And thank you SO MUCH Cathy for keeping Fiona's information alive and readily accessible! You have obviously put a great deal of work into this project.

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hi, just reading your blog, well done, can you email me? cathyfox@zoho.com many thanks

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As a fellow trauma-based mind control (TBMC) survivor who has undergone Theta programming, my "psi" abilities are lit up fairly hard. I am worried about the deletion of Fiona's websites and information. As someone who was re-programmed and traumatized later in life, I am worried that may be what has happened to her. It may be that her end-times or "recall" programming has been triggered. Since she worked so hard for years to get her story out there, it seems highly odd to me that she would recently withdraw all of that hard work. I am praying that she is physically safe and healing every day both emotionally and spiritually.

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She went for full integration. Her soldier Alice alter, which was the one that we saw as Fiona which dealt with her public appearances, was being integrated. https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/09/21/fiona-barnetts-long-goodbye/. She has contacted people since, and she has popped up on occasion to blog. The integrated whole Fiona now wants to concentrate on her family.

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I have seen so many "independent journalists" attack Fiona Barnett viciously, and it's only exposed to me who they really are.

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