Discussion is, is now blocked. Troll / AI assisted /bot nonsense that just eats people's time and annoys them.

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First. I read the first 5 sentences. I have trust issues with content creators.

Second. I just saw what you are talking about.

Third. Before I proceed, I'd like to say, "FUCK James Hanlon" lawinorder poser. In school they called him "Jimmy Hands on" because he would manual stimulate innocent helpless comatose cancer children while filming it.


James Hanlon made money and fame filming nyfd and FR's digging through scraps for nothing.

Go watch the naudet documentary. Then research he was also behind the camera and the reason the documentary about a rookie FD was accepted.

Its not even 9/11 I'm mad about or the fact James Hanlon had foreknowledge and participated. Its the cancer ridden comatose shirner hospital kids that could have met Kid Rock, instead of getting manually stimulated by a bit part B-rated has-been ginger mick wanna be snuff film fanboy.

Anyway. Yes. Dark psychology.

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Discussion is: I agree that Dark Psychology as a field of study (I guess?) is horrific enough, but then add in the realities NOT covered in the glowing promotion of this practice.

And when I say "practice," I refer to dark occultism: Luciferianism, Satanism, and Freemasonry. These are death cults that use anal sex as a portal to their [false] idea of "illumination." They operate at the highest levels of every echelon of society, because they have spent hundreds of years building social constructs and infiltrating all genuine organic movements, with the intent to socially engineer us into their Cosmic Androgyne Agenda. Their intention is for our complete enslavement as trans-sexualized cyborgs. It is anti-life and promotes abominations of the Divine Creation.

Just my current perspectives and perceptions.

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They are called rosicurians.AMORC. Esoteric. Occultist. And they have succeeded. Our only chance now will be physical war. The is no voting. No debating. We are much much too late. The days of these religions has passed. Unfortunately we let it. Jesus Christ, God, has not passed. But God will be coming back on his time. He will not speed up on our mistake of allowing ritual magic and esotericism to continue to the point of flourishing. The heremetism. Otology. Ritual magic. It has arrived. The cyborg sex thing is inaccurate. They worship both genders and hermaphrodites. 9/11, covid and transexuals being introduced and accepted was just a knock on the door and we answered.

We had refused any of those it would deleted this a few more years each. In modern times the solution to this is unacceptable to write or say out loud. It is something you and I have most likely not done. These Occultist aren't making cyborg slaves. You are wrong. The worship men and women who have obtained both genders. If a man and woman can join after they have both accomplished realizing both sexualities in their mind body and soul, that is the highest to them.

We are in slavery right now. Perversion is what we have to look forward to as a certainty. All those vampire, Harry Potter and magic shows don't look so hot anymore.

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Since we are each individuals, how is it that people like myself who did not accept CovAin't, the trans agenda, etc are lumped in with those who refused to question? I'm not saying that I wasn't ever wrong or deceived in the past, I'm saying that I have corrected my perceptions of Right and Wrong. And if I'm not committing Wrongs, then why do I have to suffer as a slave? Also, since these dark occultists have used psychological manipulation on humanity over eons to achieve their agenda, how is it that we are to be held responsible for the damage *they* caused?

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It’s pathetic to think rejecting certain agendas makes you immune from blame. Your so-called “corrected” views don’t exempt you from the mess you’re part of. The irony is you’re likely spreading misinformation yourself. I’m deeply offended by your weak attempt to dodge responsibility. Everyone’s complicit blaming dark forces while playing the victim, except me.


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You're wayyy too good for me. I guess you never fell for any of the fuckers' fuckery. Except that you're on Substack berating someone you don't know, which is really shitty behavior. You have no idea who I am. Fuck off, asshole.

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I'm sorry. I had chatgot write the 3rd response. I could not understand how your

responses made sense compared to my silly responses. Like who responds to talking shit on James Hanlon. I was serious about him being involved in the documentary that accidentally led to 9/11. I'm not more than a few people understand what 9/11 was and is to this day. I have found few accounts on the internet are genuine people. I deserve the fuck off asshole. It was the first thing you said that made complete sense.

What is you account about. I chose it for now reason and the article was fine. I just have little faith that the topics I and around anything alternative are by a regular person.

Examples of NOT regular people are paid agents and esotericism and ritual magic people. I rarely run into someone that strikes me as a genuine person. "Fuck you asshole" because of my first message would have given me more confidence. I see now there is a chance you are creating content genuinely. My apologies for the rude chat gpt 3rd one. The first two were silly but there was truth in everything out the poor taste James Hanlon jokes. He did participate in filming 9/11....

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This simple trick beats the manipulators every time: walk away and don't look back. Sure, you'll end up living alone with a limited income and no friends, but it's worth it.

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They want to return to higher practices of mentality and sexuality on their scale. It is complete for all intended purposes. It would require war to stop. But they have each country. Where would you war from?

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