In the Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey wrote After one’s own birthday, the two major Satanic holidays are Walpurgisnacht (May 1st) and Halloween.[34]
Halloween is the most important major satanic festival.
Halloween had its beginnings in an ancient, pre-Christian Celtic festival of the dead. The festival observed at this time was called Samhain (pronounced Sah-ween) [2]
The Celts believed that at the time of Samhain, more so than any other time of the year, the ghosts of the dead were able to mingle with the living, because at Samhain the souls of those who had died during the year traveled into the otherworld. People gathered to sacrifice animals, fruits, and vegetables. They also lit bonfires in honor of the dead, to aid them on their journey, and to keep them away from the living. On that day all manner of beings were abroad: ghosts, fairies, and demons–all part of the dark and dread. [2]
From Autumn/Fall Equinox, Mahon, through to Halloween, occultists believe the veil separating the earthly dimension from the demonic realm gets progressively thinner, with the thinnest night being 31 October. This thinning of the separating veil makes it easier for the demonic realm to enter the earthly dimension. Thus, on Halloween, evil spirits, ghosts, witches, hobgoblins, black cats, fairies, and demons of all sorts were believed to be running amok across the land. They had to be back in their spiritual dimension before midnight, Halloween, for the separating veil would then get thicker. [5]
These dates and festivals are not Satanic in themselves. They are times in the annual planetary cycle when very powerful energies of various kinds are manifesting on the Earth and the rituals and ceremonies of both a positive and negative nature are performed on these dates. The cycle produces the energy and the Satanists simply harness that energy for their own purposes, just as the positive rituals can. []
If you look at these Satanic Calendars, then it is clear that around Halloween there are a host of different rituals and ceremonies with particular emphasis on blood and sex.
This calendar is from Exposing Satanism Satanic Ritual Calendar[1]
Exposing Satanism Satanic Ritual Calendar[1]
The following calendar is from Deprogramwiki Deprogramming Modalities for Trauma Mind Control Survivors [5]
October 13: Backwards date re Halloween;13 as reverse of 31.
16: Death of Rosenburg.
17–18: Yom Kippur.
19: Death of Goering.
20/23: Hitler’s half birthday.
22–29: Preparation for All Hallows’ Eve.
31: Halloween/Samhain/All Hallows Eve/ Hallowmas/All Souls’ Day, Halloween.
Preparation for the Isia (ring of six: Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus, Thoth, Anubis). Resurrection of Osiris. Start of the Celtic new year, the “dark” half of the year.November 1: Satanist High Holy Day (related to Halloween) All Saint’s Day, (feast for the saints with no name day of their own). The Isia: six days of ritual drama commemorating Isis searching for the pieces of Osiris, feast of the netherworlds,parting of the astral veil, resurrection of Osiris.
2: All Soul’s Day (feast in honour of the dead), Day of the Dead (Santeria), Day of the Dead, El Dia De Los Muertos.
4: Satanic revels.
7: Rebirth of Osiris.
Deprogramwiki Deprogramming Modalities for Trauma Mind Control Survivors [5]
The activities appear to start from 13th October which is 31 reversed, although one source said “the entire month of October is dedicated to ritual”, working up to a climax between 28 October -1 November. There are more “revels” on November 4th.
Julius Caesar described how at Samhain, huge effigies were made of woven twigs. Live people were put inside and then set fire to…
Laurie Cabot who is a Grand High Priestess, US East Quad, has a website, where she says the Morrighan, one of the triplicities of Celtic Godesseses, celebrates here union with the Dagda, the “good god”.
Cabot Kent Hermetic Temple Samhain [36]
Whilst this may be true, there is much left out of the satanists activity, of which more later.
One ex insider said
” they don’t have to work much at raising the negative energies for the rituals and demons because they are permeating society.”
Society has become more and more permeated with Halloween, and do not realise that they are partaking in a mass satanic ritual.
In Britain, Halloween has transformed in the last 40 years from a few games of “bob apple” deriving from a Roman ceremony to honour Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees to a month or more of shops selling tacky plastic halloween merchandise such as witches, brooms, lanterns, ghosts and ghouls. On Halloween children now indulge in the US imported “trick or treat” round the local neighbourhood, involving the adults giving them large quantities of candy.
These customs derive from Halloween being the season of the Crone. In ancient paganism, the word Crone denoted an elder priestess or tribal matriarch; a cognate word is “crown,” the symbol of a leader. The word was made pejorative when the Christian Church redefined all elder priestesses of the old religion as malevolent witches. Bibliotecapleyades Halloween[17]
The divine Crone was originally a part of the trinitarian Goddess, who appeared in Maiden, Mother and Crone forms, associated with the three phases of woman’s life, the three phases of the moon and the annual cycles of nature.
Viewed as an underworld deity who cared for the dead, the Goddess as Crone ruled autumnal harvest festivals, when the spirits of dead ancestors could visit their descendants and share in the harvest feast. [17]
The head illuminati Mother of Darkness is called Crone, whilst two others are Mother and Maid.
Among the Celts, the well-known “death’s head at the feast” used to be an actual skull of an ancestor, set at the table to receive offerings, often with a candle set within it, to simulate the warmth of life and the light of vision. That was the origin of the jack-o-lantern. [17]

Sweets /Candy
In southeast Asia, harvest customs still involve food offerings to ancestors at the holiday known as the Feast of the Hungry Ghosts.
In Mexico, it is called the Day of the Dead, characterized by honoring the ancestors and feeding the children little candy skulls as the memento mori.
Feeding children treats on holy days is a long-established human habit, originally designed not only to make such occasions memorable for the children, but also to show visiting tribal spirits that the next generation is here, needing their continued help in maintaining the food supply for the tribe. [17]

Skulls and Masks
The skull was an important symbol of the divine Crone, often envisioned as her true face, veiled like everyone’s skull by the mask of flesh.
Typically, she was also hidden behind a black veil. Various traditions claimed that one might see her true visage only in one’s final moments of life, not as in a glass darkly, but then face to face…
Masks, covering the face, were used in sacred drama and other ceremonies to represent the presence of deity. To put on the mask, in ancient times, was often interpreted as a literal assumption of the divine spirit that the mask embodied.
The animal-headed deities of ancient Egypt began as priests and priestesses wearing totemic animal masks. The wolf and bear clans of northern Europe wore masks of the appropriate animals for religious rites and considered themselves inwardly possessed by their sacred beasts.
Such traditions gave rise not only to common surnames like Wolf and Baer, but also to legends of werewolves (“man-wolves”) and berserkers (warriors who became possessed by battle-frenzy when wearing the “bear sark” or bearskin).
Mask wearing for religious purposes has been common throughout history [17]

We are all suddenly being made to wear masks for no scientifically justifiable reason, in the hysterical cabal controlled press and politicians reaction to the entity they call Covid19.
Apart from control, was part of the reason for masks, for a huge halloween ritual? This year Halloween comes just 3 days before a make or break US election where the satanists may well have to regain control to survive.
Indeed were US elections arranged on this date for the reason it is in the rituals of halloween?
The Monarch mind controlled satanic celebrities are of course already getting in on the Halloween boosting and propaganda. Heidi Klum, who media call Queen of Halloween for her extravagant costumes and Halloween party, has cancelled this year, due to coronavirus panic, but she was already spouting off in early October.
2020 Oct 2 Hollywood Life All hail the Queen of Halloween: Heidi Klum! [28]
Last year she tooks hours to dress up as a xenomorph. Xenomorphs are apparently vicious predatory flesh eating creatures with no higher goals than the propagation of their species and the destruction of any life that could pose a threat to them.
So a bit like satanists then…
Here she is with her human husband astronaut prey. She is well on message with overtones also to transhumanism.

The ubiquitous mind controlled Kardashians, having Chris Jenner as Illuminati High Priestess and Matriarch of the family, get into the Halloween vibe fully 11 days before Halloween, with both Kourtney and Kim getting a page in the Mail.
2020 Oct 19 Daily Mail Kourtney Kardashian shows off her home’s super spooky Halloween decor complete with life size skeletons and plenty of cobwebs [29]
2020 Oct 19 Mail Kim Kardashian gets into the Halloween spirit as she takes in some spooky decor and expert jack-o-lanterns with her kids [30]
Miley Cyrus another victim of Monarch mind control, recently uploaded a cover of Zombie to her you tube channel. At first on seeing the T shirts posted I assumed they were part of Miley’s merchandise.

However a fan of Mileys claimed the work, saying it is inspiration art for Halloween…

The immediate similarities are to
“Frazzledrip” – face with the flesh torn off, as supposedly in a video of HRC and Huma
the Wilson volleyball from the movie Castaway with Tom Hanks
the face on Ellens Hoody.
Gaga’s outfit
Wilson Volleyball
Ellen Hoody Face
Gaga’s Outfit

The Zombie Miley artwork features
Mileys face dripping with blood
A bloody handprint over one eye
The word Zombie
I would point out that
Anyone’s face dripping with blood is not a normal event or a wholesome image
The illuminati force children to mark their holy ground with a bloody handprint
The one eye symbol is a speciality of the illuminati
The word Zombie which is used as a reference to Adrenochrome, because of the zombie flesh eating aspect that comes over someone when they are on it
A zombie according to wikipedia,
A zombie is a fictional undead corporeal revenant created through the reanimation of a corpse.The term comes from Haitian folklore, in which a zombie is a dead body reanimated through various methods, most commonly magic.[49]
undead – deceased but behave as if they were alive
revenant – animated corpse that is believed to have revived from death to haunt the living
Zombies are part of Haitian vodou one version is that the Bizango secret society used a particular concoction to render their victim into a state that resembled death. After the individual was then assumed dead, the Bizango would administer another drug to revive them, giving the impression that they had returned from the dead [50]
Whilst described as fictional, the derivation is from real Haitian vodou magik, just occulted. See Corey Digs Clintons’ Haitian Black Magic Secret [51]
The artist says this is inspiration art and just a zombie head for Halloween, and telling people to “find the light”.
I have omitted the artists details.
At the very ,very least this image is triggering for those abused in rituals particularly at Halloween.
I cannot see anything of the true light about it, and much that is dark. The only possible light about it is the false light of Lucifer.
I wonder whether the artist even understands that Miley Cyrus is a Monarch mind controlled slave. To even stan someone who is a slave and not try to help her break free appears uncaring.
For all I know the artist may be Monarch mind controlled herself, but for the purposes of this, I will take her at her word that she thinks there is nothing evil intended.
It appears a good example of how the symbols of halloween are being normalised and accepted by people, despite being a satanic ritual festival. Also it shows how the fans and stans of mind controlled slave celebs accept the brainwashing that the celebs (mere fronts for the handlers and controllers) send out in terms of lyrics and symbolism.
The celeb is someone the stan admires and may have followed the celeb from a young age. Initially the celeb’s image is presented as wholesome and good, before the deliberate image change to bad, which the fans follow, and see this as perfectly normal.
To actively promote bloodied face imagery, replete with illuminati symbolism and even defend it as being of the light is perhaps one goal of this illuminati agenda. This is a perfect example of fans of a mind controlled celebs being influenced by the stars satanic work, combined with the satanic Halloween images permeating into society.
Halloween was designed to be a framework for self initiation into the Luciferian way of thinking. Once a minor toe hold of the occult in modern life, why has Halloween imagery and obsession with lust and death become the mainstay of the entertainment industry? Notice that as Halloween mushroomed since 1966, so has obsession and ‘revolution’ of perverted sex, the occult, and admiration of serial killers and psychotics. If Jewish religious schools caution parents that observance of Halloween is pagan and therefore destructive to the Jewish educational process, that also applies to Christian and Muslim parents. Halloween is religious indoctrination and formation into Druid paganism, witchcraft, and Satanism. Henry Makow Halloween is Satanist Christmas [14]
Normalisation of Halloween has been achieved by encouraging children to participate by dressing up as Barbie, Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman.

“This night, we smile at the amateur explorers of their own inner darkness, for we know that they enjoy their brief dip into the pool of the ‘shadow world’. “We encourage their tenebrous fantasies, the candied indulgence, and the wide-ranging evocation of our aesthetics (while tolerating some of the chintzy versions), even if it is but once a year.” Church of Satans website wrote. [34]
Jonathan Royle explains how mass mind control works.
2020 Oct 11 Jonathan Royle Extreme Danger Extreme Hypnosis [45]
Illuminati controlled corporations are another hidden hand commercialising and popularising this satanic ceremony.
Halloween Trauma and Flashbacks
Halloween is a time of great problems and trauma for many who were mind controlled and ritually abused.
Traumatizing an individual on a specific day; their birthday, Christmas, Halloween, for example, is more damaging as the date won’t be forgotten and will occur once a year. Trauma programming on specific dates allows the programmer to inlay clocks for triggering desired actions. Deprogramwiki Chainless Slaves [12]
Further the trauma of halloween rituals are likely to be hidden, as if a victim dissociates they likely will blame their first abuser, a family member not the illuminati cult.
The fathers or step-fathers are not often the subject’s handler when they are growing up. The abuse by this subject will serve as a cover for programming. If the subject’s front alters discover they are dissociative, they will initially blame their multiplicity on the first abuser they remember, which will be a family member.[12]
Cathy O’Brien said in Access Denied…
Around Halloween, county jails and mental institutions filled up with people suffering from calendar-date intrusive memory flashes. When memories are not written out, occultic flashbacks can result in violent behavior and subsequently overfill jails as well as mental institutions. Access Denied [32]
Fiona Barnett wrote in Eyes Wide Open Latest Lockdown edition pdf download[41]
I could not stand that sickly, confused sense of dread that consumed my being at Halloween and other significant ritual dates. I was tired of unconscious trauma memories manifesting as depression, anxiety, terror, anger, hypervigilance, nightmares, and inexplicable mood swings. I was tired of losing control of my emotions and will. My entire life was one big trauma response.
I integrated because I hate pain. I could not stand the physical pain caused by dissociation. Prior to integration, every decision I made was informed by my trauma experiences.
For healing also see Appendix 4 and…
or resources at the end of this blog
Halloween Rituals
Trigger Warning
What rituals are they normalising? What sort of sick rituals do the satanist Luciferians carry out as this time? A great number of different ones.
It is hardly surprising that Fiona was traumatised, as she –
watched Vice Chancellor John Wardbutcher children during a Halloween ritual inside a University of Sydney building. Dressed in a bright red Halloween robe, he skinned a child alive and made a skull and crossed bones.
The human skull and crossed thigh bones is another Kappa-Sigma symbol, used to
remind members of their sworn oath and the punishment that awaits should they violate it (i.e., beheading and amputation). The initiation ritual involves the use of a genuine human skull and crossed thigh bones placed on an altar.

The next image will not enlarge but enough can be seen to see that a live child, screaming for its mother is being minced into dogfood.
Eyes Wide Open Latest Lockdown edition pdf download[41]
Watchtower President, Charles Taze Russellwas ritually killed on Halloween, 1916 and his remains buried under a pyramid. The Watchtower Society leadership is a front for a part of the Illuminati which practices Enochian Magic. The power of Enochian magic is the Watchtowers. Deprogramwiki Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula [7]
Charles Russell was an American Christian restorationist minister from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and founder of what is now known as the Bible Student movement. After his death, Jehovah’s Witnesses and numerous independent Bible Student groups developed from this base.
Just one example of the thousands of Illuminati Grande Dames killed in rituals like this is the recent billionairess Dorris Duke, who was ritually killed in 1993 on Halloween, also in the Beverly Hills area.
[Grande Dame is usually under a Grand High Priestess. They are not a High Priestess usually but can be. They normally are put in positions where they oversee high level women programmed as Beta Kitten Slaves. They procure or groom these women from a young age.]
The Illuminati method for killing a Grande Dame and passing her spiritual power on is done with reverence. No blood is to be spilt out of respect for the elderly woman who gives up her life willingly. At death, the last breath is inhaled by the replacement to transfer the power. There may be as many as 2,197 Grande Dames at such a coronation. The Grande Mothers (whose Systems are mistresses for Satan and hierarchy leaders) and the next rank, the Grande Dames, are often veiled in ritual and would wear robes with different colored lining. The different colors of linings show the different grades. [6]
A typical Grande Mother vestment or robe is a black satin & velvet dress with a draped neckline, and ritual symbols down the center of the robe. After someone like Dorris Duke willingly gives her (their) life, her head is served on a silver platter at a banquet. For the deeper alters of a high level slave, this is part of their way of life; they are told it is their birthright and heritage. Such alters will not be able to identify with the culture at large. To give up their programming, means giving up their magical powers and their culture, which they have had to work hard for. To leave they would need to see something that they perceive as better. They are locked into their slavery due do to their exposure to only a secret Illuminati culture and value system. [6]
Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, kills the wicked witch of the west by a sharp blow to the forehead with the witch’s staff. This is what is done in the Illuminati, when an elderly witch is being replaced. In both cases, whether in the movie or in real life in the Illuminati, when a witch is killed the people have a ceremony. In real life in the secret world of the Illuminati, a scroll is used to certify that the witch is dead both physically and spiritually. (The movie had this in it.) [6]
Satanism and Luciferianism and other similar cults are blood cults that require blood to be sacrificed to pull in certain demons. For instance, blood may be taken from both the tongue and the genital area and mixed in a certain ceremony to invoke a particular demon. Demons are not bought with gold or silver, they are bought with blood. Some spirits are invoked by placing alcoholic enemas into the child. These children get totally intoxicated with alcohol, some to the point that they even die from the ceremony. This is all done to bring in particular demons. The Spirit Choronzon and Typhon are critical spirits to place into a person for the Mind-Control to work. The Illuminati do not believe the Mind-control will work without the assistance of these spirits. Typhon and Choronzon do the tunneling and the MPD work. [6]
An example of an important ritual to demonize the victim is the baptism of the child victim to Satan. Satan may be called Set in the ritual. There are variations on this ceremony, so a victim’s personal baptism may vary in some or all of the details. This is actual variation of the ritual done to Monarch mind-controlled slaves: The child is stripped nude and given a purple robe. It is placed inside the pentagram, and an “altar” which is made by a nude woman or child is brought forward. A horse or jackal is inscribed with the inscription “Nebebka” on the neck or forehead.
Then the animal is sacrificed to whatever name the group is using for Satan (such as Set or Saman). The abdomen of the beast is split open completely, and the liver removed. The 4 spirits of the 4 watchtowers are invoked. The slave child being baptized is smeared with fat from the dead beast. The Gatekeeper spirit is called by ringing a bell. Then the child is placed into the animal’s belly. A part of the raw liver is given to the child and the rest consumed by the group. The child is then baptized in blood.
A cut called the Devil’s Seal is placed on the child on the left hand, or under the armpit, or on the upper part of the head. This in Cabalism is the Mark of Foundation. The Priest reads out of the Book of Satan and the Book of Names. The victim repeats after the Priest. In this fashion the Priest ritually gives the person a new name. The Dance of Hod (Glory-the sphere on the bottom left of the C. Tree of Sephiroth) is then begun in a circular motion by the cult, to oppose Netsah (Victory-the sphere on the bottom right of the Tree). The Priest of the coven will then dismiss the demon(s) he has conjured.
At times this ritual is done with a child sacrifice rather than an animal, & sometimes it is done in conjunction with another ritual, such as All Hallow’s Eve. To empower the Monarch System, special rings which have been dipped in the blood of sacrificed victims, are given to the victim with instructions to wear it faithfully. The rings are used as focal points to insure the continued demonization of the victim. Some examples of this would be a Blue Topaz ring, a Black Onyx ring, or a Diamond ring. Black Onyx is used to capture souls. [6]
The following videos are from The Tap Paedophile Halloween – Kid killers sacrifice their victims. At an altar near you[19]
You Tube Halloween: Day of Human Sacrificing[20]
The Satanists carry out their gruesome rituals. This former Satanist describes how it all happens. Screaming. Yelling. Low murmuring noise, chanting from many people. People convulsing in rituals. He took part in a sacrificial ritual. He describes sexual abuse. A little girl was placed on the altar. Her feet were bound to the ends of the altar, legs apart. They bound her hands to the top of the altar. They slit the bottoms of her feet and her wrists, catching the blood into chalices, which people drank. She was white. The innocent little girl died. This happens every Halloween. Children all over the world lose their lives on Halloween night.
This lady was another example of victim of ritual abuse, taught that satan was God and God was not real. She was the fifth bride of satan. Fire was her element. She says babies were sacrificed between mid September to mid November.
Disturbing testimony from a former satanist part 1 of 2 [21]
Auto Transcripts in Appendix 2 towards the end of this article
Trick or treat? A sick deception played on humanity.
This girl was raped at 4 years old by a High Priest of Satanism, and was brought up a Satanist. She was converted later in life and here describes her Satanist experiences prior to the conversion. She says the purpose of satanism is to rule the world.
They have underground caverns in the mountain, and keep the missing people there. Around September, October they take them out drugged, and use a sacrificial knife from the chest down to the abdomen. In September they sacrifice babies screaming and crying. The blood flows.
They kidnap people and impregnate them. They get babies all over the place. Satanists are in the Police, the Army, in the Council. It’s not exposed. They’re really good at lying. If people come out of Satanism, they get killed. They get sacrificed in the ritual. You don’t get out alive. The woman talking is really scared as she doesn’t know how to tell everyone. She’s frightened no one will believe her if she talks openly. We’re living in a war, she says.
Demons are real. People are influenced by demons. People are influenced by bad spirits. Jesus protects me. I know where it’s at and I’m going to expose it all. She tells the story of how she escaped the demonic activity.
You Tube Disturbing testimony from a former satanist part 2 of 2 [22]
The three videos are from 2012 Nov The Tap Paedophile Halloween – Kid killers sacrifice their victims. At an altar near you [19]
Auto Transcripts in Appendix 2 towards the end of this article.
Cisco Wheeler, daughter of High Level Illuminati programmer, tells what happened to her at the age of 3 when her father arranged for her to be Monarch mind controlled, under MKUltra at Halloween, and she explains why Halloween is dangerous.
Her father was “Dr.Black” who worked with Joseph Mengele.
2020 Oct 23 You Tube Cisco Wheeler Halloween – A Satanic Holiday – Cisco Wheeler [61]
Cisco Wheeler, author of “Behold A White Horse”, and co-author of “The Illuminati Formula Used to Create An Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave”, shares the truth about Halloween and the Halloween rituals that take place in the occult. She also shares her own testimony of the Halloween rituals and MK Ultra she was subjected to at age 3. [61]
Penny Shephard, whose website is here [35] tells me [35a] –
All Satanists PREY; They are predators; they perform rituals, spells, sacrifices -human and animals. They kidnap, rape, torture. The witches, Santeria, voodoo, Luciferians, all use incantations; They conjure demons for success and submit sacrifices to them. This curries favor for their dreams to come true as the demons serve them and they serve the demons; symbiosis [35a]
All use different methods. The costuming in Halloween is to pay homage to the demonic entities. Hollywood portrays demons as heros- these actors then are idolized by millions who pay homage to them buying their products, movies, etc. In turn these actors become possessed by demons and give their bodies as houses to the interdimensional demons which then wreck havock through blood lust. [35a]
A little is never enough; they are concerned with amassing millions of followers, or millions of dollars; it is always about control and power. We we pray we raise frequency, we do not look to hurt or for revenge. These demons evoke anger from us as they provoke through their torture and abject agenda of blackness, murder, mayhem, greed, avarice, war and chaos.We have had an allegiance with demons who eat us and mock us for much too long. Feeding the beast is never ending. [35a]
The illuminati’s whole philosophy demands the use, abuse, sacrifice and consumption of children. Montauk Boys – Blood Ritual Monarch [33]
Their system of control needs to sexually abuse children to open up links to spiritual realms so that demons and spirits are appeased or connected with, which then they can use to affect our 3d reality. The system needs yet more children to amplify that energetic connection in ritual.
The abuse of children is inherent, inbuilt and necessary in their system. The human fluids, particularly semen and menstrual blood have certain energies or frequencies, to which the spirits are attracted. Sexual trauma and energy through torture and blood sacrifice is funnelled up from physical to astral plane and used to affect and control physical reality from the astral plane.
Ritual is performed to invite an entity to take up residence in a doll or person and offered on the altar to curry favour with spirits. Takeover by spirits /demons is made easier when in an altered state. eg alcohol, no food.
Anal intercourse allows for humans to be used as vessels for demonic entities, and staying on the edge of orgasm allows the subconscious to be wide open and open to suggestion, as well as available for satellites to download mind control directives and enhancements. This was then “sealed” in with an orgasm.
Edge of orgasm is a portal to unconscious. Blood is a dimensional activator, to create portals or dimensional gateways for entities to pass through. Tattoos can act as anchors for what it represents ensuring demons are constantly around.
Magickal wars happen on astral place above the physical. People are selected with inherited magickal abilities and these fortified with techonology, training, blood ritual and demonic attachments. Only programmers can access these powers as they are locked in by trigger codes – a word, phrase, colour, sound, historical event or frequency.
Humans of the right genetic profile act as electromagnetic conduits to transfer the trauma energy, from the abusive rituals to the cohorts on the astra plane.
So this helps explains their use of children as sacrifices, child trafficking, abortions, sexual abuse of children, use of blood, importance of maintaining their own bloodlines for magickal purposes.
Children are selected for their genetics and spiritual connections, as the Montauk boys were. 2020 April 5 cathyfoxblog Montauk Boys – Blood Ritual Monarch [33]
The satanists /Luciferians use a variety of magik. They mix and match from all their repertoire, from magik all over the world. Each person also has one of the elements of magik that they specialise in ie. Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ice.
They are taught to “use” forms of divination (fortunetelling, tarot card reading, horoscopes and astrological readings) or sex magik to gain knowledge through demonic beings.
Each person is also aligned or attached to various demons, eg. Each mothers of darkness are connected to 9 major Demonic Generals: Abaddon, Baal, Samael, Gilgamash, Azazael, Thoth, Ashoroth, Chemosh, Molech.
Lucifer’s plan, whose fallen name is Satan, is to storm the portals/gates of heaven with his fellow demons, to usurp the power of God and have control over the world.
One major stage in this plan was to install the antichrist, and although the 5th book or prophecy was not read on 24th April 2020, as intended, the antichrist however has taken his position, albeit without ritual ceremony and is ready to be revealed, if and when they so decide.
The Queen Mother of Darkness is still alive as Jessie the intended successor refused to succeed and no suitable replacement was available with the correct spiritual powers. Fortunately too, Jessie was not kidnapped physically or spiritually on that date, in an attempt to fulfill the 5th book reading.
So now there is a patriarchal system with the antichrist above the 5 Mothers of Darkness, who has complete rule over his “illuminati” / brotherhood system and the world.
When Satan becomes “God” the antichrist is supposed to turn all control and authority again over to Satan, who at that point will be known as The Beast.
Whilst it all sounds remarkably childish, it is deadly serious and has severe consequences for us all, in this battle between good and evil.
Thankfulness is the energy frequency that opens the spiritual gates. Satan and his followers however unfortunately achieve the same result with ecstacy through child sex magik combined with the death of the victim.
The sex, blood and sacrifice rituals at this time when the veil is thinnest, open the spiritual gates.
The sacrifice victims need to be obtained.
One source says that at Halloween, children are kidnapped for these rituals, rather than using trafficked or cult children [as sacrifices]…
“abductions” are favored for the human and animal sacrifices vs. trafficked or cult born children.
This then is a dangerous time for children and not a time to be sending your children out “trick or treating”. Indeed was this part of the reason why this activity is promoted, to provide a supply of easy available children?
What may be occurring in real time ie October 202o?
Laurie Cabot Kent is a well known witch, actually an illuminati Grand High Priestess of the East, and now since Gloria Vanderbilt has died, perhaps the most senior Grand High Priestess in the East.
Cabot, (her maiden name) is descended from a line of Cabots from the Island of Jersey off the coast of England, a place renowned for its witchcraft. Occult World Cabot Laurie [37] Laurie is often credited with starting the recent “witchy” scene to Salem in 1970 with her first shop Laurie Cabot – She brought magic to Salem and has mixed feelings about it [15]
Even in 2007 then 75,000 attended the events in Salem [38] and it is likely to be far more now. Many people will be just curious, and used to provide money for the local cabal. Some will be Illuminati indulging in serious Luciferian ritual magik using the others as cover.
The best place to check out what is happening is the Festival of the Dead webpage. Festival of the Dead [56]
Festival of the Dead Laurie Cabot [39]
Laurie Cabot Kent teaches how to communicate with the dead on 19th and 26th October.

The Psychic Fair and Witches Market runs though the whole of October.

Seances are throughout October at Omen, 184 Essex Street. [56]

Graveyard Conjure on October 23rd with Hoodoo worker Sen Moise on October 23rd

Death and Rebirth Ritual Transformation with Sandra Mariah Wright October 24 184 Essex Street [56]

Witches Familiar. Conjuring Animal Spirits with Witchdoctor Utu on October 28th at Omen, 184 Essex Street. [56]

Conjuring Spirits – A night of Necromancy with Salem Warlock, Christian Day on October 29th at Omen, 184 Essex Street. [56]

Mourning Tea Remembering the Dead with Sandra Mariah Wright and Leanne Marama [56]

The climax of the official open activities seems to be the Witches Halloween Ball with warlocks Christian Day and Brian Cain and the Witches of Salem – a night of music, magik and powerful rituals at the Hawthorne Hotel… [56]

There are a couple of events marked as 2021 – The Dumb Supper and the Witches magic circle on the Salem Common. It is not certain that typos haven’t been made, events cancelled due to “virus” hysteria psyop or if they are obfuscating what is actually taking place. However it gives an idea of the events that they publicise. Festival of the Dead webpage [56]
The people taking the workshops are prominent…
Laurie Cabot Kent
Brian Cain
Christian Day
Sen Moise
Sandra Mariah Wright
Witchdoctor Utu
Leanne Marama
Dragon Ritual Drummers, djaddambombb and other musicians
The important venues are Omen 184 Essex Street, thought to be owned by Cabot, Day and Cain, and Hawthorne Hotel whose ownership has not been researched.
Laurie Cabot Kent is Grand High Priestess and she is likely to have trained many of the people running workshops. Brian Cain and Christian Day, two of her pupils, will be at the very least High Priests, but not sure on the others.
Laurie trained many powerful illuminati figures…
Christian Day, Austin Shippey and Brian Cain when younger….
Laurie Cabot with some of her trainees…
Cabot appeared on Joan Rivers show. Joan was herself a Grand High Priestess at the same time as Gloria Vanderbilt and Laurie.
The “witchy” scene at the Festival of the Dead is useful cover for serious Luciferian illuminati rituals involving rape, sacrifice, cannibalism and torture of children which will be on a need to know basis.
The amateur explorers are cover and possible recruits… “This night, we smile at the amateur explorers of their own inner darkness, for we know that they enjoy their brief dip into the pool of the ‘shadow world’ [34]
The Church of Satan recognises Halloween as an extremely important day for evil. The occultists’ website states: “Satanists embrace what this holiday has become, and do not feel the need to be tied to ancient practices.” [34]
Illuminati mix and match from all magikal sources and around Halloween there will be a multiplicity of different rituals. Many spells are being performed in the month of October leading up to the penticle. [35a]
31st October is also known for preparation for the Isia. The Isia includes a ritual reenactment of Isis’s search for Osiris. Isis was known for her magical power, which enabled her to revive Osiris and to protect and heal Horus, and for her cunning. 1st November starts the six days of ritual drama commemorating Isis searching for the pieces of Osiris, feast of the netherworlds, parting of the astral veil, and the resurrection of Osiris, leading to the rebirth in the 7th November. The ring of six are Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus, Thoth, Anubis [52]
1 Nov is also the start of the Celtic new year, the “dark” half of the year.
Resurrection, renewal, rebirth is a theme of rituals all around Halloween.
Last year Michael Aquino, is said to have died, although the information derives from his own website. There is no proof, no body and no date. He was Head of sadistic MK Ultra experimentation programme for West Quadrant, as well as a psychological operations expert. Michael Aquino Research Information [53]
Michael Aquino was born in 1946 Oct 16 in San Francisco. Penny LA ShephardChapter 27 [35]
Penny explains to me…
He [Aquino] was born dead and brought to life. Aquino joined the Church of Satan, Anton LaVeys church incorporated in 1966 and left forming the Temple of Set in 1975 with Anton’s daughter.
Michael Aquino who stated he was Set, who was Satan. The birthday is the most satanic high day. Aquino was one of the heads of the satanic rituals. 16th October was the birthdate of a leader. Resurrection in that demonic leaders name.
Aleister Crowley died in 1947. Perhaps at the age of one they put Crowley’s spirit in Aquino at La Veys Black House. [35a]
Anton Le Vey died on Oct 29 1997, another opportunity in this time to celebrate the death date, in various ways, of another leader and founder, of the Church of Satan.
Penny even states “They also use it [Halloween] as a celebration of satan’s “birthday”…aka, fall from heaven.”
In her blogged book, Penny states that River Phoenix, from the Children of God Cult, was murdered at Johnny Depp’s venue, the Viper Room, on October 31, 1993. [35]
Nazis Hermann Goring and Alfred Rosenberg, died on the 15th and 16th Oct respectively. [5]
Thre will be many others that were born or died around this time, so there is much scope for death, rebirth rituals, and including perhaps the fremasonic Hiram Abiff rituals.
I am guessing that Halloween is a time that could be deemed suitable for implementing Satan’s plan of the storming of the gates of heaven to usurp God, as the veil is thinner at this time. Whether this is the year or it is in the future I have no idea.
Does that plan intend to use the Hadron Collider at Cern?
That is supposedly currently on Long Shutdown 2 until next year.
LHC [43]
However this recentarticle appears to contradict that, but it seems to be recycling 5 year old information…
2020 Oct 10 Science Natures Researchers At Large Hadron Collider Are Confident To Make Contact With Parallel Universe In Days [58]
This year is also the year that the satanists raised their antichrist Antichrist Rising – The When and Where and How… [54] Does that mean there will be a special Halloween organised by the Luciferians this year, involving the “raised” antichrist?
Perhaps this year the plan at Halloween is to concentrate on attempting to influence the US election, the result of which may see the takedown of the satanic cabal or the cabal regaining the levers of US “democratic” and military power and muscle, to use for their end time plans.
Indeed it may be that the very recurring date of US elections is designed to be in these Halloween days.
This year on Halloween there is a full moon, which is also a blue moon by one definition – the second in a calendar month.

After Halloween, the procedure is that the coven leader (priest or priestess) will secretly send all the coven records to headquarters in Europe. [6]
It is important to realize that the internal structuring of an Illuminati alter system will correspond to the external structures of the Illuminati. This may not be an exact one-to-one correspondence. Understanding the Illuminati hierarchy ranks, which by the way had remained secret until Fritz Springmeier’s recent Newsletter From A Christian Ministry in Jan. ‘93, is important [6]
Symbolism is everywhere.
Disney’s album “Black Acid Devil” was due to hit the music stores Oct. 30, 1996 during Halloween time. According to Disney this music has no satanic references, but does have “dark, Gothic and sexual” overtones. Glenn Danzig denies that he is a satanist.[8]
It will be interesting this year to watch the symbolism on Halloween.
Already this message has gone out…
High Level Sisters of Light meeting in the South…
See also Sisters of Light Elite Security[31]

This is also worth a read – 2013 John the Gentile The Satanic States of America [57]
2013 John the Gentile The Satanic States of America [57]
Watch out for more…
The Sanctuary for the Abused [A] has advice on how to prevent triggers.
National Association for People Abused in Childhood [B] has a freephone helpline and has links to local support groups.
One in Four [C]
Havoca [D].
Jim Hoppers pages on Mindfulness[G] and Meditation[H] may be useful.
Hwaairfan blog An Indigenous Australian Approach to Healing Trauma[J]
Survivors UK for victims and survivors of male rape or the sexual abuse of men [K]
Voicing CSA group [L] helps arrange survivors meetings in your area
A Prescription for me blog Various emotional support links [M]
Fresh Start Foundation Scottish not for profit group, helping child sexual abuse victims & survivors[N]
How to Integrate Alters – Fiona Barnett [P]
Jessie Czebotar Illuminate the Darkness [R]
PsychCentral The 5 Stages of Loss and Grief [S]
Researching Reform [T]
Maggie Oliver Foundation [U]
EFT Universe Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping [V]
[301] 2020 May 18 cathyfoxblog Twitter Threads – Symbolism, Mind Control, Hollywood and more
Twitter Threads
[301] 2020 May 18 cathyfoxblog Twitter Threads – Symbolism, Mind Control, Hollywood and more
Below are links to Twitter threads on the following subjects. Numbers refer to the twitter threads post above. Numbers with [a] following eg [3a] are the link to twitter threadreaderapp saved threads Numbers with [b] are pingthread save threads
[1] Exposing Satanism Satanic Ritual Calendar
[2] ccsna Samhain, Halloween, and the Day of the Dead
[3] wikipedia Samhain
[4] 2020 Jun 20 cathyfoxblog Illuminati Summer Solstice Ritual
[5] Deprogramwiki Deprogramming Modalities for Trauma Mind Control Survivors
[6] Deprogramwiki The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
[7] Deprogramwiki Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula
[8] Deprogramwiki Bloodlines of The Illuminati
[9] Deprogramwiki Dealing with holidays (Svali Blog Post)
[10] Deprogramwiki Ritual Holidays (Svali Blog Post)
[11] Deprogramwiki RITUAL ABUSE AND MIND CONTROL The Manipulation of Attachment Needs
[12] Deprogramwiki Chainless Slaves
[13] Bibliotecapleyades Occult Holidays and Sabbats
[14] 2015 Oct 30 Henry Makow Halloween is Satanist Christmas
[15] 2017 Oct 26 Boston Globe Laurie Cabot -She brought magic to Salem. She has mixed feelings about it
[16] 2018 Oct 30 Cathyfoxblog The Secret Side of Halloween
[17] Bibliotecapleyades Halloween
[18]Whale Halloween
[19] 2012 Nov The Tap Paedophile Halloween – Kid killers sacrifice their victims. At an altar near you.
[20] You Tube Halloween: Day of Human Sacrificing
[21] Bryan Westbrook You Tube Disturbing testimony from a former satanist part 1 of 2
[22] Bryan Westbrook You Tube Disturbing testimony from a former satanist part 2 of 2
[23] 2019 Feb 6 You Tube The Official Salem Witches’ Halloween Ball 2019!
[24] You Tube Hex Education Videos
[25] 2020 Aug 13 The Official Salem Witches’ Halloween Ball 2021! Visions of The Nile
[26] 2020 Oct 18 Hollywood Life Latest Halloween
[27] 2020 Oct 16 Heidi Klum Is Not Throwing Her Big Halloween Party This Year Due to the Pandemic flesh eating xenomoph a predator alien apsecies Xenomorphs are vicious predatory creatures with no higher goals than the propagation of their species and the destruction of any life that could pose a threat to them.
[28] 2020 Oct 2 Hollywood Life All hail the Queen of Halloween: Heidi Klum! While lying in bed and wearing practically nothing but an Instagram filter, the supermodel kicked off the spooky season in style.
[29] 2020 Oct 19 Daily Mail Kourtney Kardashian shows off her home’s super spooky Halloween decor complete with life size skeletons and plenty of cobwebs
[30] 2020 Oct 19 Mail Kim Kardashian gets into the Halloween spirit as she takes in some spooky decor and expert jack-o-lanterns with her kids
[31] 2020 Jul 4 cathyfoxblog Sisters of Light Elite Security
[32] 2015 April 7 Cathyfoxblog Access Denied
[33] 2020 April 5 cathyfoxblog Montauk Boys – Blood Ritual Monarch
[34] 2019 Oct 30 Express Halloween 2019: ‘It’s the MOST IMPORTANT day’ Devil worshippers REJOICE for Hallow’s Eve
[35] 2020 Oct Shepard Entertainment Chapter 27: CIA Rose McGowan; Jennifer Syme Blood Sacrifice; Ted Gunderson rises from the Grave Just in time for Halloween
[35a] Penny LA Shephard pers comm
[36] Cabot Kent Hermetic Temple Samhain
[37] Occult World Cabot Laurie Archive
[38] 2007 Boston Globe The Selling of Scary Archive
[39] Festival of the Dead Laurie Cabot
[40] 2011 Oct Surviving Ritual Abuse Australia Deprogramming
[41] Fiona Barnett Eyes Wide Open Latest Lockdown edition pdf download
[42] 2020 Oct 20 Hexfest Archive
[43] LHC
[44] Wikipedia Large Hadron Collider
[45] 2020 Oct 11 Jonathan Royle Extreme Danger Extreme Hypnosis
[46] 2018 Jan 23 Life of Laurie Cabot, “Official Witch of Salem”
[47] You Tube 1991 Laurie Cabot, Salem, MA (1991) On Salem’s representation and marketing of Witches
[48] You Tube Laurie Cabot:The Witch of Salem | Real People | George Schlatter
[49] Wikipedia Zombie
[50] Wikipedia Vodou
[51] 2018 Apr 28 Corey Digs Clintons’ Haitian Black Magic Secret
[52] Wikipedia Osiris
[53] 2020 Jul 31 cathyfoxblog Michael Aquino Research Information
[54] 2020 Apr 16 cathyfoxblog Antichrist Rising – The When and Where and How…
[55] hexwitch
[56]Festival of the Dead
[57] 2013 John the Gentile The Satanic States of America
[58] 2020 Oct 10 Science Natures Researchers At Large Hadron Collider Are Confident To Make Contact With Parallel Universe In Days
[60] 2020 Oct 23 The Sun SPELLING IT OUT Thousands of witches plotting to cast ‘binding spell’ on Donald Trump on Halloween so he loses to Biden on election day
[61] 2020 Oct 23 You Tube Cisco Wheeler Halloween – A Satanic Holiday – Cisco Wheeler
Appendix 4
How does a person get through a difficult anniversary date? Or deal with a time of year that can trigger memories of past abuse? I thought that here, I would share a few ideas that have helped me personally. I am finding that the longer I am out of the cult, the less effect that dates have on me. Since that first difficult Halloween I mentioned above, I have not had major problems, once my inside people learned they were safe from harm. I still try to do things to make sure that holidays are less stressful for me, though.
1. Recognize the triggers: everyone has different things that might trigger them during a holiday time. Some people are affected by the smell of a pine tree, for example, or the sight of decorations. Knowing your personal sensitivities, and preparing yourself for them, or trying to avoid some if possible, can help. While I cannot avoid the ads and displays in stores, I can choose to be aware that they do bother certain people inside, talk to them about it, and choose to ignore the displays, looking the other way.
2. Allow littles or other inside parts to discuss their fears about the date. This is best done in therapy, although there may be times, such as the Health club incident mentioned above, when this isn’t possible. Letting inside people draw their concerns, and slowly share their memories of the date, can go a long way to deactivating the fear around the date. Grieving over painful memories associated with the day may occur too; many survivors battle deep depression on anniversary dates. Knowing this can happen, the survivor can try to take extra good care of themselves.
NOTE!! This article was cut short on the mirror, and therefor this is all that was available. Please understand it’s an incomplete blog post.
How does a person get through a difficult anniversary date? Or deal with a time of year that can trigger memories of past abuse? I thought that here, I would share a few ideas that have helped me personally. I am finding that the longer I am out of the cult, the less effect that dates have on me. Since that first difficult Halloween I mentioned above, I have not had major problems, once my inside people learned they were safe from harm. I still try to do things to make sure that holidays are less stressful for me, though.
1. Recognize the triggers: everyone has different things that might trigger them during a holiday time. Some people are affected by the smell of a pine tree, for example, or the sight of decorations. Knowing your personal sensitivities, and preparing yourself for them, or trying to avoid some if possible, can help. While I cannot avoid the ads and displays in stores, I can choose to be aware that they do bother certain people inside, talk to them about it, and choose to ignore the displays, looking the other way.
2. Allow littles or other inside parts to discuss their fears about the date. This is best done in therapy, although there may be times, such as the Health club incident mentioned above, when this isn’t possible. Letting inside people draw their concerns, and slowly share their memories of the date, can go a long way to deactivating the fear around the date. Grieving over painful memories associated with the day may occur too; many survivors battle deep depression on anniversary dates. Knowing this can happen, the survivor can try to take extra good care of themselves.
NOTE!! This article was cut short on the mirror, and therefor this is all that was available. Please understand it’s an incomplete blog post.
Keeping Distracted from Programming
Parts of the following sections were sourced with permission from []
If you have any disturbing memories arise, just remember that it’s not actually happening now. Try to think of them as ‘something that happened 20 years ago, in 1992’. It’s a different year now and you should be your current age and exist in the current time! Here are some tips you can do to cope with the programming:
Breathe deeply. Wriggle your toes. Rub your arms and legs. Blink hard, and be aware you are blinking and breathing deeply.
Make a list of reasons why you must stay alive! Give this copy to a close friend.
Be safe, and be warm. Snuggle in your bed.
Feel comforted. Cuddle with a pet or a stuffed animal.
Make a list of things you can do, to feel better. Now, could be going out for a nice dinner, having a bath, reading a book or going for a walk.
Write in a journal each day your thoughts and progress.
Ring a friend.
You are worthy of love! You are good.
Because you are still alive, you are very strong. A lot stronger then you can imagine! This shows what an amazing person you are.
Ring a ‘crisis’ number if you get stuck, and have no one else to talk to.
[A] Sanctuary for the Abused
[C] One in Four
[D] Havoca
[E] SurvivorsJustice Triggers post
[F] SurvivorsJustice Blog
[G] Jim Hopper Mindfulness
[H] Jim Hopper Meditation
[J] 2016 Jan 5 Hwaairfan blog An Indigenous Australian Approach to Healing Trauma
[K] Survivors UK website for victims and survivors of male rape or the sexual abuse of men and twitter
[L] Voicing CSA website – helps arrange survivors meetings in your area. Voicing CSA supports the IICSA and VSCP and works to help adult survivors of child sexual abuse find their voice
[M] A Prescription for me blog Various emotional support links
[N] Fresh Start Foundation Scottish not for profit group, helping child sexual abuse victims & survivors to achieve Truth & Justice and to support their recovery. Facebook
[P] 2020 Mar 21 cathyfoxblog How to Integrate Alters – Fiona Barnett
[R] Jessie Czebotar Illuminate the Darkness
[S] PsychCentral The 5 Stages of Loss and Grief
[T] Researching Reform twitter
[U] Maggie Oliver Foundation Helping Survivors of Abuse Move on with their lives
[V] EFT Universe Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping
[W] Body Centric Healing Extreme Trauma
[X] Victims Refuse Silence Site of Epstein Survivor Virginia Roberts Twitter @VRSVirginia
[Y] Survivorship
Other child abuse, mind control, TI resource suggestions, websites and self help / survivor group suggestions welcome…
Appendix 1 UK Press Cuttings and Research Database and Blogs on Child Sexual Abuse
The Source
Ted Team Site
Spotlight on abuse included in Operation Greenlight Database
UK Database Strips articles of date and source unfortunately, rendering content relatively useless for research
Operation Greenlight Database
Dr Sally Baker
Sceptic Peg
Twitter @ciabaudo
Fighting Monarch Targetted Individuals TI, Mind Control, MKultra
Jessie Czebotar @CzebotarJessie Illuminati, child abuse
Researching Reform UK Family Court, Child Abuse Law issues mainly
Circusbuoy Child abuse and related issues
Flying Cuttlefish Blog Child abuse and related issues
Lonehorse Ritual abuse
High Command @TheHighCommand2
Task Force @TaskFor26668668
Tim Holmseth Pentagon Pedophile Task Force
I will gradually build up this list of sources that I read or listen for more general news. Naturally, as with all sources, use with discernment, question everything, do your own research and come to your own conclusions. The time is over for propanganda on a plate served to you… we are the news now, research and seek the truth…
James Corbett
Last American Vagabond
Abby Martin
Inner City Press Twitter @innercitypress UN and Child Abuse
Vigilant Citizen Twitter @vigilantfeed Mind Control
Village magazine Fine in depth articles
Patrick Henningson @21WIRE Syria, Geopolitics
Eva Bartlett Syria
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb Epstein, Geopolitical outlook,
Jonathan Cook @Jonathan_K_Cook
Jessie Czebotar Twitter @CzebotarJessie website Illuminati, child abuse
Off Guardian General News and analysis
Piers Robinson @PiersRobinson1 Propaganda Studies, Syria
Sharyl Attkinson @SharylAttkisson Full Measure News, US News
Gemma O’Doherty @gemmaod1 Eire/Ireland Various Social Justice
Neil Clark @NeilClark66 Various UK
Judy Mikovits @DrJudyAMikovits Coronavirus, Vaccination, CFS/ME
Sherri Tenpenny @BusyDrT Doctor, Vaccines
Philip Watson @PhilipWatson_ Data Analyst
Lotus Oak2 @LotusOak2 Vaccines
Azra UK Wales
James English Interviews
Tim Hayward @Tim_Hayward_ Syria truth
@NikolovScience Coronavirus plus others
CJTruth has been removed for divisive tactics and friendly with dark people Truth Q
Sun Q Tzu Q
@JamesRusbridger child abuse threads
Brian Cates @drawandstrike Current Affairs US
@EvaKBartlett Syria , Middle East
The Bernician Mortgages, Common Law
@NeilClark66 coronavirus etc
This is all written in good faith but if there is anything that needs to be corrected or you wish to write to me please email quoting the article title.
The truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” – Edmund Burke
“He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.” Charles Peguy
To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men – Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Every time we act in the face of fear, we dilute it’s power and increase our confidence – via Gary Havener
Only the small secrets need to be protected, the large ones are kept secret by public incredulity – Marshall McLuhan
Let justice be done though the heavens fall – Fiat justitia ruat cælum
Put the enemy at unease by making information they do not want known to be known…
The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
I only post on Twitter at present, if you have found this post useful, please post on other social media – facebook, instagram, pinterest, gab – whichever ones you are on. This is most helpful to spread the information. The people who do this are essential. Thankyou.
I will not commit suicide and if it appears I have, then people may judge for themselves why this is so, after blogging these exposes of the top level of illuminati. I do not wish to live in the kind of world that the psychopathic illuminati want to bring in, which is a world wholly and absolutely controlled by them, and commits horrific crimes of child rape, child torture, child cannibalism, child mind control and much more, which is why I wish to speak out and expose them. This carries some risk but if I am killed or go silent, my wish is for more people to tell the truth, they cannot kill us all…
My notes if any, intended to be added somewhere in due course –