In the first post Sinead - Forgive me I just could go no further #oneofmillions Part 1 [89] was more or less the official version, albeit rarely told, of the Sinead story . This second post delves behind the Sinead Crazy Girl media characterisation, behind the other information available in Post 1 but rarely told and rips off the mask hiding the evil mind control programming that operates on this planet. On the way maybe we will be another step or two towards finding out who Sinead called the real enemy.
Sinead’s Mother Johanna
Aged about 16, when Sinead had actually been getting on with her mother for a couple of years, she asked her mother why she had been violent to her. Her mother denied it.
“why did you do what you did to us? and she said I never did anything what are you talking about and I was furious raging with her that I didn’t talk to her for about nine months, next thing I hear she’s dead in a car crash” [15]
Why did Sinead’s mother deny that she had abused Sinead when asked? Was it a simple out and out lie? Unlikely as she would have known that Sinead knew otherwise. For someone to deny something that they have done every day for 13 years, it is likely that Sinead’s mother was dissociative, and in a different alter (alternative personality), that genuinely answered truthfully, that she did not abuse Sinead.
For those new to mind control, the alters mainly act with amnesic barriers around them, so they do not know what the host body has done when other alters have been in control.
As Sinead’s mother was extremely violent it is also very likely that violence had been perpetrated upon her. Was that violence perpetrated during trauma based mind control of Johanna as part of Monarch mind control aka MK ultra? Does the probability that her mother was dissociative also point to trauma based mind control?
Sinead said about her mother, Johanna Marie O'Grady
either she was a sadist and a pedophile or possessed by the devil
Sinead also said she did not really believe in possession by the devil. But what if demonic possession exists?
It is said “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”
Many whistleblowers from the system, say that not only does the devil exist, but that attachment to demons is one of the purposes of mind control. As Veronica Swift, one of the very best researchers and writers on issues around the Illuminati, states
Mind control programming intentionally employs the use of demonic attachments.
Luciferian Gender Weaponry [54]
Svali, a high level Jesuit programmer whistleblower says that Mengele used to install Kabbalah programming and that demonic entities are attached during programming.
An important part of q’ballah (black Kabbalah) programming is the creation of demonic portals. These are installed at points known as the sephiroth in the body and above it. There will be death rituals, and demonic entities attached to each of these points, which become a portal or opening for demonic travel and communication. Tiferet represents the core, sits above the umblicus, and is the portal for satan himself. This is the first, or prime trauma, and this ritual involves the newborn or fetal umblicus being burned with a hot needle as the infant is put to death, then resuscitated. Exposing the Vatican Part 6 [53]
Another programmed Monarch Survivor who goes by the pseudonym Blood Ritual Monarch says a moonchild is particularly used for demonic entities.
Moonchild used as receptacle for demonic entities (and elsewhere people state he had a demonic being melded into his own being)
Montauk Boys Blood Ritual Monarch [55]
Children are routinely given double bind choices, to die or allow a demon in “to save them”. Svali also remembers other occasions,
The most painful ones were the ones I remembered as a youth and adult VOLUNTEERING to go through, in order to rise in status. I had to come to grips with this reality, that I ASKED and INVITED the demonic into my life at those points.
Spiritual Warfare: A Healing Journey [72]
Once people have a taste of the spiritual power from demons, they can become addicted to this power as Kim Campbell describes…
Inherent in this culture is the presence and power of demonic spirits, and they became an integral part of my life and even my being. In a culture addicted to power, demonic spirits offered the ultimate power trip. If, in American culture, people are addicted to comfort, status, and prestige, in satanic culture, people are addicted to demonic power. A Survivor's Testimony: article by Kim Campbell [73]
Had Sinead’s mother been subjected to trauma based mind control which not only caused her to dissociate but she had been connected to demons?
Sinead also said about her mother
she wanted to destroy my womb and stop me being female
This is odd, but compare it with gender reassignment surgery now. Is there gender destruction programming / Baphomet programming of which her mother had an early crude form? This article discusses that very subject Luciferian Gender Weaponry [54]
Sinead says she was also raped by others.
“my mother is not the only person I’ve been raped by, I’ve been raped several times by other people, as a child [aged] three four five six seven eight nine ten [15]
My knowledge is far from complete, I have not even read Sinead’s book yet to find out if it says more about the rapes, but my questions are
Why was Sinead raped so many times by different people?
Was Sinead sex trafficked?
Was Sinead pimped out by her mother?
Being pimped out by your own mother would be something most people cannot imagine and they would immediately presume was so monstrous and beyond anything that anyone could possibly do. They then rationalise that it must not have happened. This is cognitive dissonance. However it happens. People that say it cannot happen need to suspend their disbelief, research around the subject - whistleblowers, ritual abuse, mind control, satanism and find out the ugly truth of what actually happens in the occult.
Mother Pimped Out Her Own Children [57]
Anneke Lucas 2 A Child Pimped to Globalist Psychopaths [58w]
Not only does it happen, but in the satanic circles it is an honour for a parent to sacrifice (in both broad and narrow sense) their child. Their standing amongst their satanic peers goes up and the blood sacrifice attracts more demonic power. All bloodline families will oversee abuse of their children in some way.
It is supposition that Sinead’s mother underwent trauma based mind control, but from the clues presented and the outcomes, then mind control programming is certainly a possibility.
Oct 1992 Dylan Concert 30th Anniversary of Dylan in Music Industry
The Dylan concert and reaction to Sinead’s photo ripping of the Pope two weeks before was insightful.
The reporter said…
Instantly, the boos rang out as though it was Pavlovian conditioning on the audience’s part to respond to her name that way. After a solid awkward minute in which she faced an intense barrage, the boos subsided just enough for her band to begin playing ‘I Believe in You’. [3]
Note the odd use of words “Pavlovian conditioning” ie mind control. I am not sure if the writer Tom Taylor has any inside knowledge, but at least it appears to him that the booing was unusual, and having been caused by a learned response.
The book Deprogramming Modalities actually refers to the technique of mind programming by movies as being similar to Pavlovian programming - a phrase in combination with visuals and then an alter is activated.
Deprogramming Modalities [45]
Is this what happened at the Dylan festival? Was there a group of Pavlovian programmed / mind controlled fans at the concert who were trained to boo Sinead?
It sounds totally fanciful. However there is a close precedent. Brice Taylor in her book Thanks for the Memories talks about how mind controlled slaves were invited to Barbra Streisand’s concerts. Part of the way the mind controllers judged the success of the mind control of the slave subjects was how many turned up in the expensive sections of the Streisand concert.
Barbra Streisand Programming Concerts with Mind Controlled Guests
Brice Taylor, aka Sue Ford, a Monarch / mk ultra mind controlled sex slave, presidential model, tells how Barbra Streisand was a mind controlled influencer.
Streisand’s concerts were carefully planned as mind control events. Her songs and set list were designed to lock in / reinforce victims programming with certain precise mind control trigger / induction phrases.
“She was delivering a perfectly planned and ochestrated set of cryptic instructions to many of the people in attendance”
Barbra’s controllers / handlers ensured coded mind control instructions were delivered by Barbra the mind controlled influencer slave in her songs, to other mind controlled slaves attending the concert.
No one even knows what has happened apart from the owners and top controllers / programmers. The mind controlled slave Barbra Streisand did not know, the mind controlled slaves attending the concert did not know, the public attending the concert, buying the videos and albums haven’t a clue.
As always, with the digustingly pernicious mind control there are further layers. Certain individuals were targeted with invitations. If a certain section was full it showed the success of their targeted mind control techniques.
Another layer to the control was that the owners / controllers could make masses of money on the expensive tickets that the mind controlled slaves were programmed to buy. The concerts were a way of effectively stealing from mind controlled victims and laundering the money conceealed in the acounts as “charity fundraiser”.
Yet another layer to this mind control scam was that they make videos / albums of the concerts which makes even more money and further reinforces mind control programming.
Was Dylan’s 30th Anniversary Concert at Madyson Square Garden organised as a mind control event? Is Dylan a mind controlled “influencer”?
Certain actions suggest that Dylan is such an influencer. However more research would need to be done looking into
the songs chosen for the concert, their lyrics, possible mind control trigger / induction words
the singers chosen and whether they exhibit mind controlled behaviours
The MC’s and their words and behaviours
Dylan’s life and career and any mind control signs and behaviours
This would need a large amount of work as a collaboration perhaps with people who know Dylan’s work.
Robert Allen Zimmerman aka Bob Dylan
Dylan was the one man that would have had most pull and influence in persuading the crowd to stop booing Sinead. It was his concert, the singers were all paying tribute to him and singing his songs, the audience were there primarily for Dylan. Why did he not ask them to stop booing?
Sinead felt he should have…
“I feel like Bob Dylan is the one who should have come out and told his audience to let me sing,” she wrote. “And I’m pissed that he didn’t. So I glare at him in the wings as if he’s my big brother who’s just told my parents I skipped school. He stares back at me, baffled. He’s looking all handsome in his white shirt and pants. It’s the weirdest 30 seconds of my life.” [4]
Was Dylan
afraid of controversy and bad publicity?
not feeling any moral or compassionate duty to help Sinead out of a horrible situation?
under mind control himself, in a similar way to Barbra as an influencer and so did not really notice or was programmed to ignore it?
Some believe that Dylan has sold his soul to the devil. He admits to making a deal with the “commander in this world and the world we can’t see”. This is widely seen as a reference to the devil rather than God, except by what laughably are called “factcheckers”, which are paid by corporate media to shore up their narrative.
This is the transcript of the Dylan interview…
Questioner Why do you still do it? Why are you still out here?
Dylan It goes back to the destiny thing and I made a bargain with it a long time ago and I am holding up my end.
Questioner What was your bargain?
Dylan To get where I am now.
Questioner Should I ask who you made the bargain with?
Dylan With the chief commander
Questioner On this earth?
Dylan On this earth and in the world we can’t see.
Judge for yourself on the video
Bob Dylan Admits He Sold His Soul [8c]
Selling your soul is essentially agreeing to be controlled by demonic entities in exchange for being able to have some use of their spiritual powers, and often earthly fame and financial wealth in this physical world.
Dylan aka Robert Allen Zimmerman aka Shabtai Zisl ben Avraham was first brought to public attention of many by Joan Baez. Joan Baez, friend and lover of Dylan, was famous before him and invited him to sing at her concerts.
Dylan painted by Joan Baez
Baez was a victim of satanic ritual abuse, which often accompanies trauma based mind control, and she wrote a song about it Joan Baez - Survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse [60]. Joan’s father was Head of Operations Research at Cornell which was the home base of the CIA’s mind control experiments.
If Dylan had sold his soul then he almost certainly will have been under a mind control programme as well, even if he was not bloodline and mind controlled from birth or before. But even without the soul selling “admission” Dylan would likely have been under mind control. This is how the music industry and Hollywood works. The mind controlled handlers handle other slaves as the programming orders cascade down the pyramid from the main programmers / controllers / owners nearer the top. If you have heard of them they are mind controlled.
Mind control programming is a vast organisation. It happens on a far greater than most people know. Approximately 10% of the population have unfortunately been put through this mind control programming. How many mind controlled slaves are there? [61]
It is likely that Dylan was programmed to ignore the booing of Sinead.
Kris Kristofferson
In total contrast to Dylan, Kris Kristofferson gave Sinead active and visible support. He was the major player in public view with Sinead.
In Part 1 Kristofferson appeared to act as the hero, helping Sinead, if we accept everything at face value.
Cathy O’Brien, an ex Presidential level mind controlled sex slave knew Kristofferson and wrote about him in her book [17]. She gives an altogether different view to that of a benevolent Kristofferson.
Kris was in fact a mind controlled slave handler who worked with mind control programmer Michael Aquino and her “owner” Senator Robert Byrd.
Cathy says she was used as a sex slave by Kristofferson.
Kristofferson, the country singer, the man who appeared to help Sinead is also a mind control handler. A handler of trauma based mind control programme slaves. This is of course no surprise to some but for those not knowledgeable about Monarch mind control it shows a part of the scale of deception perpetrated on the general public.
This raises several questions
Was Kristofferson chosen as MC because he was a mind controlled handler?
Was he handling Sinead for the concert?
What did he know about the booing?
Did Kristofferson whisper trigger words to Sinead?
Did he even trigger her to sing War again, instead of the scheduled song?
This video starts at Sinead’s introduction by Kristofferson. When introducing Sinead, Kristofferson his eyes blink a lot, his eyes appear to roll around and he contorts his face. I do not know whether he normally does this, but it appears odd.
This video features footage from the Dylan concert with Sinead but superimposed is the audio of the song Kristofferson wrote a song for Sinead about the incident. Sister Sinead.
Kristofferson introducing Sinead [80]
Kristofferson composing and singing this song appears superficially a kind and generous gesture. Here are the lyrics. Is this a kind song?
Sister Sinead
I'm singing this song for my sister Sinead
Concerning the god awful mess that she made
When she told them her truth just as hard as she could
Her message profoundly was misunderstood
There's humans entrusted with guarding our gold
And humans in charge of the saving of souls
And humans responded all over the world
Condemning that bald headed brave little girl
And maybe she's crazy and maybe she ain't
But so was Picasso and so were the saints
And she's never been partial to shackles or chains
She's too old for breaking and too young to tame
It's askin' for trouble to stick out your neck
In terms of a target a big silhouette
But some candles flicker and some candles fade
And some burn as true as my sister Sinead
And maybe she's crazy and maybe she ain't
But so was Picasso and so were the saints
And she's never been partial to shackles or chains
She's too old for breaking and too young to tame [81]
This does not appear to be a supportive song. It is superficially made to look supportive but it is the opposite. Let’s examine some of the lyrics…
Concerning the god awful mess that she made
Did Sinead make a mess? Or did she do her best to tell the truth about child abuse to the biggest audience she could reach at that stage, and also point out a major perpetrator? Saying Sinead made this mess is putting the blame onto her for telling of abuse in the church. This is victim blaming.
Any perceived “mess” to her expose of the Catholic Church / Pope could well be said to be caused by other peoples response to her action, including those in the crowd at the Dylan concert. It is not normal behaviour to persistently boo a performer in this way, so that they cannot perform. If this has happened to anyone else I am not aware. The continued booing was part of the mess, and appears to be a set up.
And humans responded all over the world
Condemning that bald headed brave little girl
Some humans / people may have condemned Sinead, but the condemnation appears to have been led by the usual celebrity and media suspects, defending the status quo and establishment interests. Was the backlash all coordinated and mind controlled behaviour? There are no reports of mass public condemnation, although Kristofferson is conveying the impression that the whole world was against her, which does not appear to be the case. A friend in the Netherlands tells me that Sinead was portrayed as crazy there, people accept this portrayal for lack of other information.
Kristofferson calls Sinead a bald headed brave little girl - perhaps accurate but there are better compliments he could have chosen if he had wanted to.
And maybe she's crazy and maybe she ain't
Why does Kristofferson even mention that she might be crazy? Sinead was standing up to child abuse and pointing out the industrial level child abusers that the Catholic church was and still is. She was proved right a few years later as the depth of abuse by the Catholic church was publicly exposed. However at the time it was mostly only survivors that knew and the general public had no clue. Sinead broke that hold the establishment had on the message. Why even put in the word crazy? It gives the impression that she might have been, which was the intention.
She's too old for breaking and too young to tame
This is an odd line. Tame - “reduced from a state of native wildness especially so as to be tractable and useful to humans, domesticated, made docile and submissive”. Wild animals are tamed and broken. Kristofferson is comparing Sinead to a wild animal. However both breaking and taming are usually done when they are young - why does he write too young to tame? It does not make sense to me. Is this some programming trigger?
The song is entitled Sister Sinead. Superficially a brotherly, friendly thing to call her, but when Sinead is bringing attention to abuse in catholic church and you call her sister, which is a name that many will have had to call abusive nuns then it could be triggering on a ptsd level, never mind any mind control level. Sisters are very much a part of the Catholic Church, and part of the problem, especially at the Magdelene Laundries, where Sinead was incarcarcerated for a couple of years.
Let me know any trigger words and phrases that you spot.
Madonna Ciccone
Madonna criticised Sinead…
"I think there is a better way to present her ideas, rather than ripping up an image that means a lot to other people," she said, via The New York Times. "If she is against the Roman Catholic Church, and she has a problem with them, I think she should talk about it." [7]
Madonna showed no compassion for Sinead’s child abuse, despite the fact that Madonna had also been raped [26]. Madonna herself had mocked the Catholic church in “Like a Prayer” in 1989 with Catholic symbols such as stigmata, a burning cross burning and a dream of making love to a Saint. The Vatican condemned the video and religious groups sought to ban the Pepsi commercial.
It is easy to tell from all the symbolism surrounding Madonna and in her videos that she is a mind controlled slave. She will have been following her own programming and pleasing her controllers. Madonna was protecting the abusive powerful Catholic Church, rather than siding with victims.
Yet in 2023 Madonna openly mocks the Virgin Mary and the Seven Sorrows, Christ and the Disciples at the Last Supper.
This photoshoot shows again that Madonna was not serious when she said Sinead should talk about her problems with the Catholic Church.
and the Last Supper…
Trying to follow any logical reasoning in Madonna publicly justifying herself is a hopeless task on the superficial public level as she contradicts herself constantly Madonna calls out Catholic Church over ‘hypocritical’ attacks – while dressing up as Virgin Mary [84]. She vomits out whatever word salad she thinks of or has been told to say, knowing that the supine corporate media will lap it up. It’s just gobbledegook for the ignorant masses, who in turn assume that what the media says is more or less true.
The reality is that Madonna is a high level Luciferian / Satanist. This is revealed by the symbolism from her songs and videos, as well as whistleblower testimony. Mothers of Darkness Alters [83] Madonna is a Grande Dame, which is a handler for a bunch of mind controlled sex kittens, ie. a human sex trafficker.
In the Vanity Fair photoshoot Madonna is mocking Jesus Christ and what he stands for. Above everything Luciferians and Satanists appear to be obsessed by Christ and on acting as the antithesis of Jesus Christ. They go out of their way to mock Jesus.
The disparities are in Madonna’s explanations for the public, in which she pretends she is not a satanist and where she plays into the widespread public ignorance that the Catholic church is what it purports to be and the media are some sort of independent reporters of fact. In public Madonna and the Church play their assigned hegelian dialectic public roles of rebel v Christian church whilst both secretly supporting satan with the media regurgitating satanic propaganda whilst pretending to be fair and balanced.
Madonna’s actions are however consistent as a supporter of satan. Scapegoating Sinead who was telling the truth about the child abuse of the church, Madonna was defending the satanic catholic church and deflecting from their child abuse. In the Vanity Fair photoshoots she was attacking Jesus, again supporting the satanists befitting of her relatively high rank.
Many Catholics will be upset at the depiction of the catholic church as satanic or Luciferian. However this is what whistleblower testimony states. Hopefully someone will soon do a definitive article on how the Catholic church is compromised, until then check ex Jesuit high level programmer Svali Speaks Again Blog [94]. As the chosen antichrist of the Luciferian’s has assumed his position they are becoming bolder in their symbolism and actions. The inconsistencies are becoming more obvious to those who look, as they start to reveal their true allegiances. The Luciferian goal is for satan and his hordes to storm the gates of heaven and take over from God. Antichrist Rising – The When and Where and How… [95] Everything is geared towards that goal.
Snake audience room at the Vatican and the sculpture supposedly of the Ressurection
Two weeks after the Dylan concert and a month after Sinead’s SNL appearance, Madonna mocked Sinead on SNL. This is the video of Madonna in mockery of Sinead’s bringing attention to child abuse…
1993 Odysee Madonna ripping up photo of Joey Buttafuoco in 1993 Parody of Sinead [61]
Madonna was mocking Sinead, and making a joke of Sinead’s pointed phrase Fight the Real Enemy. The implication of the mockery is that the abuse did not happen and Sinead was crazy. Madonna did receive some criticism from the public for this “it was like taking something that somebody really believed in and kind of making fun of it”. The commentator tried an absurd reply in an inversion of reality said it was showing sympathy. “it was not I think making fun of Sinead O'Connor so much as showing a little sympathy for Sinead”! [98]
Sinead was talking truth to power, Madonna was defending power and child abuse with misleading mockery. Sinead and Madonna are chalk and cheese, Sinead a principled singer who would not sell herself on sex, Madonna prepared to do just about anything to get attention, especially as she gets older.
When Madonna gets mocked she then claims misogyny and ageism…
…and laughably that the world is threatened by her power, stamina, her intelligence and will to survive.
A fame hag willing to sell her soul and trade on looks, sex and youth which of course fades, rather than talent and singing is bound to be unhappy. Trying to artificially recreate youth Madonna looks absurd. She mocked others who would not trade on looks and it comes round to bite her. Spot the Symbolism 6 - Golden Horns, Pigtails and Trout Pouts [85].
Madonna was the sponsor and supporter of Sam Smith’s satanic performance at the Grammy’s. More details in Contender Sam Smith [82] Contrast the outrage against Sinead to thirty years later when Sam Smith can openly give Satanic performances, which appear to be satanic rituals and far from being condemned Smith is lauded and receives the globalists gongs as a reward.
On TwitterX Sam Smith’s Grammy performance is slammed as ‘evil’ and ‘satanic’ and Madonna comments that if someone is called shocking, scandalous and provocative then they are onto something.“If they call you shocking, scandalous, problematic, provocative or dangerous, you are definitely onto something, [62]
This is yet again inconsistent with her condemnation of Sinead for tearing up a picture of the Pope. They do not care what they say to the public, they do what they are told, and follow the satanic agenda.
Miley Cyrus
In 2013 Miley had a go at Sinead as described in my previous post. Miley, mind controlled programmed sex slave about whom there is a plethora of symbolism that indicates that.
I covered some of her programming in this article From Fiona Barnett to Miley Cyrus [64]
Madonna likes to claim large credit for her role in womens empowerment and Miley is another who is described as an advocate for womens empowerment. It is yet another inversion of the truth as both are demonstrably mind controlled slaves. The music industry has continued its path of “womans empowerment” and the possible nadir so far was the song and video Wet Ass Pussy, in which Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion play two whores cavorting around in a whorehouse. The set up is exactly like when programming mind controlled slaves, see the comparison here with Fiona Barnett’s programming [68].
Wet Ass Mind Control – WAP Beta Kittens [68]
Mind controlled survivor Katy Groves explained what she thought Miley’s video Tongue Tied was about, suggesting it depicted Miley’s promotion to Lion Slave, see article Katy Groves explains Tongue Tied, by Mind Controlled Lion Slave Miley Cyrus [63]
Katy Groves has now chosen the left hand path, has a pentagram tattoo with an upside down cross and released a video of her rubbing testosterone gel on the tattoo. She is transitioning to new host name Dylan Groves, as the alter Dylan has come to the fore.
Dylan Groves Tw: Hail Satan (Testosterone Gel) [65]
Is it significant that Dylan has chosen the left hand path and Dylan was the alter that became dominant and chose to transition the host body? Is there some kind of Dylan programming? Is there trans programming? I discussed some aspects in this thread which earned me a couple of twitter bans even in Twitter 2.0, but is largely saved on this post Trans and MK Ultra [67]. See also Luciferian Gender Weaponry [54]
Francis Sinatra
Frank Sinatra was another who attacked Sinead after her Pope ripping performance. He used the ad hominem insult “a stupid broad” and a bizarre non sequitur that “she must beat her kids to stay in shape”. Again this makes no sense but they don’t care, they just wish to diminish Sinead in the public eyes, to whichever is their target audience.
In her book Thanks for the Memories Brice Taylor stated that Sinatra’s actions were often contrary to his words…
his actions were never supportive of what he espoused to believe. He arranged, easily and with no remorse, many peoples' deaths
Sinatra was a mob boss and mind controlled slave Brice Taylor was witness to his ordering of murders in sadistic ways.
Sinatra was also another mind controlled handler…
Frank was very scary and I reported to him directly in Vegas. I met with him upstairs and listened and followed his every direction. I went into a hypnotic trance and listened carefully, and then he would snap his fingers to switch me into another personality, and later on I would do everything as he commanded. "Uncle Frank" told me who to sit by at the baccarat, black jack or crap tables. He told me what to say to certain men, where and how to have sex with them and gave me a key to the rooms to take them to.
It appears he was a high level mind controller, one who had a reporting alter of Brice’s report to him.
One of the personalities that dealt with Uncle Frank was tied directly into a system of reporting personalities, led by 'Sandy,' my main reporting personality. These personalities reported everything that happened, out of trauma conditioning, training and terror, with no ability to lie or protect themselves.
Thus it is no surprise that Sinatra was verbally abusive to Sinead when she revealed information that was not in the interests of the satanic mind controlled system to reveal. Sinatra was very much part of the system that benefits from the mind controlled programme and surrounding satanic system and the mob killer had many friends in high places, in our supposedly democratic system.
They were Bob's [Hope] friends, Uncle Frank's friends, mob connections, entertainers and politicians. They had lots of friends between the two of them. They nearly owned Congress.
Sinatra also acted as the mind controlled MK Ultra sleeper assassin in the acclaimed 1962 Manchurian Candidate. A mind controlled and mind controlling ruthless mob killer playing ruthless mind controlled sleeper assassin.
1962 Manchurian Candidate [86]
Prince Nelson
Prince was not an actor in this particular drama, but Sinead’s most famous song was written by him, and it is worth remembering that Sinead called Prince "a devil worshipper" in her 2021 memoir "Rememberings,"
"I believe he was involved in devil business because an old girlfriend of his told me he had the power to make s*** move around the room" [7]
It is clear then that Sinead was surrounded by satanic forces some of which were mind control handlers. The question remains how compromised by the system was Sinead?
Sinead - Mind Controlled?
Sinead herself exhibits some signs that she may have been a victim of mind control.
Kristine Nicole Speer points some out…
Many of Sinead’s behaviours or signs are not exclusive to those that have undergone mind control, but happen at higher incidence among the mind controlled. They can be indicators and the more different behaviours then the higher the chance of mind control.
heavily tattoed
shaved head / self harming
changed religion - Catholic, Independent Catholic, Rastafari influences, Islam
changed sexuality and changed back again
many marriages and partners
changed names many times with marriage and religions
mental health problems
attempted suicides
Suicide programming is a built in part of the mind control programming, designed to be triggered if the victim questions too much or programming breaks down. Many changes of partner, sexuality, name and religion could indicate alters. Tattoos can act as anchors for demons.
If Sinead’s mother was mind controlled there is more likelihood that Sinead was, as the controllers prize multiple generationally abused victims. They use the parents to abuse and handle the children.
Mind controlled individuals are often left with complex post traumatic stress, and just living life as a ex / recovering mind controlled individual is a constant battle and extremely stressful. An individual has many alters / parts to reconcile, working out what actually happened is so difficult as memories resurface and they never know when their programming might be accessed by someone. The effects of the abuse can be alleviated but needs constant work and it is a difficult journey.
Many victims of child abuse, including Sinead are targeted by the state / corporate private partnerships for their children to be taken away under forced adoption on the basis that their children are “at risk of emotional harm” [90] or other bogus nonsense. This of course further affects the mother’s mental health.
A classic sign of possible mind control is lost time - especially in childhood, indicating different alters. Another sign is that a person often refers to themself as “we” ie the different alters. Neither of these is now easily checked for Sinead.
One thing we can check is the decor Sinead chose for her house in Bray, that she bought in 2007 and sold in 2021. We can see probable red / blue base programming, purple programming and rainbow programming.

The red and blue correspond to the base programming in Monarch mind control, one colour given to each side of the brain, purple programming is when the two are being joined and creates confusion and “going over the rainbow” is the act of changing alter. For more detailed discussion of this see Sinead’s House Decor Colour Symbolism [115].
Was Sinead mind controlled to play the role of anti child abuse, pope attacking rebel in a Hegelian dialetical drama?
Was Sinead’s mind control programming breaking down and she was to some extent voicing her independent opinion?
Was Sinead not mind controlled at all?
To rule some options in or out it would help if we knew exactly when Sinead was invited to do the Dylan concert, before or after her SNL pope photo ripping. Whatever is the truth, Sinead had not only drawn public attention to child abuse but done it at prime time and pointed to the cause - the head of the Catholic Church. Sinead’s behaviour gave them the opportunity to create a media scenario that would portray Sinead as crazy girl. She was ridiculed and made a scapegoat as a lesson and warning to others thinking of disclosing about child abuse in the Catholic church. The powers that be decided that she needed to be publicly put in her place and Sinead was thus cast in the role of crazy girl.
I have to reluctantly accept that Sinead seems to have undergone trauma based mind control, of which she was exhibiting signs after 2007 when she was decorating her house. The likelihood is that her programming was probably stronger in 1992 for the Bob Dylan concert and to a large extent she was probably acting under mind control.
Sinead was the mind controlled patsy, chosen to take the fall as the “Crazy Girl”. She knew child sexual abuse went on in the Catholic Church, a truth that was dangerous to satanic handlers.
Sinead made allegations of sexual abuse against the Catholic Church, ripped a photo of the Pope at SNL, then was victim of booing at Dylan concert, sang the repeated her song from SNL setting the scene for the Crazy Girl narrative.
The MK’d [Monarch mind controlled] crowd played the righteously aggrieved public / catholics reaction, booing their perceived outrageous behaviour of Sinead ripping up the Pope’s photo.
MK’d MC Kristofferson played the role of Sinead support and sympathy, but was the on the spot MK handler to ensure Sinead played her role as villain / victim. Did he even trigger her to repeat her controversial performance of War when the booing continued? That reiterated her “crazy” status that would be hung round her neck.
MK’d Madonna was post production support actress, twisting the dagger of Sinead’s crazy girl image now created. Madonna apparently supporting the Church but really supporting satan
MK’d Sinatra post production extra used for verbal abuse
Mk’d Mockingbird media play up the controversy
All the Mk’d actors play their roles which are targeted to their differing demographic audiences.
The satanic psychological operation to suppress child abuse allegations, let’s call it Operation Crazy Girl, possibly went something like this outline…
Operation Crazy Girl Timeline
Scene 1 1992 Oct Saturday Night Live
Sinead Rips up photo of Pope in protest against child abuse by the church
Scene 2 Various Locations
Mockingbird media outrage against Sinead
Madonna condemns Sinead
Sinatra condemns Sinead
Mockingbird media hyping up Madonna and Sinatra condemning Sinead
Scene 3 Dylan 30th Concert 1992 Oct Madison Square Garden 2 weeks later
Sinead - tries to Sing Dylan tribute song, but continual booing and repeated SNL performance
Crowd - mind controlled crowd triggered to boo Sinead
Kristofferson - plays hero and comforter of Sinead, in reality handling her with use of mind control trigger codes.
Dylan - oblivious
Mockingbird media - more negative publicity against Sinead
Scene 4 Madonna Saturday Night Live 1992 4 weeks later
Madonna SNL skit against Sinead and subsequent mockingbird media coverage
Scene 5 2009 Kristofferson’s Sister Sinead song released - reinforcing “crazy Sinead” scenario to those who knew and introducing it for new generation.
Scene 6 2013 Miley / Sinead social media spat - reinforcing “crazy Sinead” scenario to those who knew and introducing it for new generation.
All the public characters around Sinead in this drama were part of the satanic system. Firstly in the “production” phase Dylan, Kristofferson and some of the crowd. Then “post production” are Madonna and Sinatra, and much later Kristofferson again and Miley Cyrus.
Some of these have scrambled up the satanic steps of power to become Monarch mind controlled handlers, knowing some access codes to the slaves ie Kristofferson, Madonna and Sinatra and so were reliable to use. Cyrus was younger and lower in the system but apparently keen to play her part. Mind controlled slaves have incentive to get promotion in the system in an attempt to lessen the abuse upon themselves, as abuse can only come from those higher in the system than they are.
The bigger players that the actors we see are the handlers and programmers handling Dylan, Kristofferson and Sinatra. The Saturday Night Live producers and directors must be high in the system organising these performances / psyops as also must have been the organisers of the Dylan Concert. Follow the mind controlled handlers in the pyramid of mind control. The media have been compromised for years by the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird by bribery coercion and mind control.
You can see Sinead bottom right of this photo with her arms crossed, obviously not happy for the Dylan finale, in contrast to everyone else.
Less than 10 years after Sinead ripping up the Pope’s photo the Pope has to make an apology for child sexual abuse…
Catholic Church and Child Sexual Abuse Brief Summary
2001 Apology from Pope John Paul II who called sexual abuse within the Church "a profound contradiction of the teaching and witness of Jesus Christ" [91]
2002 Boston globe expose of massive Catholic Church abuse Guardian How the Boston Globe exposed the abuse scandal that rocked the Catholic church [92]
2010 Pope Benedict XVI issued a dramatic apology to the victims of decades of sex abuse by Catholic priests in Ireland, expressing his "shame and remorse" for the "sinful and criminal acts". [91]
2018 January referring to a particular case in Chile, Pope Francis accused victims of fabricating allegations; by April, he was apologizing for his "tragic error", and by August was expressing "shame and sorrow" for the tragic history. He convened a four-day summit meeting with the participation of the presidents of all the episcopal conferences of the world, which was held in Vatican City from 21 to 24 February 2019, to discuss preventing sexual abuse by Catholic Church clergy [91]
Of course this is all damage limitation and pretends they are shocked when in fact The Catholic Church know exactly what is going on. “the illuminati’s whole philosophy demands the use, abuse, sacrifice and consumption of children” Montauk Boys – Blood Ritual Monarch [109].
This is the beautiful song Sinead never managed to sing in the evening performance but this was the afternoon rehearsal…
Sinead's I Believe in You (Afternoon Rehearsal) at Bob Dylan's 30 Anniversary Concert [69]
When I started this investigation into Sinead, apart from only knowing that she ripped up the Pope’s photo, I never imagined she was mind controlled, but now on the balance of probabilities it looks like she was. We have to leave our preconceptions behind, we have to suspend our disbelief and see where the evidence takes us. We have to put that evidence in context with other child abuse survivors, other forced adoption survivors, other mind controlled survivors. We need to reexamine other scenarios we took as real but in fact are mind controlled psychological operations to fool us.
Sinead was the mind controlled patsy being portrayed as the crazy girl to taint all allegations of sexual abuse against the Catholic church to stop us finding out who the real enemy is that we have to fight.
Sinead Eire [88]
Who is the real enemy? We need to keep working that out. Who is behind the agenda for world domination? [93]
My other Sinead posts
RIP Sinead O’Connor Champion Against Child Abuse [101]
Sinead and Sean – Suicide Victims of the Family Court [102]
Sinead – Forgive me I just could go no further #oneofmillions Part 1 [103]
Sinead She Was Right [113]
Sinead’s House Decor Colour Symbolism [115]
[1c] Sinead O´Connor - Madison Square Garden
[2] Rolling Stone
[3] 2021 Jul 31 Far Out Magazine Sinead O’Connor was once booed off stage at a Bob Dylan tribute show
[4] 2021 Jun 6 Cheat Sheet Why Sinéad O’Connor Was ‘Pissed’ at Bob Dylan During His 1992 Tribute Concert
[5] u Kris Kristofferson - Sister Sinead (2009)
[5c] Odysee Kris Kristofferson - Sister Sinead (2009)
[7] Grunge
[7a] Grunge archive
[8] u tube Bob Dylan Admits He Sold His Soul to the Devil for short lived fortune fame and glory
[8c] Bob Dylan Admits He Sold His Soul to the Devil for short lived fortune fame and glory
[9] Electronic Intifada
[11] you tub
[12] 2017 Jul 14 cathyfoxblog Irish High Court Judicial Review 2017 Jun 1 – Child Sexual Abuse
[13] 2016 Sept 28 cathyfoxblog Wally Harbert’s submission to IICSA
[14] 2023 Jul 27 Morrisey
[15] 2023 Jul 27 Foxes Sinead O’Connor and Dr Phil with transcript
[16] wikipedia Order of Our Lady of Charity Roman Catholic monastic order, f
[17] Cathy O’Brien Transformation book re Kristofferson (she spells it Kristopherson)
[18] 1992 Nov 1 NY Times POP VIEW; Why Sinead O'Connor Hit a Nerve
[19] 4th Miley letter archive
[22] 2021 Dec 8 FarOut Magazine Inside the tumultuous relationship of Sinéad O'Connor and Prince
[25] wikipedia Madonna
[27] Odysee Sinead O' Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U - Isolated vocals'-Connor---Nothing-Compares-2-U---Isolated-vocals-rL4VTq6UQEI:a
[28] csa and catholic church include
[29] We must destroy nest of devils in the Vatican, for Christ's sake
[30] 2023 Jul 26 Substack FoxyFox RIP Sinead O'Connor Champion Against Child Abuse #sinead #csa #childabuse #pope #catholicabuse
[31] 2013 Oct 4 BBC Miley Cyrus and Sinead O'Connor row escalates
[32] 2023 Jul 28 Mail 2023 jul 28 Sinead O'Connor's haunting documentary tells how she found her voice after an abusive childhood that shaped her life 'This was a young 25-year-old girl from Dublin who was causing this much of an outcry. She was obviously deemed dangerous by the powers that be, or the amount of hysteria it caused wouldn't have happened. She was very, very powerful.' He was the love of my life, the lamp of my soul,' she confessed to her followers on Twitter. 'We were one soul in two halves. He was the only person who ever loved me unconditionally. I am lost in the bardo without him.'
[33] 2023 Jul 28 Mail Sinead O'Connor's ex-fiancé John Waters faces a wave of social media abuse in the wake of her death - more than 20 years after bitter custody battle over their daughter
[34] 2023 Jul 29 Mail Coroner's team admit they don't know when Sinead O'Connor died as attempts are made to piece together Irish music legend's last days
[35] 2023 Jul 28 Substack Foxy Fox Sinead and Sean - Suicide Victims of the Family Court #sinead #sineadoconnor #shane #familycourt #childkidnapping #childstealing #childtrafficking #injustice
[36] Science Direct Pavlovian Conditioning
[37] concert
[40] ‘She lived her truth’
Róisín Murphy, musician and fan
[41] Because taking me on is even more fuckin' stupid than behaving like a prostitute and calling it feminism." She added: "When you end up in the psych ward or rehab I'll be happy to visit you … and would not lower myself to mock you. Be a proper woman and make the public apologies I have listed above."
[45] Deprogramwiki Deprogramming Modalities
[50] 2014
On 20 November 2001, from a laptop in the Vatican, John Paul II sent his first e-mail apologising for the Catholic sex abuse cases, the church-backed "Stolen Generations" of Aboriginal children in Australia, and to China for the behaviour of Catholic missionaries in colonial times.[277]
[51] In Ireland, the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse issued a report that covered six decades (from the 1950s). It noted "endemic" sexual abuse in Catholic boys' institutions, saying that church leaders were aware of abuses and that government inspectors failed to "stop beatings, rapes and humiliation."[34][35][36] The report noted the "centrality of poverty and social vulnerability in the lives of the victims of abuse."[35]
[52] 2023 Aug 9 Mail Sinead O'Connor's final resting place: Music icon's grave is adorned with flowers in Catholic cemetery as she receives Muslim burial after thousands of fans and musicians including Bono and Bob Geldof paid tribute at her funeral
[53] 2021 Oct 25 Svali Speaks Again Exposing the Vatican Part 6
[54] 2023 Mar 23 Veronica Swift Luciferian Gender Weaponry [paywalled]
[55] 2020 Apr 5 cathyfoxblog Montauk Boys Blood Ritual Monarch
[57] 2019 Nov 19 cathyfoxblog Mother Pimped Out Her Own Children
[58w] 2022 Aug 31 cathyfoxblog Anneke Lucas 2 A Child Pimped to Globalist Psychopaths
[58s] 2022 Aug 31 foxyfoxyblog Anneke Lucas 2 A Child Pimped to Globalist Psychopaths
[59] Kristine Nicole Speer Tweets re Sinead
[60] 2023 Jun 18 Joan Baez - Survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse
[61] 2023 Jul 23 FoxyFoxblog How many mind controlled slaves are there? #mkultra #mindcontrol #mindcontrolledslaves
[61] 1993 Odysee Madonna ripping up photo of Joey Buttafuoco in 1993 Parody of Sinead
[62] Sam Smith’s Grammy performance is slammed as ‘evil’ and ‘satanic’ on Twitter Madonna, who is known for pushing boundaries, introduced the fiery performance, saying, “If they call you shocking, scandalous, problematic, provocative or dangerous, you are definitely onto something,
[63] 2020 Mar 1 cathyfoxblog Katy Groves explains Tongue Tied, by Mind Controlled Lion Slave Miley Cyrus
[64] 2015 Dec 18 cathyfoxblog From Fiona Barnett to Miley Cyrus
[65] 2022 Sept c.7 Odysee Dylan Groves Tw: Hail Satan (Testosterone Gel)
[67] 2023 Mar 30 substack FoxyFox Trans and MK Ultra #trans #mkultra #weaponised #mindcontrol #programming
[68] 2021 Mar 19 cathyfoxblog Wet Ass Mind Control – WAP Beta Kittens
[69] 1992 Odysee Sinead's I Believe in You (Afternoon Rehearsal) at Bob Dylan's 30 Anniversary Concert,-New...-2C7tAp5X6Zo:3
[70] 2023 Aug 8 Mail Nothing Compared to You, Sinead: Sinead O'Connor is laid to rest in her hometown as hundreds of sobbing fans line the streets in Ireland to say farewell to iconic singer - and hillside tribute is unveiled in her memory
[71] 2023 Aug 8 Mail Sinead O'Connor is laid to rest in Muslim burial as fans line streets of her home town to say farewell and blast out her music as Michael D Higgins, Bono, the Edge and Bob Geldof attend private service
[72] 2000 Sept 9 Spiritual Warfare: A Healing Journey
[73] 2000 Jul 16 A Survivor's Testimony: article by Kim Campbell
[] of 30th anniversay concert
assuming 1962 oct industry
[80] Kristofferson introducing Sinead
[82] 2023 Feb 6 Veronica Swift Contender Sam Smith
[83] 2023 Jun 8 Veronica Swift Mothers of Darkness Alters
[84] 2023 Jan 20 The Pink News Madonna calls out Catholic Church over ‘hypocritical’ attacks – while dressing up as Virgin Mary
[85] 2023 Mar 10 cathyfoxblog2 Spot the Symbolism 6 - Golden Horns, Pigtails and Trout Pouts #goldenhorns #madonna #goldenstatues #ramshorns #grammys
[86] 1962 Manchurian Candidate,-Angela-Lansbury,-Laurence-Ha-273625451171:e
[87] 2023 Aug 15 Mail Sinead O'Connor's neighbours battle developer over plans to turn the singer's former £1.5m seafront home into five luxury apartments
[88] Twitter Sinead face Eire
[89] 2023 Aug 8 FoxyFox Blog Sinead - Forgive me I just could go no further #oneofmillions Part 1 #sinead #csa #childabuse #rip
[90] 2023 Jul 29 FoxyFox Substack Cheryl Corless Survivor of Care and Forced Adoption Nightmare
[91] wikipedia Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases
[92] 2010 Apr 21 Guardian How the Boston Globe exposed the abuse scandal that rocked the Catholic church
[93] Stop World Control Who is behind the agenda for world domination?
[94] Svali Speaks Again Blog
[95] 2020 Apr 16 cathyfoxblog Antichrist Rising – The When and Where and How…
[98] the stunt met with mixed reactions and it was like taking something that somebody really believed in and kind of making fun of it it was not I think making fun of Sinead O'Connor so much is showing a little sympathy for Sinead as
[101] 2023 Jul 26 Substack FoxyFox RIP Sinead O’Connor Champion Against Child Abuse #sinead #csa #childabuse #pope #catholicabuse
[102] 2023 Jul 28 Substack Foxy Fox Sinead and Sean – Suicide Victims of the Family Court #sinead #sineadoconnor #shane #familycourt #childkidnapping #childstealing #childtrafficking #injustice
[103] 2023 Aug 8 FoxyFox Blog Sinead – Forgive me I just could go no further #oneofmillions Part 1 #sinead #csa #childabuse #rip
[109] 2020 April 5 cathyfoxblog Montauk Boys – Blood Ritual Monarch
[113] 2023 Aug 18 Substack FoxyFox Sinead She Was Right #sinead #mentalhealth #rip
[115] 2023 Aug 19 cathyfoxblog2 Sinead’s House Decor Colour Symbolism #Sinead #house #coloursymbolism #programming #tbmc
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Brilliant coverage of a sad sad tale (I just found I'd bookmarked this months ago ta read!)--I'm with ya--she wuz set up an' likely controlled--the "self harm" of head shavin' (like Brittany) wuz also ta look ugly so as not ta be used fer s.e.x. slave performances (command performances)--I believe Rose McGowan talked 'bout cuttin' her hair ta thwart 'em all (another SRA'd performer). I think Dyan wuz oblivious b/c his card was turned up (Manchurian)--Kristopherson clearly took over an' yup, I bet his "kindness" was control... yuck. Poor Sinead an' her beautiful voice. I think Kristopherson's insultin' song wuz tellin' truth in that she could not would not be "tamed" -- who knows whut she suffered apart from them takin' away her son. I read 'bout Jennifer Guskin who just got 'er daughter back but is still fightin' it in the courts. As fer Dylan, I do wonder... Makes me think of the "Devil at the Crossroads" & Robert Johnson who got his gift (musically an' in terms of fame) by makin' that bargain... An' yup, the "Madonna and the Whore" story fits the botoxed lady that needed auto-tune to sing. Sinead's voice was pure, an' bein' set up in the photo-rippin' stunt aside, she told the truth. An' I agree, her mama likely remembered nothin'-- viscious tho' she wuz. All truly tragic--RIP Sinead!
Also she talks about learning about Kabbalah from a teacher by the name of Z'ev Ben Shimon Halevi who is from hampstead, (I’m sure you know of the hampstead satanic abuse case