Nice introduction to their worldwide thuggery gang signs! As a guitar player, I only press my middle two fingers together to form certain chords, and that is Left Hand only! I make joyful music, while they deceive and destroy.
If you're interested, here is a link to a video on my Rumble channel that shows hundreds of examples, including a lot of examples of modern-day, "favorite" celebs and politicians. (excuse the cheesy music).
If you want to see how far this rabbit-hole goes, go look at the hands of your daughter's Barbie and American Girl Dolls....then their cartoons...movies... posters... have fun.
Teach it to your little kids, they become expert at picking it out.
That wasn't a video that I created, just one I collected. I started downloading videos about 8 yrs ago when everything interesting started getting taken down from YouTube. I have uploaded a handful on Odyssey but I have over 500 on Rumble. It's quite an eclectic assortment of videos that I found interesting. I can't say I agree with everything, nevertheless, I think that people should have access to all information and decide for themselves what they want to believe. The channel is definitely a good resource for research.
I tend to concentrate on Odysee and put the ones on here that are related to my blogs, so i dont have to keep renewing the you tube ones in my blogs
Very interesting Cathy. I had no idea there were so many signs. You could be caught out making one unintentionally. The M reminded me of the Vulcan salute, thought to be occult. The sign is like a V in the middle of the hand, and the Jewish blessing which accompanies it is Live long and prosper. The 10 fingers represent the sefirot, therefore from Kaballah. Freemasonry, and several other religions have been linked to Kaballah, including Theosophy.
Don't forget my favorite, the official portrait of Joseph Smith.
thanks, included in article
it is also meant to resemble a dragon's claw, bloodline symbolism of being hosted by an entity/"god"
Nice introduction to their worldwide thuggery gang signs! As a guitar player, I only press my middle two fingers together to form certain chords, and that is Left Hand only! I make joyful music, while they deceive and destroy.
If you're interested, here is a link to a video on my Rumble channel that shows hundreds of examples, including a lot of examples of modern-day, "favorite" celebs and politicians. (excuse the cheesy music).
If you want to see how far this rabbit-hole goes, go look at the hands of your daughter's Barbie and American Girl Dolls....then their cartoons...movies... posters... have fun.
Teach it to your little kids, they become expert at picking it out.
Did you put that together? Have you got an odysee?
That wasn't a video that I created, just one I collected. I started downloading videos about 8 yrs ago when everything interesting started getting taken down from YouTube. I have uploaded a handful on Odyssey but I have over 500 on Rumble. It's quite an eclectic assortment of videos that I found interesting. I can't say I agree with everything, nevertheless, I think that people should have access to all information and decide for themselves what they want to believe. The channel is definitely a good resource for research.
I tend to concentrate on Odysee and put the ones on here that are related to my blogs, so i dont have to keep renewing the you tube ones in my blogs
thanks very much
very interesting thank you and heres another one
Included one of them in the article, thanks
Very interesting Cathy. I had no idea there were so many signs. You could be caught out making one unintentionally. The M reminded me of the Vulcan salute, thought to be occult. The sign is like a V in the middle of the hand, and the Jewish blessing which accompanies it is Live long and prosper. The 10 fingers represent the sefirot, therefore from Kaballah. Freemasonry, and several other religions have been linked to Kaballah, including Theosophy.
Yes the vulcan one is also said to be occult, also called the Sign of the Rabbi iirc. Interesting re. kaballah thanks
I watched this Dan Duval conference yesterday, from last week, featuring overcomers, including Esther Ford. She looks amazing, and speaks about 15 minutes in. She mentions her twin Sue and their triplet!!. Mengele programmed them with One mind programming so that they would think there was only one of them. Perhaps explains why Sue has never believed she has an actual twin? Very interesting. Just noticed she features in Dan's latest interview on Jesuits, CERN, and underground bases.
thanks, i have only managed to catch the first one so far.