Oh my goodness I’m very disturbed by this. I have referred clients to him. No longer and thank you so much for always being on the forefront of things.

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This is what I had listened to from Uhler:

Jon Uhler on the Imagination podcast. S4 E20 December 8, 2023. This episode is very interesting to listen to and offers a lot towards people who are suffering.

Part Two S4E40 understanding dissociation, DID

I Remember finding him quite compelling, but I listened a while ago. I was very interested in understanding psychopathology. Uhler emphasized that these psychopaths, and pedophiles cannot be redeemed nor rehabilitated. I was also very interested in discussion regarding the process of self corruption and at what point a person crosses a threshold into becoming things like dangerous, irredeemable, predatory, etc. These are big questions to be concerned about.

I also remember him talking about furries. The furry culture does have a sexualized sector, which I did not imagine at first, what with it looking more like cosplay and creative fan fun. There is a huge furry porn infrastructure which is opportune and available for even virtual abuse between children and others. Having family members myself who became trans after getting into the easy access internet porn and online sexualized furry and fan culture, I do think this is all good reason to notice the tension of all of these elements.

Nicole mentioned detransition and furries, and also her father's questioning her exposure to porn. There is a lot going on there that is really unclear. It sounds like she's been through a lot and working hard to process and heal, and resolve whatever it is that occurred with her parents as well.

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The spanking account is quite specific. It seems there are allegations that she is not wanting to detail? So much sounds like her personally processing and explaining her interior experience. I wish I had a good summation.

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