My New channels on Telegram
Just a quick Update on a few things.
Succesfuly transferred to my new foxy wolf channel on telegram which actually is a great platform loads of potential. Already passed 500 followers on their so pleased with that in a couple of days.
Also there is a chat channel for anyone to chat on talking about usual topics I cover on twitter, ie wider than my blog. About 80 on that so far.
Twitter I have survived with just a loss from 18,000 to 15000 followers, but there obviously was no immediate future there. Probably because i have been largely careful not to post the truth for a few days, since my suspension for being a possible robot, i survived the cull.
Its only when you get to write a sentence like that, that it really hits home. I have been pulling my punches so some fascist idiot on twitter who wants to control the big tech media narrative lies and so so they dont do the digital equivalent to burning my books and losing 5 years work.
My archive is now ready to be downloaded so i hope i can do that tomorrow when i get chance.
Everyone migrated to Parler for a few days but big tech outrageously attacked their apps and wont sell them, their lawyers and something else. It was coordinated takedown of a free speech rival, so i lost 1000 follwoers there. So Gab increased by over 10 times but such an increase means that even increasing servers has not stopped massive freezing of the site. Think i only got a couple of hundred followers there.
So its been hectic running round, virtually, trying to remain in touch. Thanks to all who signed up to this list, it has helped many to stay in touch even so far.
So its all looking good for Friday , Sat Sun. All the signals are there is that the operation to arrest criminal cabal will go down, though it may go to the wire of the inauguration itself. All wrapped round in a ring of steel, with no escape, as long as they have all the tunnels covered as well.
Some declassification of obamagate happened, a load of documents a foot high. They which shows Christopher Steele the source for the Russia dossier nonsense did it to take attention away from Hillary emails and that they were spying on Steele since 2016. Theres more but check my channels and look round.
Exciting times!
Sorry spelling, v tired.