Sep 27, 2022Liked by The Fox Blog

Dylan has a new channel and just uploaded a new song. https://youtu.be/tWsWDYL7DuI

I think they are still homeless? But clearly still active to some extent...

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thankyou for this, thats good news that she is alive and posting

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As an aside, I was brought here by a dream I had about a trafficking situation of 'me' living in a hotel room in a Muslim country. It was very much like 'I' was actually there.

I am not a survivor but I do in waking life spend a lot of time reading about the experiences of survivors from a counseling psychology area of interest. I wanted to write about MC/SRA for my graduate school thesis years ago and was told not to by administration so that I could graduate. Interesting and sad. You have an ally in me, though I am still trying to discern how that 'shows up.' Thank you for your work.

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Thats interesting, if you feel like writing a post, i will blog it.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by The Fox Blog

I have thought about this throughout my day and would like to move forward. I will send you an email from my protonmail account about the scope of such a piece since I am on the 'outside' of the MC/SRA experience.

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ok great, nothing come through yet

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I emailed the address at zoho dot com. Is that still active?

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Hi I have removed your comment as i am not sure you meant it to be public, , i have a copy and will read through it

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Try my substack email which i think is foxyfox@substack.com . I am womering if protonmail only can send to other "secure" emails? I am trying to work out what your substack email is from mine, as i havent doen this before

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thats the one. but nothign in spam or inbox

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What area are you talking? I am not sure what you mean. I havent any skills or ability in the awakening part, i just write and people take from it from what they will

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