Craig Sawyer V4CR #6 ContraLand Controversies II - Second V4CR Whistleblower
Fiona’s Barnetts Sawyer Expose - 2018 Dec 12 Fiona Barnett Shocking Evidence Craig Sawyer Defrauded V4CR of 11k per month [35]
Ritual abuse victim Fiona Barnett, who was still whistleblowing herself and blogging about child sexual abuse at this time, blogged low resolution copies of the Directors Documents. Fiona’s post appeared to back up what the V4CR Director’s Documents whistleblower has said but also added more information. Fiona added that multiple V4CR staff were whistleblowers.
I assess that some information appears to be directly or indirectly from Lori Hoyt, but that is just my assessment, it might not be correct.
The article states…
A. Another name was added to the list of those that Sawyer has fallen out with and that he has accused of various things. Jill Trammell was the original CEO of V4CR, and she resigned from V4CR. The post said that Sawyer accused Trammell of embezzlement, wrongly.
Sawyer of course went on to later accuse Jacobs of seizing footage and equipment, and threatened court cases but no court action appeared to be forthcoming.
B. Production Manager Jacobs was a shady character, as he and his wife had been previously fired from his step mothers company for embezzlement, according to the article. Of course that does not show Jacobs did anything wrong in Sawyer’s company.
C. Jacobs was the reason that Sawyer did his U turn on the Tucson homeless / child trafficking camp and Veterans on Patrol. Jacobs was in the political scene and knew local Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild.
D. The amounts of money owing were - $10,000 to Lori Hoyt and $45,000 to various staff who made the film.
E. Lori Hoyt withdrew the right to display her image in the film, it was said.
Lori organised and arranged the pedophile stings for the movie Contraland, and was probably the main meeter and greeter when the suspects arrived at the house where they were filmed. Much of the footage in the sting arrangement nad coordination meetings as well as the stings themselves would have involved her. Whether Sawyer kept rigidly to her wish for her image not to be displayed or whether he used footage of Hoyt that was unrecognisable as her is uncertain without studying more of the film, and watching twice is quite enough for now thanks. However Hoyt’s withdrawal of permission would certainly have made the making / re-editing of any from existing footage film more difficult.
F. The claims about Netflix were a Sawyer deception. Netflix were not involved.
G. Sawyer was only licensed to gather donations for his not for profit in 5 states. However it say that that Sawyer / V4CR actually illegally collects from many more states where he is unregistered, Idaho was mentioned. Sawyer it was said kept no mandatory paperwork - not of donations, expenditure, board meetings and his tax returns were fabrications.
H. The Sawyers are drug traffickers. Tressa, Craig Sawyer’s wife, it alleged was supplying drugs obtained from Mexico, with Aspen acting as drug mule. It was said that cannabis was smoked at the V4CR Board Meetings at which Aspen was present. Aspen it said went off the rails after Tressa forced her to have a nose job.
J. Sawyer was a steroid user - presumably for artificially enhancing his muscles. Sawyer is said to exhibit the aggressive adverse effects of this steroid misuse, the “roid rage”. The family dog was afraid of him and Craig beat his daughter Aspen, as Aspen herself has stated. It is not known the contribution that steroids made to this Sawyer behaviour.
K. Donated funds were misused, with the Sawyer family not using them for their intended purpose of rescuing children but for swanning around to sporting events including Nascar, gun shows and a Louisiana State University football game.
L. Whilst away from home Sawyer had affairs with blonde Barbies, with the knowledge of staff members one of which staff was Jeannette Carlisle. One Barbie look alike hook up was with CJ at an NRA show in Atlanta in 2017.
2018 Dec 12 Fiona Barnett Shocking Evidence Craig Sawyer Defrauded V4CR of 11k per month [35]
The V4CR Directors Documents speak for themselves. The large monthly payments from to his security firm certainly appear unethical and immoral, deliberately opaque and hidden from public view and donors. There are many who think them fraudulent. Not being familiar with US companies and procedures, of non profits / 501c and regulation of the integrity of such organisations, it is hard for a Brit to say.
However Sawyer’s behaviour and hence that of V4CR would appear irregular and worthy of reporting for investigation by the appropriate authorities. Sawyer and the Directors and Advisors of V4CR and Saywer would appear to have a conflict of interest and Sawyer’s behaviour taints all in V4CR.
Fiona’s article claims, Shocking Evidence Craig Sawyer Defrauded V4CR of 11k per month [35] from a different ex V4CR insider, reinforce the Directors Documents claims on possible fraudulent collection and use of funds and add further information and detail.
Unlicenced for collecting funds for V4CR in many states, lack of accountability for those funds and the misuse of those funds for Sawyer’s family entertainment. The article says that Saywer is defrauding V4CR of $11,000 per month for “security” by two different methods.
Afaik Sawyer has never discussed or rebutted these points. I do not agree with the largely touted but palpably incorrect view that what someone says must be truth if someone does not take legal action against them. There are all sorts of reasons not to do that and repeating that dogma like a mantra exposes more about those who say that. However with his reputation at stake, if these were scurrilous accusations, and he could counter them with any evidence surely Sawyer would publish the evidence?
Which are the appropriate authorities for reporting possible crimes? Has Sawyer been reported to them, and if so has Sawyer been investigated, and if no action has been taken this may suggest collusion of regulatory authorities / law enforcement /prosecution authorities to hide any malpractice and / or Sawyer is still an intelligence “asset”.
Sawyer the Man
The Directors Document opinion document section, no matter which insider authored it, is damning of Craig Sawyer as a man - Sawyer’s reasons for setting up V4CR, his contempt for small regular donors and of V4CR personnel, his lack of personal skills with staff at V4CR and many people.
Fiona’s articles allegations are even more damning of Sawyer the man.
Sawyer’s refusal to pay large sums of money owed to multiple people
Sawyer’s judgement in using V4CR funds for family entertainment
Sawyer’s fake claims / deception / lies about Contralands movie to be on Netflix
Saywers drug misuse
Sawyer’s anger / rage problem
Sawyer’s family drug smuggling
Sawyer’s lack of personal skills
Sawyer’s affairs with blonde Barbies when away
Sawyer’s lack of personal skills is of course obvious to all - his regular attacks and demonisation of people who question him is witnessed by many on social media. It is no surprise that this aberrant and abhorrent behaviour extends to Sawyer’s personal and business relationships.
Did Sawyer ever pay the money owed? Where there any court cases as he threatened? What was the settlements with ex staff? Don’t donors have the right to know if their money went on court cases not rescuing children or any of the other things Sawyer promised?
Sawyer’s anger problem and beating of her has been outlined by his daughter Aspen. How much is due to Sawyer’s drug use /misuse and how much is the man himself? Has Sawyer admitted the problem? Has he received help and counselling?
Why did Sawyer lie about Contraland being released on Netflix?
Sawyers judgment appears faulty on the use of V4CR money and payment for work done for V4CR and arrangements for secretive payments to himself from V4CR rather than spending it on rescuing children. What action have Directors and Advisors of V4CR taken?
Sawyer is even prepared to humiliate his wife in front of staff and in public by having affairs with blonde Barbies.
Barbie is the American equivalent of the British Sindy doll. It has unnatural dimensions, scarring girls for life with unreasonable expectations of themselves, leading to dissatisfaction and encouraging all sorts of unnatural procedures and plastic surgery.
Sawyer’s wife Tressa is also blonde, and below is her public profile picture on twitter. It might have been expected that Sawyer, the supposed protector of children, might have his arm around his wife in a protective manner, but in this case Sawyer is sitting there with almost a rictus grin, whilst Tressa has her hand on his shoulder. It reminds me of many children’s photographs when they were forced by their parents to have them done. This was a photograph that Tressa chose as her profile picture.
Is Sawyer still an intelligence asset? If so who is his handler? Sawyer often boasts of his intelligence connections eg.
I wonder.
How long can an organisation called Veterans For Child Rescue get away with not rescuing children and other fake claims?
I guess its not the same to boast “We talk about rescuing children”.
How long will the public put up with these fake claims from an organisation that claims to rescue children but does not, and raises money from the public with these fake claims?
Fiona Barnett, a survivor of ritual sexual abuse, of course got the vile Sawyer MO attacks. The abuse and trademark dirtied photoshop treatment for daring to tell the truth about Veterans for Child Rescue, V4CR.

The dirtied photoshop, left, looks as if it was taken from the time in 2015 when Fiona went public about her ritual abuse at a press conference. See Fiona’s story 2015 Nov 30 My Story Fiona Barnett – “Hang on for the Ride” [160] and more links here [161]
What sort of organisation would dirty photoshop a survivor and whistleblower about ritual child sexual abuse?
Almost unbelievably it was Veterans for Child Rescue, V4CR.
Yes they stoop that low.
What sort of person would dirty photoshop a survivor and whistleblower about ritual child sexual abuse?
Craig Randall Sawyer.
Yes he stoops that low.
V4CR - An organisation that purports to rescue abused children but in 6 years cannot claim even one rescued child.
VC4R and Craig Sawyer actually attack ritual child sexual abuse whistleblowers, whilst claiming to rescue children but actually not rescuing a single one!
What kind of man attacks child abuse victims and survivors?
Where is all the millions donated so far?
All Sawyer does is ask for more and more money for V$CR after the public have already donated millions.
Other relevant blogposts
Craig Sawyer V4CR #1 - Tucson Child Trafficking Camp Sawyer U Turn [500]
Craig Sawyer V4CR #2 - Where are the Child Rescues? [501]
Craig Sawyer V4CR #3 - "Pedo Stings" [502]
Craig "Shoeman" Sawyer V4CR #4 At the Border [503]
Craig Sawyer V4CR #0 – Collection of Documents, Exhibits, Tax Returns etc [504]
Craig Sawyer V4CR #5 - Contraland Controversies I - Directors Documents [505]
Craig Sawyer V4CR #6 Contraland Controversies II - Second V4CR Whistleblower [506]
Child Trafficking Part 1 – Tucson, Child Trafficking Camp? [498]
Child Trafficking Part 4 - Globalist Cabal Coyotes [499w] [499s]
Kids Inc. Where is the Movie, the Money and Honeybee? [497w] [497s]
[35] 2018 Dec 12 Fiona Barnett Shocking Evidence Craig Sawyer Defrauded V4CR of 11k per month
[160] 2015 Nov 30 My Story Fiona Barnett – “Hang on for the Ride”
[161] 2020 Sept 21cathy fox blog Fiona Barnetts Long Goodbye
[497w] 2022 Sept 8 wordpress cathy fox blog Kids Inc. Where is the Movie, the Money and Honeybee?
[497s] 2022 Sept 8 substack foxy fox blog Kids Inc. Where is the Movie, the Money and Honeybee?
[498] 2020 Oct 9 cathyfoxblog Child Trafficking Part 1 – Tucson, Child Trafficking Camp?
[499w] 2021 Jan 8 cathyfoxblog Globalist Cabal Coyotes – Child Trafficking Part 4
[499s] 2021 Jan 8 foxyfoxblog Globalist Cabal Coyotes – Child Trafficking Part 4 and Links
[500] 2023 Jan 28 FoxyFox Craig Sawyer V4CR 1 - Tucson Child Trafficking Camp Sawyer U Turn
[501] 2023 Jan 29 FoxyFoxy substack Craig Sawyer V4CR 2 - Where are the Child Rescues?
[502] 2023 Feb 17 Substack FoxyFox Craig Sawyer and V4CR #3 - "Pedo Stings" #craigsawyer #sawman #V4CR #VeteransForChildRescue #LoriHoyt #pedostings
[503] 2023 Feb 19 Substack Foxyfox Craig "Shoeman" Sawyer V4CR #4 At the Border #border #V4CR #craigsawyer #shoeman #trafficking #childtrafficking
[504] 2023 Feb 23 cathyfoxblog2 Craig Sawyer V4CR #0 – Collection of Documents, Exhibits, Tax Returns etc
[505] 2023 Feb 25 Substack FoxyFoxblog Craig Sawyer V4CR #5 - Contraland Controversies I - Directors Documents #Contraland #CraigSawyer #v4cr #V4CR #VeteransForChildRescue #WhereAreTheChildRescues? #DirectorsDocuments
[506] 2023 Mar 3 Substack foxyfoxblog Craig Sawyer V4CR #6 Contraland Controversies II - Second V4CR Whistleblower #CraigSawyer #V4CR #VeteransForChildRescue #V$CR #FionaBarnett #csa #childrescue
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Oh expose expose I been telling people for several years he’s NO GOOD AND A LIAR
You are on it, FoxyFox!
Completely off topic but here is a long, complex question:
Is Sawyer's "wife" (Tressa) a tranny? Is there a reason "she" is photographed *behind him* as if to minimize "her" huge masculine skull and massive shoulders, and to downplay "her" extreme amount of feminizing plastic surgery?
Asking for a friend.😉