The more they try to hide from us, the harder we shall seek
The more they try to bury the truth, the deeper we will dig
The more they try to blind us, the truth we will see
The more they try to bully us, the stronger we will become.
by Kevin O’Connor, Caldey Island Survivor
Yesterday I posted a summary of the abuse by monks on Caldey Island going back decades and the refusal of the Abbot to even apologise. Caldey Island Child Abuse Summary [9s].
This current post details some actions you can take to help Caldey Island Survivors Campaign to get that apology they so desperately want and deserve.
Caldey Island Survivors Group
Survivors of abuse from Caldey Island formed a group called Caldey Island Survivors Campaign. Kevin is launching the latest part of survivors campaign tomorrow on Good Friday, to bring more attention to the decades of child abuse carried out by the monks on Caldey Island and what you can do to help. The launch will be on Sonia Poulton’s daily morning show Rise on BNT. Twitter Sonia Poulton [18] Brand New Tube Sonia Poulton [19].
On Saturday 8th April, the first boat sails to the island for the opening of the public season on Caldey Island. Children are at risk from monks and other paedophiles the island has attracted for decades.
Easter time is obviously a particularly significant time to many as the time of crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The main part of the Caldey Island Survivors campaign is to ask people to fill in the Caldey Island Monks Prayer Request Form, to request that the monks pray for the very child victims raped and abused by the monks on Caldey Island.
We are hoping that will get their attention!
Aims of Caldey Island Survivors Campaign
Public Apology - There should be a full public apology from Caldey Island Abbot Daniel Van Sandvoort for the child rapes and child abuse carried out by monks on Caldey Island. Abbot Santvoort has been the Caldey Abbot for 23 years and on the island for 33 years.
Private Apologies to victims - The children abused by monks should also receive an individual private apology from the Abbot.
Child Protection - Children on the island deserve proper protection. The Monks have finally been forced to have vetting, but the DBS vetting needs to be properly supervised by the Religious Life Safeguarding Service [RLSS] [5]
Children's minister for the Welsh Assembly should recognise the extent of the abuse, the imperative for an apology from Abbot and that the Welsh Assembly need to launch an inquiry into decades of abuse on the island.
Actions for Public to help the Survivors Campaign
We want to make sure that the abuse survivors are uppermost in Caldey Island Monks thoughts and prayers. Survivors desperately want recognition of their abuse and an apology before they can begin healing. We are asking people to fill in a prayer request form on the Caldey Island website to
ask the monks to pray for victims and survivors of child abuse at the hands of Caldey Island Monks on Caldey Island
ask the monks to pray that Abbot Daniel van Santvoort gives a full public apology to all the victims of child abuse on the island and at the hands of Caldey Island Monks. An apology is the only moral and Godly action for Abbot Daniel van Santvoort to take.
ask the monks to pray that Abbot Daniel van Santvoort gives an individual private apology to each victim
This is a screenshot of the prayer request form, and if you click on it, it will take you to the form itself…
Caldey Island Monks Prayer Request Form [2]
Plan B, should the Prayer Request Form go down for any reason, is an email address that you can send prayer requests to, or any other queries… Email
We would ask you to do which of these actions you can or feel drawn to. If you only have time to do one action, please fill in the Monks Prayer Request form for an apology for abuse survivors.
Fill in the Monks Prayer Request form to the monks for the victims of abuse by Caldey Island monks and an apology from Abott Daniel van Santvoort
Boycott Caldey Island and all products #BoycottTheBrothers
Support Caldey Island Survivors Campaign by buying some of their hand beaten recycled copper crosses and other items hand made by survivors.
Pray for the victims and survivors of Caldey Island Child Abuse
Sign up to the Caldey Island Survivors Campaign mailing list to keep in touch for further actions - Caldey Island Survivors [1] or here [2] Scroll down.
Email /Contact actions
Email / Contact Actions
Contact Rocio Cifuentes, the Welsh Assembly Children’s Commissioner for Wales. Ask for her to recognise the importance of an apology from the Abbot for the victims and survivors of child abuse on Calday Island and by monks on the Island. With recognition and an apology the victims of child abuse at the hands of monks on Caldey Island can start to achieve some closure for the first time. Survivors Campaign would like her to support the call for an investigation into the child abuse over on the Island over decades to find out what has happened.
Child Commissioner Wales email [14a]
Twitter childcomwales [14d]
Tel: 01792765600 and tel: 0808 801 1000 (The office will be closed from 12 pm Thurs 6th April to Tuesday 11th April)
Child Commissioner Wales website [14]
Contact RLSS
Caldey Island survivors say there needs to be independent safeguarding checks. Police DBS vetting should now to be supervised by the Religious Life Safeguarding Service [5] [RLSS] but the Survivors Campaign want to be ensure that this will actually take place and to a high standard and that they are watching. There is some debate as to how effective RLSS are. See Pat Mills blog [17]
Please ask for confirmation of RLSS oversight of Caldey Island’s DBS vetting, what levels of DBS vetting the monks are subject to and what RLSS oversight means in practice.
RLSS email [6]
Tel 0151 5562311 Option 1 – Safeguarding
PO Box 878, York YO316GS
Religious Life Safeguarding Sevice RLSS website [5]
Copper Crosses from Survivors
The survivors group and particularly Kevin has spent much time and money trying to raise awareness of the abuse that happened, and trying to get the truth and justice and the extent of what has actually happened to children at the hands of monks on Caldey Island over the last 70 years.
The Survivors Group Campaign now raise funds by making hand beaten recycled copper crosses and other items. These crosses are hand made with love and Kevin described with passion what they represent…
“The reason I make these crosses is that I felt that through all my life, I was carrying the cross that the abusers had placed on my back. Their sins were the weight I carried for decades. The tears I shed left a trail which Jesus followed.”
Even though the weight of their sins became too heavy at times and I fell to my knees with depression and feelings of loneliness, Jesus picked me up and helped me to carry on my path. Without Jesus and my good wife Carol I not sure where I would be today. Making these crosses is done by the hands of survivors of historic child abuse. We make them with our hearts. We know their feelings and hurt. Every cross we make is a symbol for survivors past, present and future child abuse all over the world.
The copper pipe I use is reclaimed from builders who donate them to my campaign.
I clean the copper pipe and then hammer it into shape. Then I solder them. We then bless them with Holy water.
Please email for ordering crosses. The price is £25.00 including most postages. Please let me know of your address and we confirm that. With all my heart I thank you.

The hand made copper crosses are particularly stunning I think.
Email for ordering crosses and other items. The price is £25.00 for crosses including most postages. Please let me know of your address and we confirm that. With all my heart I thank you.
These QR codes pass me by, but apparently you can also help Caldey Survivors Group by donating by scanning this QR code to their GoFundMe
Caldey Island Survivors Group and campaign is on
Caldey Island Survivors Facebook [3]
Caldey Island Survivors website [4]
Boycott Caldey Island Monks
Caldey Island monks sell products that they make on the island. But they are tainted with child abuse. Please boycott the island and not buy any of their products. Not only have the hands that abused children made the products, but the products like ice cream and chocolate were used to lure children in to their abuse. The dairy is where the ice cream and chocolate are made and the room off the dairy was used to abuse children.
The Abbot, Daniel van Santvoort, who refuses to apologise to survivors of abuse by monks on the island is in the centre of the picture, surrounded by the abuse and product.
Caldey No.1 - Caldey Island perfume comes with the stench of child abuse…
Caldey Island is opening to the public on Saturday 8th April. Caldey Island, off Tenby, Pembrokeshire, SA70 7UJ, Wales. email
#BoycottTheBrothers #BoycottCaldeyIsland
Please share this post to help Caldey Island Survivors get an apology.
Other posts on Caldey Island
Kevins Story of Child Abuse on Caldey Island [7s]
Caldey Island Abuse Timeline #CaldeyIsland [8s] #CaldeyIslandAbuse #cistercian #ChurchAbuse #Monks #CistercianAbuse
Caldey Island Child Abuse Summary [9s] #CaldeyIsland #ChildAbuse #csa #FatherKatik #DanielVanSantvoort #Abbot
[7s] 2022 Oct 8 substack foxyfoxblog Kevins Story of Child Abuse on Caldey Island
[8s] 2023 Feb 28 Substack FoxyFox Caldey Island Abuse Timeline #CaldeyIsland #CaldeyIslandAbuse #cistercian #ChurchAbuse #Monks #CistercianAbuse
[9s] Caldey Island Child Abuse Summary #CaldeyIsland #ChildAbuse #csa #FatherKatik #DanielVanSantvoort #Abbot
Also check out Patrick Mills blog [17] who blogs mainly on De La Salles abuse but covers all religious abuse. Recently covered views on the RLSS safeguarding.
Poem by Kevin O’Connell
The more they try to hide from us, the harder we shall seek.
The more they try to bury the truth, the deeper we will dig.
The more they try to blind us, the truth we will see.
The more they try to bully us, the stronger we will become.
[1] Caldey Island Survivors Latest Developments
[3] Caldey Island Survivors Facebook
[4] Caldey Island Survivors website
[5] Religious Life Safeguarding Sevice RLSS
[6] RLSS email
[7s] 2022 Oct 8 substack foxyfoxblog Kevins Story of Child Abuse on Caldey Island formerly titled Cistercian Monk Child Abuse and Trafficking on Caldey Island
[8s] 2023 Feb 28 Substack FoxyFox Caldey Island Abuse Timeline #CaldeyIsland #CaldeyIslandAbuse #cistercian #ChurchAbuse #Monks #CistercianAbuse
[9s] Caldey Island Child Abuse Summary #CaldeyIsland #ChildAbuse #csa #FatherKatik #DanielVanSantvoort #Abbot
[14] Child Commissioner Wales website
[14a] Child Commissioner Wales
[14b] tel: 01792765600
[14c] tel: 0808 801 1000
[14d] Twitter childcomwales
[15] Caldey Island Monks Prayer Request
[16] Email Caldey Island, off Tenby, Pembrokeshire, SA70 7UJ,Wales, UK
[17] Pat Mills blog who blogs mainly on abuse by De La Salles but covers much church abuse and recently the debate on how effective the RLSS are.
[18] Twitter Sonia Poulton
[19] Brand New Tube Sonia Poulton
[52] Facebook Caldey Island
[54] Company Check Caldey Island John Cattini
[58] Our Lady of Intern Rt Revd Daniel van Santvoort OCSO, Abbot of Caldey
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We are following the survivors and we are praying for them and I've just taken a few of the action steps that you have called us to do in your email and I'm more than glad to make those cries for God's will to be done and for their healing to take place! I sent a prayer request to the monks to before complete repentance and a public apology and a private apology and then also sent an email to the government leader woman that you suggested. I will try to buy one of their crosses soon also! Whatever you've done to the least of these my brother you've done to me and whatever you have not done until he's my brother and you've not done it to me are the words of Jesus