Your research regarding Cathy O'Brien has been nothing short of deeply compassionate and exemplary, which is a difficult task. If some of your readers can't see that, they are either delusional or trolls, or both!
The video interview of Cathy with Mike Winner and Dr. Barre Lando clearly shows her triggered by key words. I can see her snap into programming and then struggle to get out. It is painful to watch.
Interestingly, Mike and Dr. Barre did not seem to notice. I don't blame them, as they are clearly not well-researched in MK-ULTRA and SRA. However, if I have an opportunity to bring up this topic with them, I'll be happy to do it. It really does behoove all genuine truth seekers to be highly conscious of their verbal and physical language when interviewing anyone who is a victim of trauma-based mind-control.
Thanks Sharine. Thanks also for the names I did not know who the interviewers were. Yes please bring it up with them if you know them, I have not seen them before. Not being from the system, I do not udnerstand what was happening exactly but yes painful to watch.
I really appreciate your indepth research and fair questions concerning such a complex web of cult abuses.
When you mentioned memories, I was reminded of what Max Spiers said in one of his last interviews in 2016. He was a child survivor of Project Oaktree, and said the Third Reich continued to grow but by the 70s and 80s, the children were programmed through technology that enabled the perpetrators to give them false memories to make them think they went through those things and were traumatised. That was good enough to make them split the mind - disassociate the mind – it’s all about disassociation and control. The frankenstein bloodlines responsible for doing this to children need to be fully exposed and extinguished.
In recent weeks I received a message from a former cult slave that 'unwitting cult survivors who publicly share their testimonies risk having their MK-Ultra codes being sold to the highest bidder for sport triggers and bragging rights upon "successful" post-show destruction.' A friend of mine who had first hand experience of cult crimes that nearly killed her, confirmed that this was true. I wasn't aware of the 'MK code bidding' system.
Selling MK codes is a new revelation to me, too. It's repulsive. The message also alleges that the freemasons are behind it. I know there are 'good people' involved in freemasonry but I have done extensive research about them and the hidden core is rotten.
I would bet that the people attacking you or anyone else speaking on this are on the inside of this. They don't want the truth out. I've always thought that Cathy was still in and Mark was her handler. Anything with Kelly never made sense. Their whole situation seemed like a huge red flag and never say well within my spirit. All your work has been great and I've really appreciated it. Keep sharing the real research and the truth.
The attackers are not Cathy's true friends, they want to use her for their own purposes, keep her on the 'truth' podcast circuit which many system gatekeepers inhabit. eg Mel K. Your research is impeccable and I for one would never have suspected anything had you not exposed it. Now wondering about other "survivors".
You are right, and yes one is a podcaster who has had Cathy on at least a couple of times, but yet does not seem to care about Cathy's health /control of her. Most people would be shocked at who it is and what was said to me.
Sounds to me like those attacking you either are still asleep themselves, or they will not accept any other opinion except the one that makes them feel “comfy”. I hope you forge on. You’re practicing the 1st Amendment. It was created for such the times we live 🙂
Your research regarding Cathy O'Brien has been nothing short of deeply compassionate and exemplary, which is a difficult task. If some of your readers can't see that, they are either delusional or trolls, or both!
The video interview of Cathy with Mike Winner and Dr. Barre Lando clearly shows her triggered by key words. I can see her snap into programming and then struggle to get out. It is painful to watch.
Interestingly, Mike and Dr. Barre did not seem to notice. I don't blame them, as they are clearly not well-researched in MK-ULTRA and SRA. However, if I have an opportunity to bring up this topic with them, I'll be happy to do it. It really does behoove all genuine truth seekers to be highly conscious of their verbal and physical language when interviewing anyone who is a victim of trauma-based mind-control.
Thanks Sharine. Thanks also for the names I did not know who the interviewers were. Yes please bring it up with them if you know them, I have not seen them before. Not being from the system, I do not udnerstand what was happening exactly but yes painful to watch.
I really appreciate your indepth research and fair questions concerning such a complex web of cult abuses.
When you mentioned memories, I was reminded of what Max Spiers said in one of his last interviews in 2016. He was a child survivor of Project Oaktree, and said the Third Reich continued to grow but by the 70s and 80s, the children were programmed through technology that enabled the perpetrators to give them false memories to make them think they went through those things and were traumatised. That was good enough to make them split the mind - disassociate the mind – it’s all about disassociation and control. The frankenstein bloodlines responsible for doing this to children need to be fully exposed and extinguished.
In recent weeks I received a message from a former cult slave that 'unwitting cult survivors who publicly share their testimonies risk having their MK-Ultra codes being sold to the highest bidder for sport triggers and bragging rights upon "successful" post-show destruction.' A friend of mine who had first hand experience of cult crimes that nearly killed her, confirmed that this was true. I wasn't aware of the 'MK code bidding' system.
Thank you Jillionaire. Interesting about the MK ultra codes being sold, as that is also alleged in this case, but I need to do more research on that.
Selling MK codes is a new revelation to me, too. It's repulsive. The message also alleges that the freemasons are behind it. I know there are 'good people' involved in freemasonry but I have done extensive research about them and the hidden core is rotten.
I would bet that the people attacking you or anyone else speaking on this are on the inside of this. They don't want the truth out. I've always thought that Cathy was still in and Mark was her handler. Anything with Kelly never made sense. Their whole situation seemed like a huge red flag and never say well within my spirit. All your work has been great and I've really appreciated it. Keep sharing the real research and the truth.
Thank you Cricket
The attackers are not Cathy's true friends, they want to use her for their own purposes, keep her on the 'truth' podcast circuit which many system gatekeepers inhabit. eg Mel K. Your research is impeccable and I for one would never have suspected anything had you not exposed it. Now wondering about other "survivors".
You are right, and yes one is a podcaster who has had Cathy on at least a couple of times, but yet does not seem to care about Cathy's health /control of her. Most people would be shocked at who it is and what was said to me.
Nothing shocks me any more and if they persist it might wake people up to their true colours if you did out them.
You have my full support, as I am glad to see my friend, Shari, also express the same.
Thanks Fighting Monarch. Your own work stands as testament to what you have been through, fought through and exposed, thankyou
I’d be interested to know if, Icke, has anything to say about this. I mean he has known her for years and is well versed about mind control.
If you read the post on Kathy Sullivan, she suspects Icke may be compromised due to his stance with Cathy and Mark.
I need to read through the posts. I generally believe he’s controlled opposition but I guess that’s a different conversation.
Sounds to me like those attacking you either are still asleep themselves, or they will not accept any other opinion except the one that makes them feel “comfy”. I hope you forge on. You’re practicing the 1st Amendment. It was created for such the times we live 🙂
The first amendment does not apply in Britain, but yes i will forge on. Yes i think it is partly an uncomfortable truth for them.
My apologies. Constitution or not, we all receive our abilities and laws from our Creator