Several years ago I broke the story how Niven Sinclair was a convicted paedophile and yet was the main taxi company for the BBC for 30 years.
2016 Jul 9 Niven Sinclair Child Rapist worked for the BBC for 30 years. [1]
2017 Jul 15 Niven Sinclair is dead. He abused whilst working for the BBC [2]
2020 Jan Niven Sinclair’s Will and Probate [3]
Thankfully I managed to do this whilst he was still alive, the year before he died, and some victims wrote to me that at least the truth coming out whilst he was still alive was some justice for them.
This post is a shout out for any victims of BBC abuse that can talk to Niven Cars role in abuse or who complained to the BBC or Met all those years ago about being abused.
any victims of abuse from the BBC or Niven cars,
anyone who knows about Niven Cars or private hire taxis role in abuse
or any victims of BBC or their taxi firms who complained to the BBC or Met Police about being abused
Email me on cathyfox@ and I will put you in touch with the individual who has been compiling information for over two years now. They would love to hear from victims and witnesses, including Yewtree Officers. Â Anonymity 100% assured.
[1] 2016 Jul 9 foxblog1 Niven Sinclair Child Rapist worked for the BBC for 30 years.
[2] 2017 Jul 15 foxblog1 Niven Sinclair is dead. He abused whilst working for the BBC
[3] 2020 Jan foxblog1 Niven Sinclair’s Will and Probate
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