This death cult network has inverted and poisoned just about everything on earth. Wonder what these tragic followers of darkness would have to say about the 'angel meaning' of 666: "Angel number 666 is a positive and transformative message from the spiritual realm, representing self-discovery and spiritual essence. It’s often associated with balance, harmony, and nurturing, reminding you to maintain equilibrium in all aspects of your life, including thoughts, emotions, and actions."

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Excellent compilation, Cathy! I am currently leaning toward the perspective that the 666 gang sign indicates ritual sodomy by anti-Life practitioners Freemasons, Luciferians, and Satanists, et al. Yes, they worship Inanna, Ashtar, Isis, Astarte as their "nurturing" mother goddess. However, the circle/Sun most likely indicates the anus, and the splayed out fingers indicate the lights experienced during ritual sodomy. They may call it "enlightenment," butt it is MK-ULTRA trauma-based mind-control, during which demons are installed in the various alters.

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Yes it may well do. Thanks. Open Scroll may indeed have something on that but I havent researched this topic with them. These people I mean, but you are probably aware of them https://foxyfox.substack.com/p/deep-pizzagate

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Lucifer is a title for man, it means light bringer (in the book of Isaiah, King Nebuchadnezzar was Lucifer) I agree, the cultists do worship Lucifer as a God but this is a total perversion of the text. One other poignant point, you said Christians are waiting for the antichrist and certainly the evil ones wait to "install" him but there is no such thing in scripture. No antichrist. The Man of Sin wasn't an antichrist. Throughout the entire book of Revelation, you will never find any antichrist. The beast represented the religious and governmental powers of first century Jerusalem. All biblical prophecy was fulfilled in the first century when Jesus returned. He told his disciples some standing there would not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. Matthew 16:28 Christians have been groomed for a completely fake "Armageddon" so to speak. A FB friend and pastor, Mike Sullivan wrote a best selling book about it called "Armageddon Deception".

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Your research into this stuff is deep and admirable. I appreciate it SO much and get so giddy when you post something new bc I want everyone to know what I know! I want everyone to WAKE UP. I was going to share this blog on social media, please let me know if thats ok, I want to know before I share! Thank you for contributing to the awakening.

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So many logos also appear to be based on 666.


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I don’t think it’s accurate to equate Lucifer with the sun deity. There are many schools of spirituality that honor the sun deity which are not related to Luciferianism.

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Sure, but I am quoting a source. which is numbered, and isn't he referring to the sun deity within satanism, as oppose to the others.

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