The real issues have been bubbling under for some time. This post takes a look at them. First the superficial story. Phillip Schofield has now left “This Morning” after it was widely reported that Schofield and co presenter Holly Willoughby had not been speaking for some time. Phillip Schofield quits This Morning: From coming out as gay and clashing with Kim Woodburn to THAT post-NTAs show, a look back at his most memorable moments after 21 years [5].
Schofield had also been in the news of late after his brother was jailed for child sexual abuse and rumours that Phillip did not warn Holly Willoughby about it beforehand. It was of course important as a similar looking situation was smoothed over with Phillip when the end result was Schofield coming out as gay, rather than the more accurate version. Whilst it is not known what Holly knew and when, her behaviour helped smooth over any discrepancies for Schofield when he was in a bit of difficulty.
I reproduce this post from Lime Goss from that time, as it is increasingly hard to search for quality links with the algorithm driven search engines of today biased against you finding the truth. This should give people an idea of the background to the Phillip Schofield story. (updated 2022 May 23)
This post is taken from a post in Feb 2020 on Phillip Schofield Timeline of Events [1] Phillip Schofield Timeline 2014 - Feb 2020
Phillip Schofield Timeline of Events [1]
7 February 2020
Phil came out as gay 7 Feb, then a post was leaked from the WhatsApp group chat TLS Boys, this is a chat for staff working on ITV productions (TLS stands for ‘The London Studio’). It was posted by a Lighting electrician Miles Gilby aka: ‘Myles’ Gilby.
It said:
Fresh off the press – The Truth about The
Coming Out Party. Truth is Schofa been
shagging a runner on the This Morning set
reportedly looking no older than 12 (no it’s
not me), fucked him over so he said he’s
gonna go to the press. So had to come
out publicly. Phillip you dirty old hog!
Since this info came out, the Linkedin info page for Myles Gilby has been deleted)
Another informative post also came out from a very well known Journalist.
He reported:
ITV runner Matthew McGreevy,
Who forced Philip Schofleld to come out
on This Morning last Friday. He had a
deal in place with The Sunday papers to
sell his story but although (we) the press
are sometimes a bunch of W#nkers, we
NEVER make people afraid or ashamed
about their sexuality.
And there was a facebook post from James Nemo, it was actually the first info to mention that Phillip Schofield had been seeing a runner, and it was posted over 6 months previously (20 July 2019).
It said:
Things I’ve learned this week
Phillip Schofield is gay. Has an apartment in Southwark that he has ‘the boys
over’ to. And is shagging one of the male runners on This Morning. Leaving
his marriage an absolute PR sham.
Timeline of events & info:
Matthew Mcgreevy joined the 2Faced Theatre company when he was 10 years old,
Phillip Schofield was a Patron of the 2Faced Theatre Company.
14 February 2011 Matthew made his first twitter account (@matthewmcgreevy).
26 March 2011
Phillip Schofield followed Matthew on twitter (Matthew had only just turned 15 years old, 5 days earlier (d.o.b: 21 March 1996), he had NOT asked Phil to follow him).
Matthew then tweeted to Phil:
@Schofe hey phillip, thanks for following me, how are you? (there was no reply from Phil)
14 May 2011 Phillip Schofield visited the 2faced studio for Q&A’s
28 March to 18 April 2011
Matthew tweeted quite a few times to Phil, commenting on his tweets, but Phil never replied to any, & he did not tweet to Matthew at all.
27 December 2011 to 3 November 2013
Matthews made a second twitter account (@matthewjmcgreev), he asked Phil to follow him & tweeted quite a few posts to him. Phil did follow, but did not reply to any of Matthews tweets.
March 2014
Matthew made a new twitter account (@mattjmcgreevy) – this was made at the time he turned 18 years old, (d.o.b: 21 March 1996)
30 March 2014
Phillip Schofield tweeted to Matt: ‘Hey @mattjmcgreevy welcome back! How’s the acting going? Got the big break yet?
Matt tweeted a reply but his account is private so don’t know what he said
A few minutes later Phil posted another tweet saying; ‘@mattjmcgreevy all good, see you on the @itvthismorning sofa soon then
(this was the first time that Phil actually tweeted to Matt, & was 9 days after he’d turned 18.)
12 April 2014
Phil tweeted: Congratulations on your 2 shows @mattjmcgreevy ‘Harriets Army’ on CBBC and ‘The Mill’ Series 2 Channel 4 out soon! Result
25 July 2014
Matthew was invited for a day visit to the This Morning Studio
17 December 2014
Phil tweeted to The London Studio (TLS), he said:
Just recorded the @chattyman Christmas show @London_Studios … There may have been tequila
Matt tweeted a reply but his account is private so don’t know what he said
Phil replied with:
soooo funny … Bit rude for Christmas Day!
The start of January 2015
Matt decided to move to London and he made a crowdfunding page to help out his move which raised him £500.
16 January 2015
Phil tweeted:
Good luck @mattjmcgreevy in the new @Channel4 series #banana Hope it’s your big break into this crazy business
March/April 2015 (end of March/start of April)
Matthew did work experience as a runner for 3 weeks at London ITV, he also did a filmreel project where he interviewed Phillip Schofield:
19 March 2015
Phil and Matt were filmed together in a bar by Jack Jones, the bar was in South Bank, London, near to Phil’s flat in Southwark
(Video at end of post)
1 April 2015
Matthew made a facebook post with a link to the showreel of him at This Morning studios, it included the interview with Phillip Schofield.
(video at end of post)
9 April 2015
Phil tweeted:
Good luck tomorrow with your tv training day @mattjmcgreevy @TV_TRAINING
(There were no more tweets from Phil to Matthew after this, so they’d probably swapped mobile numbers & were texting each other)
Matthew went back to Manchester afterwards and had jobs there
Jul 2012 – Oct 2015 – Connections – The Recruitment Specialist, Recruitment Consultant, Manchester, United Kingdom
Nov 2015 – Apr 2016 – Hollister Co. Brand Representative, Manchester, United Kingdom
April 2016 Matthew made his move to London and he started working as a runner on This Morning at ITV (later on he also became Phil’s personal assistant)
Late in 2016 (around September 2016), Phillip Schofield got into SnapChat & became a snapchat sensation, loads of people who were using it were saying how great Phil was to follow and there were quite a few cases of Phil chatting to youngsters who were from 14 yrs old up to 20 years old.
(At the end of this post, there are loads of Phil’s Snapchats from the late 2016 & the start of 2017 + a video of one of Phil’s snapchat videos)
Ages of snapchat users UK:
24 March 2017
Phillip was out with Matthew for his birthday night out (also with Simon Schofield)
23 January 2018
Matthew was on stage with the ‘This Morning’ team when they won the 2018 NTA awards (unusual for a runner to be on stage).
May 2019
Reports have said that Phillip Schofield and Matthew Mcgreevy’s relationship soured, and it became a toxic atmosphere between them, because of this Matt was moved to the Loose Women instead of This Morning.
28 January 2020
Phillip Schofield had Matthew Mcgreevy removed (kicked out) of the aftershow ‘This Morning’ VIP room at the NTA’s.
Matt approaching Holly outside the MTA’s looking annoyed
Matt with Maura Higgins.
Phil vaping and looking stressed:
My Conclusion:
When Phil came out as gay, the group chat from the TLS Boys, the facebook post from very well known journalist & the facebook post from James Nemo (who works in the production business), all said the same thing. They are not from made up people, & James had posted his privately 6 months previously.
Phillip Schofield followed Mathews twitter only 5 days after he’d turned 15, Matthew had not asked him to follow him or anything, this does not look good. Less than two months later, Phil went up to the 2Faced Theatre company to do a Q&A session there.
Phil started to tweet Matthew 30 March 2014, it was 9 days after he’d turned 18. Phil had never tweeted him at all before that. A few months later 14 July 2014 Matthew was invited to go to the ‘This Morning’ studios.
In March/April 2015 Matthew was given a 3 week runner apprentiship on This Morning & also he made a showreel of him interviewing Phillip Schofield, it was during this time that Jack Jones video’d them together in a bar. It certainly looks as though the runner apprenticeship was arranged by Phil.
April 2016 Matthew eventually made his moved to London and got a full time job as a runner at This Morning, late 2016 Phil was doing a lot of snapchat’s with young men around 18 to 20 years old (chatting in the early hours, 1am and 2am).
It looks to me that Phil had his eye on Matthew and managed to get into a relationship with him when he turned 18. It may have been an open relationship because Matthew must have been aware Phil was chatting a lot on snapchat as there were news articles about this.
For me the fact that Matthew went on stage with the ‘This Morning’ team when they won the 2018 NTA award, and he was just behind Phil. Yet only two years later at the 2020 NTA awards, Phil didn’t even want him in the backstage VIP area for This Morning, & he him removed, this says a lot. Add the fact that Phil has kept so quiet about everything, if he’d done nothing wrong surely he would have been very vocal about it, but instead he has been silent.
I think Phil may have sold Matthew a dream he could become a presenter, but it never worked out, instead it derailed Matthews acting career (which had started to go quite well).
Although my opinion is that they probably did get into a relationship, and that it was Phil who pursued Matthew, we actually have no concrete evidence of what type of relationship it was. There are those who may think Phillip could have noticed Matthew as talented (someone who could make it). He may have wanted to help him out. When Jack Jones took a video of them in the bar 19 March 2015, Matt was doing an apprentice runner course at ITV This Morning for 3 weeks (March/April 2015), they may have been out together at breaktime with Phil mentoring him about the interview he was filming. Unless Matt or someone else decides to speak up and say for sure what happened, it can only be an opinion, for me I can not say anything for certain.
With the snapchat, it does seem very inappropriate for someone in Phil’s position to be chatting away with all these youngsters at 2am, but there is no evidence to show Phil was taking part in anything illegal & underage.
Nothing Phillip Schofield has said in his snapchats has been that bad. His joke about paying someone a fiver to drink bleach and die was obviously a joke, even though it was a weird thing to say.
And with all of these reports saying Phil was shagging a runner & had boys back to his flat. Has anyone actually witnessed Phil kissing them or Phil kissing Matthew, or being able to prove they were having sex (real evidence)?? Because although it could look obvious they were together (and especially with the bad breakup), without real evidence it can only really be classed a ‘hearsay.’
And it looks as though even if some people do have evidence. They do not want to get involved because if they do, they could suffer for it and it could affect them.
The Myles post got leaked out, (I think it was meant to be a private post), since then he’s deleted his Linkedin account. The well known Journalist has since deleted his facebook posts, he has probably decided it’s best he keeps out of it. And James Nemo has made his post private again.
It’s been said that Matthew Mcgreevy has been paid off, so the only one who can really confirm what has happened can’t speak.
Schofield not saying a word about it & having this wall of silence and getting everything on the internet removed has been very damaging to him. He will have some devoted fans, but many people will never be able to think of him the same as they used to, this will have damaged his image. If he was innocent he’d be shouting from the rooftops, instead of putting up a wall of silence, that is for sure.
(There is said to be an investigation ongoing looking into everything – let’s hope this is correct.)
Jack Jones video [4]
Matthew interviewing Phil March/April 2015
Date? Odysee Matthew McGreevy Presenter Reel [2]
Phillip Schofield Timeline of Events [1]
[1] 2020 Feb Lime Goss Phillip Schofield Timeline of Events
[2] 2015 c. Apr Odysee Matthew McGreevy Presenter Reel
[3] vimeo Matthew McGreevy Presenter Reel
[4] Jack Jones i/web/status/1227524118460891137
[5] 2023 may 20 Mail Phillip Schofield quits This Morning: From coming out as gay and clashing with Kim Woodburn to THAT post-NTAs show, a look back at his most memorable moments after 21 years
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