The first part is a reblog from Fiona Barnett's valuable old blog post [1], no longer available, but now reconstructed from the archive [1a], then some of my discussion.
Just for information for those only subscribed to substack, since I last posted on substack I have posted twice on wordpress where the gallery feature is far better for photographs. All my Spot the Symbolism series will be posted there…
2023 Jan 14 cathyfoxblog2 Spot the Symbolism 1 – Gwen Stefani [8]
2023 Jan 15 cathyfoxblog2 Satanic Fashion Ukrainian Company Gorsad Kyiv Promotes Child Abuse [9]
Spot the Symbolism Series are fairly short posts usually on topical symbolism, relatively quick for me to write and a second will be posted tomorrow.
Update it is now posted 2023 Jan 21 wordpress cathyfoxblog2 Spot the Symbolism 2 - Google and Satanic Symbolism [22]
It was from Fiona that I first learned about the Eastern Star from in 2015, when she started publicly whistleblowing, and she drew Antony Kidman’s charm from memory. This 2015 post of mine was a reblog from Fiona’s post when she first started to publicly whistleblow, with my introduction… 2015 Nov 30 cathyfoxblog My Story Fiona Barnett – “Hang on for the Ride” [3]
My Story Fiona Barnett – “Hang on for the Ride” [3]
Following is now the reconstruction of Fiona’s post on the Eastern Star.
Cabala, Eastern Star and MK Ultra by Fiona Barnett
The Rosicrucian Order is a secret religious cult that stemmed from ancient Babylonia. It was the basis of the OTO, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Theosophical Society, the Order of Freemasons and its chick side-kick, the Order of the Eastern Star. Combined, all of these religious cults are referred to as a global hierarchy called “The Order.” They are all based on the Cabalistic Tree of Life, feature the worship of ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman gods, and share related symbology including the Star of Osiris pentagram.
When first formed, the Order of the Eastern Star symbol featured the names of 5 goddesses as follows:
28 years after the Order of the Eastern Star was formed, its founder changed the named of the goddesses to something that better appealed to, and could hide within, our Judeo-Christian culture: five biblical characters, as follows:
Now here is a previously unpublished secret: The Order of the Eastern Star pentagram characters perfectly match the initial MK-ULTRA programmed splits created by Nazi Joseph Mengele, as follows:
Mengele’s overall MK-ULTRA programming structure was based on the Cabalistic Tree of Life, as Fritz Springmeier explained here:
The 10 main spheres of the Cabalistic Tree correspond to 10 inter-dimensional locations.
MK-ULTRA core parts were laid inter-dimensionally according to the Cabalistic Tree of Life structure and its corresponding Tree of Death via near death experiences. For example, Lilith, a water part, was laid through waterboarding the child to death, while Rose was born of a fire ritual.
One can purchase on the internet a set of 10 tuning forks to match the 10 spheres. Each of the 10 Cabalistic locations is accessed via a certain harmony / frequency which matches the tuning forks.
As Timothy Leary discovered, altered states of consciousness, or inter-dimensional locations, were reached through a combination of sensory deprivation, hypnosis, LSD, and electrocution. Mengele laid his core splits inter-dimensionally using these evil techniques. Mengele’s final 3D programming structure looked like this:
The brain’s right hemisphere processes inter-dimensionally; hence, Mengele sought child subjects with extremely high visual-spatial (right hemispheric) processing ability to train in astral projection and other inter-dimensional activities.
Dorothy, associated on the pentagram with emerald green (statistically the favourite colour of high IQ folk) held executive function in Mengele’s core programming structure. In my book EYES WIDE OPEN, I referred to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (with Oz = Osiris) as a Core MK-ULTRA programming script. I said the author of the Oz series Frank Baum was a member of the Theosophical Society. While I’m at it, here is another tidbit for those familiar with the content of my book. Theosophical Society President John Algeo, wrote:
At age 10 years my Dorothy part malfunctioned and was replaced by Alice who held executive function until age 50 years. Codenamed ‘Alice,’ I was the subject of Project Alice, which was the forerunner to CERN hadron collider’s ALICE experiment in which JASON scientists seek the correct key / frequency which will open the veil that separates this from the other dimensions and allow inter-dimensional beings to enter our dimension. CERN is run by a quantum D-Wave computer that, according to former CEO Gordie Rose, makes its computations inter-dimensionally.
Like Tesla tried to tell us, the universe is explained by frequency and vibration.
It’s all explained in my free book…
[end of Fiona’s article]
Fiona’s Book latest edition pdf download is available on this link [7]
Links to all the posts on my blog that are by or about Fiona with link to her book is here Fiona Barnetts Long Goodbye [5]
The Order was aimed towards women, even though patriarchal.
Fiona’s post is a good example of the difference between Exoteric - what is told to the public and the Esoteric - the hidden and secretive. Revealing something allows the orders to hide behind a public front and deny any other parts or meaning. eg High level esoteric freemasons hide behind the exoteric mass low level first three degrees freemasons, who are often ignorant of higher degrees, sinister purpose and use freemasonry as an aid to business and networking or charity.
The exoteric Order of Eastern Star information is available, eg on wikipedia Order of the Eastern Star [2a]. Some of the esoteric secrets, Fiona has told us from her insider knowledge and training.
Wikipedia states The meaning of the letters FATAL surrounding the center pentagon in the emblem is only revealed to members of the Order. [2a]
Fiona reveals that when the order was first formed the original star was this…
Yellow F Flora Roman goddess of spring and flowers
White H Hebe Greek Goddess of Eternal youth, immortality
Green T Thesis aka Thetis Greek sea goddess of creation
Red A Areme - Egyptian goddess whose name is secret
Blue L Luna Roman Moon Goddess associated with Diana and perpetual virgin whose three forms were Selene Sky Goddess, Artemis Earth and Hecate Underworld Queen of Evil magick aka Lilith…
Black Centre pentagon
This largely coresponds to FATAL except for H.
Exoteric wikipedia states formation in 1850 by Rob Morris, but various sources have different dates see Order of the Eastern Star archive [17a], Eastern Star Our History archive [19a], AA registry The Order of the Eastern Star Begins archive [20]]
Fiona said that 28 years later the Eastern Star was then Judeo- Christianised to…
Yellow Ruth - devoted to religious principles. Seduced Boaz
White Esther - fidelity to family and friends, symbol crown and sceptre and Madonna Lily
Green Martha - faith under trial, immortality symbol evergreen pine
Red Electa - patience and submission under wrong, symbol Rose and Chalice
Blue Adah - binding force of vow, symbol veiled dagger
Black Centre pentagon Bible
Monarch Mind Control Programming
Fiona then goes on to say that Joseph Mengele used the Eastern Star for programming, and I am presuming this was her programming and maybe others experience as well…
Yellow Belle Sex Magick prostitute and seductress. Assaulted in field of yellow flowers. Trained by Grande Dame.
White Princess of Illuminati royal bloodline. Sits on throne in white cave
Green Dorothy voice of reason and intelligence. Resides beneath Tree of Knowledge, in which Molech is perched.
Red Rose Rosicrucian Order Subjected to Luciferian ritual sacrifice and tortured by religeous cult. Born of fire ritual.
Blue Lilith orders of Dagon, Leviathan. Delta Soldier and assassin. Born of water and drowning ritual.
Why does FATAL not match exactly to Fiona’s origins of Eastern Star?
Its close except for H, Hebe. There is F Flora, H Hebe, T Thesis/Thetis, A Areme, L Luna.
I am not sure. Hebe appears the odd one out, but it was not a point that Fiona was addressing, she was just telling of her experiences and teaching. To spend much time trying to follow the duplicitous twists and turns of the Luciferian system, where betrayal is a virtue, is often unfruitful. For betrayal see Illuminati Secrets to Creating Wealth [15] and serendipitously just today see Betrayal:Brought to you by the Death Cult and Clown Parades [21].
Hebe was the incestous daughter of Zeus and Hera, and Goddess of Youth, and her name used in the word Hebephilia, the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in pubescent children who are in early adolescence, typically ages 11–14. Wikipedia Hebe [10]
The Eastern Star is one example that information available publicly, exoterically, should never be trusted as the esoteric truth. However truth is not a word that sits well with the Luciferian system, perhaps esoteric information would be better. There is layer upon layer of deception, by design. Even those in the system are deceived. An explanation is only given to satisfy those at a certain level and this can be turned on its head at the next level. This goes for everything about the system.
Birth dates, names and certificates are another example. These are routinely fabricated by the cabal which of course includes many if not all churches. Never automatically trust exoteric information about an esoteric system.
This is a collation of some information about the Eastern Star.
Table of Eastern Star Colours, elements and associated goddesses and symbolism
Following are some screenshots from wikipedia Order of the Eastern Star [2a] showing the history, emblems, officers, HQ and retirement home of the Eastern Star, with some comments.
As can be read below, the Eastern Star HQ is located in Du Pont Circle [2a]. Du Ponts are in charge of Illuminati South Quadrant : Red or Black Dragons, see Obama is now running the Satanic Council [12]. See also a Dupont, Robert H. Richards IV, who suffers practically no adverse effects of sexually abusing his oen children when Beau Biden was State Attorney General see Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children? [11w] [11s].
Interesting also in the section above is the Eastern Star Chapters collect art, and also have donated some to the HQ in Perry Belmont Mansion. As we see time and again, art appears to be used for laundering and trafficking money for whatever nefarious reasons.
Also interesting is that there used to be a Eastern Star Retirement Home in Los Angeles. Eastern Star Home [14] It was for members of the Eastern Star and female relatives. It is now the Archer School for girls. No doubt architectural and other symbolism is still there. Note it was a filming location for paedophile Polanski.
Eastern Star Home [14]
This post is also relevant to my post Spot the Symbolism 2 which will be posted very soon on wordpress
Please repost on your social media, thanks.
Bonus Jumble Gallery

[1] 2022 Feb 2 Fiona Barnett Cabala Eastern Star MK Ultra
[1a] archiveorg 2022 Feb 2 Fiona Barnett Cabala Eastern Star MK Ultra
[2] wikipedia Order of the Eastern Star
[2a] wikipedia Order of the Eastern Star archive
[3] 2015 Nov 30 cathyfoxblog My Story Fiona Barnett – “Hang on for the Ride”
[4a] 2015 Dec Pedophiles Down Under Fiona Barnett – “Hang on for the Ride”
[5] 2020 Sept 21 cathy fox blog Fiona Barnetts Long Goodbye
[6] c.2016 Fiona Barnett 'Candy Girl''Candy-Girl'-Documentary-MUST-SEE!!-Qdjy5QX5gfk:5
[7] 2010 Jun Fiona Barnett Eyes Wide Open Lockdown Edition
[8] 2023 Jan 14 cathyfoxblog2 Spot the Symbolism 1 – Gwen Stefani
[9] 2023 Jan 15 cathyfoxblog2 Satanic Fashion Ukrainian Company Gorsad Kyiv Promotes Child Abuse
[10] 2023 Jan Wikipedia Hebe
[11s] 2020 Nov 9 FoxyFox Blog Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children?
[11w] 2020 Nov 9 FoxyFox Blog Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children?
[12] 2020 Jun 4 cathyfoxblog Obama is now running the Satanic Council
[14] wikipedia archive Eastern Star Home
[15] 2020 Jul 5 cathyfoxblog Illuminati Secrets to Creating Wealth
[16] 2020 Jul 31 cathyfoxblog Michael Aquino – Research Information
[17] Stichtinargus Order of the Eastern Star
[17a] archive
[18] General Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star
[19a] Eastern Star Our History archive
[20] AA registry The Order of the Eastern Star Begins archive
[21] 2022 Jan 20 Sharine Wonders Betrayal:Brought to you by the Death Cult and Clown Parades
[22] 2023 Jan 21 wordpress cathyfoxblog2 Spot the Symbolism 2 - Google and Satanic Symbolism
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I’m a Masonic child of a long lineage of high ranking members, going back to their conception. Most were members in more than one Order.
This might be a useless comment to write here but I don't know of a more appropriate place to leave this. It has to do with the deception in the world over Covid and Ukraine mostly, though it's everywhere.
It was about 5 weeks ago that the Project Veritas Jordon Walker video came out. When I was growing up I generally was the most naive and gullible person around because I trusted people but when I saw that first video I knew within seconds that it was fake. George Webb debunked it within hours yet the majority of antinarrative substacks and commentators and commenters went off the deep end and have never come back to reality.
Then the Seymour Hersh Nord Stream bombing article came out and the geopolitical antinarrative experts fell for it without seemingly ever reading it. It was full of holes. helped me out with that but there were many debunkers.
Now it's 5 weeks later and we've survived an alien invasion attempt using interstellar or intergalactic weather balloons. Prior to all of this the knowledge that the US government used the US military to most likely release the virus but also most certainly, create and coerce the world into getting the gene therapies, was gaining traction (based on the frequency of comments posted wherever I travelled).
Since my sources for geopolitical analysis proved themselves useless I've migrated and have been listening to Conspiracy Distillery at YouTube and at his website, Brendon O'Connell on YouTube and George Webb at TheDukeReport at Rumble.
Arturo Tafoya at Conspiracy Distillery was recruited into Cicada3301 (not quite, it's really complicated. I just don't want you distrusting me for trimming details), the sort of precursor to Q. Maybe start at the 1.15.14 long Q Investigation one. Long story short, everyone knows everyone and it's all fake. Example: Frazzledrip was first promoted by Media Matters which was owned by a guy who was good friends with John Podesta. Wikileaks is mostly fake. Assange may not be, but the rest is. Glenn Greenwald, Edward Snowden and Seth Rich are all fake. Q was started by Jim Watkins of 8chan and Code Monkey fame and Thomas Schoenberger. It was partly run out of 82nd Airborne of Ft. Bragg (remember, the people who were supposed to be tracking the rigged election?). Trump, Pompeo and Flynn were in on it. Others linked are Robert David Steele, Jack Posobiec, Jerome Corsi, Cynthia McKinney, Tracey Beanz, Sidney Powell (whatever happened to her being sued for a billion dollars?), Mike Cernovich, Jason Sullivan, Bill Binney, David Wilcox, Seval Oz (Mehmet's sister), Jhamal Kashoggi, Coleman Rogers and Laura Logan. There's more but you get the picture. Some may be innocent or even good guys. There were so many names that for the first time every I listed in my note keeping app just with commas separating them (not vertically on the left side). Too much space otherwise.
Guccifer is fake too. Wesley Clark Jr is a good guy. Isaac Kappy was involved and may have been driven to suicide by Schoenberger (his specialty).