In 2016 there was an Report compiled by an organisation called The United Kingdom Child Sex Abuse People’s Tribunal, their website is here [1].
The Report has been down from the website for some time, so I post it here to make it more available.
The main findings of the UKCSAPT report were:
There are clear links between children rendered vulnerable by institutional failures and predatory abuse on an organised scale, even if these links often remain obscure
Governmental institutions have failed to provide survivors with meaningful opportunities for either healing or justice
The vital mental health needs of survivors are not being met and this undermines both their psychological recovery and access to justice
Police and other authorities often lack the training to understand the complex reasons for the inability of survivors to immediately disclose a history of abuse
Without far-reaching changes in institutional culture and practices, the sexual abuse of children will continue to be a significant scourge in the United Kingdom.
Screenshot below
The report also outlined a series of recommendations for improving reporting and mental health provision, and access to justice for victims were made, including:
A permanent, government-funded popular tribunal should be established to enable survivors to come forward and tell their stories.
Survivors giving evidence should be assigned an advocate to assist their access to justice.
Mental health services should be linked to police investigations to help victims disclose abuse.
Victims who fear reprisals should be provided with a channel though which to give evidence anonymously.
This description of the Tribunal is taken from their website.
The United Kingdom Child Sex Abuse People’s Tribunal (UKCSAPT) was established by Survivors of institutional childhood sexual abuse and their supporters.
The People’s Tribunal was an independent body that emerged from the need of Survivors to be heard and in response to their determination to secure government and parliamentary acknowledgment of the extent of sexual abuse of children in the UK.
Its mandate was to examine cases of institutional childhood sexual abuse upon request from individuals or civil society organizations in the context of alleged failings on the part of government and statutory bodies both national and local.
The People’s Tribunal served to work parallel to any inquiry undertaken by the government and its intention is that its own findings will be of assistance. It is essential that Survivors and witnesses are empowered to give evidence and this was the Tribunal’s guiding principle. It will provide a forum for those who want to give evidence and to do so in an environment to ensure that their voice is heard.
The resulting report was delivered to parliament and other government entities.
The UKCSAPT has found that Governmental institutions failed to provide survivors of sexual abuse with meaningful opportunities for either healing or justice, and that the mental health needs of survivors in the UK are not being met.
It made a series of recommendations including the establishment of a permanent and open forum for victims to share experiences and give evidence, better links between mental health services and police investigations, and training for police and judiciary professionals on the effects of undisclosed sexual abuse.
The members of the Steering Committee from their website are listed in Appendix 1 below.
I did not cover the CSAPT at the time as I could not understand what exactly was going on. I seem to recall various resignations which led to confusion.
Cheryl Corless was one of the Steering Committee of CSAPT, I knew that but until recently when Cheryl posted this about ScotUK I had no idea how instrumental Cheryl had been in my own journey in finding out about child abuse and forced adoption and then exposing child abuse.
Cheryl was one of the 4 founders of campaigning group ScotUK in about 2013. This was the group that first inspired me to look into whether child abuse occurred to the extent that they were talking about, because if it was being said was true then child abuse occurred on a massive scale. Long story short I tried to find out what was happening about child abuse, but the arguments were many and various on the group and it was difficult to understand anything, despite trying on occasions over several months.
Eventually I thought I would ask for some child abuse reports that I had heard about that had been commissioned by local authorities and police. A blog that started up who digitised old newspaper articles from the 70’s - 90’s, pre internet, was the invaluable Spotlight on Abuse [2]. This was invaluable not only for the articles themselves but also as a source of information about child abuse reports. No doubt there are still secrets hidden in as yet undigitised material. The Source [3] is also a valuable source of old child abuse newspaper articles.
That is how Foxblog 1 [4] started, to make public the many reports that were released from Freedom of Information requests. Reports that confirmed the extent of the child abuse, in fact it became clear underestimated and covered up the true extent. I had thought that child care professionals and academics would analyse those reports, as my knowledge was nil, and they would be able to recognise the significance of any information and put it into context with their knowledge. That never happened and I had to learn to do it.
I was very disappointed particularly in academia. They had access to these reports but had never made them public, and they were just acting to hide the child abuse, whether deliberately or accidentally. That is why I am so vehement that the information I write about should be freely available to all, despite the hardships. What good is information if it is hidden from the people?
I certainly never thought I would still be here eleven years later, still writing on child abuse, mind control and the causes. I wrote about Cheryl last year, Cheryl Corless Survivor of Care and Forced Adoption Nightmare [6] and she has a book just out, which no doubt will be very interesting and characteristically truthful.
It is due to the indefatiguable survivors that have endured hell that kept going that all these injustices have come to light at all. Cheryl is one of the best. Follow Cheryl on Twitter Cheryl Corless [5].
[1] foxblog3 UK Child Sexual Abuse Report
[2] Spotlight on Abuse
[3] The Source
[4] Foxblog 1
[5] Twitter Cheryl Corless
[6] 2023 Jul 29 foxblog3 Substack Cheryl Corless Survivor of Care and Forced Adoption Nightmare #cherylcorless
[7] UKCSA Report
Appendix 1
Steering Committee
Gemma Fox, Gemma is a mother of four wonderful children. Gemma is also a survivor of child sexual abuse in the family. Only one abuser faced court with less than minimum punishment. Three years ago Gemma suffered a stroke which left her partially sighted. Because of what she has suffered and witnessed Gemma fights to help all victims of abuse in any way she can. Gemma also campaigns against forced adoption as she has witnessed first-hand that injustice too children taken from loving families yet she was forced to stay when all authorities knew abuse was going on. Gemma’s one wish would be to end child sexual abuse forever.
Chris Stacey, is a survivor of Child Sex Abuse by a member of his family. Educated at Eton and Keele University, he then worked in Insurance and Pensions in London from 1987, for Scottish Widows, William M Mercer Ltd, and as a consultant for Hymans Robertson, Actuaries. In 1998 he started talking about his abuse for the first time, feeling progressively less isolated. He has been working in a successful Pupil Referral Unit in Hertfordshire with pupils from Secondary Schools in the area. He is committed to helping change attitudes towards Child Sex Abuse in the UK, giving survivors a voice. He, like many survivors and campaigners, has realised in recent years that there has been extensive Child Sex Abuse across the country including by some prominent Establishment figures. He will keep supporting and helping other survivors; and wait impatiently for most of the country to realise the full horror of the societal problem of Child Sex Abuse in the UK, and worldwide.
Cheryl Corless, Cheryl is the daughter of an Irish catholic care survivor. Cheryl was thrown in to care aged 14 where she suffered sexual, emotional and physical abuse for 3 years. As an adult she has had her own children removed for the future risk of emotional harm due to abuse suffered in the care system. Cheryl believes the whole uk care system is corrupt and not fit for purpose. Cheryl believes it’s time for survivors to be heard, listened to and helped. Cheryl herself has had zero help with issues from what she suffered and instead feels like she’s spent her whole adult life being punished by professionals for being a victim. Cheryl is a well-known activist and has spent many years helping people who have suffered find a voice even risking prison in her quest.
Maria Darrer
Alan Collins, Legal Counsel to Steering Committee
Alan Collins is one of the best known solicitors in the field of child abuse litigation and has acted in many high profile cases, including the Jimmy Savile and Haut de la Garenne abuse scandals. He also specialises in serious personal injury cases including head and spinal injury claims. Alan represents clients in this country and internationally and has recently been working in Australia, Uganda, Kenya, and California on a series of sexual abuse cases. His best career moment was acting for the victims of sexual abuse at Green Field House, a children’s home in Berkshire. Occurring in the 1960s, it was considered to have been one of the worse cases ever to have come to public notice. As a result of the investigatory work undertaken by Alan, it was proved that the home had been the centre of what was a paedophile ring. All the victims that he acted for were compensated for the considerable harm they had suffered.
Notable high profile cases include: Jimmy Savile, Stuart Hall, Haut de la Garenne children’s home in Jersey, Independent Jersey Care Inquiry, Green Field House children’s home, Robert Dando baptist church abuse case, Cyril Smith, Max Clifford, William Henry Smith School, King’s School in Rochester, Cyntwell High School for Boys, Portsmouth Cottage Homes.
Alan is a fellow of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) and a director for the Association of Child Abuse Lawyers (ACAL). ACAL is a support group set up by solicitors and other professionals involved in the field of obtaining compensation for victims of abuse. Alan regularly appears on television and radio in relation to his cases including the BBC and ITV national news, Radio 4 ‘Today’, and media channels in Australia and US. Alan is a regular speaker on legal issues, and has recently spoken at the National Crime Agency, Aberystwyth University, the ACAL conference, and at a child safeguarding conference. Alan represented the Jersey Care Leavers Association at the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry.
Regina Paulose, Chair of Steering Committee, J.D. from Seattle University School of Law and her LLM in International Crime and Justice from the University of Torino/UNICRI. She has presented at international conferences and has published law review articles concerning the Rome Statute, Genocide, and Transnational Organized Crime. She has been a practicing attorney since 2004.
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Extraordinary research, many are reading, most don't comment. Thank you.
Thx for all you do to expose the crimes against children X