Nov 29, 2023Liked by The Fox Blog

I wonder if she has been put in a mental hospital, like that woman Dr who spoke out against the vaccines, ever since the fake swine flu 2010. She eventually turned up after attempting suicide. They might be programming her? There is also no word of Reiner Fuellmich since his arrest in Mexico, but his wife has shared her story. https://rumble.com/v3y5zwa-message-from-inka-fuellmich-to-our-community.html

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by The Fox Blog

I am so sorry to hear this! My prayers for Janet and all that love her dearly for she and Cynthia’s work. My prayers for you as well and all victims of this horrible crime. I pray every day for all survivors and ask for intuition how I can do my part to help. We all must take care of the survivors and is a mission I believe we’ve all been given. Many like me only had my eyes opened about 4 years ago. There are too many that are not willing to even hear! It’s like they have a brain block and will not listen even when I try and direct them to the information. The world is in so much turmoil and so many ways the bad ones are trying to get our minds to go elsewhere. I try daily to keep my thoughts and prayers to learn more from survivors so I will not be distracted from media, which I do not watch at all! But, I like many have others in household that have TV on. I simply refuse to be in same room. Blessing to all of you doing this work and taking the emotional risk and physical risk to get the information about Cabal to we that want to help.

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Jus' seein' this now--I'm prayin' an' hopin' Janet is still with us on this Earth an' that she kin feel all the prayers an' love sent her way--the viddeos are incredible--whut's exposed is SO very dark--but these ladies also shone a light've hope! I don't wonder that the feelin's she was havin' were from whut she witnessed (tapes, testimony, photos...) cuz she made it a point to spare us that trauma--to inform but not traumatize... But she couldn't "unsee"... I hope dear Cyntha can carry on their beautiful work either way--but I'll be thikin' of Janet now. Also, she has the most melodic voice! (Bein' an actress & storyteller, I'd say it wuz captivatin' that voice of hers--a gift!--made fer tellin' stories--healin' fairy tales fer young'uns even... I dunno...but I'll pray she's ok...and safe...). Also gotta ketch-up on yer teeriffic stack foxy fox! I'm so bee-hind in my readin' but am grateful fer this update on this fine lady who bravely an' meticulously an' eloqauently has exposed The Cabal to so many of us!

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Thanks Cathy.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by The Fox Blog

This is so sad! I pray that Janet is okay, and safe somewhere getting help. Come back Janet, we love you! <3 <3 <3

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This world’s issues can come with an air of permanence when they are actually temporary problems. Janet needed Christ to set her free from the bondage of her childhood abuses but somehow didn’t find the peace the rest of us can’t live without. It’s Sad to see her go — she was a very talented lady and she brought so much to the table.

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This reminds me of Mike Ruppert's comments before he died.


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