ps Issac Kappy named Ted Gunderson as a pedo--so Ted had a connection ta Brice/Susan an' how she met Mark/Cathy an' I've read such MIXED comments 'bout Mister Gunderson I don't know if he's "friend" (hero) or "foe!"... mebbe like Mark he too was gate'keepin' under the guise of bein' "helpful"--yet an'nuther rabbit hole--I'd sure like ta know more (or have a link if ya shared this stuff previously Cathy! tx!)

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I have heard both - that he was good and bad. I do not know. This says he was bad - 2015 foxblog 1 George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2015/01/14/george-bush-pedophile-sex-ring-and-blackmail-of-congress/ #bush #sexualabuse

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just read it! I'm still on the fence... if what is in this piece is true it's quite damning--but then some folks put out one man's name to cover another guy's crimes...

hmmm... some vindication seems to be here (I didn't delve inta it tho!)


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That man who manages "Educate Yourself" (whom Mrs Susan Ford wrote me she knows and appreciates) got angry with me although I never criticized Mr Gunderson when I wrote him I heard online the recording of a telephone conversation of the real estate and building construction businessman who was previously friends with Mr Gunderson who called his first wife. This Educate-Yourself website founder insisted that was Mr Gunderson's later girlfriend in California. The woman in the phone interview spoke about her ex-husband Mr Gunderson. Her interviewer who phoned her had become quite hostile to Mr Gunderson.

This Educate-Yourself website founder did not keep his promise to me to locate Amazon Wilder's public letter to William F. Buckley Jr after I wrote him his website assertion Ms Wilder's letter is on David Icke's website is no longer correct. I wrote Mr Icke and asked about Ms Wilder's letter, and his son replied that he didn't know what happened to it.

Ex-CIA false flag analyst Robert David Steele not only during his interview by Shaun Attwood after praising Ms O'Brien's book implicitly by referring to "that book about Bob Hope" slandered Mrs Ford as plagiator of a stolen screenplay whose writer was suing her, all which Mrs Ford wrote me was untrue, Mr Steele like the Dane who calls himself the "Dark Journalist" falsely asserted Peter Dale Scott coined the expression "Deep State" which Scott plagiarized from the Turks and was widely known as such in European mainstream media since at least the 1970's.

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I have not read the second book - is it titled "Access Denied"? - by Ms O'Brien and Mr Phillips (whose name is identical to gentry horseman ex-husband of HRH Princess Anne and after which Barbour named one of its waxed jacket models), as unlike their first book and Mrs Ford's autobiography "Thanks for the Memories" is to my knowledge unavailable as pdf online. - I now remember the name of the "Educate-Yourself" website founder who passionately defends Mr Gunderson and knows Mrs Ford is Ken Adachi. - However I read a very short review of this book online and I get the impression "Mark Phillips" - the alleged name of Ms O'Brien's co-author - has written in this second book to what ex-CIA Robert David Steele refers when he told Shaun Attwood during his interview on You Tube "that book about Bob Hope" is based on a stolen screenplay. It appears the second O'Brien/Phillipps book was published after Mrs Ford aka Brice Taylor published her book in which Mr "Phillips" is characterized as manipulator.

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If I correctly remember the man who conducted the phone interview with a woman who claims to be Ted Gunderson's first wife which is recorded and available somewhere online, Mr Ken Adachi wrote me he knows. Unfortunately I lost access to my previous email account with all my email exchange with Mr Adachi, Mrs Ford, Mr Steele and Prof Dr Scott. But Mr Adachi received my online source for the phone call recording. I received no reply from Mr Adachi to my reminders of his promise to send me location where I could read Amazon Wilder's public letter to William F. Buckley Jr.

Prof Scott admitted the origin of the expression "Deep State" is Turkish, and tried to justify his plagiary by reference to only the famous traffic accident involving persons identified by Turkish media as members of the "Deep State" which Prof Scott buried on page 2?? Of his book. No wonder that neither Mr Steele interviewed by naive Shaun Attwood nor the Dane who uses the name "Dark Journalist" interviewed by naive Prof Sarah Westall did not understand if they read Prof Scott's book his clever plagiary. Prof Scott tried in his email exchange with me after I replied to his recommendation I read his books that I doubt he would offer any alternative such as Rudolf Steiner's Threefold Commonwealth of Social Order to smear Steiner by referring to his unproven hypothesis Ezra Pound was aware of Steiner, implying Steiner's association with Fascism, a favorite trope of such Jesuit employees such as Staudenmeier now at Marquette or other disinformation experts on Steiner such as LDS employee Christian Clement at BYU.

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Onna learnin' curve here with some'a yer references as it seems you've been on this fer a long time Peter, so much appreciative of the bkg...!

SO from all I kin gather there are + and - camps for Gunderson but a smear campaign (related to ex wife?) was a "thing"--seems this Educate Yourself site (of which I was unfamiliar) has a whole page devoted to supporting Gunderson--too many links for me to "foller" now but here it is:


To confirm I'm gettin' all yer sayin' (b/c there seems to be a lot of obfuscation among some folks to protect their own interests..? then...)

1. this guy Prof. Scott (never heard of him) has plagiarized info and is perhaps untrustworthy? He is also against Steiner (yes?) --I homeschooled my kids Waldorf but without the "anthrposophy" so I'm a Steiner fan within that holistic learnin' paradigm an' know he was prescient about stuff like the jabs bein' bad BUT he also was raisin' kids to "do alike" as good "worker bees" an' that part we discarded or avoided when we encountered it from some really intense parents (in art, music, etc allowin' for more individuality even with the techniques---not sure if that's here nor there but I do think Steiner was a visionary with much good shared with the world...)

2. Now I recall the Amazon Wilder interview with Icke--didn't know 'bout a letter to WF Buckley Jr (wow) but later (if the updates are true) it's said she RECANTED an' was angry at Icke--she said she wuz "programmed" for that interview an' possibly drugged an' the part about the lizard folks was compelled in her programmin' but was untrue but other parts were true--an' her children were also programmed /drugged... I feel that all I know OF her is that one interview...

3. Am I correct yer at least slightly mistrustin' of Mark Phillips and are wonderin' if his ancestry connections him to the royals?

4. also ya think this "Dark Journalist"/Dane (never heard'a him) who appeared on Sarah Westall's show is also not trustworthy... / coverin' up sumthin'... etc?

5. As fer Robert David Steele, yer sayin' he's "all in" with Cathy O'Brien but dismisses Susan Ford? All I know is when I saw the hearings--with Roland Barnard etc--RDS gave me the creeps... something seemed ltd hangoutty an' sus--I kept wonderin' if there was something "off" about the entire "trial/event"... All who were victims of course (to my ear) were trustworthy an' honest--I just worry they were bein' hornswaggled by those (some?) on the committee--I'm recallin' having heard very MIXED "reviews" about Mr Steele--some say he was "taken out"--I feel I don't know about as I recall some good people intereviewed him / trusted him...

Seems like many of the insiders (Phillips, Gunderson) may (may?) have dual allegiances -- doin' good AND yet keepin' their connections with permissions for "carve outs?"...

Hearin' Cathy again last night (interview with Dr Ana Mihalcea) I don't detect anything "off"--she is so articulate, bright, full of light--so at very least even if Phillips did others dirty (mebbe?) an' kept Cathy under his thumb--he certainly did rescue an' save her--she's so amazing... an' full of insight!

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It would appear, sadly, that Mark may have been Cathy's handler, but possibly a programmed one. I still find it incredible that the details in the books and videos were permitted to be exposed as they are so explicit, especially on Saint Raegan. I find it odd that David Icke and Cathy regularly appeared in interviews over the last few years, if Icke is aware she is still in the system. Have you seen the Dan Duval videos of Sue Ford's twin sister, Esther? Kissinger was their main programmer, along with Mengele, so it would be highly dubious Mark wouldn't be aware of this. This is part 1 of 5, they are also explicit and very harrowing. A brave woman saved by Jesus. https://youtu.be/0U2uy_I9088?si=2iKSOs4nBl7_By62

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Wow! thx Cathy, this one blew mah mind! I'd known 'bout what Brice/Susan said so "Mark" was always a question in my mind--tho' he seemed to be kind to Cathy as more than his "job." The fact that Janus & Susan heard the same "programmed verbiage" from CathyO about the kids not bein' abused is chilling!) I'd never heard of Ray Bilger (is this a pseudonomymous riff on Ray Bolger from Wizard of Oz? i.e. "scarecrow" bein' brave?) Did Bilger do more tell-all? Whatever happened to Susan?

IF Mark was her programmer an' new his days were numbered it seems that he'd "finish" his good work an' put in a new programmer as an "assistant" which means Cathy might'a been (mis-) led off the trail of findin' Kelly (?) Has anyone ever (gently) interviewed Cathy 'bout Mark in this way? (I know that as her protector she might've been programmed not ta speak ill of him...)

Were there more of Cathy's memories that were suppressed? I recall Kissinger bein' mentioned in Trance Formation but perhaps I'm mis-rememberin' (read it years ago!). Were Cathy's memories "reined in" by Mark--limitin' what/who she remembered? Is she still in need of bein' rescued?! (I know yer too bizzy to answer these ?'s as it's a bunch--but perhaps truth will come out...????)

I just did a postin' about the "Little Girl Lost" theme in music / film / literature that never occurred ta me before 'til I read yer piece on Kelly.... it's here (an' I also linked ta yer postin' too in it):


All the singers with "Little Girl Lost" songs in the title--Jim Morrison, Kris Kristofferson--(etc) got SRA/MKUltra connections an' the lyrics are purdy revealin'... Likely there's more but I just picked stuff that came ta mind in what I know 'bout.... It's really creepy an' seems to have started as bein' a "thing" at least 50+ years ago--includes a "Twilight Zone" episode an' more...

Anywhoo--sendin' appreciation yer way fer this tee-riffic series!

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I’ve been saying this for a very long time. Not surprised. Her daughter flashes symbols during her shows. All children being sacrificed and molested by monsters. What is in the mind of a pedophile? Why!?! I think of my own children and could never harm them or anyone else. I pray they all burn in hell for eternity with their maker Lucifer. It sickens me.

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