In 1998 there was a sudden extreme severe hurricane like event in Moscow. It is documented on Russian wikipedia, Russian wikipedia The Uricorn in Moscow (1998) [1], (see full translation in Appendix 1).
Russian wikipedia writes “In one night the amount of rain fell equivalent to a months rain. It felled 70 thousand trees, collapsed billboards and lifting cranes. 11 people died, more than 200 wounded” [1].
Extreme Hurricane caused by Mind Control
Victoria, an ex mind controlled delta soldier told me “MK ULTRA victims made this. I was there when the hurricane was created in Moscow 1998.”
It even made the papers in England - 1998 Jun 21 Independent Hurricane kills six in Moscow [2].
I showed Victoria the English newspaper article.
“Yes, that was the hurricane we witnessed. You see the ritual days and ritual numbers here. There were more victims, they printed it [the English article with incorrect numbers] to signal to MK ULTRA victims (we are so powerful! Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide!) and to signal their own”
How MK Ultra programmed Victims Created the Hurricane
Victoria explained to me how they did it…
13 of the strongest Theta programmed Air Mages were programmed to make the hurricane. We were activated on 19 May in the West of Moscow. The electric field from our suffering created a hurricane on 20 June.
Theta waves…
Victoria continued…
The mages that were used got stressed from the danger and the hormones of stress from adrenaline glands (adrenaline and noradrenaline) and activated their number1 crown chakra and activate their number 2 chakra, the Third Eye Chakra.
A Mage is an extra-sensory trained person who is practised at using both brain hemisphere. “Extra sensory” is the Ethereal body, Ether is the element. A Mage works with his own energy through feelings / emotions. Ether is Prime element, it it Solar gas. The Universe comes from it. Etherial body is primal.
Sacred Trinity - Ether, Physical and Electrical. First cells comes from Ether. First cell Core - your third eye, which rules you. Core is actually three Cores at once - third eye is the Etherial and Physical and Electrical bodies which have to work at once.
MK ULTRA breaks this natural harmony. It is violation against nature. To make it work they have to separate Sacred trinity to confuse the Core.
PERCEPTION of the Third eye they mess with - a man cannot realize what is wrong with him and this is allow MK ULTRA alters system to work.
Theta is the deepest level of this programming. Gamma level serves as the cover. Chakra blocks serve as Gamma level. Mk ultra elements (mage, priest etc) levels lie in the Core level. Just like they programmed each brainwave to be controlled they have to lay down EACH Element’s programming to make it work.
“Luckily there were the Air Mages that managed to reconnect with Ether and the hurricane stopped the next day 21 June.”

1998 Hurricane Moscow [9]
Why did they want to make a hurricane?
Victoria - To create chaos to scare people because they feed off the ENERGY of suffering. Hivites lack cores so all they have in their parasitic lives is ENERGY parasitism. Gavvah they called it, their life is to get gavvah. They live like that and they cannot live without MK ULTRA because healthy people cannot be controlled. Especially High IQ people like victims of MK ULTRA.
They feed off our emotions, they like it when someone suffers and dies. They cannot do that if you not agree to be their food for life.
We cannot share the planet with them. They have to be wiped out otherwise they didn't stopped.
I found this describing Gavvah…
Gavvah [11]
The word “gavvah” comes from ancient rituals of sacrifice. When an animal (or even a person) was killed with the maximum infliction of suffering on it. And it was in the reception of the gavvah and its further use in esoteric rituals that the meaning of sacrifice was, and not at all in “appeasing the gods,” as explained by the uninitiated. [12] and see Appendix 2.
Countering Hivite Control
Number 1 Chakra is blocked by fear. This is the only thing they have against you. Relax and research the cause of your fears.
In MK ULTRA the strongest obey the weakest. Hivites have two things that they have used to rule this long: MK ULTRA and fear. They have nothing else.
Ritual Date
The 1998 Moscow hurricane happened on the evening of 20 Jun and Summer Solstice day of 21 Jun. Coincidence that this is a ritual date?
If individuals programmed under MK Ultra were capable of causing a hurricane in 1987, we would expect them to be much more advanced 37 years later. There have been strange weather events all over the world recently and we know that the globalists need to try and prop up their climate change psyop which is not based upon reality.
Have they been using mk ultra mind controlled victims to create hurricane events recently in America?

Do the cult combine natural conditions favourable to their experiment with HAARP, chemtrails /seeding and Theta programmed individuals to create extreme events?
Other Cult Experiments
The cult have been experimenting on children for years in operations that eg. Human Radiation experiments ACHRE Torture-Conditioning Testimony 1995 [6].
A survivor of ritual abuse has described these experiments… [5]
Level 1 Looking Glass
Level 2 – StarWars Now Project
Level 3 – The Voice of God Project
Level 1 Alice and the Looking Glass
Three children who work in conjunction. The children learn to see into the spiritual realm, one child only can see what the end result will be, second child can not see what happens in the end, but can tell step by step what the process is to get the end result, the third child sees every possible choice and the consequences of that choice.
Level 2 StarWars Now Project
Five children stand at points of pentagram. Two children in the middle. They have learned to extend the energy their bodies emit. This creates an energy (harmony and resonance) that the two children in the middle can draw upon. They have also tested the children on different levels of Adrenochrome to enhance the childrens spiritual powers. John Brennan was one of those in charge of the experiments. Energy field of magnetic field and electromagnetic field. The two children in the middle have unlimited access to summon as many demonic legions they can. They are to funnel through the demonic hordes. The other child holds open the heavenly gates so the demons can pile through.
Level 3 The Voice of God Project
In this program the children forced to participate, directly interface (interact) to accomplish military and operational objectives in the spiritual world with results that manifest in the physical world.
Intel gathering and collection
Analytics including assessments and evaluations of Procedures and Protocols of Psyop players and Procedures
Manipulation of time/ space paradigms
Use of energy and quantum physic manipulations that target individuals for sickness, death, or healing and restoration
There are many others experiments.
2017 Hurricane
Finally the 2017 Hurricane in Moscow caused me to raise my eyebrows - a pyramid by Alexander Golod was destroyed…
Previous Posts from Victoria
Theta Mind Control Experiment caused 1987 Moscow Hurricane [16]
MK Ultra with Bearbrick and Kaws [17]
Symbolism – The Colour Orange [27]
Pokemon Mind Control Programming [28]
Symbolism Red Colour Basic Knowledge [28]
Hivites in Russia [29]
Russia’s False History [30]
[1] Russian wikipedia The Uricorn in Moscow (1998)
[2] 1998 Jun 21 Independent Hurricane kills six in Moscow
[3] 2024 Nov 27 foxblog1 Illuminati Players and the Battlefield #iluminati #starwarsnow #lookingglass
[5] 2024 Nov 27 foxblog1 Illuminati Players and the Battlefield #iluminati #starwarsnow #lookingglass
[6] ACHRE Torture-Conditioning Testimony 1995
[7] Great Russian Hurricane of 1998 Hurricane in Moscow (Russia), June 20, 1998
[8] 2017 Moscow storm kills 16, injures nearly 170
[9] Video Russia - Hurricane in Moscow leaves 5 dead
[10] 1998 Solstice
[11] Merchant Circle Gavvah
[12] VK Gavvah
Appendix 1 The Uricorn in Moscow (1998) English autotranslation from Russian [1]
Material from Wikipedia - Free Encyclopedia
The current version of the page has not yet been tested by experienced participants and may differ significantly from the version checked on February 19, 2021; the inspections require 18 edits.
There are other meanings of this term, see the term. The turmoil in Moscow.
The Uricorn in Moscow
Formed by 20 June 1998 It's a riple 21 June 1998 The dead 11 Damage It is unknown Area of distribution Moscow and Moscow Region
Media files on Wikiss warehouse
The Ugric in 1998 in Moscow is a natural disaster that occurred in Moscow and the Moscow region on the night of Saturday (20) to Sunday (June 21).
Although this natural disaster in the press has been called a hurricane, it is not actually that and is classified as a squalid wind[1][2].
The hurricane of 1998 was the most devastating such natural disaster in Moscow after the tomb of 1904[3]. In terms of the number of victims, it exceeded the hurricane in Moscow in 2017[4].
Table of contents
The Chronology
In the summer of 1998, the European part of Russia for the second time in the century was a strong heat (after 1972)[1] (+30...+32 C), and on June 20 - up to +34 C. On June 19, the thunderstorm front reached Moscow, but did not give significant rain on this day. After the first thunderstorm front, the heat returned on the same day. The first thunderstorm front shifted greatly to the north, and over the territory of Ukraine swirled a new cyclone. This cyclone was rich in heavy precipitation (the difference behind and in front was up to +10 C). During the day on June 20, a sharply thunderstorm front came from the west, consisting of low heap clouds with peaks up to 14 km. The atmospheric pressure began to fall, indicating an imminent deterioration of the weather.[3][2]
A hurricane and tropical rainfall are coming to Moscow and the Moscow region, sweeping everything in its path. On the boundary of air masses with a large temperature difference began to arise a powerful thunderstorm front. The first thunderstorms began at 21:45 in Serpukhov (80 km south of Moscow), as well as in the south and south-east of the Moscow region. The cold streams collided with warm, the front began to move north and at about 22:40 a strong squally wind collides on Moscow, accompanied by a heavy shower, large hail and a very intense thunderstorm[2][3]. Some witnesses claimed that they had observed the tomb.[2][5][non-authoritative source].
The maximum wind speed reached 31 m/s. As a result of torrential rain in just a few hours in Moscow fell half of the monthly norm of precipitation - 35 mm.[8] By three o'clock in the morning on June 21, the thunderstorm front moved to the north of the Moscow region[2] in the direction of Dmitrow, which later in the forests in the area of Lytkarino and behind the Lobney formed numerous sawmills and galinas.
In one night, the monthly rainfall rate fell. The punch, like grass, beveled 70 thousand trees, collapsed billboards and lifting cranes. It was not without casualties - 11 people died, 3 in the fall of the crane, in the area - more than 200 wounded[9]. The fallen trunks of poplaces and birches demolished literally 12 teeth of the Kremlin wall, roofing sheets from many residential buildings and from the roofs of the Kremlin were torn down, the roof of the GABT was damaged, the crosses of the Novodevichy Monastery were dropped on the ground.
Consequences of a hurricane

As a result of the squalid wind, 11 people died.[10][11][12][13] About 200 people were injured. More than 48,000 trees were destroyed[7][1]. `[6]. There were 744 cliffs of the street lighting network. Due to damage to trolleybus and tram contact networks, the work of urban public transport was disrupted[7].
The roof of the Bolshoi Theatre and the Grand Kremlin Palace was damaged [3]by a squally wind. The fallen trunks of the trees broke 12 teeth of the wall of the Moscow Kremlin[8]. The crosses of the Novodevichy monastery were torn off by the wind and the tombstone of the poet Denis Davydov, who was on the territory of the monastery, was seriously damaged by the tomb.
The building of the museum of JSC "Moskvich" was also damaged, part of the cars that were subsequently restored were damaged.
The damage from the squalid wind amounted to 1 billion rubles. The consequences of the disaster were dealt with daily by more than 50 thousand people[6].
The day after the disaster, Moscow authorities issued sharp criticism from Roshydromet,[8] which did not warn of a hurricane. & , see also
A guarguant in Moscow (2017) was a natural disaster that occurred in Moscow and the Moscow region on May 29, 2017.
The Uricorn in Ukraine and Belarus (1997) was a natural disaster that occurred on June 23, 1997.
"Facon and climate in Russia in the 20th century Date of access: 27 November 2010. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016.
Moscow flurry on the night of June 20-21, 1998 Date of contact: 30 January 2019. Archived January 30, 2019.
"Moscow expects a repeat of the 1998 hurricane (19 June 2001). Date of access: 27 November 2010. Archived January 30, 2019.
"The number of victims from the hurricane in Moscow has become the largest in the last hundred years (May 29, 2017). Date of contact: 30 January 2019. Archived January 30, 2019.
Uragan of 1998. Eyewitness notes. Yandex Zen - Platform for authors, publishers and brands. Date of access: 25 February 2020. Archived 25 February 2020.
The ravines in Moscow in 1984 - 2007 "In reference RIA Novosti (17 July 2008). Date of access: 27 November 2010. Archived 5 July 2012.
"Sinfortics: after the anomalous heat, hurricanes could hit Moscow (July 14, 2010). Date of access: 27 November 2010. Archived January 30, 2019.
Namedni 1998. The Uricorn in Moscow
It is the end of the world: 20 years of hurricane in Moscow Newspaper.Ru (25 April 2024). Date of access: 25 April 2024.
The Namenni - 98. "A urgan in Moscow" ). Date of appeal: 19 October 2019. Archived 14 September 2016.
"The Bigest Storms with the squalid wind in Moscow TASS. Date of contact: 1 March 2020. Archived 1 March 2020 at the original.
most devastating hurricanes in Moscow Days of ry. Date of contact: 1 March 2020. Archived 1 March 2020 at the original.
. And I. It's Yusupov. To the question of the operational forecast of the squals ). S. 24. Archived 4 February 2019.
Novodevichy Monastery in the 20th Century (August 4, 2010). Date of access: 27 November 2010. Archived 5 July 2012.
Hivites cannot do that – they are mindless soulsess parasites.
MK ULTRA victims doing all those climate changing stuff – I was there when the hurricane created in Moscow 1998.
Appendix 2 Gavvah The word “gavvah” comes from ancient rituals of sacrifice.
The word “gavvah” comes from ancient rituals of sacrifice. When an animal (or even a person) was killed with the maximum infliction of suffering on it. And it was in the reception of the gavvah and its further use in esoteric rituals that the meaning of sacrifice was, and not at all in “appeasing the gods,” as explained by the uninitiated. Times change, however, wild mores do not go anywhere. Today, the sacrifices and gathering of the gabwah are put, as they say, on the stream.
GAVVAKH is a thin-material radiation of energy-plasma released during the suffering of living beings, negative emotions, both during life and in the descending postmortem.
Gavvakh makes up for the loss of vitality for many categories of demonic beings (parasites - representatives of the droid technogenic civilization) controlling our world. Radiation of suffering and pain is able to saturate giant crowds of parasites. In essence, “gavvah” is their food.
Among the various types of “havvah” of particular importance is one that is associated with the outflow of physical blood.
When the blood of people and animals flows out of the body, in the first minutes of this process, it emits a burning radiation of special strength.
Therefore, some classes of demons are interested not so much in the death of living beings, but in bloodshed.
The feeling of fear is accompanied by an increase in the pulse, and the release of hormones, and many other changes that occur to you, but are not captured by your sleeping consciousness.
But at the same time there is a release of energy, or as it is called “gavvah”.
A huge number of entities living in our world are just waiting for this gawwah to feed on it ...
Human potential is one of the most expensive energies in our multidimensional world.
People think that manipulation is carried out through some cunning technology, but in fact, everything is much easier.
We are a consumer society, and what we have directed our attention to is where we have given our energy.
If we remove energy from the objects of consumption, they will lose any value.
If you stop watching some program or there is some product, everything is simple, this TV program is removed from the channel, this product is stopped. And nothing more...
Now imagine, a de-energized mass of people is ready for anything, just to get a sip of human, their own potential.
We are drawn to where our collective energy is gathered.
Therefore, there are ideologies, teachings, gurus, places of worship, rituals.
What happens in places of worship? Humans carry the remaining potential there, it is there collectively amplified and collected, and brought to the beings (parasites) controlling our world.
Today, the Parasites are invaders of the Earth, representatives of the droid technogenic civilization can create environmental disasters, wars, since they need sacrifices, these sacrifices are simply disguised as wars, cataclysms, natural disasters, terrorism. Because more and more people are thinking and fewer are giving up their potential, sometimes sacrifice is the only food they have left.
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Sue Ann Arrigo revealed how, during the Reagan/Bush government, she disabled a multiple warhead nuclear weapon (MIRV), and, in another experiment, caused radiation released from a nuclear weapon to disappear. The bluebloods then decided to launch all of the nuclear weapons and hide in mansions underground while Sue removed the radioactivity from the planet. The mansions were built, but Sue refused to participate in the plan.