Hugo Chavez was not a Freemason: he was a socialist, and he was poisoned by Barack Obama because he defended his people and his nation's sovereignty from the Brotherhood.

Hu Jintau was subjected to the Bilderbergers, but adjusting his eyeglasses could mean he was adjusting his eyeglasses.

Donald Trump points his index finger all the time.

If you've never spoke publicly, there are very few things you can do with your hands, especially if you don't have a microphone to hold or papers or a podium to grip. Watch news readers: they keep making the same idiotic gesture with their hands over and over -- join fingers, open palms; join fingers, open palms. Maybe that's a form of hypnotism, like the Muslim Brotherhood's raised index finger, but I would pay more attention to the bright flashy logos that open each "news" segment.

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