Thank you, Cathy. I had not heard of lonehorseblog, I'm going to check it out.

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He is fantastic actually. A mine of information. One of the unsung heros.

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Thank you so much for this Cathy! I actually started a draft of something similar, but you have put so much more into this post than I ever would have had time/energy to do! I will look through my notes and the post draft to see if I have discovered anything to add to your extensive work here. Again, THANK YOU for this!

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I had to finish this quickly, there is much missed out and much to be tidied up etc, but i would love to see your info x

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I’m totally binging on your Substack. You have the best information. I wanted to share another resource of Jeanette archer. She is a survivor of SRA and mind control. She has her new website up. And there’s a list of resources on that site, which might be helpful to some folks.


Check our resources tab for therapists

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Well done - amazing set of resources

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thanks, it does need updating, but so many jobs to do!

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Well, at least you have a place for folks to go to to get more resources. I’m sure you get a lot of inquiries.

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