In 1991, my sister threw a party for her 3-year-old daughter at a Chuck E. Cheese pizza parlor. When a person wearing a mouse costume came to the table, she became terrified and screamed, "GET THAT RAT AWAY FROM ME!!" She couldn't be consoled, and her dad took her outside.

As a young adult, my niece got a PhD, but she also disfigured herself with large tattoos.

The larger story is that my sister left university in 1980 to join a "Christian" cult in Colorado run by the CIA or the NSA, and stayed two years. She never actually left the cult, though, which continued to control her through her husband (his mother and aunts were outwardly Catholic, but certainly Satanists) and various churches she's belonged to. I know this because whatever narrative George HW Bush created, she obeyed.

She recently told me that she didn't have to learn about SRA because (and here her voice turned strange) "I belong to another kingdom."

That was when I realized that the covid vaccine was the inverse of Passover. During the Passover, Jews marked their households as faithful by smearing lamb's blood over their doors, while during the vaccination campaign, people marked their spirits as unfaithful by consuming the blood of sacrificed babies (kidney cells).

I'm not sure what the world they are marked for will look like, but my sister said, "I belong to God's kingdom," which I took to mean that it would be ruled by her false gods. Perhaps they will experience 1,000 years of tribulation (for the slow learners, anyway).

But I don't think any of them will notice the difference between Earth today and Tribulation Earth, as the world has been ruled by demons since mankind was exiled from Akesu!

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These icky people are so icky. Ed Sheeran and Pharrell Williams songs subtly about my story were heavily played during the canceling of me.

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