Various films have been used to programme individuals for Monarch / MK Ultra mind control programming. The most well known ones are perhaps The Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland. Svali, ex mind controlled programmer has said that films like The Matrix, Labyrinth and Frozen superceded Fantasia to programme individuals, [16].
This post is about the mind control symbolism in Labyrinth.
The plot is very similar to the Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland. A young girl is stuck in a fantasy land trying to get back home. The Labyrinth’s castle is analagous to the Oz’s Emerald City and that is the target of the journey before coming home.
Labyrinth is “a portrayal of what the internal world inside a Monarch mind-controlled slave looks like” Fritz Springmeier states. The Monarch slave has an internal world built inside their mind in which the hundreds and thousands of alters must live in. The alters are given a psychotic world of fiction in which they must live in as reality. An alter of a Monarch slave will have two worlds, the external world of reality, and their own internal world which, because of the programming, will seem more real than the real world.” Fritz Springmeier The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave, [3].
Monarch slaves very frequently have castles built into their internal world. A good book that I read on my way to finding out about mind control a decade ago is A Fractured Mind, My life with Multiple Personality Disorder, by Robert Oxnam, [48].
Vigilant Citizen states that Labyrinth is about a sadistic handler programming a victim… “Labyrinth describes the programming of a mind control victim at the hands of a sadistic handler”. Labyrinth is also a blueprint for mind control. “What appears to be a young girl’s quest through a Labyrinth to find her baby brother becomes a metaphor for the internal world of a mind control victim that is being programmed by a handler. The obstacles that Sarah, the hero of the story, must go through relate to real-life ordeals inflicted to mind control slaves to incite dissociation. Labyrinth is a blueprint for mind control” Vigilant Citizen “Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control, [13].
To anyone familiar with the luciferian brotherhood system or symbolism there is a mass of symbolism about mind control in the film.
Some people may be familiar with the unicursal labyrinth at the gothic Chartres Cathedral, showing the labyrinth has spiritual significance.
A multicursal labyrinth is also called a maze.
A labyrinth itself is a mind control trigger and there are mazes in mind control programming, [5]. Cisco Wheeler has several references to maze programming in her excellent book. Cisco created collages to help her healing and deprogramming and they are very useful to show symbols in mind control programming, Cisco Wheeler’s Collages Explaining Mind Control – Picture Index, [51].
Cisco explains “The mazes represent the internal mazes and also the feeling that one is trapped, that there is no way out. The mind gets trapped in mazes of clear glass and it just gets locked in. We were programmed to “See no evil, hear no evil, do no evil.” Evil meant anything contrary to the programming. Since we were programmed to be silent, any time we told anybody anything about what was really going on we were committing an “evil” against the programming.” Cisco Wheeler 18 – Destiny [35].
The elements from the labyrinth in the film all come from Sarah’s room, including the labyrinth itself.
When Sarah enters the Labyrinth, it does not seem to be a maze. Hogel, a gnome, tells Sarah, “Things are not what they seem in this place.”
Sarah spends a long time walking in a straight line, until she is told about a portal in the wall. Portals are used in the occult spiritual world for physical travel, time travel, interdimensional travel and for demons.
The internal worlds of the slave can be shifted and rearranged by the internal programmers. The internal programmers can change codes, eliminate alters, and carry out extensive deception to other parts of the System. As in the Monarch programming, the movie’s castle reminds one of Emerald City. Gargoyle elves (similar to coven demons) dance magic and a sweet girl played by Jennifer Connelly moves from one weird scene to another, while an occasional shot gives us the hideous ruler of the Castle played by David Bowie. These demons also guard the baby that represents the innocent core, [3].
Sarah heads to the castle in the distance, she has 13 hours, a satanic number.
Castles are also built into the mind control programming. It is usually a structure within which other programming resides. There can also be several different castles. Cisco explains that in this collage of hers, it depicts the protection given to Heliopolis, which also known as the Emerald City Castle.
“It is guarded by the River Nile, which has a fast current, and crocodiles in it. Not only crocodiles, but sea monsters are in the River Nile too as can be seen in the picture” Cisco Wheeler 45 - Sea Monsters [34].
The parallels can be seen to the castle in Labyrinth, guarded by the various creatures and the stinky swamp called the "Bog of Eternal Stench". Cisco also said that one of her gatekeeper alters, G 10, was animal-like and a portal to animal enforcers in the castle / castle dungeon, Cisco Wheeler 42 - Gatekeepers [52].
At the start of the film the owl, which later turns into Jareth, the Goblin King, is seen on top of an obelisk, both the owl and obelisk being potent symbols for the luciferian brotherhood.
The owl is a common symbol for the brotherhood cult, most notoriously perhaps at Bohemian Grove, where the giant owl / Molech received the baby sacrifices.
Bohemian Grove
Springmeier says that the owl represents the Master in their internal mind control system. “Many systems have an owl in their system which represents the master. In the movie, an owl representing the master appears at various times & then flies away at the end. Toward the end the Master sings, “Power of Voodoo…””,[3].
In Labyrinth, Jareth the Goblin King / the owl takes the baby. The baby represents the core personaility, [3].
Masquerade Ball
Masquerade balls are symbolic of the system eg. the Illuminati ball often held in New York, and the infamous Surrealist Ball held by Baroness Marie-Hélène de Rothschild and her husband Guy at the Chateau de Ferrières in 1972.
Rothchilds’ Surrealist Ball
The Ball is a revealing part of the film. First Sarah eats the peach which of course has parallels to Eve eating the apple.

The peach appears drugged / enchanted/ magikal. The use of drugs in mind control programming is common. Sarah was transported in a thought bubble to the masquerade ball…
She is wearing the dress from the character in her room…
Springmeier explained that Sarah’s mind will have internal programmers called adepts, who create the dream bubbles.
The slave’s mind will have adepts who are the programmers. The movie’s adept puts a princess in a bubble. Then she goes by memory back to when she was at a Satanic ball where people wear masks of birds, goats, and pigs. Illuminati ceremonies include balls like this with masks. This Love story is reliving programming of the girl that she is a Queen, that she is married to Satan, and that this is a bonding ceremony. Fritz Springmeier, [3].
Sarah is then shown at the strange ball with guests wearing masks of goats, pigs and birds.
Masks / masquerade imagery in organized mind control, have to do with masking the multiple personas / alter egos from each other, and sometimes are used in conjunction with Camelot / Shakespeare programming. In this case, Sarah eats the poisoned peach and is momentarily sidetracked into a dream world masquerade ball. And as noted, she’s also lost in her own Camelot / fairy tale world [28a].
Sarah is searching for Jareth whilst Jareth looks on and confuses her by moving around. The rest of the guests except for Jareth and Sarah are all masked. Jareth, the master, the mind controlled handler then dances with Sarah whilst a romantic song is playing, indicting a weird inappropriate sexual relationship.
Jareth gives suggestive looks… to a 15-year-old girl! The scene symbolically portrays the forced Satanic union between the slave, who is said to be the princess of her world, and her handler, [13].
Sarah dances with Jareth as a love song plays, sung by Bowie, implying a “romantic entanglement” with her controller – not unlike how things often go with real mind control victims and their handlers. She’s an immature school girl who still plays with dolls and throws fits, and Jareth / Bowie is old enough to be her father [28a].
The lyrics of David Bowie’s song playing during the ball can be interpreted as a “love song” from a sadistic handler to a mind control slave…
“As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill has gone
Wasn’t too much fun at all
But I’ll be there for you
As the world falls down …
… It’s falling down”
Sarah looks around and their dance breaks down in apparent confusion
The clock shows 12 13. Presumably the luciferian mind control clock has one hour to go for Sarah. Everyone is grabbing her. People who have been to this Illuminati ceremony will recognize it, [3].
The ball then quickly turns into a nightmare for Sarah where all of the masked guests start running after her (is she “bad-tripping”?). Sarah starts running, shatters a mirror and runs through it, another classic symbol of mind control, [13].
Sarah starts falling down...
She ends up in a scrap heap in the labyrinth.
Sarah grabs onto a teddy bear, another luciferian symbol, [53].
Then Sarah makes her way back to the castle via various adventures, she fights with the goblins, manages to cross the stinky swamp and enters the castle. She finds the baby Toby in a scenario modelled after M. C. Escher's famous impossible Relativity work.
Escher’s drawing, according to ex-programmers, are used for programming. The Master sings, “Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for you.” Jareth appears everywhere from every angle. This is how the internal programmers, which are clones of the real programmers appear everywhere in the mind of the slave. He sings, “Just as I can be so cruel…look without your heart beat. ..I must live within you”. She says, “Give me the child [the core]” and the programmer says, “I have been generous. ..but I can be so cruel …. I have reordered time…turned the world upside down…all for you”, [3].
The internal and external programmers can be cruel. The victim is trauma bonded to them. They are cruel and kind to the victim, just like Mengele was to his thousands of victims. The internal worlds can be turned in a Monarch system, by turning the hour glasses which are on X, Y and Z axes. The hour glasses are turned with hand signals and codes that are similar to what pilots use to tell their degree positions in the sky. [3].
Sarah takes a leap off the Escher structure and she falls but lands gently. The programmer sings, “I ask for so little, just let me rule you, and you can have everything you want…just love me, fear me, and do as I say.” He tells her that her kingdom is great. Internally alters are given great titles, and are made queens, etc. Their internal worlds give them all they need, and that the real external world will never understand them. She is told repeatedly “Your kingdom is great.” “Bow down and worship me, and you get everything”, [3].
When one listens to the programming, it seems that it is powerful and in control, [3]. At this point she realizes she has dominion over the demons. Sarah finally remembers the last line of the poem which she says to the Goblin King “You have no power over me”. The bubble bursts and she ends up at her home with the owl who then flies out of an open window.
For some moments it appears that Sarah may have broken free from the Goblin King, the controller. However at the end of the movie, Hoggle and some of the creatures from the Labyrinth appear to Sarah in her bedroom mirror. The Alice through the Looking Glass dream world can be accessed through the mirror. One purpose of mirrors in mind control has to do with seeing the reflection as an actual alter ego. They are also used in occult / esoteric practices to act as portals into other realms. During the masquerade ball, Sarah broke the mirrored walls to get out of the ball and wake up and then she accessed the creatures through the mirror. The creatures manifest in her room.
The film ends with the owl, the controller, watching from outside as Sarah reveals her need for the characters, who have all come alive from the toys in her room for a party.
The controwller flies away, programming complete. Job done. Sarah has accepted her mind control programming.
On a very superficial the film can be interpreted as Sarah growing up, but on a deeper occult level Sarah has actually accepted her mind control programming. Sarah got the baby back, but at the cost of the loss of control of her own mind.
Fritz Springmeier analyses the film…
The movie does a good job of showing how a slave’s mind has both an internal and an external world. When she leaves the internal world, she finds that the internal world is right there with her in her external world. She is surrounded by internal cues. Then she embraces and accepts her internal world toward the ending of the movie. Many systems have an owl in their system which represents the master. In the movie, an owl representing the master appears at various times and then flies away at the end. Toward the end the Master sings, “Power of Voodoo…” [3].
The internal world is full of goblins, dwarfs, worms, a hat, door knockers, Fury 1,2,3,4,5 and many other things. Ravens are in the movie. In real life, the programmers take alter fragments, which are splits which are not developed into full blown personalities and they program them to have a single task, for instance to think they are a raven and to bite the body when ever they take the body. Whole flocks of demons which take the form of ravens may wait inside the mind waiting for their release to bite the body. When triggered by the internal programmers when an alter crosses the boundaries set down by the programming, a flock of ravens may come forward and “take the body” (as they say in MPD) of the slave and the Monarch slave will bite his or her flesh and viciously tear it with its teeth. By watching the movie Labyrinth, and using this as a guide, the viewer will begin to understand the horror and control that the internal world holds over the alters of a Monarch slave. Few Monarch slaves ever tell other people what is going on in their minds, now you have been privileged to find out, [3].
To learn this much for a Monarch slave comes with a high price. The price is paid by reliving for a second time what has been done to them, fighting off the suicide programs that click on when the slave’s mind disobeys. The slave must also fight off torture memories that recycle. These torture memories are activated by the programming when an alter disobeys its programming. As one Monarch survivor described it to me, “This all can be wrapped up by defining it as the raping of the body, soul and spirit”, [3].
Svali says that music from the film is used as a trigger to access the programming inside or bring forward various alter personalities, [14].
Gallery - More Symbolism

Dragon, butterfly, portals, helping hands handsign, baby as core, snake.
Red / blue differential hemisphere mind controlled symbolism
The film has been interpreted in many ways and on many levels. Many mainstream reviews miss the whole point of the film, either through ignorance, propaganda or programming and only interpret it on the most superficial of levels. Examples are Labyrinth and the Dark Heart of Childhood in The Atlantic [43] or the interpretation in propaganda outlet Wikipedia [6], which sees no further than a child growing up. Vox just says that Jennifer lives in a fantasy world, [40].
The luciferian brotherhood appear to revel in putting their messages in plain sight and most people appear oblivious and unenquiring as to the true meanings. Many people do not see the mind control messaging in movies and many would not believe it even if they could see it.
People who do not see the mind controlled aspects of the film may be totally unknowing about mind control or may be mind controlled themselves. Do the people that who think it is about a child growing up to be a woman not wonder why there is a clock which has 13 hours shown on it, or think that smashing though a mirror from the masked ball is not symbolic of something greater than escaping from the Goblin King or childhood? Do they not wonder about why there is a scene set in Escher’s Relativity? Are they brainwashed by the system to not even inquire?
In a way this scenario parallels the lives of mind control survivors who are frequently not believed when they do tell of their experiences. People are reticent to acknowledge or believe things that are outside of their own experience.
On a deeper, more informed, more sinister level the film is properly recognised as about the mind of a victim of mind control, and how she is controlled and manipulated by her programmer, the Goblin King, [29], [3], [13].
The film ends with Jennifer who thinks that she has outwitted the programmer by stating that he no longer has power over her. In reality that is the biggest deception. She thinks that she has completed the task and the baby and everything have returned to normal. The programmer is content to let her think that she is free. The best way to control people, is when they do not realise that they are under control. When she chooses to party with the animals from her mind control “adventure”, she embraced and accepted that her internal world is with her in her external world. She accepted her mind control programming and does not even realise that she is under control.
This in turn parallels the people who do not even see the mind control symbolism in the film. They have been groomed over time to accept the reality that they are given, that they are comfortable with. They do not seek the truth, they do not want to upset what they think they know. They think the truth outrageous. They even attack those who tell the truth, from their position of ignorance. When they watch the film, their own programming will be activated and reinforced by the music as well as the symbolism.
Mind Controlled Actors
The actors used in all these films, are people that have grown up in the system. David Bowie is of course famously mind controlled, Fighting Monarch David Bowie’s Connections to the Illuminati [26].
The lightning bolt is a symbol of mind control, much of which is accompanied by electro-shock treatment. Ziggy Stardust, Bowie’s alter ego, has a lightning bolt in red and blue colour programming colours, over one eye. The mind control symbolism in quadruplicate. Note also Bowie’s one large pupil, which happened in hospital, most probably in one of these programming / torture sessions.
Less is known about Jennifer Connolly, the actress who plays Sarah. She is shown here during her audition.
Odysee Behind The Scenes: Sarah Audition - Labyrinth Jennifer Connolly [55]
Jennifer has a blank stare reminiscent of trance state of mind controlled programmees. She also holds her hands in the position of “in the presence of the master”. She was auditioning in front of Jim Henson, of Muppets fame, who is a great big rabbit warren on his own. There is therefore a probability that Jennifer was mind controlled.
Here is the Labyrinth film on Odysee… click on screenshot or link
1986 Odysee Labyrinth [2c]
and a video of Labyrinth Analysis from Vigilant Citizen read by People’s TV.
Review of “Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie - A Blueprint to Mind Control Script Vigilant Citizen [54]
Interpretations of Labyrinth
Appendix 1 Illuminati Cabal Exposed MK ULTRA: Labyrinth [29]
Appendix 2 Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmeier The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave [3]
Appendix 3 Vigilant Citizen “Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control [13]
Appendix 4 Official wikipedia Story [6] Wikipedia Labyrinth Film
[1] Taylor Swift Labyrinth Lyrics Written by Taylor Swift and Jack Antonoff It only hurts this much right now Was what I was thinking the whole time Breathe in, breathe through Breathe deep, breathe out I’ll be getting over you my whole life You know how scared I am of elevators Never trust it if it rises fast It can’t last Uh oh, I’m falling in love Oh no, I’m falling in love again Oh, I’m falling in love I thought the plane was going down How’d you turn it right around It only feels this raw right now Lost in the labyrinth of my mind Break up, break free, break through, break down You would break your back to make me break a smile You know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back Just like that
[2] Labyrinth full movie you tube, dead link
[2b] Peoples Voice Review “Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control The 1986 movie Labyrinth, starring David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly, immerses the viewers into a world of fantasy and wonder. Like many other fantastic tales, the movie conceals within its symbolism an underlying meaning and, in this case, it is rather disturbing. Labyrinth describes the programming of a mind control victim at the hands of a sadistic handler. We will look at the occult meaning of the symbolism found in Labyrinth
[2c] 1986 Odysee Labyrinth
[3] Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmeier The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave Cave and well. A gatekeeper will guard the cave. Disobedient alters may be put down the well. This system deals with a lot of darkness. Catacombs may be connected to the cave and well. Falling down the well is one way to get to the abyss (see the film Labyrinth). Usually there is only one entrance-exit to this cave. deprog
[5] Vigilant Citizen Donatella There is also a labyrinth (classic MK trigger),
[6] Wikipedia Labyrinth Film
[6a] wikipedia
[7] Labyrinth Society
[13] 2011 Nov 4 Vigilant Citizen “Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control
[14] Deprogramwiki Svali internal labyrinth programming may be linked to the movie “Labyrinth”. The possibilities are quite varied and will depend on both the child and the trainer as to which direction script programming will go. Music from the show or scene will be used as a trigger to access the programming inside or bring forward these personalities.
[15] Sirius Twins - Labyrinth
[16] Deprogramwiki Svali Fantasia is blatant occultic imagery throughout, and was used extensively in the 1950s through 1970s to program individuals with. It was superseded in recent years by movies such as the Matrix, which depicts high-level programming, Labyrinth, and more recently, Frozen.
[17] Odysee 1940 Fantasia in English #fantasia #mkultra #programming #mindcontrol
[18] Terry Jones (screenplay by) Cast
David Bowie Jareth
Jennifer Connelly Sarah
Toby Froud Toby Sixteen-year-old
[19] Wikipedia Jim Henson
[20] 2020 Feb 5 Fighting Monarch Jim Henson - CIA’s Useful Idiot
[21] 2022 Oct 2 Fighting Monarch Metropolis, Controlled Opposition and Fake Synchronicity
[22] IMDB Jennifer Connolly
[23] Wikipedia Jennifer Connolly
[24] Toby Froud
[26] 2019 Oct 11 Fighting Monarch David Bowie’s Connections to the Illuminati
[27] Illuminati Cabal Expose MK ULTRA: Labyrinth
[28] 2008 Pseudoccult Media
[28a] 2008 Dec 22 Pseudoccult Media Chuckerboard Speyes Sarah Walker (very symbolic name; walking on the yellow brick road/controlled path, Sarah is the name of numerous things such as the 2001HAL-esque A.I. in Eureka) is typical of MK victims used by intelligence agencies in reality, a
[29] Illuminati Cabal Expose MK ULTRA: Labyrinth
[30] IMBD Peoples Reviews
[32] Search Cisco on foxblog2
[34] 2023 Nov 3 foxblog2 Cisco Wheeler 45 - Sea Monsters #seamonsters #ciscowheeler #mindcontrol #rivernile #EmeraldCity
[35] 2023 Sept 27 wordpress foxblog2 Cisco Wheeler 18 – Destiny #cisco #ciscowheeler #destiny #mindcontrol #mkultra
[36] What you missed in Labyrinth
[37] Mental Floss Labyrinth guidebook
[38] The Terry Jones Labyrinth Interview
[39] Slash Film Is Jim Henson's 'Labyrinth' An Allegory For Date Rape?
[40] 2016 Vox Labyrinth is now 30 years old. Here’s how this gloriously weird movie became a cult classic.
[41] BBC Why Labyrinth is so memorable
[42] 16 Facts about Labyrinth sarah audition
[43] Atlantic Labyrinth and the Dark Heart of Childhood
[45] Video Behind The Scenes: Sarah Audition - Labyrinth - The Jim Henson Company
[46] These internal programmers could rearrange mazes, change codes and carry out reprogramming internally, and flood the System with memories cisco collage The System’s structures (hour glasses) could be turned with directions that resembled the degrees pilots talk about when flying along with hand signals. When the System’s hour glass was rotated it meant certain alters were on top of the System and could come to the front easier and had more energy. In other words our internal and external programmers could flip our System and radically change what alters were taking control of the body.
[47] We had a number of what appeared to be alters of both Dr. Mengele and our other Programmer. These “alters” could be accessed via access codes that related to Texas geography. However, when we deprogrammed we discovered they weren’t alters at all. We learned in the deprogramming process that they were demons who were capable of taking on the form of our programmers. Because our programmers had look alikes in control of our System, these controllers always seemed to be with us. The story of the Nome King (who was Daddy) in the Wizard of Oz books was used to help us structure in these look alike demons. Dr. Green is sometimes seen our System as a cricket, and he used cricket sounds as triggers for us. A silver bell is also associated with Dr. Green and his image as a cricket. cisco collage
[48] 2015 Apr 7 foxblog1 A Fractured Mind. My life with Multiple Personality Disorder. Robert B Oxnam
[51] 2023 Dec 31 wordpress foxblog2 Cisco Wheeler’s Collages Explaining Mind Control – Picture Index #ciscowheeler #mindcontrol #collages #programming #mkultra
[52] 2023 Oct 31 foxblog2 Cisco Wheeler 42 - Gatekeepers #ciscowheeler #gatekeepers #mindcontrol #depression
[53] 2022 Dec 28 "United Teddy Bears of Benetton" by Veronica Swift #teddybear
[54] Odysee Peoples TV Review of “Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie - A Blueprint to Mind Control Script Vigilant Citizen #vigilantcitizen #labyrinth #mkultra #mindcontrol
[55] Odysee Behind The Scenes: Sarah Audition - Labyrinth Jennifer Connolly #jenniferconnolly #jimhenson #Labyrinth #mindcontrol
Film “Reviews”
Appendix 1 Illuminati Cabal
Appendix 2 Fritz Sprimeier
Appendix 3
Appendix 4 wikipedia
Appendix 1
Illuminati Cabal Expose MK ULTRA: Labyrinth [29]
Mind Control Symbolism
The White Owl — Known as Moloch in the Illuminati occult circles. Moloch is worshiped as a deity, and ritual sacrifices are done in its honor. In ancient times, Moloch was the Fire God…to whom children were burned. In Labyrinth what of all things steals the baby away but…the white owl/Goblin King. Owls are also linked to alien activity, symbolically representing the Grays. Many abductees will report having“dreams” with owls, which are actually screen memories of something else.
The snake. At one point Jerreth offers Sarah the ball in exchange for Toby, and when she refuses, it turns into a snake which he tosses at her. Snake – the Reptilians, the Brotherhood of the Snake/Illuminati. The glass ball. On a side note, a near identical image of Jerreth with the glass ball in his hands can be found in a picture drawn by Credo Mutwa, leader of the Zulu Nation. The picture depicts the Nordic alien “Gods” who supposedly visited the Zulu tribe eons ago; they were tall, blond, and blue eyed…and wielded a ball in their hands that was linked to them being able to appear and disappear…exactly as Bowie is depicted in the movie. There’s also another mention of something near-identical in the Dolores Cannon book, “The Legend of Starcrash” and the blond/silver haired, violet eyed aliens with their techno-gadget ball that manipulated reality.
Taking Toby — Not overlooking the obvious, the plot centers around the baby being stolen by the Illuminati-esque controller / white owl; could be representative of the baby/child victims who go missing every year via the supposed “Illuminati” abductions” to be used for a host of nefarious purposes, as well as childhood alien abductions. Control over time — Jerreth is able to change the clock and control time in the Labyrinth, having the upper hand with Sara, as mind control handlers do with their real life victims. Hyper dimensional/alien controllers also have control of time, being that time doesn’t exist outside of 3rd density. The Labyrinth — The labyrinth itself, with all its trickery and illusion, where everything keeps changing and nothing is at it appears to be, resembles the screwball world of the mind control victim’s mind, which has been split and shattered into multiple personalities and compartments.
The “Oubliette” — “It’s a place you put people…to forget about them!” explains Hoggle. In the Labyrinth, Sarah falls down into a pit known as an oubliette, which can represent a compartment in the multiple’s mind created to house the ugly traumas they can’t deal with. To get out, Hoggle picks a door off the ground, props it up in the doorway, uses a key to open it one way revealing a junk closet, and then tries again the other way, correctly accessing the way out, exactly the way compartments in the mind can be accessed with the “right” trigger.
The warning rocks — At one point, Sarah and Hoggle encounter huge stones designed to issue warnings to “Stop! Turn back before it’s too late!’ and other such threats. These can parallel the protective programs designed to keep out anybody trying to break through their programming.
The two doors — Entering doors into other areas of the minds. The two doors argue back and forth using reverse logic to determine which one is really lying and which one is really telling the truth, in a fast paced, “up is down, yes is no” dialogue designed to confuse and befuddle. “One of us always tells the truth…and one of us always lies!” can have a double meaning when you realize that programmed multiples often have personalities which clash in that way.
The masquerade ball — Masks/masquerade imagery, in organized mind control, have to do with masking the multiple personas/alter egos from each other, and sometimes is used in conjunction with Camelot / Shakespeare programming. In this case, Sarah eats the poisoned peach and is momentarily sidetracked into a dream world masquerade ball. And as noted, she’s also lost in her own Camelot / fairy tale world. (On aside note, while at the masquerade ball Sarah dances with Jerreth as a love song plays, sung by Bowie, implying a “romantic entanglement” with her controller – not unlike how things often go with real mind control victims and their handlers. In this case it’s kind of weird considering she’s an immature 16 year old school girl who still plays with dolls and throws fits, and Jerreth/Bowie is old enough to be her father. [Bowie is twenty three years older than Connelly in real life.] That “inappropriateness” is another aspect of mind control victims and their handlers though.)
Mirrors — at the end of the movie, Hoggle and the rest of the creatures from the Labyrinth appear to Sarah in her bedroom mirror, then manifest for real in her room – Alice through the Looking Glass, the dream world that can be accessed through the mirror. During the masquerade ball, Sarah breaks the mirrored walls to get out and wake up. One purpose of mirrors in mind control has to do with seeing the reflection as an actual alter ego. They’re also used in occult/esoteric practices to act as portals into other realms.
Appendix 2
[3] Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmeier The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
The Monarch programming creates very complex systems that are as sophisticated as an Apollo spacecraft. There is no way all the possible in and outs can be covered. However, the reader can watch a movie “Labyrinth” to get a good idea of what the end product is like for the mind of the victim. The movie represents what the internal world is like for an alter who is trying to understand its mind. It would be worthwhile to finish this chapter on structuring by covering this movie which illustrates the end product. The bizarre movie Labyrinth may be shown again on HBO and is available from some video stores. In fact, the video stores have a hard time meeting customer demands for this popular video. One of the co-authors knows a girl who has watched “Labyrinth” twenty times.
In 1986, a movie called “Labyrinth” was produced by Cherry McFadden. The movie was Monty Python’s “Terry Jones” scripted. The movie is a portrayal of what the internal world inside a Monarch mind-controlled slave looks like. The Monarch slave has an internal world built inside their mind in which the hundreds and thousands of alters must live in. The alters are given a psychotic world of fiction in which they must live in as reality. An alter of a Monarch slave will have two worlds, the external world of reality, and their own internal world which, because of the programming, will seem more real than the real world.
Hogel, a gnome, tells Sarah, “Things are not what they seem in this place.” The internal worlds of the slave can be shifted and rearranged by the internal programmers. The internal programmers can change codes, eliminate alters, and carry out extensive deception to other parts of the System. As in the Monarch programming, the movie’s castle reminds one of Emerald City. The movie Labyrinth seems weird and occultic. Gargoyle elves (similar to coven demons) dance magic and a sweet girl played by Jennifer Connelly moves from one weird scene to another, while an occasional shot gives us the hideous ruler of the Castle played by David Bowie. These demons also guard the baby that represents the innocent core.
Monarch slaves very frequently have castles built into their internal world. Some slaves will have a whole series of castles, some are King’s castles, some are Queen’s castles, and some are castle’s shaped liked pyramids with all-seeing eyes in them. The story line of the movie Labyrinth is that the girl, Sarah, searches for her baby brother, Toby, who is captive in a castle in a dream world. Actually, this represents an alter searching for the innocent core from which it split off from. Often the core (the original innocent child personality which split off personalities in order to remain innocent is locked up in the castle by the programmer who serves as Master of the castle. Often in deprogramming, the core is taken to a castle dungeon in a terrible backup program called the princess program which was just described on a previous page. The princess programming (which is a back up program) functions, when the regular programming goes down (which is rare). When the Princess back-up program kicks in the toad is kissed, the princess core is woke up, etc. etc. Parts of the Princess program seem portrayed towards the end of the movie. In the movie, David Bowie, who in real life was a satanist & a rock star who committed suicide, plays the part of the Master of the Castle. The girl soon goes into the dream world (internal world of her mind). She must go through a labyrinth if she wants to get to the castle.
Although the movie is fiction, it is close enough to how a Monarch’s mind thinks, that an adult Monarch slave might well have his or her programming reinforced if they saw this film. It also would trigger many Monarch slaves and create fear in them. Monarch slaves have many clocks built into their systems. They have internal clock makers and internal clock keepers. In the movie, clocks pop up everywhere just like in a Monarch’s mind. Some Monarch slaves are programmed to see their internal world, and others are programmed not to be able to see their internal world. In other words, many Monarchs may not have the ability to see a great deal at first of this programming due to further programming, and yet these images work in the deep recesses of their minds to keep their minds within the confines of the programming.
David Bowie has the magical ability to rearrange time on the clocks. The handlers often mess with the internal and external clocks of a slave, so that the slave is disoriented about what time it is. Alters within a Monarch system are not allowed to stray from the path assigned to them. If they try to move out of their assigned spot in the mind, then they encounter traps, mazes, tunnels and demons just like in the movie Labyrinth. An internal world of a Monarch’s mind will have brick walls, doors and vortex tunnels just like in the movie. When the girl falls into a vortex, she has magician hands all over her. Monarch victims speak of what vortexes are like and they often describe hands coming out of nowhere.
The movie begins with an oak tree. The oak tree is an important part of the Illuminati programming. The Master programmer in the castle, wearing a triangle medallion around his neck and looking veracious (David Bowie) sings, “Voodoo. ..Babes with the power.. .magic spells…dance magic…slap that baby and make him pay….dance magic, dance magic.” Cobwebs are built into the Monarch minds, and when an alter goes where it shouldn’t they often get cobwebbing over them. The tunnels in the movie are full of cobwebs. As the girl moves forward toward the magic demon-invested Castle she comes across many things–all of which relate to internal items built into a Monarch slave’s mind. Some of the things are slightly different in the movie than in a slave’s mind–but the concepts are the same.
For instance, the actual Thor figure looks like the Iron Man of the Wizard of Oz series rather than the iron robot that they portray. But the match is close enough for the imagery to portray what it is meant to represent. During programming, bracelets with pieces will be given to the child to teach them how the alters are to revolve. A bracelet like this is owned by the girl. The girl encounters a dwarf. The dwarfs in the internal world “mine the jewels” (that is the programming).
The Jewels are the particular programs that run a Monarch system of alters of an MPD (DID) mind. The dwarf in the movie is told by David Bowie (the Programmer) that he has “lost his Jewels”–that is that he has lost his programming! The dwarf in the movie decides to help the girl. In Monarch programming the dwarf helps an alter by bringing it programming! Some help! The goblin (demon) is asked by the girl to find a portal. The goblin opens a door and it appears to be a broom closet. He opens it again and it appears as a door. This is the exact way the programming is.
Portals and doors in the internal world have cover stories. At first they look like one thing–but if the mind can get by the first look–they will turn out in reality to be something else. There is cover programming over everything–so that the slave doesn’t trust his own mind. For instance, besides lots of clocks undisguised, clocks are disguised in a System as any object, but they can be recognized by the trained observer because they are gold colored.
In the movie, objects are constantly changing. Many monarch’s fear the rocks coming alive–just as they do in the movie Labyrinth. In the bottom of the slave’s mind–put in at the deepest hypnotic levels possible are the hell pits. The movie shows the hell pit and even calls it the “hell pit.” Notice that as she goes into this strange world that the clocks can be turned around. This is true in the programming. The clocks can be turned by the programmer so that the slave can be told it is January when it is December. A cover program can be entered so that the slave has memory of what he was supposed to have done in December.
These false memories are laid in with real torture memories and tied to emotions. The false memories lack certain characteristics of real memories–and yet still they can at times be difficult to separate from the true memories, especially if the mind-controlled slave is in programming. The following is the story line of the movie as it happens in this bizarre movie.
Early in the movie we see a witch with an hour glass. When the girl gets to the castle it is guarded by a mechanical monster that resembles in some ways Thor of the programming. Notice that portals and holes open up. When they open up another level, protectors attack them and they must run back down their tunnel to save themselves. The Monarch slave will get feelings of being crushed if an alter ventures where it shouldn’t in the mind. When the girl asks the dwarf “How can I believe anything you say?” She is told, “What choice do you have?” Fire demons come out dancing. They take out their eyeballs and eat them. They say “Bad luck down the path.”
What the fire demons represent are the Gamma programming and the threats that the Gamma programming has upon the victim. The programming tells an alter that it will lose its head or other horrible threat if it doesn’t comply with the programming. “Let’s take off her head” the fire demons say, as they act out the various programs–decapitation, delimbing, etc. They also want to throw her into the pit of eternal flames. They go down a chute into the eternal hell pit. It is even called the eternal pit in the movie! The hell pits of a slave will generally smell like sulfur–which is exactly what the movie’s hell pit does. A guardian of the pit (looking like a dog) comes out.
Guardians within the Monarch’s mind are generally far more horrifying than this dog. The guardian must give permission for passage. Another trap appears–as the slave’s internal world is filled with booby traps. The name of the dog the guardian rides on is Ambrosius, similar to Ambrosia. A peach with poison is given to the dwarf. The slave is programmed to fear poisoned fruit. (This is another fairy tale turned into programming.)
David Bowie is called an “adept” who creates dream bubbles. The slave’s mind will have adepts who are the programmers. The movie’s adept puts a princess in a bubble. Then she goes by memory back to when she was at a Satanic ball where people wear masks of birds, goats, and pigs. Illuminati ceremonies include balls like this with masks. This Love story is reliving programming of the girl that she is a Queen, that she is married to Satan, and that this is a bonding ceremony. Everyone is grabbing her. People who have been to this Illuminati ceremony will recognize it. Next, she sees mirrors. When she shatters the mirrors (a no-no in the programming) she begins falling.
Generally, if a slave shatters the mirrors in their mind–they fall into suicide programming. She falls into a junkyard. Then a satanic seed comes alive from her fruit. It is a worm. An old hag gives her a teddy bear. The programmers and parents of slaves frequently give stuffed animals. The teddy bear without hands represents to the victim their helplessness. The old hag says “like a little bunny rabbit…Don’t you…Bitsy Boob” All this is Monarch programming stuff. Then she sees a book about the labyrinth. The Monarch’s mind has libraries and diagrams of their own system but these are kept guarded by the mirrors, the demons, and programming. The girl Sarah finds a book (the files) of how the labyrinth is built. Actually, you can too. If the original programming was Wizard of Oz programming–then when you looked at the front of the Wizard of Oz series books you would find a map that helped build the internal world. Some of the items on that map will likely be found in your Monarch system (but not all). If your Monarch system has Star Trek programming it is possible they will have an internal world similar to the diagrams shown in this book where Star Trek programming is covered.
In other words, there are books which do show the labyrinth, just as the movie Labyrinth has Sarah find a book showing the internal world. But if an alter finds a map, this does not mean the alter can travel freely in its system’s mind! In working with a mind-controlled slave, we discovered one of the methods to get over the Wizard of Oz mazes was to fly with the Orks.
However, an alter caught in the mazes was frightened to stay put by the demons that surrounded it. (This is so well portrayed in Labyrinth.) This happens in real life to Monarch alters which stray into the mazes. They are lost and then they can’t come out and take the body. They are simply lost in the mind. The old hag gives her slippers! Slippers are important triggers or cues to go places internally. She is given a horsey and told she loves it. “Take back the child you have stolen.”
A ferris wheel is shown. (Carrousels were used greatly in programming.) Then she breaks an hour glass. Hour glasses are internal clocks. Then she encounters levels, doors and tunnels. An Iron robot representing Thor comes out and bangs bangs bangs. The banging is the split brain headaches that the internal Thor causes the victim’s mind to experience. A child is placed into the robot. Often during the programming, child alters are programmed to put on a robot like suit and serve with other children as clone solders in a clone army. (The sea divers of the Walt Disney movie “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” were used to program child alters into how they were to get into robot suits.)
These child alters form armies that attack if an alter tries to fight the programming. These children alters are like children screaming–it is impossible to reason or talk to them. Armies of these alters are difficult to stop in the mind. In the programming, the brave are told they are brave and vice-versa. The character says “I have no courage.” But is told “You are a man of courage.” More clocks and a bell appears. A red and blue guardian appear. Perhaps these colors represent the color programming. Rocks and cannons represent the protectors and the earthquakes they cause internally in a Monarch’s mind.
When she enters the castle it is a carbon copy of Esher’s drawing entitled “Relativity.” (See The Graphic Work of MC. Esher, figure 67.) She runs up stairs and gets nowhere. Escher’s drawing, according to ex-programmers, are used for programming. The Master sings, “Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for you.” David appears everywhere from every angle. This is how the internal programmers, which are clones of the real programmers appear everywhere in the mind of the slave. He sings, “Just as I can be so cruel…look without your heart beat. ..I must live within you.” She says, “Give me the child [the core]” and the programmer says, “I have been generous. ..but I can be so cruel …. I have reordered time…turned the world upside down…all for you.”
The internal and external programmers can be cruel. The victim is trauma bonded to them. They are cruel and kind to the victim, just like Mengele was to his thousands of victims. The internal worlds can be turned in a Monarch system, by turning the hour glasses which are on X, Y and Z axes. The hour glasses are turned with hand signals and codes that are similar to what pilots use to tell their degree positions in the sky. The programmer sings, “I ask for so little, just let me rule you, and you can have everything you want…just love me, fear me, and do as I say.” He tells her that her kingdom is great. Internally alters are given great titles, and are made queens, etc. Their internal worlds give them all they need, and that the real external world will never understand them. She is told repeatedly “Your kingdom is great.” “Bow down and worship me, and you get everything.”
At this point she realizes she has dominion over the demons. When one listens to the programming, it seems that it is powerful and in control. The movie does a good job of showing how a slave’s mind has both an internal and an external world. A hall appears with daisies. Daisies were used in programming. When she leaves the internal world, she finds that the internal world is right there with her in her external world. She is surrounded by internal cues. Then she embraces and accepts her internal world toward the ending of the movie. Many systems have an owl in their system which represents the master. In the movie, an owl representing the master appears at various times & then flies away at the end. Toward the end the Master sings, “Power of Voodoo…”
The internal world is full of goblins, dwarfs, worms, a hat, door knockers, Fury 1,2,3,4,5 and many other things. Ravens are in the movie. In real life, the programmers take alter fragments, which are splits which are not developed into full blown personalities and they program them to have a single task, for instance to think they are a raven and to bite the body when ever they take the body. Whole flocks of demons which take the form of ravens may wait inside the mind waiting for their release to bite the body. When triggered by the internal programmers when an alter crosses the boundaries set down by the programming, a flock of ravens may come forward and “take the body” (as they say in MPD) of the slave and the Monarch slave will bite his or her flesh and viciously tear it with its teeth. By watching the movie Labyrinth, and using this as a guide, the viewer will begin to understand the horror and control that the internal world holds over the alters of a Monarch slave. Few Monarch slaves ever tell other people what is going on in their minds, now you have been privileged to find out.
To learn this much for a Monarch slave comes with a high price. The price is paid by reliving for a second time what has been done to them, fighting off the suicide programs that click on when the slave’s mind disobeys. The slave must also fight off torture memories that recycle. These torture memories are activated by the programming when an alter disobeys its programming. As one Monarch survivor described it to me, “This all can be wrapped up by defining it as the raping of the body, soul and spirit.” [3] Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmeier The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
Some of the shows portray the Monarch total mind-control program (!): Telephon, The Manchurian Candidate, Videodrome, Labyrinth,
Sarah (Connelly) is a bratty, spoiled teen lost in a child’s fantasy world of make believe, day dreaming her time away with her dolls and puppets and fairy tales. While stuck babysitting once again for her little brother Toby, she impulsively wishes for the Goblin King (Bowie) to come and take him away. And much to her shock, he appears…and obliges, despite her change of heart and pleading protests. Now she must navigate her way through the mysterious Labyrinth, where nothing is at it seems to be, and get to the Goblin City to rescue Toby before time runs out. The plot itself is another version of The Wizard of Oz — young girl sets out on an adventure to get to a particular destination (Goblin City = Emerald City) via the Labyrinth = Yellow Brick Road. And with the help of her ragtag group of misfit friends that she picks up along the way, she gets into adventures, navigates obstacles in her path, and learns important lessons about herself. And all the while, as the entire adventure is just a dream…or is it?
Appendix 3 Fritz Springmeier
Although the movie is fiction, it is close enough to how a Monarch’s mind thinks, that an adult Monarch slave might well have his or her programming reinforced if they saw this film. It also would trigger many Monarch slaves and create fear in them. Monarch slaves have many clocks built into their systems. They have internal clock makers and internal clock keepers. In the movie, clocks pop up everywhere just like in a Monarch’s mind. Some Monarch slaves are programmed to see their internal world, and others are programmed not to be able to see their internal world. In other words, many Monarchs may not have the ability to see a great deal at first of this programming due to further programming, and yet these images work in the deep recesses of their minds to keep their minds within the confines of the programming.
David Bowie has the magical ability to rearrange time on the clocks. The handlers often mess with the internal and external clocks of a slave, so that the slave is disoriented about what time it is. Alters within a Monarch system are not allowed to stray from the path assigned to them. If they try to move out of their assigned spot in the mind, then they encounter traps, mazes, tunnels and demons just like in the movie Labyrinth. An internal world of a Monarch’s mind will have brick walls, doors and vortex tunnels just like in the movie. When the girl falls into a vortex, she has magician hands all over her. Monarch victims speak of what vortexes are like and they often describe hands coming out of nowhere.
other labyrinth stuff
that are incidentally known to be used in mind control programming. A young girl, bored and distraught with her normal life, finds herself in a fantasy land, where everything can happen. In order to go back home, she embarks on a dangerous quest to reach a great castle (not unlike the Emerald city of the Wizard of Oz). Along the way, the assertive girl uses her wits, courage, and strength to go past the obstacles in a world where no rules are established.
owl is Jareth, the Goblin King (played by David Bowie). The fact that Jareth takes the form of an owl in the “real world” and that he sits at the top of an obelisk is very telling about what he actually represents: The occult elite. The owl is known to be the main symbol of the Bavarian Illuminati and is still used by elite groups such as the Bohemian Grove. It represents “those who act under the cloak of darkness”.
Inside the Labyrinth, Sarah quickly realizes that it does not obey the rules of reality. She finds herself walking never-ending straight paths leading to nowhere.
Sarah is then shown at a strange ball with guests wearing masks of goats, pigs and birds (commonly called an Illuminati ball) and finds Jareth, her handler, waiting for her. Jareth and Sarah find each other and begin waltzing together, with Jareth giving suggestive looks … to a 15-year-old girl. The scene symbolically portrays the forced Satanic union between the slave (who is said to be the princess of her world) and her handler. The lyrics of David Bowie’s song playing during the ball can be interpretative as a “love song” from a handler to a mind control slave. The ball then quickly turns into a nightmare, where all of the masked guests start running after her (is she “bad-tripping”?). Sarah starts running, shatters a mirror and runs through it, another classic symbol of mind control.
Despite all of those troubles, Sarah finally reaches the castle and enters it. She finds herself lost in a life-size Escher painting with Toby crawling. Jareth magically appears from everywhere in the scene, the same way handlers appear in the inner-world of Monarch slaves.
Sarah in a life-size Escher image
Then the entire world around Sarah crumbles, leaving only her facing her handler. Sarah asks Jareth to give her back the baby (her innocent core). Jareth gives her a classic double-speak, mind-bending lecture – the kind MK slaves get from their handlers. He says:
He says:
“Look what I’m offering you. Your dreams. I ask for so little. Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want. Just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave”.
This is the classic Faustian “deal with the Devil” proposal, where Jareth says that he “asks for so little” while he is actually asking for Sarah’s everything: Her mind, body, and soul.
Sarah then starts reciting the lines she was practicing at the beginning of the movie and says “You have no power over me”. Everything crumbles again, Sarah leaves her internal world and finds herself back in the external world, the real world, her house. Toby is back in his crib and everything is apparently back to normal.
In her room, sees some of the creatures she has met in the Labyrinth and is apparently happy to see them. She tells them:
“I don’t know why, but … every now and again in my life, for no reason at all, I need you.”
In other words, Sarah has accepted the internal world that was programmed into her by her handler. It now can be triggered by him at any time during her life.
Once the imagery and the triggers relating to mind control are understood, the movie becomes a vivid description of the internal world of a Monarch slave during programming. Totally at the mercy of her handler and the twisted world he created in her mind, the slave attempts to return to reality, where things make sense. The task is difficult as the handler controls time (hence the 13-hour clock that keeps popping up during the movie) and space (secret passages in the Labyrinth). During the quest, the slave meets friends who appear to be helping her, but who are, in actuality, leading her to exactly where her handler wants her to be. In fact, Sarah’s entire “quest for liberation” is actually her being manipulated towards the acceptance of her programming. By going through the Labyrinth, Sarah went through all of the trauma necessary to program her. What appears to be the defeat of Jareth is actually a victory as he successfully programmed Sarah’s internal world. It can be used, in her words “every now and again in her lif
Like Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland, Labyrinth is an imaginative fairy tale whose story can be used as a programming script in mind control programming. Unlike the older tales however, Labyrinth might have been specifically constructed for mind control purposes. The story, the symbolism and the music of the movie all form a cohesive sensory-overload, where the viewers are totally immersed in the strange world of mind control. There is however one hitch: like mind-control victims, most viewers are completely duped by the movie and its message. While it appears to be about the triumph of a girl’s mind over evil, its is actually the triumph of evil over a girl’s mind. In the words of Bowie, Don’t tell me truth hurts, little girl, ‘Cause it hurts like hell.
Appendix 4 Wikipedia Labyrinth Film [6]
Directed by Jim Henson
Writing Credits Dennis Lee, Jim Henson
Terry Jones (screenplay by)
David Bowie Jareth
Jennifer Connelly Sarah
Toby Froud Toby Sixteen-year-old
Sarah Williams recites from a book titled The Labyrinth in the park with her dog Merlin but is unable to remember the last line; they are watched by a barn owl. She realizes that she is late to babysit her infant half-brother Toby. She rushes home and is confronted by her stepmother, who leaves for dinner with Sarah's father. Sarah finds Toby in possession of her treasured teddy bear, Lancelot. Sarah is frustrated by this and Toby's constant crying, so she rashly wishes Toby be taken away by the goblins from her book. Toby disappears and the Goblin King Jareth appears. He offers Sarah her dreams in exchange for the baby, but she refuses, having instantly regretted her wish. Jareth reluctantly gives Sarah 13 hours to solve his labyrinth and find Toby before he is turned into a goblin forever. Sarah meets a dwarf named Hoggle who aids her to enter the labyrinth. She has trouble finding her way at first and meets a talking worm who inadvertently sends her in the wrong direction.
Sarah ends up in an oubliette where she reunites with Hoggle. The two are confronted by Jareth, escape one of his traps, and encounter a large beast named Ludo. Hoggle flees in a cowardly fashion, while Sarah befriends Ludo after freeing him from a trap but loses him in a forest. Hoggle encounters Jareth, who gives him an enchanted peach and instructs him to give it to Sarah, calling his loyalty into question, as he was supposed to take her back to the beginning of the labyrinth. Sarah is harassed by a group of creatures called The Fire Gang, but Hoggle comes to her aid. She kisses him, and they fall through a trapdoor that sends them to a flatulent swamp called the "Bog of Eternal Stench", where they reunite with Ludo. The trio meet the guard of the swamp, the anthropomorphic fox Sir Didymus and his sheepdog "steed" Ambrosius. Ludo summons a trail of rocks to save Sarah from falling into the bog, and Didymus joins the group. The group gets hungry, so Hoggle gives Sarah the peach and runs away as she falls into a trance and forgets her quest. She has a dream where Jareth comes to her at a masquerade ball, proclaiming his love for her, but she rebuffs him and escapes, falling into a junkyard outside the Goblin City of Jareth's castle. An old Junk Lady fails to brainwash her, and she is rescued by Ludo and Sir Didymus. They are confronted by the humongous robotic gate guard, but Hoggle comes to their rescue. Despite his feeling unworthy of forgiveness for his betrayal, Sarah and the others welcome him back, and they enter the city together.
Jareth is alerted to the group's presence and sends his goblin army to stop them. Ludo summons a multitude of rocks to chase the goblins away, and they enter the castle. Sarah insists she must face Jareth alone and promises to call the others if needed. In a room modeled after M. C. Escher's Relativity, she confronts Jareth while trying to retrieve Toby. She recites the lines from her book that mirror her adventure to that point, but she still cannot remember the last line. Jareth offers Sarah her dreams again, but she remembers the line: "You have no power over me!" Jareth is defeated at the last second and returns Sarah and Toby home safely. He turns into the barn owl and flies away.
Sarah realizes how important Toby is to her. She gives him Lancelot and returns to her room as her father and stepmother return home. She sees her friends in the mirror and admits that, even though she has grown up, she still needs them in her life, whereupon the labyrinth characters appear in her room for a raucous reunion party. Jareth the Owl watches their celebration from outside and then flies into the moonlight.
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Fantastic explanations, ty for your work. I want to add- lightning bolt also symbolizes lucifers fall from heaven.