Britney got free from the conservatorship but not from the mind control.
Britney is in a child alter aged 5. She is dissociative from mind control programming since childhood, which fractures the mind.
Odysee Britney in Child Alter Dec 2024 [1]
Britney and many others were mind controlled and tortured under a programme known widely as MK Ultra. It is a government mind controlled programme that millions have been through. All bloodline family. It enhances spiritual gifts ie. being able to hear demons, which is one reason they make their children undergo it.
It also makes the subjects into sex slaves or slaves for whatever their handlers want them to do eg. mass shootings, Manchurian candidates, many politicians, news readers etc. About 10% of the population has gone through these programmes.
Hopefully if enough people start talking about mind control from this incident then we can get bring more attention to it.
I was worried that she was not free from mind control and this shows she is still under cult control. It will be interesting to see if the video is withdrawn or not, either by Britney or at the behest of her controllers. She may have released this as a cry of help. Presumably this was released on Instagram, and the video has been edited, but I posted it as I have found it on twitter, [4].
Britney thread 100 posts saved on reseeit [2]
Full thread of 150 posts on pingthread here [3]
#FreeBritney from mind control
[1] Odysee Britney in Child Alter Dec 2024 #britney #freeBritney #childabuse #mkultra #mindcontrol #DID #dissociative
[2] Britney thread saved on reseeit
[3] pingthread Britney
[4] Britney Video
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It's weird how at :44 she breaks the five-year-old character, smiling and laughing as an adult. Is this another alter breaking through, and if so, how is hearty laughter a genuine response to the topic? Could it be that Britney actually did break free, but is now programmed to play another role altogether? It sure looks like that response could be duper's delight. Either way, it's just tragic.
I first read about this on JR Sweet's page. Sweet, as I'm sure you know, was an MKUltra slave, thanks to his family, until he started to remember. His handler, his uncle, dropped him off somewhere where terrible things happen, then took a helicopter flight to where Spears was having a programming session. Sweet remarks his uncle was quite excited to get a chance at raping Spears. Terrible stuff.