Beyonce, Grand High Priestess for the Brotherhood / the order / the Illuminati or whatever you like to call it, is 42 today. A birthday is in the top three satanic ritual days along with Halloween Oct 31 and Walpurgisnacht Apr 30.
Following the blue supermoon on 29th Aug, no doubt the whole period from 29th Aug to 4th September has been a frenzy of occult activity for her. [Incidentally a blue moon is either the third moon of four in a season or more commonly and less meaningfully now, as in this case, the second full moon of a month. It does not have to do with the colour. A supermoon is when the moon is nearer the earth in its orbit and larger than usual.]
The Renaissance Tour
Beyonce invited everyone to wear silver for her concerts from 23 Aug to 22 September [2]. The dates coincide with Virgo, Beyonce’s birthsign, and her birthday is 4th September [2] and she born in 1981 making her 42.
One thing you can rely on from Beyonce, Grand High Priestess of the East quadrant of the US illuminati is that nothing she says is for the good of mankind. She is firmly in the service to self, luciferian / satanic camp.
Silver Grey Symbolism
Silver – grey is new world order / antichrist programming according to ex high level programmer Svali. [34]
Beneath the white and black levels is the silver-grey, or new world order (antichrist) level. These systems have been created to serve the antichrist, and the NWO, are given specific roles, and are controllers for the two other levels. The grey level controllers and parts have always undergone extensive death and resuscitations, since this level is composed of “ascended masters” who have overcome their fear of death, and in fact, many of these parts live in a near-death, ecstatic and numb state of being. The Phoenix is the sign of an ascended master who has overcome death and risen again. [34]
White is the cover story programming, black is Vatican programming, and beneath that is silver- grey. Beneath in this context will mean deeper programming not less in significance.
Beyonce wears black, white and silver grey in the pictures chosen for the Mail [14]
Incidentally this is a good example of why I say that wordpress has a better gallery facility than substack. If there is a way to sort this out in substack it is not obvious to me. Substack gallery decapitates Beyonce.

Due to this substack gallery failure I have thus posted this first in wordpress, where it may be worth going to if you want to see the full photo experience. 2023 Sept 9 wordpress cathyfoxblog2 Beyonce and the Phoenix Agenda [30]
Beyonce, a wearer of Balenciaga, wears various designers in the concert, one of which is Alexander McQueen owned by Kering, the same owners as Balenciaga, the child traffickers [12].
Beyonce has some high level fans – Kamala, also high in the system, gives an odd message that appears coded mentioning 1 four times rather clumsily and the word “date” perhaps pointing to a date from the 1’s.
To the one of one, the number one, the only one, @beyonce, thankyou for a fun date night.
The Kamala tweet was on 6th August before the silver grey “invitation”. Some of the people to oblige were Meghan Markle and her entourage. The “Duke and Duchess of Sussex” attended Beyoncé’s Renaissance World Tour show at the SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles on Friday 1st Sept, along with Meghan’s mother, Doria Ragland.
Meghan is only a High Priestess in the system, having lost in witches battle with Beyonce in 2020, for the Grand High Priestess position left vacant by chosen successor Hillary Clinton not being at the death of Gloria Vandebilt to draw in the last breath as required. Some details here Illuminati Sacrifices, Magick, Rituals and Gloria Vanderbilt [17].
The concert and tour is reminiscent of other Monarch mind control influencer concerts. Barbra Streisand (monarch mind controlled slave) was used as a concert influencer and programming trigger to get other mind controlled slaves to attend. The success of various peoples mind control was judged by how full the expensive sections were… Sinead – Forgive me Part 2 Operation Crazy Girl [21]
No doubt Beyonce’s expensive boxes were all filled and one was taken by Prince Harry and Meghan. Prince Harry is said to be on the Council of 13.
Harry and Meghan Markle
With almost the whole concert in silver everyone will get triggered to their programmed antichrist alters.
Beyonce’s Renaissance tour, which incidentally means rebirth was from May 10 and due to end Oct 1.
Silver Horse Symbolism
One feature of the tour is Beyonce on a silver horse. This now completes the set of Beyonce being featured on the colour of the horses prophecied as the horses of 4 horsemen of the apocalypse – white, red, black and pale horses.

A video of her riding a black horse in a wedding dress was used as imagery during the “On The Run II” tour.
The extravagant black headdress used on the Vogue cover with the red horse, is a ritual headress that is worn by Queen Mothers of Darkness. (The use of term Mothers is confusing as sometimes it means the actual 5 Queen Mothers of Darkness and sometimes it can refer to Grand High Priestess or even High Priestess – it is just part of the continual deceptions of the system)
There is no doubt that Beyonce is trying to fulfill prophecy. Although wikipedia is not a reliable source then it gives an idea of what fears they are trying to raise…
The Lamb of God / Lion of Judah opens the first four of the seven seals, which summons four beings that ride out on white, red, black, and pale horses.
white perhaps invoking pestilence, Christ, or the antichrist
red horse as the creator of (civil) war, conflict, and strife
black horse symbolizing famine and carries the scales
pale, upon it rides Death, accompanied by Hades.
“They were given authority over a quarter of the Earth, to kill with sword, famine and plague, and by means of the beasts of the Earth.”Wikipedia Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse [13]
Over this week there are 3 dates at Inglewood, the last being on her birthday, so it may be fruitful for someone to check whether the concert at Sofi Stadium [32] is on a ritual site or leylines.
Burning Man
Also in the news this week has been the Burning Man festival. Some people wrongly assume that this is a load of “dippy hippies” doing their thing in the turn on, tune in and drop out mode. No. It was always actually heavily influenced by high level tech bosses and its a magikal ritual.
One of the most knowledgeable about Burning Man is Steve Outtrim who has been ten times. On quick inspection whilst most of his videos appear down, then this interview from 2017 is still up.
2017 Lift the Veil Burning Man Radical Ritual with Steve Outtrim Lift the Veil [19]
If you prefer articles then check these out
The Magickal Symbols Have Been Displayed. The Occult Ritual Can Commence [8]
Founded On Fire Magick [9]
Burning Man normally set fire to a wooden effigies each year leaving nothing. This year in the early house of Thursday 31 Aug one burn comprised the burning of pallets round a giant steel erection supposedly the trident on the coat of arms, representing the resilience of Ukraine. It was entitled the Phoenix and left an ugly burnt metal mess [3] – perhaps indeed a true representation of the mess that NATO, Zelensky and the occult powers have made of Ukraine.

The Phoenix
The Ukraine situation is one of the globalists real and psychological operations designed to cause fear and chaos. The Ukraine is important to the cabal for many reasons not least that it is the ancestral homeland of the Khazarian Mafia. King Bulan & His Khazarian Mafia [18].
Perhaps there was some crossed wires in the UkRAINian fire magik as rain descended on the Black Rock Desert the next day… [5]

But who knows, perhaps this was what the devil (aka the rainman) wanted and the final burn tonight will be taken as a victory of the fire magik over water magik.
All the symbolism mentioned so far points towards the Phoenix and the end times agenda.
The Phoenix
It has long been known that the intention of the cabal is to create order from chaos, the chaos that they themselves deliberately created to maintain fear and be able to inplement their satanic plans. Illuminati Plans for the New World Order – Myron Fagan [26]. They intend to bring down the dark side of their system and replacing it, Phoenix like from the ashes with the false light side of the system creating a world in Satan’s image. Carolyn Hamlett – The Plan [27] [27a]. Their ultimate goal is to storm the gates of heaven and for satan to replace God and the satanic brainwashed and mind controlled individuals have been told that they can become gods and many believe this, little realising that they are all dispensible.
Lifting the Wool What is the Galalactic Federation? [7]
The Lucifarian cabal have spent a long time putting various pieces in place to carry out their plan and they are continuously signalling that they are progressing.
Beyonce’s Renaissance Tour literally means rebirth
Beyonce is using NWO antichrist mind control symbolism triggers
Beyonce is using symbolism of the Apocalpse
Phoenix is the sign of an ascended master who has overcome death and risen again
At Burning Man Festival the Ukrainian burn was called Phoenix
The antichrist took his position on 24th April 2020 Antichrist Rising – The When and Where and How… [6]
Order of the Phoenix is headed by Obama [7] who replaced Soros as Phoenix of the Satanic Council also in 2020 Obama is now running the Satanic Council [20]
Purple programming is set to trigger the huge numbers of mind controlled individuals into not only internal chaos, which is to be resolved for them by the antichrist, but also to carry out their Manchurian candidate like tasks. See Purple Programming – Monarch Mind Control Programming [GP2w] including The Initiates of the Flame
Silver grey mind controlled programming Phoenix symbolism for the NWO and antichrist are being given to trigger alters into their allotted tasks [5] There are millions of mind controlled slaves How many mind controlled slaves are there? [25]
Further reading
The Occult Symbolism of the Phoenix Part 1 [22]
The Occult Symbolism of the Phoenix Part 2 [23]
The Occult Symbolism of the Phoenix Part 3 [24]
MJ2 – Purple Programming – Monarch Mind Control Programming [GP2w] including The Initiates of the Flame
Lifting the Wool What is the Galalactic Federation? [7]
They are implementing their plan, and we need to become active in stopping it. One part of this is knowledge and information. It is vital it gets to the wider public. Please help spread the information.
Previous posts on Beyonce
Whatever they try, do not be afraid. its just a ride.
Odysee Bill Hicks Its Just A Ride [28c]
[1] substack foxy fox – Halloween 2021 silver grey
[2] 2023 Aug 31 People Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Attend Beyoncé’s Star-Studded Renaissance World Tour Show in L.A. Beyonce has asked them to wear silver 8.23 – 9.22
[3] 2023 Aug 31 CNN Burning Man, a 26-foot tall box sculpture paid fiery tribute to Ukraine… a giant steel phoenix representing the resilience of war-torn Ukraine. “Phoenix,” was the work of 14 artists and fabricators in both Ukraine’s capital Kyiv and Chicago. In the moments before Thursday’s “burn,” audio of explosions and air raid sirens rang out around the installation while an opera singer arrived, unplanned, to perform a song in Ukrainian. The minimalist phoenix design, rising from the ashes as a show of strength, was also symbolic, shifting in perspective when viewed from different angles. From the front, the sculpture also resembles the tryzub, or trident, another name for the coat of arms Ukraine adopted in 1992 after gaining independence.
[4] Kamala
[5] 2023 Sept 2 “TOTAL DISASTER!” Shelter In Place Warning Issued as Burning Man Locked Down
[6] 2020 Apr 16 cathyfoxblog Antichrist Rising – The When and Where and How…
[7] 2022 Jul 21 wordpress Lifting the Wool What is the Galalactic Federation?
[8] 2014 Aug 30 The Magickal Symbols Have Been Displayed. The Occult Ritual Can Commence
[9] 2015 Founded On Fire Magick
[10] Are DEW and HAARP Experiments Being Ratcheted up Worldwide?
[11] Substack Satanic Holidays
[12] Wikipedia Renaissance Tour
[13] Wikipedia Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse white, red, black, and pale horses. A video of her riding a black horse in a wedding dress was used as imagery during the “On The Run II” tour.
[14] 2023 Sept 2 Mail Meghan Markle throws shapes at first night of Beyonce’s Renaissance world tour in California but Harry looks less impressed as he gazes at his phone as they celebrate mum Doria’s 67th birthday ahead of the Duke’s UK return
[15] 2022 Jun 30 What’s Beyoncé’s Deal With Horses?
[16] 2022 Jul Equestrian Living
[17] 2020 Jun 11 cathyfoxblog Illuminati Sacrifices, Magick, Rituals and Gloria Vanderbilt
[18] 2022 Apr 15 Lifting the Wool King Bulan & His Khazarian Mafia
[19] 2017 Lift the Veil Burning Man Radical Ritual with Steve Outtrim Lift the Veil
[20] 2020 Jun 4 cathyfoxblog Obama is now running the Satanic Council
[21] 2023 Aug 20 Foxy Fox Blog Sinead – Forgive me Part 2 Operation Crazy Girl #sinead #sineadoconnnor #mindcontrol #mkultra #mindcontrolledslave
[22] 2020 Watchmans Blog The Occult Symbolism of the Phoenix Part 1
[23] 2020 Watchmans Blog The Occult Symbolism of the Phoenix Part 2
[24] 2020 Watchmans Blog The Occult Symbolism of the Phoenix Part 3
[GP2w] 2021 Jan 29 cathyfoxblog MJ2 – Purple Programming – Monarch Mind Control Programming
[25] 2023 Jul 23 FoxyFoxblog How many mind controlled slaves are there? #mkultra #mindcontrol #mindcontrolledslaves
[26] 2020 Aug 23 cathyfoxblog Illuminati Plans for the New World Order – Myron Fagan
[27] 2023 Mar 26 wordpress Lifting the Wool Carolyn Hamlett – The Plan [27a] archive
[28c] Odysee Bill Hicks Its Just A Ride—It’s-Just-A-Ride-KgzQuE1pR1w:3
[29] 2019 April 1 Mix Mag GOOGLE HAS ACQUIRED THE MAJORITY SHARE OF BURNING MAN – May well be an April Fool joke.
[30] 2022 Dec 2 substack Foxy Fox Balenciaga – the Devil is in the Detail
[31] 2022 Dec 11 substack Foxy Fox Beyonciaga
[32] SoFi Stadium
[34] 2021 Oct 7 Svali Speaks Again Exposing the Vatican Part 5
[1] Wikipedia Trevor Moore
[2c] Odysee Trеvоr Mооrе - Hеlp Mе
[3] Lyrics Trеvоr Mооrе - Hеlp Mе
[4] archive Micki and
[5] Trevor Moore Drunk Texts to Myself Pope Rap Uncensored
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