This is a valuable lecture from Walter Veith, which gives some explanations of symbolism that I have not heard before.
This post was posted a few days ago on my new wordpress blog foxblog4, The Secret behind the Secret Societies who Control the World – Walter Veith [17]. Wordpress galleries are far better and so there is a mass of screenshots there and the transcript. The Foxblog4 blog I started because Foxblog2, where I post most symbolism posts, is now 94% full. They are limiting it to 1gb as oppose to the older wordpress blogs of 3gb limit.
After I posted this post to foxblog4 with a full gallery and transcript, foxblog4 was suspended with the Walter Veith post as the first and only post. It was reinstated on appeal within 24 hours. I tried Medium as an alternative blogging platform and within ten minutes was suspended. Since then the appeal has been turned down and I am permanently banned for “hate speech”. Then foxblog2 with all my Spot the Symbolism posts was suspended on Saturday morning, and not yet reinstated, over 48 hours later. It has not allowed me to download all my content and it caused me to miss Saturday, weekly Spot the Symbolism post.
Quite what is behind this splurge of censorship on my blogs is not known. Are they tightening algorithms? Am I being targeted? Is this subject being targeted?
Update 2024 Apr 1 15.44 I have been told by wordpress that “Your site was flagged by our automated anti-spam controls. We have reviewed your site and have removed the suspension notice.”
Why would automated anti-spam controls take down both my wordpress accounts within 48 hours?
The Secret behind the Secret Societies who Control the World – Walter Veith
I post this apparently controversial post here, but for full gallery of screenshots and transcript see Foxblog4 The Secret behind the Secret Societies who Control the World – Walter Veith [17]
The Secrets behind the SECRET SOCIETIES who control the world Walter Veith [16]
I have picked out a few notables for this article, but the video is essential watching.
The “Gods” Trinity
In Babylon were Nimrod - the Lord of Heaven, Semiramis - the Queen of Heaven and Tammuz - the pagan Messiah. Then different names across the ages and regions.
Molech was the Canaanite version of the Egyptian god Set. The god Set was a homosexual god of evil. He was worshipped during ceremonies that involved human sacrifice, cannibalism and homosexual orgies. As the god of destruction, he became the god of the Egyptian military. In ancient Rome, he was worshipped as the god Saturn by the Roman military (often with baptism by blood). Thus we see that Satan (Set, Saturn, Molech etc.) was worshipped by Solomon and his wives as he grew old and senile. This involved heterosexual sex orgies (Ashteroth), homosexual sex orgies (Baal, Set, Satan, Molech), human sacrifice (Molech) and even cannibalism (Set, Molech).
IHS has the sinister means of Isis, Horus, Set behind its usual Christian meaning.
The Greek letter iota is represented by I, and the eta by H, while the Greek letter sigma is either in its lunate form, represented by C, or its final form, represented by S. Because the Latin-alphabet letters I and J were not systematically distinguished until the 17th century, "JHS" and "JHC" are equivalent to "IHS" and "IHC".
"IHS" is sometimes interpreted as meaning "ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ΗΜΕΤΕΡΟΣ ΣΩΤΗΡ" (Iēsous Hēmeteros Sōtēr, "Jesus our Saviour") or in Latin "Jesus Hominum (or Hierosolymae) Salvator", ("Jesus, Saviour of men [or: of Jerusalem]" in Latin). The name Jesus, spelt "ΙΗΣΟΥΣ" in Greek capitals, has the abbreviations IHS
Isis, as the second person of the main Egyptian trinity, formed by Osiris, Isis, and Horus, / Ra [18]
Similarly behind the Christian front INRI for Jesuits means Iustum, Necare, Reges, Impios - It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments or rulers.
INRI represents the Latin inscription IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDÆORVM (Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum), which in English translates to “Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews”.
Templar Cross
It is the Cross of Horus according to Albert Pike.
Secret Societies Origins
Secret Societies derive from the ancient mystery religions, and one major point was that freemasons control all religions via World Council of Churches, as can be see on this graphic.
Secret Societies Origins
Transcript see foxblog4 The Secret behind the Secret Societies who Control the World – Walter Veith [17]
Small Gallery

Full Galleries of screenshots see foxblog4 The Secret behind the Secret Societies who Control the World – Walter Veith [17]
[1] You Tube The secrets behind the SECRET SOCIETIES who control the world Walter Veith
[2] Bitchute The secrets behind the SECRET SOCIETIES who control the world Walter Veith
[3] Sagacious Network The secrets behind the SECRET SOCIETIES who control the world Walter Veith
[4] The secrets behind the SECRET SOCIETIES who control the world Walter Veith–Total-Onslaught—Prof.-Walter-Veith:4
[5] ?
[6] Odysee The secrets behind the SECRET SOCIETIES who control the world Walter Veith
[8] Amazing Discoveries Walter Veith search
[9] Wikipedia Walter Veith
[10] Walter Veith website archive
[11] Amazing Discoveries
[15] 10 mins jupiter = peter Isis horus set IHS Templar cross – cross of horus
[16] Odysee The secrets behind the SECRET SOCIETIES who control the world Walter Veith,-Episode-11-2336a6272b4df71f91fed7771a28b74f2191028e:8
[17] 2024 Mar 27 wordpress foxblog4 The Secret behind the Secret Societies who Control the World – Walter Veith #waltervieith #secretsocieties #ihs #symbolism
[111] 2020 Apr 14 cathyfox blog Gloria Vanderbilt and the Rising of the antiChrist
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Love your work Cathy xoxo
Interesting that Eta & Nu are reversed in cyrillic.