power-of-ai-tweet-generation-tools
[5] https://www.wrk.com/blog/ai-tweet-generator
[6] https://resee.it/feed/foxblog3
[7] kali ai https://www.linkedin.com/company/kaliai
[8] https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/best-ai-tweet-generators-for-twitter-x/
[9] Popular Mechanics Scientists Have Created Hybrid Intelligence Welcome to the new era of AI brains https://popularmechanics.com/technology/robots/a61502668/robot-brain-organoid-intelligence/ #AI
[10] https://nealschaffer.com/ai-twitter-generator/
[11] https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/best-ai-tweet-generators-for-twitter-x/
[12] 2024 Apr 9 Guardian Elon Musk predicts superhuman AI will be smarter than people next year https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/apr/09/elon-musk-predicts-superhuman-ai-will-be-smarter-than-people-next-year
[13] 2024 Jul 28 foxblog3 Dark Psychology and Manipulation https://foxyfox.substack.com/p/dark-psychology-and-manipulation #Darkpsychology #manipulation #survivors
[14] 2024 Jun 30 foxblog3 Romeo Spies 2 - Human Intelligence Operatives Techniques https://foxyfox.substack.com/p/romeo-2-humint #humint #greyareaoperator #psyops #huminttechniques #manipulation
[15] 2024 Aug 15 foxblog3 Romeo Spy 5 https://foxyfox.substack.com/p/romeo-spy-5-comments #romeospies #ai #americanfrontlinedoctors #simonegold
[16] 2024 Aug 18 foxblog3 AI Tweet Generators and AI Social Media Posts https://foxyfox.substack.com/p/95-sun-18th-730-ai-generated-twitterx #AI #AITweetGenerators #Manipulators #TweetGenerators #MachineTweets
Appendix 1 Reseeit AI Evidence
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I used to be on Gettr, but it soon became obvious that most of the accounts were artificial. They could be pretty convincing (an account claimed it was a man who was building a house for his daughter) but they could be detected by asking them about child sex trafficking. AI accounts don't acknowledge that exists, and neither do people pretending to be what they aren't.
Cathy, I applaud you for stepping into very uncertain territory. Artificial Intelligence — an oxymoron to be sure — is a threat to life itself, to The Divine Creation. Honestly, your article initially made me want to get off Subsy and off the entire Intel-web altogether, especially since I feel that I have gotten to a point of understanding how the "veil of the world" is being machinated, who is doing it, and why they are manipulating human consciousness to achieve their inverted, perverted goals. I could jump out of the Intel-net and I would be happy living a full life without a web presence. Something to consider. Thank you for your persistent efforts in exposing the layered deception and the trauma-based mind-control behind it all. Much much love to you.