Jun 4Liked by The Fox Blog

Forced Adoption appears to be a key ‘method of operation’ to cover up extreme abuse and ‘smuggle’ abuse victims away from a protective parent. While tax-payers fund police, social workers, solicitors, barristers and judges, they frequently fail to discharge their legal duties when it comes to ‘Child Protection’. Forensic Psychology Professor Jane Ireland in 2012 found that 2/3 of psychological assessment reports trawled from UK Family Courts were ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’. In secretive courts, ‘personality disorder’ mental health issues are (often falsely) claimed to justify removal of custody from a loving parent who has committed no crime.

Naturally, organised child sexual abuse gangs are adept at ‘deception’ and exploit these systemic vulnerabilities. What can child sexual abuse perpetrators do to protect themselves? They can entangle their victims in the so-called Child Protection system which, due to its unsafe (dysfunctional?) features can be weaponised with casual ease to cover up child sexual abuse. How? Pile extreme abuse on top of historical child sexual abuse!

Several presentations at Survivorship conferences illustrate the extreme criminality that is seemingly perpetrated for the purpose of ‘custody change’. The criminals are shielded through a relentless ‘Discourse of Disbelief’. Extreme abuse is seemingly perpetrated with view to ‘naïve’ mental health professionals usurping the role of police and judge to declare those reporting these alleged crimes ‘delusional’ – counter to DSM-5 definitions and instructions to refrain from basing a diagnosis on ‘disputed facts’.








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May 20Liked by The Fox Blog

I skimmed, so you may well have covered this. In the US under Clinton changes were made to increase adoptions. If a child is removed from a parent, there starts a time limit. If the parent does not get the child back in that time limit, they can have their parental rights terminated, and the child will be pushed to adoption. In the family courts parties are often gagged, supposedly to protect the interests of the minors, but of course, this leaves families isolated and without recourse to raise awareness of what is happening.

Thank you for this article. I have saved it, as I am interested in this topic.

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It just covers the UK, but it will be similar in the US and Britpack countries. Thanks

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