I am back on twitter, https://twitter.com/CathyCathyFox/ ie @cathycathyfox . I was reinstated on about 29th Jan I think. I will blog about this in the future, but no time at present. All my appeals had been turned down and I was not under a current appeal when reinstated. I have also heard but cannot confirm that a new system of appeal came in on 1 Feb, so maybe worth appealing if you are yet not reinstated.
However the purpose of this post is more practical. I still have 18,500 twitter followers (thankyou!) having only lost 600 when away. Pretty sure from the posting figures that I am still heavily shadowbanned but not investigated that much yet. Anyway it is still a useful platform. Since it took me years to build it up, I know what it is like to be shouting into the wind with smaller followings and seemingly not being heard or listened to. So I will be running a “follow train”.
Follow Train
I will tweet a picture of steam train, this one - with brief tweet explanation of a follow train and a link to this post probably.
Then if you want to increase your followers…
reply to my tweet with friendly tweet, a good picture, smiley emoji etc etc
follow all those who have already replied to my tweet
retweet my tweet, and like my tweet, each at different times spread out
revisit at end of day or next day and follow all those who have done the same in the meantime
It’s as successful as the people who reply make it.
I will follow, like and retweet everyones replies, at separate times, to get more visibility and if the people replying, or other helpful people RT and like others replies, then that will also help. Just like a market square, more join in if a bit of a crowd gathers. Likes and RTs are a bit like a shout out, so do them separately, not at the same time.
If you search on twitter for @cathycathyfox follow train or #followtrain you will see previous times I have done this. I will use #foxyfollowers for this weekend as well as the other hashtags.
Update - this is the tweet to join the followtrain…

One of the useful parts about twitter is people joining in for “crowd research” - as much or little as they want. So I will start a crowdsearch off on Saturday approximately midday London time. This crowdresearch will be used to make a twitter thread, at the time and and I will make an article in the week after.
This weeks topic will be celebrity triangle and 3 dot tattoos.
3 dots are an illuminati brand on finger, back of shoulder or side of upper thigh or hip. It notifies others that person is high end Beta Kitty, cannot be pimped out as a normal sex slave or mistreated by handlers. Protocol to access her must be regarded, punishable by death.
The small triangles with lines or dots on the side of thumb, finger, back, thigh or hip all represent the same thing, they indicate a high end elite sex slave. They use these tattoos to indicate who is allowed to use that slave. They can not be used or misused by lower level pimps… but they can be misused or abused by paying clients or their handler.
The elements [see later] do not apply to all the triangle tattoos, but if elements are important to convey, then they find a way to mark the body to indicate that. Sometimes the placement of the tattoo on the body can indicate the element and goes with the chakra for that body part. Triangle Tattoos… [1w]
eg some triangle tattoos

I don’t want the shhh unless it comes with 3 dots, thats the only three dot one I have, the article was on triangle tattoos. Triangle Tattoos… [1w]
The elements mentioned are air, fire, water and earth and these are their symbols
These usually add a layer of complexity to the symbolism and exact positioning of tattoos another layer.
I have chosen this topic because
It will be useful to have an idea of all the celebs who have these tattoos ie. those that are likely to be high end mind controlled beta kittens
I have blogged on these tattoos before, and although that came from my own resarch, it will give people an idea of what is wanted and what can be done as an article from this
to ease me and everyone into the crowdresearch process so we can run one each week on different symbolism
Photos - What is needed is the best quality photos available, a name and a link to the source. Its always best to have a close up and a wider shot, showing who it is and where on the body. Try not to give photos without a link or a name if you can. You may know who it is but chances are I will not. Even better for those that can, caption on the photo itself who it is.
Check the thread that no-one has already given the same pics before you post, otherwise its harder to go down the research thread.
Research Tips
search all different social media and mainstream sources, celeb rags will no doubt be a good source
use several search terms around the topic - eg tattoos, triangle tattoos, celebrity tatoos. [name of celeb] tattoos, men with xx, women with xx etc etc
# or no #, eg triangle tattoos, #triangletattoos
change search engines - often eg yandex, presearch, freespoke,
search articles on specific celebs, celeb magazines, symbolism site eg vigilant citizen https://vigilantcitizen.com/ though some is paywall now. Various site show tattoos and their supposed meaning.
control and f pressed at the same time will enable you to search for a term within a page
reverse image search eg https://tineye.com/ are useful to find out where an image has been posted before and to find a link
To identify as many different celebs as we can with 3 dots or triangle tattoos, and get photos /screenshots of them. Not every single one will be a beta kitten sex slave but it will give us a very good idea
I will do a thread at the time on triangle tattoos and 3 dot tattoos. Depending on what comes up maybe one thread or maybe two - one thread for dots one for triangles
To provide information /photos for an article - maybe just even a record of the thread, maybe more detailed
However I do not want this to be just me doing threads or articles. I would like it also to be a skillshare of those good at researching passing on tips, those good at threads doing the same and similarly those good at blogging articles.
I don’t want to be the only person doing a thread, or doing an article. People who are good at threads or want to try out doing threads, use the crowdsourced / crowdresearched information that is found, to start off a thread themselves. Similarly use the crowdsourced information /photos to write an article.
The more the merrier, we all have something to offer. I would like it to be a big skillshare and learning experience.
I cannot remember whether it is best to start the thread off the same tweet as the one I announce the crowdresearch or a separate one, I will have to play it by ear.
Maybe one thread on each threedots and triangles or combined
I will try to tweet the follow train between about 11am and 12 am London time, and then the CrowdResearch tweet not long after. I will use #FoxyCrowdResearch1 #TriangleTattoos #ThreeDotTattoos #FoxyCrowdResearch
Depending on if I am under a search shadowban, you may need to go directly to my profile @cathycathyfox and look for the thread.
I will probably do the twitter thread as research comes in, and article later. The article maybe just be the thread, see how it goes.
I have chosen symbolism, as it is widespread, it is like a hidden language that the more we understand it the more we know what the system is doing, and id we collect enough it is undeniable. They can try and talk away one or two occurences but not hundreds.
For those with greater understand of the importance of the elements, the exact positioning of the tattoos, try and understand and pass on any information gained as we gather more information.
Future possible symbolism topics
cat print
hand signal pyramid
feel free to suggest topics
For the triangle tattoo article see Triangle Tattoos… wordpress - more photos [1w] substack [1s]
This has been rushed, but I want to get it out quickly before tomorrow. Hope i covered everything. Check back on this blog post, as if I have missed anything, I will update the blog post. Twitter Follow Train and CrowdResearch - this weekend [2]
[1w] 2021 Oct 22 cathyfoxblog Triangle Tattoos… https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2021/10/22/triangle-tattoos/
[1s] 2021 Oct 22 foxyfoxblog Triangle Tattoos…
[2] Twitter Follow Train and CrowdResearch - this weekend
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Telegram Foxy Wolf Chat Group https://t.me/foxywolfchannelgroup
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I don't use Twitter. But I did a simple DDG search for the term "celebrities with triangle tattoo" and this website came up. There are five pages of photos, all with the person's name and some information about their tattoo. I hope this is helpful for your research.