Serenity – How I Escaped Sex Trafficking
I have been in touch with Serenity for some time and have been impressed by her positive attitude, despite a plethora of hurdles she has had to overcome and others in view…
The post maybe best read on wordpress where formatting was done
Here is her first public testimony…
[1] In God’s grace How I was rescued from sex trafficking (part 1)
[2] In God’s grace How I was rescued from sex trafficking Part 2
3] In God’s grace Part 3 Rescued from sex trafficking
[4] In God’s grace Part 4 Rescued from sex trafficking
The post maybe best read on wordpress where formatting was done
[1] In God’s grace How I was rescued from sex trafficking (part 1)
[2] In God’s grace How I was rescued from sex trafficking Part 2
[3] In God’s grace Part 3 Rescued from sex trafficking
[4] In God’s grace Part 4 Rescued from sex trafficking
My health is still poor and so it will be basic blog not yet with full links etc for full resources see the end of this post…