Its so sad to check up to see how a survivor of MK Ultra mind control is doing, and find them posting on homelessness and that things have gone downhill. In fact no post for a year.
In my last post on Katy Groves, two and a half years ago, she was interpreting symbolism to help others. 2020 Mar 1 cathyfoxblog Katy Groves explains Tongue Tied, by Mind Controlled Lion Slave Miley Cyrus [1]
It appears now she has changed the title of her youtube to Dylan Groves. She was obviously homeless and having problems.
Dylan GrovesYou Tube videos [2]
Despite her difficulties she often sings songs for the benefit of others.
If anyone has the time to examine Dylan’s videos and the comments, find out what has happened, and write a blog then it would be fitting, I feel. Similarly if anyone can upload at least some of her videos to a more stable platform that does not censor, then her work may last longer. If anyone knows how she is, please comment.
With the system stacked against you and the legacy of the mind control still causing havoc within, it is all too easy to not be able to keep your head above the water.
Many hope and pray for her.
[1] 2020 Mar 1 cathyfoxblog Katy Groves explains Tongue Tied, by Mind Controlled Lion Slave Miley Cyrus
[2] Dylan GrovesYou Tube videos
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So good to see others caring about Katy. I wrote about her here. I fear her latest channel is a clone version of her...or parts overcome by the Death-Cult...
Dylan has a new channel and just uploaded a new song.
I think they are still homeless? But clearly still active to some extent...