Brilliant coverage of a sad sad tale (I just found I'd bookmarked this months ago ta read!)--I'm with ya--she wuz set up an' likely controlled--the "self harm" of head shavin' (like Brittany) wuz also ta look ugly so as not ta be used fer s.e.x. slave performances (command performances)--I believe Rose McGowan talked 'bout cuttin' her hair ta thwart 'em all (another SRA'd performer). I think Dyan wuz oblivious b/c his card was turned up (Manchurian)--Kristopherson clearly took over an' yup, I bet his "kindness" was control... yuck. Poor Sinead an' her beautiful voice. I think Kristopherson's insultin' song wuz tellin' truth in that she could not would not be "tamed" -- who knows whut she suffered apart from them takin' away her son. I read 'bout Jennifer Guskin who just got 'er daughter back but is still fightin' it in the courts. As fer Dylan, I do wonder... Makes me think of the "Devil at the Crossroads" & Robert Johnson who got his gift (musically an' in terms of fame) by makin' that bargain... An' yup, the "Madonna and the Whore" story fits the botoxed lady that needed auto-tune to sing. Sinead's voice was pure, an' bein' set up in the photo-rippin' stunt aside, she told the truth. An' I agree, her mama likely remembered nothin'-- viscious tho' she wuz. All truly tragic--RIP Sinead!

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by The Fox Blog

Also she talks about learning about Kabbalah from a teacher by the name of Z'ev Ben Shimon Halevi who is from hampstead, (I’m sure you know of the hampstead satanic abuse case

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by The Fox Blog

“...and I ran out of there, petrified. The minister said I should have stayed because I was getting a message. I said no, I'd rather not have messages from anyone in a hood.”

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by The Fox Blog

In her book rememberings she talks about seeing someone in a black robe...”While sitting in my room one night I saw a person reflected in the glass cabinet wearing a black hood that was hemmed with two gold bands. Then the lights started flashing on and off...

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thanks, interesting.

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