Pokemon is used as an MK ULTRA script, and MK DELTA use it too, according to Restista, survivor trained to be MK delta. She says she was programmed with Pokemon and obsessed with it. This was in response to reading my article from some time ago, 2020 Pokemon Cards are Magik Cards [fb1poke].
Restista said
“Pokemon was created as MK ULTRA script. MK DELTA use it too. I was obsessed and programmed with it. My alter was Vulpix - the fox pokemon, Pokemon Vulpix [2]”.
Restitsa continues
Red ball – Delta alter call
White - Alpha alter, created as cover to this Delta programming
Added 2024 Mar 30 16.30 Not knowing how pokemon works, I mistook Restista’s comments re the ball, now pictured below, and thought she was referring to the different forms of fox, see below.
Also in researching the pokeballs, The balls “capture” the creatures and balls can hold 6, although there are different types of ball [6]. I have found out that before the pokemon were called pokemon because they were captured by pokeballs, they were called Majuu - magical creatures [5].
Not sure if the alpha alter that restitsa talked about is the white form of fox or separate. There are two forms of the fox, one is a red form - Kantonian Vulpix…
and a white form - Alolan Vulpix…
Restista also wrote
Poke a Moon - Butt sex, worshipping satan
Pocket monster - penis, sex
If it all sounds weird and farfetched for you, as you are not familiar with this, then yes it is weird and farfetched, but unfortunately true. This is what the satanic cult do, how they use multilayered symbolism and codes. If you check out this post the videos go into great detail for instance about the moon representing butt sex and deeper symbolism - Deep Pizzagate [4].
Japanese Pokemon TV programme
Restista also sent me an article about children in Japan who were affected en masse by a pokemon episode. She said “The episode aired on December 6, 1997, and was never shown again. That’s because after it aired, over 600 children were rushed to hospital within an hour of it being broadcast. Children were claiming to have symptoms including convulsions, nausea and vomiting and the so-called illness quickly spread across the country.”
The article says that an expert recently gave their view that it was caused by mass hysteria. However if you read between the lines of the official narrative then the article is useful. 2023 Oct 18 Unilad Mystery of Pokémon episode that hospitalized hundreds of children is explained by expert [1], archive [1a].
If Pokemon is used as programming script for MKUltra and used for MK Delta, they are likely to also use it to teach magik and to programme the public en masse. This is an occasion when they succeeded too well and it became public, and hence the need for coming up with an alternative explanation.
Some details from the article…
Around 700 kids were initially hospitalized on the evening the programme aired and the following day, with the number rising to over 12,000 after Japanese news outlets covered the incident.
It also says
“Some children that were hospitalized after watching the episode went on to be diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy - but the majority did not. With this in mind, they concluded that mass hysteria was the cause of the so-called illness.
"Many of the children's symptoms had no identifiable organic basis; other than the verified cases of seizures, the symptoms reported were minor and short-lived; the victims were nearly exclusively school children in early adolescence; and anxiety from dramatic media reports of the first wave of illness reports was evident,” they wrote.
However the article does not appear to link to the study nor to the 4 month investigation. Whilst the article claims mass hysteria, it does not say anything about the original 700 affected nor how long before the “hysteria” that the 12,000 watched the programme. In short the article gives a conclusion that cannot be checked.
The TV programme (note the word!) is able to be watched on the article [1], if anyone has the technical skills to download and reupload to Odysee/bitchute it would be useful.
These are some stills from it…


Original Article 2020 Jun 27 foxblog1 Pokemon Cards are Magik Cards [fb1poke]
This is some of what was in my original article.
72 kinds of magik. Pokemon covers all forms. All magik types fall into five areas (earth, wind, fire, water, ice). Each of these elements corresponds to a ritual item used in sacrifice #PokemonMagik
One of the most popular fastest growing ways this occultic ritual is being taught is through the children’s game Pokémon. The name Pokémon means, “Pocket Monsters”. Children are encouraged and challenged to collect as many Pokémon as they can. The slogan is “Got to catch them all.” The Pokémon are caught and controlled through a circular ball. The Poke-ball has many similarities to a pentagram and has dual symbolism.
First, its circular shape represents the Earth which in ritual evocations is believed to purify ritualistic items used and to give life or energy to anything placed upon it; including people, animals, or ritual items.” The colors of the Poke Ball also have significant meaning.
Red: Symbolizes blood which is necessary when using the pentacle to conjure spirits.
White: Symbolizes being set apart or chosen.
Black: Represents power & is used to link the red and white which symbolizes that the conjurer of the spirits is chosen and given authority through their blood to summon the spirits.
Secondly , the Poke-Ball represents the alter which in Wiccan ritual is the place where one keeps or puts all their ritualistic items such as the sword, the wiccan wand & the chalice.
In rituals the practitioners summon demonic spirits by “invoking” them to come forth. In Pokémon the wielder of the Poke-Ball uses his Pokémon by saying, “I summon you…” then gives the specific name of the Pokémon he intends to use for that fight or battle. Members in the occult battle using different demonic spirits to gain personal power and to rise up into higher levels of the occult. Like in Pokémon, in witchcraft, the more spirits you control, the closer you are to being a Grand Master.
As if all this was not coincidental enough; each Pokémon falls under a specialized type and possesses abilities that are unique to that type.
What most people do not know is that each of these Pokémon types (as well as most games played or skills learned) coincides to forms of witchcraft. The gifts and abilities learned train children in different forms of witchcraft and desensitize them to the five “familiar objects” used as ritualistic tools by Satanists.
These are not innocent games, they are overt tools used to introduce children to occultic practices that connect them to the unseen world through their senses and the deception that the four elements of fire, earth, wind and water hold magical powers.
Each element represents a “familiar object” used for Satanic rituals.
I remember being in one of these circle groups when I was five years old. All the children formed the outer circle and an inner circle was made by objects such as a mirror, a candle, a black shawl, a feather, a flower, ect. Each child’s name was called one at a time. You were asked, “Which object would you pick?” You could pick up the object you chose and then put it back in its place and sit back down. It seemed like a harmless experience but each of these objects I later found out represented a form of witchcraft.
Mirror and chalice: water
Candle: Fire
Shawl: Dark magic
Feather: Wind
Flower: Earth
After each child picks an object they are given a teacher who mentors them in how to develop and use specialized gifts and talents related to the area of witchcraft they unknowing chose.
My original article is here Pokemon Cards are Magik Cards [fb1poke].
Perhaps they should be called Pokedemons.
Pokemon Magik Sceptics
It was gratifying to hear confirmation of the use of Pokemon as magik and further as a programming tool. The information in my original article came from Jessie Czebotar. Pokemon Cards are Magik Cards [fb1poke].
Some people did not believe it. One person even asked me to take an article down that I had written on him. He had previously congratulated me on the high quality of my blog and thanked me for the article on him. However a few weeks later when he read the article about pokemon cards being magik cards on my blog, which had been posted previously to the article on him, he said that the article was nonsense and did not want to be associated on the same blog as that. He wanted the article about him removed, and I quickly obliged despite the wasted time and effort involved, having found from previous experience that this is the simplest course of action in the long run with people like this.
It goes to show that instead of condemning something outside their own experience people should just stick to their own story. People could suspend their disbelief and wait to hear from many other people’s experience. This is preferable to rushing to hasty judgement from ignorance about other people’s stories and it would save much trouble, argument and division. There are people that do this very loudly, they should hush about others and worry about their own story.
Thankyou to Restitsa for the new information about it being used for MK Delta. Her blog is here Hivites Get Lit [3].
It looks like there will be no Spot the Symbolism post today as foxblog2 wordpress has been suspended, for no apparent reason, I have appealed. I cannot even export any of the information.
This follows suspension of foxblog4 for no reason and then reinstatement, and also suspended from Medium barely ten minutes after joining. It looks as though censorship algorithms are being tightened generally.
[fb1poke] 2020 Jun 27 foxblog1 Pokemon Cards are Magik Cards https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/06/27/pokemon-cards-are-magik-cards/ #pokemon
[1] 2023 Oct 18 Unilad Mystery of Pokémon episode that hospitalized hundreds of children is explained by expert https://www.unilad.com/film-and-tv/news/pokemon-episode-japan-hospitalized-children-debunked-788581-20231018
[1a] archive https://web.archive.org/web/20240320145706/https://www.unilad.com/film-and-tv/news/pokemon-episode-japan-hospitalized-children-debunked-788581-20231018
[2] Pokemon Vulpix https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/vulpix
[3] Hivites Get Lit https://hivitesgetlit.wordpress.com/
[4] 2022 Jun 17 foxblog1 Deep Pizzagate https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2022/06/17/deep-pizzagate/ #pizzagate #deeppizzagate #moon
[5] youtube How do Pokeballs work?
[6] Poké Ball https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9_Ball#:~:text=Mechanics%20and%20design,-Though%20the%20technology&text=When%20a%20Pok%C3%A9%20Ball%20hits,instantly%20growing%20back%20in%20size.
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Diana, this is really fascinating. but i pray for the wee innocent ones, because they are sucked right in - maybe deeper every day.
what i love about your stack: vast (VAST) scope of fascinating. never know what you'll come up with; such good reading here (when one can allot the playtime into various stacks) - that, as you once said, it matters not whether this "actually" happened on all dimensions or came from a bottomlessly creative mind.
hope that came out good like i mean it.
i can't look at any of this imagery. Peoples' "avatars" spook me as vacuous scary cartoons too...they always have...
so i see the holy Ones protect me/some of us from over "ingesting" it. at least i hope so.
Very eye opening, and inspired me to write a stack after many months of not feeling very inspired. Thanks, Fox. I love your work.