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Thank you for this post: this is the first I had heard of this person. I tried to locate a copy of the book, but couldn't. There is a page for it on Amazon, which has a note from the author. https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Ritual-Monarch-Conjuring-Control/dp/0473272776

The excerpts you've posted are very interesting, and have some of the same details that Stewart Swerdlow wrote about. Dan Duval gets into a lot of the Satanic stuff with his guests, Greg Moreno, for example. Then there's "Kevin" (interviewed by Michael Jaco and Kevin Hoyt) who talks about the Freemasons, adrenochrome and demon attachment.

Incidentally, I've always found Julianne Moore (best known for The Big Lebowski) creepy. She starred in one movie, The Forgotten (2004), in which the world was ruled by aliens doing mind experiments on humans (the psychologists were in on it.) Whenever a human put the experiment at risk, he was yanked up into the sky like a yo-yo. Just like the pilot for Star Trek, the aliens are curious, not malevolent, and when they learn that humans do remember their stolen children, they end the experiment and restore the children to their parents.

Moore also starred in Exit to Eden (1994) with Rosie O'Donnell (the movie was the beginning and end of Paul Mercurio's Hollywood career, and he later ended up in a pedo scandal). Exit to Eden was so bad it could only be Epstein island "chicken feed." Chicken feed is the CIA's name for entertainment that partially exposes its activities (limited hangout) so that anyone talking could be accused of being influenced by a book, film or TV series ("You saw Exit to Eden and imagined you were on an island where people engaged in weird sex rituals").

I think the greatest single example of chicken feed, which the CIA must have been proud of, was The Rocky Horror Picture Show. That one had everything except Nazis.

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